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時(shí)間: 張楚935 分享




  1. Do not forget their own way, those sprinkled with sweat, shining glory of the road, those soul-stirring, overcoming the clutter of the road, () those rugged, difficult road to try, those who penetrate the tears of the road ... ... Their own way, is his most valuable asset. Only remember these roads in order to take a good road.

  2. Migratory geese have been in line in the sky line, the message of the spring flowers have bloom buds, my dear classmate friends, we are so Xiangxi love, separation will only make our hearts closer.

  3. three years of classmates, with a bath of golden sun, spent a thousand day and night together, how much we write a friendship chapter? May those passing shiny days, are turned into a good memory, always stay In the atrium.

  4. Parting, can weaken the feelings of shallow, but deep feelings deepened, as the wind blows off the candle, but it will be more prosperous fire.

  5. the end of the moment there is no tears, pray only one day when we come back to campus, the familiar grass and trees kissed over.

  6, the playground, you leave the solid footprints; office, you leave the light figure. All of this, our teachers will not forget, your alma mater will not forget. Whether it is the smile of applause flowers, or sad tears left by the failure of difficult setbacks, all of which are recorded in your footsteps of growth, these will forever be remembered.

  7. Do not forget their own way, those shining with sweat glistening road, those soul-stirring Phi Jing Road, those rugged times to try the hard road, those who infiltrate the road full of pain ... ...

  8. do not want to bid farewell, but in farewell, that childish years; do not want to bid farewell, the total farewell, that dream season.

  9. Offer a farewell farewell wish, willing to bless with you at all times. Separation melting thicker friendship, reunion will be the first in that more brilliant tomorrow!

  10. We separated, but your appearance is still preserved in my heart, like the vaguely left Shaoguang Phantom, happy with my melancholy soul.

  11 out of the school gate, life begins a new milestone, you would like to use the spark of life, to illuminate the journey to the future.

  12. You go, I'll see you off. Your way is paved with my eyes, like you, I stand here overlooking the night, I will be a dream. If, I will bid farewell to you, I hope you use the same eyes, send me to the distant. Because the world can not road, but not without friendship.

  13. want to say a lot. But such a moment, such an occasion, can leave you, and only my silent prayer: Jane Oh, friends!

  14. do not want to bid farewell, but farewell, that childish years; do not want to bid farewell, always farewell, that dream season.

  15. We are so young, we will be together. Free and easy sound goodbye, together will be warm. When the sun sets to collect the memories of the green, we will each have a new dawn.

  16. Remember the flowers under the month, the river stone bridge, we sometimes whispers, sometimes talk, brilliant future so that we fascinated, romantic color let us intoxicated, I would like to enjoy a hundred times that dream-like mood .

  17 and I laugh with the people, I may forget him; and I cried with the people, I will never forget. As a friend of sorrow, you always etched in the depths of my memory.

  18. Unable to keep us apart ah, please leave my affection in your heart. Baiyun leisurely towards the twilight crossing, I will always ask it to you.

  19. When we were together, you gave me the laughter; in our separate days, you sent me the affection. Whether in the forest walk, or in the light meditation, your figure always accompanied me!

  We are in the misty wind around the occasion. Dew, Yingying, like your innocent eyes; fog, misty, like my deep sadness.


  1, no matter how far the future, the growth of the road you have me; no matter meet at any time, we are always friends.

  2, do not learn to spend the spring only to wait, to learn to swallow the spring flying.

  3, before leaving, I give you a beautiful ideal, let him become your tough crutches; I give you a smart luggage, let him be your life pass.

  4, the beautiful dream and the beautiful poem, are met and can not be asked. I really like that kind of dream, knowing that you have traveled thousands of miles for me, but feel delicious grass, as if you and I first meet!

  5, you and I have gone through hardships to the ideal, only to the road to success. I hope you can remember, always remember, that a period filled with the passion of the shining days of struggle.

  6, people are not cute because of beauty, but because it is beautiful and lovely. Meet and bid farewell to the sail and offshore, both past the end of joy, but also the beginning of the future well-being.

  7, if had to separate, but also to say "goodbye", but also in my heart there is a grateful, thank you for giving me that a lifetime of sweet memories.

  8, life, such as a long river, I hope you are a leaf clinging boat; life like a leaf boat, may you be a rain or shine sailors.

  9, life is sometimes not as good as you think, but it will not be as bad as you think, you laugh on life, all the way to go!

  10, our friendship, such as the sea, the world has the most sincere friendship, in the vast interpersonal between the vastness and tolerance of endless.

  11, we are about to enter a new life, the road ahead is still a long long, so we cherish today have more youth and friendship, friendship with the truth to the watering bud.

  12, I deeply understand, how much time spent, overcome the number of difficulties, you have achieved immediate results. Please believe that in your pursuit, hard work and hard work in the process, I will always stand with a smile on your side.

  13, with your peers, we recall that we have had a common ideal; break up with you, looking forward to our reunion when the carnival.

  14, junior high school graduation, is a farewell song, is a milestone in youth development.

  15, three years of time more than a thousand days and nights so fast that is, but it is your magnificent life in the most beautiful touch of color!

  16, respectively, after the life is like a street, let us together for the long street to add beautiful scenery. "

  17, out of the school gate, life begins a new milestone, you would like to use the spark of life, to illuminate the journey to the future.

  18, life is like a long river, would like to be a leaf of your persistent boat; life like a leaf boat, may you be a rain or shine the sailors

  19, the sun will go / flowers will thank / only you and my friendship / is eternal.

  20, would like to say a lot. But such a moment, such an occasion, can leave you, and only my silent prayer: Jane Oh, friends!


  1, burning it, the ideal person, there is a sub-heat, a fraction of light.

  2, with your acquaintance, I feel very lucky, but with you know each other, I feel the fullness of life, before laughing with the days I will be hidden, after the unpredictable days, would you take care.

  3, like our friendship, as beautiful as the spring, as hot as the summer, as bright as autumn, as white as winter, such as the four seasons of general innocence, long!

  4, acquaintance of the edge, unforgettable, sincere friendship, timeless, long way in friendship, just ask Xiangzhi is how to treasure and have, I will never forget the days with your peers.

  5, I do not want to lose the spring breeze, summer rain, autumn frost, winter snow all memory, but will not forget the way in life we Xu Xu's laughter.

  6, the arena of speaking modesty, no doubt equal to declare their own failure; the need to volunteer, we should do my part. Life needs to dominate, please cherish the capital "I".

  7, we hurried farewell, to their respective far, no words, no tears, only the eternal thoughts and blessings in each other's hearts issued a deep resonance.

  8, your figure is sail, my eyes are the river, how many times want to retain you, and finally can not. I know that the world is a rare friendship, but more valuable is freedom.

  9, three years time fleeting, so the song, vertical laugh, so met, get together, or even too late to say goodbye to good, soon to go their separate ways ... ...

  10, three years, in the life of the journey is just a short period, however, and your three at the same table, but life unforgettable. You are my memory of a pearl, the heart of the sky on a star.

  11, from all corners of the country, to far apart. No matter where we go, no matter what position, let us continue to fill out the resume of life, to surrender the cause of the outstanding respondents, the flags for the alma mater Zenghui luster.

  12, the years of the river, will flow a lot. Meet when the piece of red leaves, will fade it?

  13, you leave me, is a beautiful memory. You make me miss the innocence and friendship of my youth. When I won the memory of the wine you want to drink, but first drunk.

  14, let the hand in hand, each other all the joy and happiness to each other! I pray God let joy always fill our time and space.

  15, poly is not the beginning, casual is not the end, the number of students set condensate countless moments, will always be engraved in my memory ... ...




3.給同學(xué)的畢業(yè)贈(zèng)言 英語(yǔ)

