● 什么是“橫向展開”?
“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Primary school is considering that they may spend more time on teaching young students (aged between 5 and 11) technology, such as computers, than on teaching music and art. ”
The years between the ages of 5 and 11 is the critical period when people’s characters form. 【“橫向展開”時,The first句話不是段落的中心句,而是“賣關(guān)子”的開始?!縏hey either become charismatic individuals, who have good aesthetics and proper manners and can give an artistic touch on everything they do, or become boring people, whose thought is mechanically programmed. 【第二句話,順沿The first句話的中心信息(people’s characters form),但是依然不把話說破。】At this point, isn’t it clear that young minds are cultivated when music and other forms of art are learned and they may be stiffened when they are occupied by the codes? 【到了第三句話,一下子命中要害?!?For example, _____. 【然后正常舉例詮釋上面的道理,舉例過程可以和大家日常習慣的局里方式無異?!?/p>
“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Taking a lot time to make decisions was a bad quality for people to have, but now, is a good quality for people to have.”
【我們再試一次“橫向展開”:】Often, poor decisions have a number of limitations in common. 【The first句說不好的決定肯定有問題,又是“賣關(guān)子”的開始:】 When the decision-making is broken down, we see no step-by-step calculation, no swings or hesitation, and obviously no discussions with others.【第二句具體說說做出不好的決定的過程中缺失的東西?!?Instead, there are impulses, underestimation of the implications and plenty of blind spots.【第三句說說這個過程中有哪些問題?!緼t this point, isn’t it apparent that all of these deficiencies are time-related? In other words, if the decision-maker could take some time, the decision would not be bad. 【到了第四句話,一下子命中要害?!縁or example, _____. 【然后正常舉例詮釋上面的道理,舉例過程可以和大家日常習慣的局里方式無異?!?/p>
※※ “橫向展開”:即行文時,不要用中心句一句話把段落大意總結(jié)出來后再細化,而是用一步一步推導的方式最后得到(主體部分中分論點的)結(jié)論。
You never have a second chance to leave the first impression。中國學生在英文寫作中露出的一個難題就是習慣于運用一些老生常談(cliché),這樣的用詞往往會給讀者帶來負面的第一印象。比方在表達“損壞”這一概念時,大多數(shù)中國學生想到的單詞是“break”,很少有學生能運用更地道和更形象的“undermine”,“devastate”和“jeopardize”。中文寫作時,教師通知咱們要用一些“好詞好句”。
高分作文首要需求學生可以寫對語句,其次運用單個特別句式如虎添翼,打破高分。比方300字的作文中有認識的寫四五個長語句,一起運用比如定語從句,非謂語,兩層否定,倒裝的語句。比方在描繪“我每天都想你”這個語句時,大多數(shù)學生會寫“I miss you every day”。這樣的表達單一庸俗,毫無立異。
高分作文的表達方法是“Never does a day go by without missing you.(不想你一天都過不去)”。這個語句運用了兩層否定以及否定詞前置倒裝的表達方法。我常常通知學生,第一個呈現(xiàn)在你腦海里的表達常常也是另外學生想到的表達,想要在寫作中鋒芒畢露,就要把握一些特另外表達句式。
階段寫作的難點之一是找不到資料。冰三尺非一日之寒,寫作資料需求學生平常多堆集。TOEFL的寫作與平常日子休戚相關(guān),學生在寫作的時分可以朝“本錢,收益,危險,安康,學習,人際,環(huán)境和時刻”等方面找資料。而SAT的寫作資料學生也可以從“應(yīng)戰(zhàn)威望,窘境成功,美好挑選,謊話詐騙”等方面樹立個人的作文比如庫。階段寫作另一個難點是連詞成句。簡略的說,寫階段就像玩 Jigsaw Puzzle(拼圖玩具),每一塊小的拼圖猶如階段里邊的語句。完好的拼圖是靠每個小圖像之間對應(yīng)的杰出和洼陷相互組合而成,只要當每兩個小圖像的銜接正確了,整幅拼圖才干完結(jié)。階段也相同,只要每兩個相鄰語句銜接正確了,整個階段才干達意。若是學生可以順暢寫出單個的語句,再把握并排,轉(zhuǎn)機,遞進,因果,假定,退讓和總分等邏輯銜接詞的正確運用方法,階段寫作就方便的解決。
Despite all the evidence, experts continue to debate weather global warming exists, how extensive the problem is, what the likely effects will be and whether any remedy is possible.
Despite all the evidence, experts continue to debate the existence of global warming, the extent of the problem, its likely effects and any possible remedy.
(1)明喻:比喻詞出現(xiàn):as, like, as if…
In many ways, no doubt, our world grows more and more complex, sputniks cannot be simple; yet how many of our complexities remain futile, how many of our artificialities false. Simplicity too can be subtle-as the straight lines of a Greek temple, like the Parthenon at Athens, are delicately curved in order to look straighter still.
America has given the Negro people a bad check, which has come back marked insufficient funds.
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice; moderation is the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
The Negro has a callus growing on his soul and it is getting harder and harder to hurt him here. That is a simple law of nature. Like a callus on the foot in a shoe that is too tight. The foot is nature’s and that shoe was put on by man. The tight shoe will pinch your foot and make you holler and scream. But sooner or later, if you do not take the shoe off, a callus will form on the foot and begin to wear out the shoe.
It is the same with the Negro in America. That shoe-the white man’s system—has pinched and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it has almost destroyed him. But it did not. And how a callus has formed on his soul, and unless that system is adjusted to fit him, too, that callus is going to wear our that system.
Dawn was beginning to prowl about the sky and put out the starts.
For she was beautiful—her beauty made the bright world dim, and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of a shade.
托??荚噷懽鞅乇?a href='http://www.yishupeixun.net/fwn/xiaqishi/' target='_blank'>范文:Scientific Theories
In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.
A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientist’s predictions, the theory is supported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.
Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As the mathematician Jules Henri Poincare said, “Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.”
Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have learned about a particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem are formulated. These possible solutions are called hypotheses.
In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extends the scientist’s thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes observations to test hypotheses. Without hypothesis, further investigation lacks purpose and direction. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories.
