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Dialogue 1

F: I Don't know how they do it, our competitors has undercut us by ten percent on the price of our latest model, there is no way will be able to compete against that, we'll barely brake it even with the present prices,

F: These price works are desasters from our bottom line, if they are touching ten percent less than we are, we've got to find a way to lower our price while keeping our profit.

M: Profits are non-existence now, we can't beat their price, how did they keep their price so low?

F: We can try to lower our price of production then, we need a price that we can compete with, something comparable with the competition.

M: You really think we can make it, I don't have much base or ability lto ower our price again, we're no match of them, the competition will beat us hands down.

Dialogue 2

M: Have you seen the sales report for last quarter? Who do you think is our bigest threat? From the numbers it seems the Bourest Ink is bigest competitor, Lerbung and Markfour are also major contenders in the market.

M: Lerbung is a new kid in the block, it's amazing they had a tremendos success so soon, with them on seen, the competition is cut through, here is information about our competitors' recent market activities.

M: Thanks! this would be a big help and putting together to next quarter's market strategies, with copetition in this instance, we'll have to step our production even more, we need a price we can compete with.

F: We're in a very competative environment, it's single swimming this market.

M: Better start swimming, we've got to find a way to outsmart the other guys, I want a preliminarily srategic marketing plan on my desk by next tuesday, the competition never sleep, and neither should we.


Executing Meetings

Dialogue One

M: I call this meeting to order, thank you all and attendants today, I know it's a busy day for you all, we have a lot of material to cover today, did everyone get agenda?

F: I need a copy of the agenda, also, may I suggest something? I know we have many points to review today, but would it be possible to limit our meeting time to finish before four o'clock? Many of us still have a amount of works to do before the day end.

M: We should be able to finish everything up before then, let's run through the major points first and see where we're at , the first matter of business is to approve the minutes of our last meeting.

F: I propse we accept the minutes.

M: Good, do I have second? High second, motion carry, now next of our agenda is ourbudget review. Margaret, can you please fill us in on where the budget review stand?

F: I give everyone a copy of the manual last week, we've had a review board going over everything and they have come up with a final review, here is copy for everyone and if you have any questions, you can talk to me after the meeting, basically, the budget review has been completed with maybe a few polishing details left.

M: What kind of action is required?

F: If everyone could take a look at the final review handout, if there're any objections or corrections, let me know, next week, we can cash the final of approval.

Dialogue Two

M1: Now, where were we? Oh, yes, can you give us an idea about statistical analysis.

F: Our analysis shows that we are very competitive, if your refer to the last page of the handout, you will see a plus of our expenses, vast of our profits for the last quarter, do you think it's neccesary to go over the expenses more in detail.

M1: Unless anyone has specific questions, let's move on to the next point, motion to accept statistical analysis report.

F: I move to accept.

M1: Second? High second, all in favour, motion pass, now, let's get done to the needy greedy, we have all seen the performance of review reports, but I would like to discuss in detail, our human resource's agenda to get to the bottom of issue, our problem with human resources is lack of qualified applicants as well as not enough incentive to current employees, I recommend management training for our executive staff.

M2: I'm sorry, I don't think I understand, can you please library?

M: I explain again, our human resources progamme is failing for most numbers of resons, but I think the most important issue here is lak of emlploy incentives.


Laborial Staff

Dialogue one

F: Can you tell me a little more about your company organization?

M: Certainly, here is a copy of our company's profile for your review, we are devided up into a three - tier system, the first tier is our executive branch whcih includes the CEO and board of directors, below that, is our managerial tier which includes all the department heads and supervisors, lastly, are laborial tier.

F: What percentage of your employees found under the laborial tier?

M: Nearly seventy-five percent of all employees are considered laborial staff, now, the laborial staff category is very broad, it includes manent crews, secretarial staff, account managers, sales representatives, any entry level positions, cafeteria workers, the janitorial staff, as you can see, a very large and very categorization.

F: I see, now then, how many laborial staff members do you have working under you?

M: Me, personally? Well, I am the lead financial officer, so, in our financial department, we have three accountants and one financial secretary.

Dilogue Two

M: Will tommorow be the labour day, I think it would be a nice gesture to let all the memebers of laborial staff to leave work an hour early. What do you say?

F: What! That sounds perfectly ridiculous! Labour Day is a holiday for everyone,not just laborial staff, and we get a whole day off tomorrow anyway, so, what's the point of an extra hour tonight?

M: Well, we all get Labour Day off as holiday, the real purpose of the holiday is to remember all the people who do manual or other hard labour, it 's the celebrate those of workers doing what other people might not be willing to do, I think we ought to do something and honour our common worker.

F: So, if we did allow the laborial force to go home early, how many people are we talking about?

M: In our company, the loborial force makes up sixty percent of our workers, we'll just be letting slightly over half the folks out a little early.


Managerial Staff

Dialogue One

M: Please send this memo out to all the managerial staff, there will be a training for all of the department heads next week, attendents for managerial staff is mandatory except for the financial department, financial officers may participate if their schedule are allowed.

F: You would like me to send this to all the managerial staff? I'm sorry sir, could you please clarify who all is included in managerial staff?

M: Managerial staff is anyone who is in position of authority or responsibility, or who has anyone working under them, it includes all supervisors and deparment heads

F: What about the senior account managers? Do they count?

M: No, they are in the position of leadership and have more experienced nomal account managers, but they do not directly supervise others, they are not members of managerial staff and will not be included in our training.

Dialogue Two

M: Management is going through a big tunnel of the used days, with bills of retire men, and department realying men , we have lost one third of our managerial staff, they've been dropping like flies.

F: Isn't that a good thing? Having few of bosses means having less stress, don't think?

M: Actually, I don't think so, supervisers are really important to make sure everything goes smoothly in the work place. They are necessary for diving up work and disciplining our employees, if there is no one to keep an eye on us, no one would get any work done, you know what they say, when the cat's away, the mice will play.

F: We do need leadership, but what we don't need is too many people to lead us, you know what they say about too many chiefs and not enough indians.

M: All right, I get your point.






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