Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome.
You should say:
Where you saw this person
When you saw this person
What the person looked like
Why you think this person is beautiful or handsome
Part 3:
Is it easy to become beautiful?
What are the disadvantages of being beautiful?
What do people in your country think of beauty?
Do you think children should learn how to dress well?
我們是大一的時候參加同一個舞蹈社團認識的 Amber是個性感與可愛并存的人。她有著紅紅的臉蛋,亮 晶晶的眼睛,和櫻桃小嘴。又因為很愛笑,笑起來的時候彎彎的像月亮,特別可愛。雖然amber只有160, 但她身材比例非常好。 還有一個我認為amber很漂亮的原因是她非常自信。她是個多才多藝的人,天生的 韻律感和平衡感使她特別擅長像hip-pop和jazz這樣節(jié)奏感很強的舞蹈。每次她跳舞的時候,她的自信都 讓我覺得她非常有魅力。
Well, for this part, I'm going to talk about my college friend, Amber. We came to know each other in the college dancing club which both of us participated in during the freshman year. Amber is regarded as an artless and vivacious (天真活潑) girl. She always works proactively and treats others with sincerity (真誠待人), which endears herself to everyone (使她受人喜愛), including me as well.
Amber is the kind of a girl who can be found as both desirable and adorable. She has a peachy face, shiny eyes and a cherry mouth(紅紅的臉蛋,亮晶晶的眼睛,櫻桃小嘴). What's more, she loves to smile. Every time she giggles, her eyes look like a bending down moon(彎彎的像月亮的眼睛), so sweet and attractive. At the same time, her bodily proportions are quite flattering(身材比例好) although she's only 160cm in height. Not only is Amber a girl with a slim build and fine face(天使臉 蛋魔鬼身材), she also has a unique taste in dress. Not limiting herself to black and white ash, she is skillful at matching her outfits with different colors. Meanwhile, instead of confining herself to(局限 于) a single dressing style, Amber loves diversity. She always manages to change style by taking advantage of(利用) her good figure, which makes her trendy (使..煥然一新) and attractive all the time. The other reason why I think Amber is pretty is that she is always confident. She is a versatile(多才多藝的) person. Having a natural rhythm(天生的律感) and sense of balance, Amber has her place(有一席之地) in our dancing club and is especially expert at beating dances(節(jié)奏感很強的 音樂) like jazz and hip-pop. Every time she dances, her performance and confidence always make me feel her charm(覺得..有魅力).
作為雅思考試聽說讀寫四項當中相對比較難的一個單項,雅思口語考試部分成為了很多烤鴨們非常重視的部分。在雅思口語人物類新題中有一道題目是“Describe-a-handsome or beautiful person you know”俊男美女,也就意味著要想發(fā)揮好這道人物題,對該人物的外貌描寫需要重點著墨。而具體該怎么夸一個帥哥帥,著實讓很多考生絞盡腦汁。
很多考生都有這樣一種思維定勢,要想夸某男生帥,大多生考生能想到的handsome卻未必受到老外的青睞。實際上,美國人在形容男孩子帥的時候通常的表達是“he’s so cute”在許多考生心目中,cute是用來形容可愛的女孩子或者小孩子的。但很多考生只知其一,不知其二,其實cute還有許多其他含義。
比如,在以下的表達中cute kitten,cute dog,cute baby,cute的含義均表示為“小巧的”,“惹人喜愛的”,“可愛的”。另外,cute在形容cute girl,cute guy的時候,則表示“迷人的,有魅力的”的意思。
一方面,這個單詞還有另外一層含義“值得崇拜的,可敬重的”,例如“He is adorable for his devotion for science.(他獻身科學的精神令人敬佩)”,所以,考生們在使用這個單詞的時候有可能造成對方的誤解。另一方面,adorable還可以用來形容小孩,例如“what an adorable child!”。當然,需要格外注意的是adorable絕對不可以公開贊美一個男生,尤其是在美國。因為在美國,公開說一個男孩子adorable是件很奇怪的事情。(小站教育注:除非那個男孩子是個gay)
然而,其實男人的帥氣分為很多種,有的英俊瀟灑,有的魅力四射。相信很多女生都會把心目中帥氣陽光的男孩子稱為“白馬王子”,而“a prince on a white horse”其實是一個很直接的形容一個男生帥氣的表達方式。比如,可以這么表達:
If I have to say a few words on a handsome guy I know,I’d like to bring up Mr.Lin.Many girls consider him as a prince on a white horse.(如果要說一個認識的帥哥的話,我想當之無愧的是林先生,他是很多女孩子心目中的白馬王子。)
比起“白馬王子”這個用法,更為直接去形容一個男孩子帥的表達,就是直接說一個男孩子“帥呆了”,英語可以用sharp這個單詞。也許很多考生只知道sharp有“尖銳,鋒利”的意思,但是也可以表示成“動人的,時髦的,有氣質的”。所以“You are looking sharp”并非指“你看上去真尖銳”,而是指“你看上去真精神/真棒/真帥/漂亮”。
最后要給大家介紹一種比較地道的形容一個人帥的方法——“You look like a million dollars”。這種表達乍一看會讓人覺得很俗氣,會讓人誤解成“你看上去像一百萬美元”。但其實,這個表達是形容一個人非常的帥氣,等同于“you look outstanding, just like a movie star.”
雅思 口語人物類高頻話題:
Describe an old person you know and you respect
Describe a person you enjoy talking with
Describe a good neighbor
Describe an interesting person/a friend you first met
Describe a person has important job
Describe a polite person
Describe a child/teenager 雅思口語 范文答題思路
第一段: 總體介紹general introduction
第二段: 人物的外貌描述the description of appearance
第三段: 具體特點的描述:
第四個: 人物的個性 personality
第五段: 對人物的評價 your comments to this person.
Ambitious 野心勃勃
Considerate =thoughtful 體貼的,周到的
Devoted =dedicated 奉獻的,
Generous慷慨的 ----stingy 吝嗇的=economical節(jié)儉的,會過日子的。
Hospitable 熱情好客的
Humorous 有幽默感的 a sense of humor
Loyal to=faithful to 對。。。忠誠的
Open-minded 思想開放的--- traditional 傳統(tǒng)的=conservative 保守的
Pessimistic 悲觀的---- optimistic 樂觀的
Responsible 負責任的----Irresponsible
Unselfish 無私的
Confident 自信的
Courageous =brave 勇敢的
Dependable =reliable 可靠地
Gentle ----rude
Humble =modest 謙虛的
Reserved 不愛說話的=quiet Talkative 愛說話的=outspoken
Approachable 平易近人的=easygoing
Hard-working=diligent 勤奮的
Outgoing=extroverted 外向的, introverted 內(nèi)向的.
Strict 嚴格的
Lenient 慈祥的
Patient passionate
Charismatic 有人格魅力的
Visionary 有遠見的
Decisive 果斷的
Upright 正直的
Smart =intelligent
Adorable=lovely =cute
Versatile 多才多藝的=all-around
Stunning boy 帥哥,
Fashionable, stylish 時髦的
Elegant =graceful 優(yōu)雅的.
Curious 好奇心強的
1. 心理過度緊張,缺乏自信。
2. 英文能力有限,準備壓力大。
3. 錯把口試當成背誦考試,適得其反。
4. 主觀評分很難定性,低分現(xiàn)實打擊自信。