
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語知識大全 > 七年級上冊unit4知識點詞組


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  1.本單元出現(xiàn)的家具類詞匯:table桌子 bed床 bookcase書櫥,書柜 sofa沙發(fā) chair椅子 drawer抽屜

  2.表位置的介詞短語:under the table在桌子下面 on the sofa在沙發(fā)上in the backpack在雙肩背包里 under the bed在床下面 on the chair在椅子上 on the dresser在梳妝臺上on the table在桌子上 in the drawer在抽屜里 on the floor在地板上3.math book數(shù)學(xué)書 4.alarm clock鬧鐘5.computer game電腦游戲6.video tape錄像帶7.take sth. to sb.把某物帶給某人

  take these things to your sister把這些東西帶給你姐姐8.ID card身份證9.bring sth. to some place把某物到給某地bring some things to school把一些物品帶到學(xué)校10.pencil case鉛筆盒11.in the bedroom在臥室12.in the kitchen在廚房

  句型:Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack.

  Where’s my computer game? It’s under the bed.

  Where are his keys? They’re on the dresser.

  Where are your books? They’re on the chair.

  Where are her keys? They’re on the table.

  Where are you? I’m at school.

  Is it on the dresser? No, it isn’t.

  Please take these things to your sister.

  Can you bring some things to school?

  The book is on the floor.

  語法: 1,詢問人或物品在哪里,我們用Where, 結(jié)構(gòu)為 where+is/are+人/物品名稱? “……在哪里” 回答用 主語+is/are +in/at/under/on/near +地點

  注意:表示“在……地方”地點前要用定冠詞the 或者形容詞性物主代詞my/your/his/their修飾,但是兩者不能同時出現(xiàn),我們可以說in the room, in my room 但是絕對不可以in the my room.

  詞語用法:1, take v.帶走, 把人或物品帶到別的地方去,take …to… 把……帶到……去

  bring v.帶來,把人或物品從別的地方帶到說話的地方來 bring…to… 把……帶到……來

  2,please 后接動詞用原形。

  句式:1.詢問地點——Where + be動詞 + sth. 答語——It is/They are + 表位置的介詞短語—Where’s my backpack? —It’s under the table.

  —Where are your books? —They’re on the chair.


  —Is the baseball on the sofa?—No,it isn’t. It’s under the chair.

  —Are they on the bed? —No,they’re not.

  3.祈使句——Please do sth. Please take these things to your sister…

  4.can引導(dǎo)的一般疑問句 Can you bring some things to school?

  5.倒裝句——Here + be動詞 + 主語 Here is my pen.

  Here are some apples.

  1)_______(this) are my parents.

  2)_______(that) are his friends.

  3)Is this his father? No,_______ isn’t.

  A.it B.this C.he

  4)Is his mother your friend? Yes,________is.

  A.he B.she C.you

  5)Thanks _________your interesting book.

  A.for B. very much C.a lot

  6)There _______ a photo of my friends.

  7)My parents are _________teachers.

  A.both B.all C.each


  在沙發(fā)上 on the sofa 我們學(xué)校的小汽車 a car of our school

  在書桌上 on the desk 書桌的抽屜 a desk drawer=a drawer of the desk

  在地板上 on the floor 三班的學(xué)生 the student of Class Three

  在操場上 on the playground 我們教室的門 the door of our classroom

  在他背上 on his back. 合上書 close your book

  在梳妝臺上 on the dresser 打開書 open your book

  在小山上 on the hill 上床, 就寢 go to bed

  在河面上 on the river 我的書包在哪里? Where’s my backpack?

  在講臺上 on the teacher’s desk 中學(xué)生 a middle school student

  在門后面 behind the door 看這些新書 look at these new books

  在她椅子后面 behind her chair 看第54頁的圖畫 Look at the picture on page 54

  在臥室里 in the bedroom 臺燈 a desk lamp

  在抽屜里 in the drawer 錄像帶 video tape= video cassette []

  在書桌的抽屜里 in the desk drawer 這兒沒有一只貓 There isn’t a cat here

  在廚房 in the kitchen 自行車上的男孩 the boy on the bike

  在這個房間里 in this room 樹下的自行車 the bike under the tree

  在背包里 in the backpack 樹上的小鳥 the bird in the tree

  在客廳 in the living room(美) 門后的那只貓 the cat behind the door

  in the sitting room(英) 在綠色小汽車里的那個 the one in the green car

  在中國 in China 騎黑色自行車的那個 the one on the black bike

  在盒子里 in the box 照片上的人 the people in the picture

  在樹底下 under the tree 報紙上的一幅圖畫 a picture in the newspaper

  在書櫥里 in the bookcase 一個戴白色帽子的老人 an old man in a white hat

  在天空中 in the sky 一個穿藍色毛衣的女人 a woman in a blue sweater

  在陽光下 in the sun 穿紅色外套的那個 the one in the red coat

  帶著帽子 in the hat 戴著紅帽子的女孩 the girl in a red hat

  在桌子底下 under the table 穿紅衣服的女孩 the girl in red

  (物體)在床上 be on the bed 我的包在床上 My bag is on the bed

  (人躺)在床上 be in bed 他躺在床上 He is in bed.

  在……的前面 in front of 房子的前面有棵樹 There’s a tree in front of the house

  在(物體內(nèi)部)的前面 in the front of 教室的前面有塊黑板 There’s a blackboard in the front of the classroom

  在……中間 in the middle of 房間的中央有張桌子 There’s a table in the middle of the room

  在樹上(本身長的) on the tree 樹上有一些蘋果 There are some apples on the tree.

  在樹上(外來的) in the tree 樹上有一些鳥 There are some birds in the tree.

  在墻上(表面) on the wall 墻上有幅畫 There is a picture on the wall

  在墻上(嵌進) in the wall 墻上有兩個窗戶 There are two windows in the wall.

  吃飯時 at table 進餐時別說話 Don’t talk at table.

  在桌子旁邊 at the table 他坐在桌子旁 He is at the table.

  在門口 at the door 需要做某事 need to do sth (主語是人)

  靠近 next to 需要做某事 need doing sth. (主語是物)

  靠近窗戶 next to the window 我們需要乘車 we need to catch a bus

  在河邊 beside the river 這些樹需要澆水 The trees need watering

  在河邊 near the river 我需要些幫助 I need some help.

  需要某物 need sth. 我需要我的數(shù)學(xué)書 I need my math book

  在…和…之間 between…and… 球在床和書桌之間 The ball is between the bed and the desk.

  把……帶來…… bring …to … 請把你妹妹帶到學(xué)校來 Please bring your sister to school .

  把……帶去…… take …to … 請把棒球拿到教室去 Please take the baseball to the classroom.

  想要 would like=want 想做某事 want to do sth.=would like to do sth.

  想要一點兒咖啡 would like some coffee. 想要某人做某事 want sb.to do sth =would like sb. to do sth






