


時(shí)間: 若木631 分享



  【 用作動(dòng)詞,除表示“回答”“答復(fù)”外,還可表示“接(電話)”或?qū)﹂T鈴等聲響作出反應(yīng)等(常與call, bell, telephone, door, door-bell等連用)?!咳纾?/p>

  I can’t answer the telephone. I am having a bath. 我不能接電話,我正在洗澡。

  Nobody answered my call for help. 沒有人理會(huì)我的呼救。

  Don’t expect her to answer the doorbell at eight o’clock on Sunday morning. She won’t be up. 星期日早上8點(diǎn)鐘時(shí),別指望她聽見門鈴響會(huì)來開門。她那時(shí)還沒有起床呢。


  3. 用作名詞,表示“回答”“答復(fù)”“答案”“回應(yīng)”等,注意以下各例中 answer 后接的介詞是 to 而不是 of:

  He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash. 他一下子就猜中了謎底。

  I wish I knew the answer to your question. 我但愿知道你的問題的答案。

  My answer to his threat was to hit him on the nose. 我對(duì)他的威脅的回答是照他的鼻子打去。

  answer的in answer to搭配與用法

  【用于短語 in answer to(作為回應(yīng))?!咳纾?/p>

  He came at once in answer to my phone call. 他一接到我的電話就來了。

  In answer to your recent inquiry, the book you mention is not in stock. 您近日詢問的書暫時(shí)無貨,謹(jǐn)此奉復(fù)。

  5. 比較answer與reply:兩者均可表示“回答”,但answer 屬常用詞,多用于一般性應(yīng)答,而reply則較正式,多指經(jīng)過考慮而作出答復(fù),若不細(xì)分,兩者可換用。但是,answer可自由地用作及物或不及物動(dòng)詞,而reply除后接that從句或引出直接引語是及物動(dòng)詞外,一般只用作不及物動(dòng)詞,其后若接名詞或代詞作賓語,應(yīng)借助介詞to:answer [reply to] a question 回答問題。



  (1) answer to的用法:


  Who do you answer to in your new job? 你做的新工作要向誰負(fù)責(zé)?


  The dog answers to his name. 這狗聽到自己的名字就有反應(yīng)。

  ③ 由……控制:The plane answered smoothly to the controls. 這架飛機(jī)操縱自如。

  (2) answer for 的用法:


  You’ll have to answer for your carelessness. 你得對(duì)你的疏忽負(fù)責(zé)任。


  All these things are to be answered for. 所有這一切都是要償還的。


  I agree but I can’t answer for my friends. 我同意,但我不能代表我的朋友也同意。

  Knowing her well I can certainly answer for her honesty. 我很了解她,當(dāng)然能擔(dān)保她誠實(shí)。

  其后可接名詞或代詞,一般不接 that 從句,若要接這類從句,通常應(yīng)先接形式賓語 it。如:

  I can’t answer for his honesty.= I can’t answer for it that he is honest. 我不能保證他是誠實(shí)的。