


時間: 燕妮639 分享



  不定代詞指的是all, each, every, both, either, neither, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no,以及由some, any, no, every 構(gòu)成的復(fù)合代詞。

  不定代詞在英語中的用法歸納:little 和few 都可以作代詞和限定詞

  little 用來指不可數(shù)的事物或修飾不可數(shù)的事物;而few 則用來指可數(shù)的事物(人)或修飾可數(shù)的事物(人)。

  Many people read Marco Polo's book, but few believe what he said. 很多人讀過馬可波羅的書,但很少有人相信他所說的話。

  Few pastimes bring a family closer together than gathering around and listening to mother or father read a good story. (孩子們)圍在一起聽父親或母親讀美麗的故事很少有別的娛樂活動比這更能使家人們的心靈接近了。

  little 和 few 表示說話人否定的意思,而a little 和a few 表示說話人肯定的意思,前者常常翻譯為“很少、幾乎沒有”,后者翻譯為“一些”。但不能得出結(jié)論說a little 或a few 就比little 或few 多。兩者不存在孰多孰少的比較,只是表示說話人的語氣不同。例如某人口袋里有10元錢,可以是 little, 也可以是a little。例:

  It's impossible for me to buy a TV set now. I have little money left. 我現(xiàn)在不可能買一臺電視機,我?guī)缀鯖]有錢了。

  We can have a cup of tea with a little money in my pocket. 我們可以用口袋里僅有的一點錢喝杯茶。又例:

  There is a little water left. You can drink it. 還有一點水,你可以把它喝了。

  There is little water left. Would you please fetch some? 幾乎沒有水了,去打些水來好嗎?

  A little 和a few都有“more than none (勝于無)”或 “more than expected (比期望的要多)”之意。

  “Have we run out of eggs?” “No, there are a few left. ” “我們的雞蛋吃完了嗎?” “沒吃完,還有一些。”

  “Is there any oil in the bottle?” “Yes, there's a little in it. ” “瓶子里還有油嗎?” “ 還有一些。”

  至于a few, a little 所表示的絕對數(shù)量,其大小取決于說話人的觀點。Longman English Grammar (外語教學(xué)與研究出版社, P.187) 中舉了一個例子,從這個例子我們可以看到:a few, a little 實際上也可以表示很大的絕對數(shù)量。

  Mrs. Lacey left a little money in her will ---- about class="main">


時間: 燕妮639 分享

  A.J. Thomson和A. V. Martinet 指出:“There is no difference in quantity between little and very little, few and very few. But the speaker who adds very wants to be more emphatic. ” (A Practical English Grammar Third Edition, P.29) 也就是說, little 和very little, few 和very few 所表示的數(shù)量沒有區(qū)別,用very 時表示說話者更強調(diào)而已。

  至于quite a few, some few, a good few, 在語氣上是肯定的,即言其多的。例:

  “How many postcards have you received?” “ Quite a few. ” “你收到多少明信片?” “相當(dāng)多。”


  some students 一些學(xué)生

  many books 許多書

  each boy 每個男孩

  大部分不定代詞還可以用于“of + 名詞”結(jié)構(gòu),注意這一結(jié)構(gòu)中的名詞必須有限定詞修飾。例:

  some of the students (不能說:* some of students)

  many of the books (不能說:*many of books)

  each of the boys (不能說 *each of boys)