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  1. Relevant experience 相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗

  Twenty-three percent of hiring managers say the candidate's ability to relate their experience to the job at hand is the most important factor in the hiring decision. Unfortunately, new graduates often underestimate the experience they have through internships, part-time jobs and extracurricular activities, but 63 percent of hiring managers say they view volunteer activities as relevant experience. 23%的招聘經(jīng)理稱應聘者的相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗是決定是否雇用的最重要的因素。不幸地是,應屆畢業(yè)生往往低估實習、兼職及課外活動的重要性。而63%的招聘經(jīng)理稱他們會將志愿者活動當作相關(guān)經(jīng)驗。

  2. Fit within the company culture 是否適應企業(yè)文化

  Just because you look good on paper doesn't mean you're a shoo-in for the job. To 21 percent of employers, the trait they most want to see in a candidate is the ability to fit in with co-workers and the company. Offering up a blank stare when the interviewer asks why you are the right fit for the job will not go over well. Just be yourself, but mind your i's -- never insult, interrupt or irritate the interviewer. This can also be evaluated by that "unimportant" small talk at the beginning of an interview or non-job-related questions like "What was the last book you read?" 你的簡歷做的好并不意味著就能獲得工作。21%的招聘者最希望應聘者具有的素質(zhì)是能和同事相處融洽、融入公司。在被問到為什么認為自己適合這份工作的時候,面無表情地緊盯面試官就不是一個好做法。表現(xiàn)出正常的狀態(tài)就好,但注意絕不要侮辱、打斷或惹怒面試官。面試前“不重要”的簡短談話,或那些與面試無關(guān)的問題,如“你最近讀過什么書”,都能評估出你能否融入公司。

  3. Educational background 教育背景

  Nineteen percent of hiring managers place the most emphasis on your educational background: the institution you attended, major, minor1 and degree earned. Be sure to also include courses taken and completed projects if relevant to the job. With grade point average, it's tricky2. A good rule of thumb is to omit it unless it is 3.0 or higher and denote if it's your overall or major GPA. 19%的招聘經(jīng)理對教育背景最為關(guān)注:學校、主修、輔修及學歷。如果你學過的課程、完成的項目和工作有關(guān),一定要寫在簡歷中,面試時也要提到。如果成績一般,那就有點兒困難。一個經(jīng)驗之談是如果成績特別好,你可以在簡歷中小提一下,否則就不必要提了。

  4. Enthusiasm 熱情

  Passion for the job is the top characteristic 19 percent of employers look for in a candidate. Employees who are passionate3 about their jobs tend to be more productive workers. The answer to "Why do you want to work here?" should always focus on the strengths of the company and the challenge of the position, not the perks4. A "take or leave it" attitude about the job will leave the employer feeling the same about you. 19%的雇主最看重工作熱情。那些對工作有熱情的員工往往會創(chuàng)造出更大的生產(chǎn)力?;卮稹盀槭裁茨阆朐谶@家公司工作”,應該集中在這家公司的強項及職位的挑戰(zhàn)性上,而不是報酬。“我的條件你不接受就拉倒”的態(tài)度會讓雇主也產(chǎn)生和你一樣的想法。

  5. Preparedness 面試準備

  Eight percent of hiring managers say the ideas you bring to the table and the questions you ask carry the most significance. Come in prepared to discuss how your qualifications can specifically contribute to the success of the company. Actually put yourself in that role and explain how you would perform your work and ways to improve it. 8%的招聘經(jīng)理對于應試者闡述的想法以及提出的問題最為看重。準備好,討論你的能力具體會如何給企業(yè)帶來成功。把自己放在應聘的職位上,闡述你將如何開展工作及改善工作方法。


  By Alexandra Levit, Author, "They Don't Teach Corporate1 in College: A Twenty-Something's Guide to the Business World"

  I will never forget how lost I felt the summer after my graduation from college, and in the nine years since, I've spoken to countless2 20-somethings who feel incredibly pressured to find their true calling immediately and build a successful career in a particular field before their 25th birthdays. 我永遠都不會忘記大學畢業(yè)后的那個夏天,我是多么地失落。在接下來的九年里,我和無數(shù)二十來歲的年輕人探討過。對于要立即找到自己的“天職”,并在25歲之前在某個領(lǐng)域干出一番事業(yè),他們都感到有巨大的壓力,

  A more realistic challenge is to ease yourself slowly into the work world by following a few strategies that many people don't try until they're well into their 30s. School probably taught you a lot of things, but the business world's unique set of rules may not have been part of the story. 一個更為現(xiàn)實的做法是遵循一些策略來讓自己緩慢進入職場??稍S多人直到三十歲后才開始去嘗試這些策略。學校也許教會了你許多東西,但是職場這套獨一無二的法則可能漏掉了。

  Hopefully these tips will get you started on the right foot 希望下面這些建議能讓你的職業(yè)生涯有一個好的開始:

  Pick a Career Instead of a Job


  Looking for a job haphazardly3, because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting, you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you, and then you'll have to leave it to find something else. Why not plan your career strategically, just like you planned your education? 隨意找一份工作,只不過因為你的專業(yè)相關(guān)或感到工作內(nèi)容有趣,那么你可能會進入一個對你來說并沒有真正吸引力的行業(yè),不用多久你就得再去找工作。何不用戰(zhàn)略的眼光來規(guī)劃你的職業(yè),就像曾規(guī)劃教育一樣?

  Start by doing a self-assessment that teaches you things about yourself that you might never have thought about -- for example, what you like and don't like in a work environment, what defines success for you, and what type of work would make you want to sit in traffic for hours just for the privilege of showing up. Knowing these things can help you determine which occupations could be a good fit for you. 你可以先作個自我評估,這會讓你了解許多你不曾注意到的事情——例如,你喜歡怎樣的工作環(huán)境、討厭的工作環(huán)境又如何;你認為怎樣才算是成功;什么樣的工作會讓你寧愿忍受幾小時的交通堵塞、僅僅為了出現(xiàn)在辦公室?了解這些能幫你決定那些職業(yè)適合你。

  If You Can't Get a Job Right Away, Don't Despair


  If you start thinking of yourself as a victim or allow yourself to lapse4 into prolonged negativity, you won't be hurting anyone except yourself. Worrying until you get sick, abusing drugs or denying that you've reached an impasse5 won't help either. The best strategy for moving on is to recognize the reality of the situation, acknowledge your feelings and find a way to cope productively. Reach out to your support systems, and consider taking some time off -- after all, you'll never have the freedom of being between school and work again! 如果你開始把自己看成“受害者”,或是長期消極,受傷的只會是你自己。煩惱到生病、吸毒或不承認自己遇到了僵局,這些都是沒有幫助的。最好的辦法是承認現(xiàn)實、承認自我感受,找一個有富有成效的方法來解決問題。向支持你的人尋求幫助,考慮休息一段時間——畢竟,將來你不會再有這種不用上學也不用工作的自由了。

  Network Like Mad in Your Chosen Field


  A huge percentage of job openings aren't advertised because employers prefer to hire people through word of mouth. Developing relationships with people working in your field, then, means that you're top of mind whenever they hear of a new opportunity. 許多工作空缺都不會登廣告招聘,因為雇主更喜歡任用推薦的人選。和在你的領(lǐng)域工作的人們建立聯(lián)系的意義是:當一有新機會出現(xiàn),人們頭腦中第一時間想到的就是你。

  Learn about new contacts by researching firms in your industry, joining social networking sites like LinkedIn, asking your parents' friends, and joining relevant professional associations. Approach individuals by e-mail first, and don't put them on the defensive6 by asking for a job outright7. Instead, show curiosity about their career path and see if they'll agree to lunch or coffee. 你可以調(diào)查你所在行業(yè)的公司,或者,加入在線社交網(wǎng)站,或是問問父母的朋友和參加相關(guān)的職業(yè)組織。這些都能幫你建立聯(lián)系。可以先用電子郵件和別人取得聯(lián)系,不要明確地提出想獲得工作,這會使對方心生戒備。對他們的職業(yè)生涯表示好奇;然后,問一問是否能同他們一起吃午飯或喝咖啡。

  Hone Your Reputation as a Can-Do, Enthusiastic Employee


  Don't have a sense of entitlement -- your company isn't responsible for your career growth: you are. Only approach your boss with a problem or complaint if you've explored all options for resolving it yourself. When you do, be prepared with a solution you could implement8 with her help. 不要認為什么都是“應當”的——你應該對自己的職業(yè)發(fā)展負責,而不是你的公司。 在向老板提出問題或是抱怨之前,先嘗試一切能自己解決的辦法。如果你不得不提,也要準備好一個解決方案,這個方案有她的幫助就能實現(xiàn)。

  The words I don't have time should never escape your lips. If you know something needs to be done, do it without being prodded9. Your boss will quickly come to see you as someone she can count on and a huge asset to the team. If you have conflicting priorities, ask your boss to help sort them out. 絕對不該說“我沒有時間”這樣的話。如果你知道需要做某項工作,應該不用敦促地完成。你的老板很快會把你看成一個靠得住的人、團隊的一大資產(chǎn)。如果要做的事情先后順序有沖突,讓老板為你決定。

  Don't Think of Your First Job as the Be All, End All to Career Stardom


  How can you master the skills it takes to get ahead without putting any time in the trenches10? That's like saying you could win an Olympic medal in swimming without learning to doggie paddle first. Look at your first post-college positions as temporary stops on your career path instead of permanent ones. Don't be in such a rush to get promoted either -- you have a long career life ahead of you to shoulder the heavy burden of being on top. In the meantime, enjoy getting paid to learn everything you can so that snagging your next job isn't quite as challenging! 不從底層做起你怎么能掌握發(fā)展所需要的技能?這就好比連狗刨都沒學會就想在奧運會上拿金牌。把你剛畢業(yè)后的工作看成職業(yè)生涯中的臨時站點而不是永久站點。也不要急著獲得晉升——前方的職業(yè)道路由你扛重擔的時間會很長??鞓返匾贿吥弥べY一邊學習吧,這樣獲得下一份工作就不費吹灰之力了!








你知道用人單位都想要什么樣的員工嗎?正在找工作的人可要注意了,接下來,小編給大家準備了應屆畢業(yè)生個人求職須知,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 應屆畢業(yè)生個人求職須知 1. Relevant experience 相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗 Twenty-three percent of hiring


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    就跟推銷一樣,目的都是要引起顧客(雇主)興趣,達到成功推銷自己的效果。很多求職者沒有寫Cover Letter(求職信)的習慣或根本不知道Cover letter的重要性。