英: In the following conversation, Carol Jacobs is a senior executive from a corporate1 head office. She's on a business trip to the company’s Asia Division office (joint2 venture in Beijing)。 David Li, the Vice-President in charge of Asian operations, greets her.
David: Good morning, Carol. It's great to see you again.
Did you have a good trip over?
Carol: Yes, it was a good flight. I was a little tiredyesterday, but I'm OK now.
David: Great! If you're ready, I’d like to introduce you to some of our key personnel.
Carol: Let's go. . . . .
David: Carol, this is Kathy Chen, our Financial Officer.
Kathy, I'd like you to meet Carol Jacobs.
Carol: I'm pleased to meet you, Kathy. You’re doing a great job. The division's finances are in top shape.
Kathy: Thank you, Ms Jacobs. I'm happy to meet you,too.
David: And this is Ben Guo. He's in charge of Marketing3.
Ben, let me introduce Carol Jacobs.
Ben: How do you do, Ms Jacobs?
Carol: It's a pleasure to meet you, Ben. So you’re the one responsible for those outstanding sales figures I've seen.
Ben: Thank you. I must say I have a great staff.
David: I think you'll find all of our staff is top-notch.
Carol: I'm already convinced of that, from the reports I’ve seen. Well, I'd like to see our manufacturing operation now, if I could.
David: Sure thing! Right this way ……
ollowing are some sentences that make use of merger1 and acquisition terms:
Merger / acquisition
That company lives by mergers2 and acquisitions.
They just keep growing and growing.
I think that company is ripe for a takeover. They have great market share but they’re in poor financial condition.
Leveraged3 buyout
That leveraged buyout was some smart thinking on your part. We diversified4 our product line and expanded our market share without laying out any cash.
Crown jewels
In our lineup of health care products, the Cosmetics5 division is our crown jewel.
Saturday night special
That announcement sure blindsided them. It was a Saturday night special and we caught them asleep at the wheel
Sleeping Beauty
I wonder which Prince Charming will court that Sleeping Beauty.
Shark watcher
They just hired a shark watcher to avoid sudden death.