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打開《托福官方指南》,你會看到,ETS在“組織”上提到了三個關(guān)鍵詞“Unity統(tǒng)一性,Progression漸進(jìn)性, Coherence連貫性”。這是出題官方機(jī)構(gòu)對托福獨立寫作文章架構(gòu)上的全部要求。什么是統(tǒng)一性?就是說你找到的分論點和你通篇的總觀點是一個方向的,不能一會同意,一會不同意。即分論點要指向總論點。同時,所有的論據(jù)都必須指向論點。第二個,漸進(jìn)性,指的就是找到的論點必須要有層次性,不能寫三段都是都在同一個層面說事情,而應(yīng)該層層推進(jìn)。最后一點,連貫性。指的是兩部分,一個是形式上的,就是要適當(dāng)運用一些連接詞,把句子和句子或者段與段直接連接起來,這樣看起來比較一氣呵成。第二是內(nèi)容上,也就是論證的時候,不管用什么論證方式,說理還是舉例,還是說理+舉例,都要有一條清晰連貫的邏輯線隱含在里面,讓考官可以很順暢的看完通篇。


1. 審題,抓關(guān)鍵詞,關(guān)鍵詞多為名詞和形容詞,最重要的是一些限定詞。全文都要圍繞題目展開論述,緊緊扣題。

2. 文章結(jié)構(gòu)最好為四段式,字?jǐn)?shù)400字以上。

3. 理由段落結(jié)尾 進(jìn)行段落點睛。

4. 理由段論證一定要體現(xiàn)嚴(yán)密的邏輯,思維不能跳躍。

5. 切忌大量模板,尤其在論證過程中出現(xiàn)大量繁瑣的沒有實質(zhì)內(nèi)容的模板句。

6. 學(xué)會發(fā)散思維,不要就事論事。

7. 短期與長期




第二人稱人稱代詞“you”在托福寫作中不是一點不能用,但是也并不提倡使用。學(xué)術(shù)性文章里對語言風(fēng)格的要求可能因人而異,按照嚴(yán)格的要求,人稱代詞(“personal pronouns”)是不應(yīng)使用的,如“I, we, you, they”等等,不使用人稱代詞,你的文章看上去就十分的正式和客觀。因此,如果你將來遇到的教授比較嚴(yán)格或保守的話,可能會要求你改掉所有有人稱代詞的句子。



2.“amounts of”和“numbers of”的用法一樣嗎?

一個同學(xué)在作文里寫了“amounts of people have the opportunity to work at home nowadays”這樣的句子。也有很多同學(xué)寫過“a great amount of historical buildings”或“the amount of printed books”這樣的表達(dá)。他們往往將“amounts of”或“an amount of”當(dāng)成了“a lot of”或“l(fā)ots of”的替代表達(dá)。

“a lot of”或“l(fā)ots of”一般來說的確不太適合用在書面表達(dá)中,但是它們修飾的名詞可以是可數(shù)名詞,也可以是不可數(shù)名詞,因此用不著多做考慮。然而,用“an amount of”或“amounts of”來修飾的名詞,根據(jù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)用法的要求,應(yīng)該修飾物質(zhì)名詞(如water)或抽象名詞(如pain),也就是不可數(shù)的名詞。因此,用它們來修飾“people”、“buildings”這樣的可數(shù)名詞是不正確的。那么,什么量詞用來修飾可數(shù)名詞呢?“a number of”或“numbers of”,如:“a large number of cars”。

語法要點:“an amount of”或“amounts of”用在不可數(shù)名詞前面,而“a number of”或“numbers of”用在可數(shù)名詞前面。其區(qū)別基本相當(dāng)于“many”和“much”的區(qū)別。



事實上,在地道的英文文獻(xiàn)中,“between”后面放n多個事物或人物也是常見到的。那么,“between”和“among”兩個介詞的意思區(qū)別在哪兒呢?“between”更為強(qiáng)調(diào)多個事物或人物中相互之間“一對一”的關(guān)系,如“the conflicts between the three kingdoms”,“among”則更有“群體感”,強(qiáng)調(diào)所有個體之間存在的東西,如“the feeling among the test takers”。


4.“such as”和“l(fā)ike”能彼此替代嗎?

“such as”和“l(fā)ike”都是常用來完成舉例的介詞。它們之間是可以互相替換的,不管后面是一個例子還是多個例子。使用它們的時候,要在“such as”或“l(fā)ike”的前文寫一個較大范圍的概念(如cities),然后“such as”和“l(fā)ike”后面寫這個較大概念范圍下的具體例子(如“Beijing and New York”)。我們既可以寫“cities like Beijing and New York”,也可以寫“cities such as Beijing and New York”,而且后者還可以變成“such cities as Beijing and New York”的樣子。

語法要點:你可以將“such as”和“l(fā)ike”進(jìn)行替換,不用擔(dān)心后面所舉例子的數(shù)量。


如果本該寫“people”的地方寫成“persons”,會讓英美國家的讀者感到不舒服,如“Li Na’s story has inspired many persons”,就十分awkward,應(yīng)該改成“Li Na’s story has inspired many people”。

傳統(tǒng)語法有這樣的說法:如說明特定人數(shù)時,用“persons”較合適,如“five persons”;如無特定人數(shù),則“people”較好,如“many people”。不過,現(xiàn)在“people”前面加具體數(shù)字的做法已經(jīng)被普遍接受了,如“five people”。倒是反過來“many persons”或“a large number of persons”看上去十分不合適。


6.“so”和“so that”的意思是一樣的嗎?

經(jīng)常看到同學(xué)們在要寫“so”的地方寫成“so that”,如:“Nowadays parents are extremely busy in their work so that they do not have enough time to communicate with their children”。這個句子如果按照現(xiàn)在寫成的樣子翻譯,意思就成了“如今的父母工作十分忙碌,就是為了讓他們沒有時間和自己的孩子交流?!焙茱@然,這不是作者想表達(dá)的意思,這個“so that”的使用是錯誤的。

“so”是表因果關(guān)系的連詞,可以翻譯成“所以”,其后面的句子是上文的結(jié)果,如“It was late, so we stayed at her place for the night”?!皊o that”的意思則等同于“in order that”,意思是“為了...”,指為了達(dá)到一個特定的目的而做某事,比如這個句子“I’ve tried to hide my feeling so that no one knows, but I guess it shows”,翻譯過來就是“我試著去掩蓋我的情緒,為了不讓人發(fā)現(xiàn),但它流露了出來”。

語法要點:“so”表示上文的結(jié)果,“so that”表示上文中的行為的目的,兩者是有根本區(qū)別的。



審題誤區(qū) 忽略關(guān)鍵詞



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the only main cause for people's unhealthy eating habits.

看到這個題目,同學(xué)們立刻會開始想,有沒有other reasons for unhealthy habits,想出三條如:1. People's tight schedules do not allow them to eat at regular hours; 2. Sometimes people are eager to lose weight or to keep fit so that they go on "endless diets"; 3. Bearing heavy burden both physically and mentally, some consider eating constantly as their most effective stress reliever. 綜上所述,advertising is not the only cause.

這個寫法看起來非常完備,但其實犯了一個不起眼卻嚴(yán)重的錯誤--題目不是要我們證明it is not the only cause,而是要我們?nèi)プC明it is not the only main cause。多一個"main",意思是很不一樣的。如果我們只需要證明it is not the only cause,那么找出other causes即可即例1中的寫法。但是,如果我們要證明it is not the only main cause,就需要證明other causes that we mentioned are also main causes,這就需要在每一段中加上一些專門的說明?;蛘?,更簡單的辦法是去證明advertising is not even a cause, 直接在每段的末尾加上advertising與該段所論述的unhealthy eating habit無關(guān)的論述即可。If it is not a cause, how can it be the onlymain cause? 這樣一來,就不用通過證明還有其他main cause來反駁了,事實上,證明某種cause是main cause還是挺有難度的,因此筆者推薦同學(xué)們用后一種方式進(jìn)行論述。因此,文章還是disagree,而三段的主題句分別應(yīng)該是:1、1. People's tight schedules do not allow them to eat at regular hours, and it is obvious that they are too busy to be influenced by advertising; 2. Sometimes people are eager to lose weight or to keep fit so that they go on "endless diets", and this is more like a result of human nature, the pursuit of beauty, but not advertising; 3. Bearing heavy burden both physically and mentally, some consider eating constantly as their most effective stress reliever, and it is quite clear that no advertising encourages them to do so.

例2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges and universities should offer more preparation for student before they start working.

看到這個題目,很多同學(xué)會可能會這樣寫:Agree. 1. Students should take morespecializedcourses(專業(yè)課)in order to be knowledgeable and skillful enough for their future careers(接著開始論述being knowledgeable and skillful的重要性); 2.Participating in internships helps students to have a clearer picture of their vocational development in the future(接著開始論述,如果沒有實過習(xí),在工作的時候是多么地feel so unprepared); 3. Attending more club activities is an effective way to improve social skills, which are crucial for success both in life and at work(接著開始論述good social skills對職業(yè)和生活的幫助).如果不看括號里的內(nèi)容,僅看主題句,這篇文章是沒有任何問題的。然而,括號中的論述從嚴(yán)格意義上來講,是不能支持"more"這個關(guān)鍵詞的。舉個簡單的例子:"我們需要錢"和"我們需要更多錢"在證明的時候重點是不一樣的。如果證明"我們需要錢",應(yīng)該詳細(xì)

闡述錢的"不可或缺性",比如生活、學(xué)習(xí)、教育都需要錢;但是如果證明"我們需要更多錢",重點則應(yīng)該放在"錢不夠"的論述上,證明在學(xué)習(xí)、生活、教育方面的預(yù)算都很緊張。同樣地,上面的題目中僅僅證明Knowledge for careers, field experience and social skills are important是不夠的,事實上,這些根本不需要證明,需要證明的事情是graduates today are not well prepared in the three aspects. 因此這篇文章應(yīng)該是一篇"抱怨型"的文章,詳細(xì)地去論述學(xué)校工作的不足。參考思路如下:Agree. 1. Many students today complain that they cannot learn practical skills and up-to-date information, for some of their teachers are not qualified enough to teach specialized courses; 2. Since many students are not allowed enough time to participate in internship programs before graduation, they know very little about what their future jobs like; 3. Joining clubs is possible for every college student, yet not every club provide is capable of offering enough opportunities for students to practice their social skills.

同學(xué)們在寫文章的時候一定要注意,學(xué)術(shù)論文寫作不是句型和辭藻的堆砌,整篇文章一定是一個well-organized system,這個system中很重要的原則之二就是--1、每個中間段的topic sentence是用來支持main idea的;2、topic sentence后面的每句話都是用來支持該topic sentence的。在上面的兩個例子中,大家會發(fā)現(xiàn)例1的錯誤主要是main idea沒有很好地被topic sentence支持;而例2的錯誤在于topic sentence雖然看起來是支持main idea的,但是論述的內(nèi)容可能跟關(guān)鍵詞"more"無關(guān),從而不能有力地支持topic sentences。這些錯誤的起因,則是對題干中關(guān)鍵詞的忽略。

審題誤區(qū)NO.2 誤解關(guān)鍵詞



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should spend more money on elementary schooleducation than on university education.

題目的意思是說,比起投資大學(xué)教育,政府應(yīng)該在小學(xué)教育上投入更多的資金。看到這個題,同學(xué)們會有不同的看法,大體來講無非是兩種--認(rèn)為university education應(yīng)該花更多的錢或反之。但是,大家很快會發(fā)現(xiàn)證明任何一種觀點都是不容易的。比如說,有些同學(xué)可能會這樣寫:Agree. 1. Elementary school education involves more students than university education and it requires more money; 2. Colleges and universities have more sponsors than elementary schools so that the government should offer more financial support for the latter.

3. Since elementary school education is the cornerstone of university education, it deserves more money from the government.

上面的主題句看起來是沒有問題的,然而在展開的時候困難重重--個點里說Pupils的數(shù)量多所以花錢多,這的確是事實,可是pupil人均所需要的經(jīng)費卻肯定比university students少,關(guān)鍵的是,我們并沒有數(shù)據(jù)作為支撐;第二點里說校友或社會人士的支持使得大學(xué)在財政方便面比小學(xué)要寬裕的多,然而,這還是一個沒有數(shù)據(jù)就無法證明的觀點;第三點里說elementary school education是university education的基礎(chǔ)所以前者就應(yīng)當(dāng)比后者得到更多的預(yù)算,這是一個典型的邏輯錯誤,因此在段落展開的時候?qū)掷щy。A是B的基礎(chǔ)并不意味著要為A花更多的錢??傊?,錢本身就是一個可以量化的東西,如果真的以錢的多少來寫這道題,在沒有數(shù)據(jù)支持的情況下是很難成文的。許多同學(xué)之所以在寫的時候覺得自己的文章很牽強(qiáng),就是因為把該文當(dāng)成了論述題,而大家要知道,論述題都是要會給出數(shù)據(jù)讓我們來分析的。那么,在沒有數(shù)據(jù)的情況下,這種題目該怎么寫呢?找到money后面的implication很重要。其實,題目并不是要我們?nèi)ビ懻撃姆N教育應(yīng)該花更多的錢,而是讓我們?nèi)Ρ葍煞N教育的重要性,自然地,更加重要的教育就應(yīng)該花更多的錢。所以我們可以有以下論述:

(Main idea)I cannot agree that the government should spend more money on elementary school education than on university education, because they are equally important.

(Topic sentence) 1. Elementary school education prepares children for college education by teaching them how to learn and what they are supposed to learn. 2. University education helps students to be ready for the competitive job market by equip them with excellent knowledge for jobs and good communication skills.

(Conclusion) Since elementary school education and university education are both indispensableandirreplaceable parts of our lifelong education and they complete each other, it would be rigid tosay that anyone of them deserves more money than the other.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges and universities should offer more preparation for student before they start working.

Colleges and universities are the very places where students prepare themselves for the competitive job market. They can take specialized courses, and they can participate in internships, and they can also attend club activities. Although universities and colleges have done much for students, there is still more they can do.

Many students today complain that their specialized courses cannot satisfy their need for practical skills and knowledge for specific careers. The enrollment of colleges and universities in my country has been increased considerably over the past decades, but the quality and the quantity of teachers and professors are not improved that much. Many newly graduated students without any field experience joined faculties due to the lack of teachers, and students find it hard to learn anything more than what their text books contain. Many students are disappointed by teachers who know nothing but reading books. Colleges and universities really should spend more money on hiring experienced and qualified teachers to teach specialized courses, providing students with what they really desire.

Internships and club activities provide students with chances to practice their social skills, but internships are always too short and club activities are not always available to all students. My sister is now a junior in university and she only had a two months' internship during her summer vacation. She complained that since the internship was too short, the company did not take it seriously and she was required to do nothing but buying coffee or ordering meals on the phone and she seldom had chances to communicate with colleagues or clients. Club activities are only available to active students who attend "active clubs" like Student Union, and member of other clubs seldom have opportunities to organized activities due to their shortage of money, resources, and even authorization. Universities and colleges should allow students more time for internships and pay equal attention to all clubs instead of supporting the Student Union only.

University students today are very lucky to have opportunities to increase their knowledge of their challenges in the future, but they are still not fully prepared. Measures should be taken if colleges and universities aim to have them well prepared for the fiercecompetition ahead.










