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2019年5月雅思口語part2新題 旅游紀(jì)念品

  Describe something special you took home from a tourist attraction(new)

  You should say:

  What it was

  When you bought it

  Where you bought it

  What it was like

  And explain why you think it was special

  Part 3

  What souvenirs would people buy from tourist attractions?

  Why do people like to take photos when travelling?

  Is it good that the locals sell things to tourists?

  What are the pros and cons of taking professional cameras when travelling?


  Describe something special you took home from a tourist attraction


  Describe something special you took home from a tourist attraction You should say:

  What it was What it was like

  When you bought it Where you bought it

  And explain why you think it was special

  去年我去貴州旅游,游玩了黃果樹瀑布、龍宮、百里杜鵑等讓我為大自然的美而震撼。我?guī)Щ亓宋易约?做的蠟染作品,那是我在一個(gè)蠟染體驗(yàn)館里完成的。我在一塊布料上用蠟染工藝畫出了一只小豬,因?yàn)轳R 上就是豬年了。這是我紀(jì)念品是我對(duì)自己的祝福和希冀,同時(shí)古老的蠟染藝術(shù)讓我為傳統(tǒng)文化和民族多樣 性感到自豪。

  I would like to talk about the batik work, a souvenir made by and for myself when I was travelling in Guizhou province last year. It really is home to(富有) natural wonders and diverse cultures of ethnic groups. That was last summer vacation which was the best time for my adventure in Guizhou, a province in southwest of China. I marveled at(驚嘆) the splendor(雄偉壯觀) of Huangguoshu waterfall, the largest one of its kind(同類中最大的) in Asia. And breathtaking(令人驚嘆的) views of Bali Dujuan, meaning Hundred Miles of Rhododendrons (r?ud? dendr?n/杜鵑花) in English stopped me from leaving the scenic spot. However, the most meaningful and unforgettable thing was the “batik masterpiece” I created and brought back home. I entered a Batik Experience Workshop; it was brimful with Miao ethnic characteristics , and I bought myself the chance to make my own batik cloth there. In this curious and exciting hands-on(動(dòng)手的) activity, I chose my snow-white square cloth, drew on it a chubby piggy with hot wax and soaked the cloth in blue vegetable dye(植物染料). It’s easy to summarize these processes, but so complicated it was (倒裝) for me to complete each procedure scrupulously(仔仔細(xì)細(xì)地). Guess what, after removing the wax

  and ironing the cloth, I created the most adorable white pig who was running through the blue sky

  pattern . The batik cloth is so treasurable and special for me because it was not only the achievement that I attained with my efforts but a good wish to myself as I was born in the year of the pig. I am a pig boy/girl, yah! And more importantly, I feel so proud of this traditional technique and the craftsmanship embodied(體現(xiàn)) in it. I relish(享受) the ethnic diversities I experienced there and I love my motherland who boasts such wonderful cultures.

  雅思口語五月新題part2話題describe a souvenir思路解析和范文思路解析:

  這是5月份考試以來出現(xiàn)的一道新題,但是其實(shí)是一道很常規(guī)的物品題。首先,拿到題目后,我們必須要知道,What is a souvenir? It is a thing that you bought and kept to remind yourself of a place or a holiday. 所以,其實(shí)我們做一個(gè)很簡(jiǎn)單的話題合并,就可以將souvenir與我們以前經(jīng)常描述的禮物等題目合并了。這就是一道“有紀(jì)念意義”這個(gè)屬性限制的物品題目了。我們一定要注意到souvenir的一個(gè)特殊性,就在于remind yourself of a place or a holiday,所以,在描述的時(shí)候一定要著重突出這個(gè)紀(jì)念品對(duì)于事件或地點(diǎn)的回憶。作為一個(gè)物品題,我們可以描述的東西有很多,從客觀方面來講,可以描述其質(zhì)地,外觀等;主觀方面來說,可以突出其蘊(yùn)含的感情和意義,也就是我們的自我感受。最后,請(qǐng)考生注意souvenir這個(gè)單詞的發(fā)音,因?yàn)檫@個(gè)單詞來自于法語,所以重音是要在最后一個(gè)音節(jié),考生在回答過程中要注意同義詞的替換,可以換成remembrance,基礎(chǔ)薄弱的學(xué)生可以解釋為an object with the special meaning


  When it comes to this topic,the first thing that pops into my mind is a pendant. It is so exquisite and my folks bought it for me in Dunhuang during our trip about 5 years ago.

  As for the appearance, the pendant is made of a piece of quite pure and transparent jade. Besides, there is a sophisticatedly carved BodhiSATtva with a bottle in her left hand. My folks are Buddhists,thus this pendant they sent me was my lucky charm.

  The reasons why I love it can be various. Initially, the pendant is really meaningful. According to the Buddhism, the BodhiSATtva is able to keep the disease and the potential danger away from me. Moreover, the pendant constantly reminds me of those golden days I spent with my family in Dunhuang. We visited a lot of grottos and enjoyed miraculously divine murals, specifically, the extremely remarkable Feitian mural in the fourth cave and a variety of the Buddha. By that I mean, the remembrance can always help me recall those terrific memories I shared with my family. Whenever I look at this pendant, it feels like that we still have a blast together and enjoy the precious family time. You know, I'm preparing IELTS in Changsha away from my hometown. Sometimes I really feel lonely and it always drives off my loneliness. What I need to emphasize here is that I'm convinced the BodhiSATtva can keep me safe and sound, blessing me in this vital examination.

  As a consequence, this pendant is really my cup of tea.








7.雅思英語口語Part 1中最難的十話題




為了讓大家高效備考雅思口語,多多積累素材,小面小編就給大家分享一下雅思口語之紀(jì)念品話題分析,希望可以幫助到大家。 2019年5月雅思口語part2新題 旅游紀(jì)念??


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