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時(shí)間: 楚薇20 分享

我們都知道備考雅思口語需要在平時(shí)積累多一些素材,并且多多參考別人的優(yōu)秀范文,下面小編給大家?guī)硌潘伎谡Z話題范文:west lake。

雅思口語話題范文:west lake

Describe an interesting tourist attraction

You should say

Where it is

What you can do there

And explain why you think it is interesting


Ok then, well the tourist attraction that I’d like to talk to you about is West Lake, which is here in Hangzhou. And I apologize if you’ve already heard a lot of other candidates talk about it, but out of all the tourist attractions I know, West Lake is the one I’m most familiar with, and I really do think it lives up to its reputation as being one of the most beautiful lakes in China.

But anyway, as for where it is, well as I mentioned just now, it’s here in Hangzhou, but to be more specific, it’s actually right in the heart of the city, so um… yeah, it’s very accessible, and also very easy to find. For example, it’s only, like, a five-minute taxi ride from the train station, and you can also get the subway there.

And um… regarding what you can do there, well, a good way to take in all the scenery is to just wander around the lake. And there are also quite a few teahouses dotted around the lake, some more expensive than others, I might add, so if you do go to one, it’s a good idea to take a quick look at the prices before you sit down and make yourself comfortable, otherwise you might be in for a bit of a shock!

What else? Um..…. Oh yeah, of course, you can go on a boat on the lake, and if it’s your first time there, then it’s something you should definitely do, because I’d say it’s probably the best way to experience the beauty of the lake and its surroundings.

So yeah, it’s a really interesting place to visit, and if you haven’t been there yet, you should definitely go if you ever have the chance!


lives up to - If someone or something lives up to what they are expected to be, they are as good as they are expected to be.

right in the heart of the city – in the centre of the city (地方、位置或時(shí)間)準(zhǔn)確地,恰當(dāng)?shù)?,精確地 You can use “right” to emphasize the precise place, position, or time of something)

it’s very accessible -易到達(dá)的(If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it)

take in the scenery -看風(fēng)景

dotted around -散落 (If things are dotted around a place, they can be found in many different parts of that place.)

I might add - 我應(yīng)該補(bǔ)充一下

make yourself comfortable - 讓自己舒服些

you might be in for a bit of a shock - 你可能會大吃一驚!



考官點(diǎn)評:在對考試的所有誤解中, 這種觀點(diǎn)是最普遍的,也是最有害的。數(shù)學(xué)題有正確答案和錯(cuò)誤答案。在對話中,你可能會犯語法錯(cuò)誤或發(fā)錯(cuò)音,但就內(nèi)容而言,是沒有對錯(cuò)的!有些回答可能會有點(diǎn)長,或有點(diǎn)詼諧,或有點(diǎn)創(chuàng)意……
















1 、口語考試的成績與你的真實(shí)水平是正相關(guān)的,但不是成“正比”的。也就是說,在你毫無準(zhǔn)備的情況下,它能夠準(zhǔn)確地測出你屬于哪一個(gè)檔次的。但是,一旦經(jīng)過充分的準(zhǔn)備,那么你的成績將會被人為的放大,而這完全取決于兩個(gè)人在現(xiàn)場的主觀博弈——你和考官。

2 、“要把考官當(dāng)人看”,而不是“機(jī)器”(雖然你心里是這么想的)??谡Z考試考察的是考生的“溝通”能力,而非單純的“口語”能力。


3 、“多算勝,少算不勝”。我們不能打無把握之仗,而要在考試前積極備戰(zhàn),從而使雅思口語考試的科學(xué)性在你的成績上體現(xiàn)的微乎其微。因?yàn)榭谡Z考試采用的是題庫制,所以所有的題目都能從網(wǎng)上找到“機(jī)經(jīng)”。你完全可以做到有的放矢的備考。

雅思口語中such as 的用法

such as 是雅思考試中一個(gè)大家很熟悉的詞組,但是很多備考雅思的同學(xué)經(jīng)常做的事情是記詞匯替換譬如說like, for example, for instance, a case in point等等,卻很少真正將such as這個(gè)詞用準(zhǔn)。

雅思替換講解1 在句中出現(xiàn),而不是句首,這個(gè)和for example區(qū)分很大

例:Many students are interested in some non-academic courses. For example, they like music and sports.

例:Many students are interested in some non-academic courses such as music and sports.

雅思替換講解2 后面加名詞或者動名詞,不能加句子或者是動詞

例:Children should be given more time to pursue some hobbies such as they play sport and learn music. (應(yīng)該改成playing sport and learning music,動名詞才可以)

雅思替換講解3 such as 后一般不加逗號,直接加名詞

雅思替換講解4 一般加兩個(gè)或者以上的名詞或者是動名詞;如果只加一個(gè)名詞,一般前面不用加逗號;如果加好幾個(gè)名詞,往往such as前要加逗號

例:Countries such as New Zealand have a long record of welcoming refugees from all over the world.

雅思替換講解5 一般緊跟在所解釋的名詞后,不能夠中間用其他詞或者內(nèi)容隔開

例:Students are interested in several subjects in this course such as child abuse and malnutrition. (例子是解釋subjects,不能放在in this course 后面)

改成:Students are interested in several subjects such as child abuse and malnutrition in this course.

雅思替換講解6 such as 后面的名詞必須是前面名詞的解釋,具備類似的性質(zhì)

雅思替換講解7 如果是單句的話,such as前面不需要用逗號,但是如果后面還有分句或者從句,要用逗號


Even when hildren use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction.

雅思口語話題范文:west lake相關(guān)文章:

雅思英語口語Part 3易忽視的3個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)






