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時(shí)間: 小潔1242 分享



  be immune to the disease 對(duì)該病有免疫力

  be immune from taxation 免除捐稅

  inform sb. of sth. 把某事告知某人

  inform against/on sb. 告發(fā),檢舉某人

  keep...informed 隨時(shí)向…報(bào)告情況

  the inner feelings 內(nèi)心的感情

  the inner life 精神生活

  on receipt of 一收到就…

  be in receipt of 已收到…

  make inquiries of sb. about sth. 向某人詢問某事

  on the confines of 瀕于,差一點(diǎn)兒就

  within the confines of 在…(范圍)之內(nèi)

  in consideration of 考慮到,顧及;作為對(duì)…的酬報(bào)

  take into consideration 考慮到,顧及

  consist of 由…組成

  consist in 在于

  be consistent with=consist with 與…一致

  be a consistent friend to sb. 是某人的忠實(shí)朋友

  out of context 脫離上下文

  in the context of 在…背景下

  defend...against/from 保護(hù)…免遭

  defend doing 為做…作辯護(hù)

  a blood donation 獻(xiàn)血

  make/give a donation 捐贈(zèng)

  the drift of opinion 輿論的傾向

  catch the drift of an argument 抓住爭(zhēng)論的要點(diǎn)

  on edge 緊張不安

  on the edge of 處于…的邊緣

  encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵(lì)某人做某事

  discourage sb. from doing sth. 勸阻某人不要做某事

  be engaged to sb. 與某人訂婚

  be engaged to do sth. 被雇用來做某事

  be engaged in doing sth. 忙于做某事,從事于某事

  execute one’s duties/office 盡職

  execute a plan 實(shí)施計(jì)劃

  execute a purpose 達(dá)到目的

  a wedding reception 結(jié)婚喜宴

  a reciprocal reception 答謝酒會(huì)

  in faith 確實(shí),的確

  in good faith 真誠,善意

  inquiry into... 對(duì)…的調(diào)查,研究

  inside out 里面朝外;徹底地

  inside facts 內(nèi)幕,秘密

  labor intensity 勞動(dòng)強(qiáng)度

  the intensity of the situation 局勢(shì)緊張

  in the interest(s) of 為了…(的利益)

  have no/an interest in 對(duì)…(沒)有興趣

  interfere in 干涉,干預(yù)

  interfere with 妨礙,干擾

  interfere in sb’s private affairs 干涉某人的私事

  lag behind 落后

  jet lag 生理節(jié)奏的失調(diào)或時(shí)差反應(yīng)

  launch (out) into 開始從事,投身于;大發(fā)(議論)

  launch an artificial satellite 發(fā)射人造衛(wèi)星

  launch a new enterprise 創(chuàng)辦一個(gè)新企業(yè)

  launch an attack 開始攻擊

  lease sth. from sb. 向某人租某物

  lease sth. to sb. 租某物給某人

  in a mess 亂七八糟

  mess about/around 閑蕩;輕率地對(duì)待

  have faith in 相信…

  lose faith in 不再信任…

  sb. be familiar with sb. 某人與…親密

  sb. be familiar with sth. 某人通曉…

  sth. be familiar to sb. 某人熟知某物

  at fault 有責(zé)任,出毛病

  find fault with 抱怨,找岔子,挑剔

  merits and faults 優(yōu)缺點(diǎn)

  on file 存檔

  in file 依次,魚貫地

  file in 魚貫而入

  file out 魚貫而出

  try one’s fortune 碰運(yùn)氣

  make afortune 發(fā)財(cái),致富

  a man of fortune 財(cái)主

  at a glance 看一眼就知道;馬上

  at first glance 乍一看,最初看到時(shí)

  in gear 搭上齒輪;處于正常狀態(tài)

  gear up (使)準(zhǔn)備好,(使)做好安排

  gear...to 使…適應(yīng)于

  be geared to 適應(yīng)于

  gentle wind/rain 和風(fēng)/細(xì)雨

  gentle heart 仁慈的心腸

  gentle slope 不太陡的斜坡

  glow with enthusiasm 熱情洋溢

  glow with pride 得意揚(yáng)揚(yáng)

  come to grief 失敗,遭受不幸

  bring sb. to grief 使…遭受失敗(或不幸)

  off (one’s) guard 沒有提防地

  on (one’s) guard 警惕,提防;站崗,值班








