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  1. 基本義為“其他的(人或物)”“別的(人或物)”,使用時既要分清是特指還是泛指,還要分清是單數(shù)還是復(fù)數(shù):表特指時其前用定冠詞,表泛指時其前不用冠詞;用于單數(shù)時后接單數(shù)名詞或不接詞(即用作代詞),用于復(fù)數(shù)時后接復(fù)數(shù)名詞或用others這樣的形式。如:

  Shut the other eye, too. 另一只眼也閉上。(單數(shù)特指)

  It is not Tom but some other boy. 那不是湯姆,而是別的哪個男孩。(單數(shù)泛指)

  Other people [Others] may not think that way. 別的人可能不這樣想。(復(fù)數(shù)泛指)

  I have seen two of the films, but not the others. 我只看過其中的兩部電影,其余的沒看過。(復(fù)數(shù)特指)

  注意,英語可以說 one other friend(另外一個朋友),some other place(另外某個地方)等,但是不能說 an other book,要表示類似含義,可用another book。

  2. 與數(shù)詞連用時,通常應(yīng)放在數(shù)詞之后,其意為“另外的……個”;此時的other主要起區(qū)別作用,即將其后所修飾的人或事物與前面提及的相同人或事物區(qū)別開來。如:

  Every member must bring one other person. 每一個會員必須帶一個人來。

  Mary rents a house with three other girls. 瑪麗和另外3位姑娘合租一幢房子。


  The faces of the other three girls were fixed on Alex. 其余3位姑娘盯著艾利克斯。

  Police took the five other passengers to hospital. 警方將其余5名乘客送到醫(yī)院。


  The other six are masterpieces. 另外6本都是杰作。


  Three others lay wounded. 另外3個人受傷躺在那里。

  There were four of them, two police cars and two others. 共有4輛車,2輛警車和2輛其他車。

  3. 與 all, some, any, every, no等限定詞連用時,應(yīng)置于其后;其后若需再接名詞,該名詞根據(jù)情況可用單數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù)。如:

  Swallows fly faster than any other bird. 燕子飛得比其他鳥要快。

  Jane and some other girls went shopping. 簡和另外的一些女孩出去買東西。

  Moral beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty. 品德美應(yīng)列于其他美之上。

  In no other part of the world is more tea consumed than in Britain. 世界上再沒有一個國家像英國那樣愛喝茶的了。

  注意,every other有兩個完全不同的意思是,一是表示“每隔”,相當(dāng)于every second;二是表示“其他所有的”,相當(dāng)于all the other。如:

  They visit us every other week. 他們隔周到我們這兒來。

  Every other girl except me is wearing jeans. 除了我以外,其他姑娘都穿著牛仔褲。

  4. 有時還可以與物主代詞連用,置于其后。如:

  All my other patients are fine. 我的所有其他病人都很好。

  Our other branch is just a few doors down the road. 沿這條路再走幾家就是我們的另一個分店。

  Those trousers are dirty—you’d better wear your other pair. 這條褲子臟了——你最好穿另一條。

  5. 注意不要誤解the other day, the other morning, the other night, the other week, the other month等的意思,它們表示不久前的一天、一個上午、一個星期、一個月等。如:

  I saw your friend the other day. 前幾天我見到你的朋友。

  Betty asked about you the other night. 前幾天晚上貝蒂問到你。

  6. others 與 some 對比使用時,others 表示 some(一些)的含義。如:

  Some people said yes and others said no. 有人贊成,有人反對。

  Some people enjoy exercise, others don’t. 一些人喜歡運動,而另一些人則不喜歡。


  1. 不定代詞other相當(dāng)于名詞或形容詞,可以在句中作主語、賓語、定語等。相當(dāng)于名詞時,有復(fù)數(shù)形式others。

  作主語:He has two toys. One is for me, the other is for himself.

  作賓語:I have two pictures. You have seen one. Now I will show you the other.

  作定語:There are other ways of helping him out of difficulty.

  2. 不定代詞another是由an和other構(gòu)成,由此可以判定它只能代替或修飾可數(shù)的單數(shù)名詞,前面不再用冠詞。可以在句中作主語、賓語、表語和定語。

  作主語:One (girl) wanted to read, and another wanted to watch TV.

  作賓語:Please give me another.

  作表語:She is a fool, and her sister is another.

  作定語:Would you like another cup of coffee?

  3. 對比other與another

  (1)the other 用于兩者中的另一個,another 指三者以上中的另一個:

  He has two toys. One is for me, the other is for himself.

  All these are not good. Show me another, please.

  (2)another 還有 “再……” 的意思,other 有 “另外” 的含義:

  Have another cup of coffee, please. 再喝一杯咖啡吧!

  The girl is much cleverer than other three. 這女孩比另外三個都聰明。

  (3)修飾數(shù)詞的結(jié)構(gòu)不同:數(shù)詞+other+復(fù)數(shù)名詞= another+數(shù)詞+復(fù)數(shù)名詞:


  I read two more books this week. =I read two more books this week.

  (4)one another 與 each other:兩者均表示“彼此”、“互相”。

  一般認(rèn)為,each other 用于兩者間,one another 用于三者或以上,但在現(xiàn)代英語中,兩者??蓳Q用。

  We should always help each other.

  They don’t agree with one another.

  另外,童鞋們還要注意,注意:other表泛指,the other 表特指,與其復(fù)數(shù)others和the others 同理。


  adj. 別的;其他的;(兩個中的)另一個;其余的

  pron. 其他的;(指兩個人或事物中的第二個)那個;(指一組中其余的人或事物)其余的;(指與說話人所在位置等相反的方向或地點)另一邊

  n. [the other]對立面;對立的事物;


  1. You can chat to other people who are online.


  2. "All the best," called the other typists in chorus.


  3. Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down.


  4. After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other.


  5. He wants to act in concert with other nations.


  6. What other home offers such a commanding view of the capital?
