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  Coca Cola



  1.Coca-Cola Enterprises




  1. "Steve, what do you want?" — "Coke, Pepsi, it doesn't matter."


  2. In a consumer taste test, Coke went up against Pepsi.

  在一次消費(fèi)者品嘗測驗(yàn)中, 可口可樂與百事可樂交鋒了.

  3. Coca - Cola is very big in the West.

  可口可樂 在西方很流行.

  4. I'll have a coke float please.


  5. Coca - cola is a soft drink.

  可口可樂 是一種不含酒精的軟性飲料.

  6. The ingredients of Coca - Cola are a trade secret.

  可口可樂 的配方是一個(gè)商業(yè)機(jī)密.

  7. When it comes to soft drinks Coca-Cola is the biggest selling brand name in Britain.


  8. I understand Coca-Cola are to be named as the new sponsors of the League Cup later this week.


  9. The coco - cola frothed as it was poured out.

  可口可樂 倒出來時(shí)泛起泡沫.

  10. Would you like a cold coke?

  你想喝冰鎮(zhèn)的可口可樂 嗎 ?

  11. We have Coca, and red tea etc.

  我們有可口可樂, 還有紅茶等.

  12. I just can't resist coca cola.


  13. He sucked Coke through a straw.


  14. Coca - Cola had to adapt almost 300,000 vending machines to accept the new coins.

  可口可樂 公司必須使將近三十萬臺自動(dòng)販賣機(jī)接受新貨幣.

  15. You want that rum and Coke or rum and Pepsi?



  消暑圣品:可口可樂的故事Animated History of Coca-Cola




  Have you ever wondered about the great mysteries of life, like how the universe began, who built the pyramids, the secret formula for Coca-Cola? Some scientists believe there may be a cosmic connections to these mysteries. No one knows for sure, but we do know that Coca-Cola has been around since the beginning of time.


  Okay, okay. Here's the real story. Coca-Cola was invented right here in the City of Atlanta over 100 years ago. Back in 1886, a pharmacist named John Pemberton was experimenting with a new recipe. He took some secret ingredients and boiled them into a syrup. He thought that was pretty tasty. So he took some to Jacobs Pharmacy, where he mixed the syrup with carbonated water and placed it on sale for five cents a glass.

  好啦、好啦。這裡是真實(shí)的故事??煽诳蓸烦^一百年前就在亞特蘭大市這兒被發(fā)明出來?;氐?886年,一名叫做John Pemberton的藥劑師在實(shí)驗(yàn)一種新處方。他拿了些秘密材料,并將其煮沸成糖漿。他覺得那還滿美味的。所以他拿了些到Jacobs藥局,在那裡他將糖漿與蘇打水混和,一杯賣五毛錢。

  And the rest is history. Thus was invented one of the greatest refreshments of all time. Dr. Pemberton's accountant was named Frank Robinson, and it was his idea to call this new drink Coca-Cola. In fact, he created the now-famous trademark in his own handwriting. As words spread around Atlanta about this fashionable new beverage, sales began to increase.

  剩下的就是歷史了。有史以來最棒的飲料就這樣被發(fā)明出來。Pemberton藥師的會(huì)計(jì)師名叫Frank Robinson,稱這新飲料為可口可樂正是他的點(diǎn)子。事實(shí)上,他以他自己的字跡創(chuàng)造出現(xiàn)在知名的商標(biāo)。當(dāng)關(guān)于這個(gè)時(shí)髦新飲料的消息傳遍亞特蘭大時(shí),銷售也開始成長。

  During its first year, Coca-Cola sold an average of nine drinks a day. Dr. Pemberton never imagined the incredible future of his creation. In 1888, he sold the secret formula to a businessman named Asa Candler, who later formed a corporation to produce and distribute Coca-Cola.

  在它的第一年,可口可樂平均一天賣出九杯。Pemberton藥師從未想像過他的創(chuàng)作那難以置信的未來。在1888年,他將秘方賣給了一位叫做Asa Candler的商人,他稍后成立了間公司來生產(chǎn)并配送可口可樂。

  Mr. Candler was a marketing genius, and he came up with countless creative ways to promote the product. He even deliver the syrup in barrels that were painted red to give them a distinctive appearance. As more and more people discovered this delicious new refreshment, Coca-Cola began to pop up all over America.


  For years, Coca-Cola was served only in soda fountains. Then one day, a couple of clever guys named Thomas and Whitehead had an idea. Coca-Cola was so successful as a fountain drink. What if someone put it in bottles?




  Yes, sir. Bottles. Folks could take them home.


  Well, Mr. Candler thought that was a perfectly stupid idea, so stupid, in fact, that he told the two men they could bottle all the Coca-Cola they wanted. And he sold them the right to do that for just one dollar.


  Of course, one thing Mr. Candler didn't sell was his secret recipe. He agreed to sell them Coca-Cola syrup. They would add carbonated water. And Coca-Cola bottling had begun. It turned out that people loved Coca-Cola in bottles. Now they could enjoy it anytime they wanted.


  Coca-Cola was so popular, in fact, the competitors try to cash in on its success. So the bottlers decided to create something that made it easy for people to tell Coca-Cola from the impostors. And in 1916, they introduced the Coca-Cola contour bottle. Now people could be sure they were getting the real thing. The new bottle was so unique it became instantly famous.


  In 1919, Candler sold the company to a group of investors, and a man named Robert Woodruff soon became the new company president. Mr. Woodruff's goal was to make ice-cold Coca-Cola available to anyone, anytime, anyplace. Under his leadership, bottling plants became to pop up over the world. And Coca-Cola became the first truly global brand.

  在1919年,Candler將公司賣給一群投資者,一位叫做Robert Woodruff的男人很快就成了新公司的總裁。Woodruff先生的目標(biāo)是要讓冰涼的可口可樂能讓任何人、在任何時(shí)間、任何地點(diǎn)都能買到。在他的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)之下,瓶裝廠開始在世界各地出現(xiàn)??煽诳蓸烦闪说谝粋€(gè)真正遍及全球的品牌。

  Over 100 years later, the formula is still a closely guarded secret, but the popularity of Coca-Cola is no secret. It's the most recognized trademark in the world. And Coca-Cola is enjoyed in more than 200 countries, produced and sold by local bottlers, just like the one in your home town.


  Wherever you are, wherever you're at thirst, the Coca-Cola company and Coca-Cola bottlers answer the need for refreshment in many different ways. But the shining star is and will always be Coca-Cola—the original soft drink, unique, delicious, authentic, and fun!


  There's only one Coca-Cola—the most refreshing drink in the universe.






