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時(shí)間: 小鈿1254 分享



  1.We want deliveries on time, not excuses我們需要的是按時(shí)交貨,而不是借口。

  2.I apologize for the late delivery, but the carrying vessel hadan accident對(duì)于貨物的遲交我深表歉意,原因在于運(yùn)輸船舶出了事故。

  3.Did you get the bill of lading for you last shipment?你們收到前一批貨的提貨單了沒有?

  4.Your quotation is on CIF basis What risks are you usuallycovered against?你報(bào)的是到岸價(jià),那么通常情況下你方對(duì)什么風(fēng)險(xiǎn)進(jìn)行投保?

  5.It‘s a longtime since I had the pleasure of seeing you……我們很久不見了。

  6.You must be tired from the long flight Please take a resttoday長(zhǎng)時(shí)間地搭乘飛機(jī)您一定累了,今天就請(qǐng)好好休息吧。

  7.Since it is hot today, I‘m sure a beer after work will tastewonderful既然天氣這么熱,我覺得結(jié)束工作后喝一杯啤酒將會(huì)特別爽快。

  8.There is nothing I enjoy more than going on ahike沒有一樣事情能夠像足球那樣讓我入迷。

  9.I must admit I don‘t take a great deal of interest incooking我得承認(rèn),我的承認(rèn)我對(duì)烹調(diào)一點(diǎn)不感興趣。

  10.Going and looking around the suburbs is a marvellous way tospend a day off休息日到郊外走走看看 不失為一個(gè)好方法。

  11.What sort of work do you do at X?您擔(dān)任什么職務(wù)?

  12.It‘s really very kind of you to come to see meoff您能來送行真是太好了。

  13.I‘ll be looking forward to our next meeting我期待我們下一次的會(huì)面。

  14.Thank you for your kind invitation, but I just learned I haveto go on a business trip tomorrow謝謝您的邀請(qǐng),但正好我明天出差。

  15.Can you give me a price list with specifications?能否給我一份有規(guī)格說明的價(jià)目單呢?

  16.The price depends on quantity價(jià)格依數(shù)量而定。

  17.Can you offer a quantity discount?大量采購(gòu)有折扣嗎?

  18.what would happen to the price if we doubled the order?如果訂貨量加倍的話,價(jià)錢怎么算?

  19.If you order in large quantity I think a discount would bepossible若是惠于大量采購(gòu),本公司尚可酌情降低價(jià)格。

  20.I can‘t say offhand exactly how much我不能立即告訴您多少錢。

  21.Raw material prices have risen, so we can‘t sell our product atthat price原料漲價(jià)了,這樣的價(jià)錢沒辦法賣。

  22.We‘re selling at cost already我們已經(jīng)是按成本價(jià)賣了。

  23.To start business, I‘ll try to talk them into accepting a %reduction, if you agree為了做成生意,如果您同意的話,我試著說服他們接受%的降價(jià)。

  24.The freight rates and the insurance premium are not included inthe price這個(gè)價(jià)格還不包含運(yùn)費(fèi)和保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)。

  25.We are experienced in marketing products similar to yours andquite familiar with customers‘need我們?cè)阡N售類似你們的產(chǎn)品方面很有經(jīng)驗(yàn),很熟悉顧客的需求。

  26.We have good connections with all the leading importers andwholesalers in our country我們與我國(guó)所有的主要進(jìn)口商批發(fā)商有著密切的聯(lián)系。

  27.You are driving a hard bargain你固執(zhí)己見,不肯讓步。

  28.Very often in a campaign, two or more media are usedtogether一般情況下,在廣告宣傳過程中,常常是兩種或更多的媒體一起使用。

  29.We should get to know who are the audience for the selectedadvertising media我們應(yīng)該了解對(duì)于(我們)選定的廣告媒介哪些人是真正的聽眾。

  30.We approach the retailers directly, without anymiddleman我們直接和零售商打交道,不經(jīng)過任何中間人。

  31.Before fixing our prices, we have to know what your servicecharges will be在我們定價(jià)之前,我們的了解你們將收取多少服務(wù)費(fèi)用。

  32.My biggest concern now is business promotion Can you give mesome tips?我最關(guān)心的是產(chǎn)品的促銷。你有什么建議嗎?

  33.Would you like to leave a message for Mr Smith?您想給史密斯先生留個(gè)口信嗎?

  34.I‘m sorry, Mr Smith is speaking on another line Will youwait?抱歉,史密斯先生正在接另一個(gè)電話。

  35.Well, if you leave your name and number, I‘ll tell him to callyou back when he is free那么,您留下您的姓名和電話號(hào)碼,我會(huì)告訴他讓他有空時(shí)給您回電話。

  36.I‘ll get in touch with him and call you backlater我會(huì)與他聯(lián)系,過一會(huì)兒給您回電話。

  37.If you install more memory, you can use it fairlywell如果增加內(nèi)存的話,你的電腦就還可以用。

  38.E-mail seems to have reformed the organization ofcompanies電子郵件似乎已經(jīng)改變了公司的組織形式。

  39.Since opened our homepage one week ago, our access number hasgrown to over onethousand自一星期前我們有了自己的網(wǎng)頁(yè)以來,上去瀏覽的人數(shù)已經(jīng)超過人了。

  40.The most remarkable difference of the Internet from TV andvideo is that it is “interactive”, that is, it allows two-waycommunication互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和電視錄影帶最明顯的不同在于它是“互動(dòng)的”,也就是說它允許雙向溝通。

  41.The number of people who quit their jobs and begin SOHOs shouldincrease more and more為了從事SOHO而辭去在公司的工作的人數(shù)應(yīng)該會(huì)越來越多。

  42.We have pleasure insending you our catalogue, which gives fullinformation about our various products所寄我方目錄,提供了各類產(chǎn)品的詳細(xì)情況。

  43.We have large quantity of …?in stock我方可大量供應(yīng)……現(xiàn)貨。

  44.Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under aconfirmed, irrevocable, divisible and transferable L/C withoutrecourse for the fullamount付款方式為保兌的不可撤銷的可分割的可轉(zhuǎn)讓的無(wú)權(quán)追索的全部金額即期信用證支付。

  45.Another thing, you‘ll please cover WPA and War Risk, whichare the general clauses of marine insurance, won’t you?


  47.Another thing, I‘d like to have the insurance of the goodscovered at % of the invoice amount另外,我希望按這皮貨發(fā)票金額的%來投保。

  48.Therefore I regret very much we can‘t bear you to file a claimon us因此,我非常抱歉我們不能接受你方的索賠。

  49.We‘re filing a claim with our insurancecompany我們正向保險(xiǎn)公司提出賠償要求。

  50.After the draft is completed, we can work out any minorproblems草案擬好后,我們就可以處理細(xì)節(jié)了。

  51.I‘m afraid you can’t get a refund, but you can pick and choosestill you find the most satisfyinggoods很抱歉不能退款,但您可以挑選更換,知道您滿意。

  52.Now show me your receipt and let me check it給我收據(jù)核對(duì)一下。

  53.I‘d like to show you to see our showroom Please look at ourdisplay products我?guī)秸故局行挠^看我們的產(chǎn)品。

  54.Do you have any printed material on this product?由關(guān)于這種產(chǎn)品的說明書嗎?

  55.I‘m sorry we can’t give this as a sample but we‘ll make asample discount of twenty percent很抱歉,我們不贈(zèng)送樣品,不過樣品可以打八折出售。

  56.You‘ll understand our products better if you visit theplant看看工廠,你就會(huì)比較了解我們的產(chǎn)品。

  57.We check each component before we installit每個(gè)組件在裝配前都要經(jīng)過檢驗(yàn)。

  58.Our rejection rate is less than two percent不良率不到%

  59.We always pay attention to improving ourquality我們一直用心于提高質(zhì)量上。

  60.We have some questions about after-saleservices我們對(duì)售后服務(wù)有幾點(diǎn)疑問。

  61.The main mechanism carries a three-year warranty Within thewarranty periods, all repairs arefree重要的機(jī)器有三年保修期,在保修期間,所有的維修都是免費(fèi)的。

  62.I‘d like to talk about an exclusive agencyagreement我想談?wù)動(dòng)嘘P(guān)獨(dú)家代理權(quán)一事的合同。

  63.What is the total annual turnover you could fulfill?你們能完成的年銷售額總量是多少?

  64.I‘m thinking of offering you a sole agency in Australia on thefollowing terms and conditions我考慮在下列條件下指定你們作為我們住澳大利亞的獨(dú)家代理。

  65.I would like to receive from you a detailed report on currentmarket conditions every month in thefuture今后,我想每月收到你一份詳細(xì)的現(xiàn)時(shí)市場(chǎng)行情報(bào)告。