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It is a breach of their natural rights to take them by force into captivity for our own purposes.

Animals have the right to be treated as beings of value in themselves, not as the means to human ends.


The right to life is inviolable and protected by law.

One human right is the right to life and taking a life away by execution is cruel, inhumane and degrading.


People should be free to participate in activities with others as long as it does not affect the safety of non-participants.


They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices.


Compulsorily retiring old employees can affect the older individual’s freedom- and right- to work and can deprive society of valuable experience and insights.


Banning alcohol infringes people’s civil liberties to an unacceptable degree.


While a government has a responsibility to protect its population, it also has a responsibility to defend their freedom of choice.


Banning advertisements is a severe restriction upon freedom of speech.

We have accepted that freedom of expression should have limits.

The risks of stifling free expression far outweigh the potential for unacceptable material.

An individual's rights end when they impinge on the safety and rights of others.


Famous people deserve privacy and respect.

Although, generally speaking, the media should not interfere in people’s private lives, there are times when it is correct to do so.


Mothers should have as much freedom as anyone else in society to decide what is best for them and their children.


If they feel that the child would be best educated at home, by them or by another, that is their right.


They feel that this is one area of life where they have the right to make decisions for themselves.


Among these opponents are“equal education” advocates, who argue that every student has the same right to enjoying high quality education regardless of gender, race, wealth, and most importantly, regardless of their minor differences in intellectual abilities.


So-called"elite culture" should be available for all to enjoy, and not just confined to the rich.




Whale hunting is an important aspect of some people’s cultural heritage.


Architecture is part of a country’s cultural heritage.


Language is a type of cultural heritage.

Language is often seen as a badge of identity and more conflict may be created if the global community is seen to prefer one language to another.


Television is mostly directed to films and shows that have commercial purposes but little cultural value.


It is not purely ecosystems which are damaged by the pressure of consumption(e.g. by sewage output or pressure on water resources), but also ancient monuments or heritage sites.



It changes our society for the worse, making us all conform to a bland,"Hollywood" model of entertainment in which regional traditions and diversity are lost.


The diversity of languages is endlessly fascinating.


Subsidised companies can afford to take more risks and to experiment, enabling new styles and forms of art to emerge and to become popular.


Tourism demands that an area conform to a certain stereotyped image, requiring the local inhabitants to make a caricature of their own culture.


Spending all your time in school restricts the circle of people you come into contact with.

Interaction with other pupils is a crucial element of a child’s development


PE is an aspect of school being about more than just book learning?C it is about educating the whole person, a holistic education that betters us in an all-round sense, rather than a merely academic experience.



Killing whales for human use is morally wrong.

Modern whaling is humane, especially compared to the factory farming of animals like chickens, cow and pigs,(themselves a relatively intelligent and social species).


Traditional hunting methods are often particularly cruel.

Overall, however, the essential point is that it is morally wrong to kill animals for pleasure and no amount of economic benefits can make that right.


We need to make sure that the millions of animals who are used for testing new products are treated with the minimum of suffering. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures as mercifully as possible will demonstrate our humanity.

Those against the use of animal testing claim that it is inhumane to use animals in experiments. I disagree completely. It would be much more inhumane to test new drugs on children or adults.


Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible.



Many scientific and cultural programs are shown on television, which give new educational opportunities for our society.


Zoos nowadays are not marketed as places of entertainment- they are places of education.


Free and cheap access to the arts is crucial for education.


By executing criminals you are ruling out the possibility of rehabilitation.

Some criminals are beyond rehabilitation;


This could be done by a process of education that points out the way a small family can mean an improved quality of life for the family members, as well as less strain on the country’s, perhaps very limited, resources.


If learning responsibilities and work experience are considered to be important, then children can acquire these by having light, part-time jobs or even doing tasks such as helping their parents around the family home, which are unpaid, but undoubtedly of value in children’s development.


If they cannot play make-believe games, how can they develop their imagination? How can they learn physical co-ordination or learn important social lessons about winning and losing if they do not practice any sports?



There is nothing unusual about energy like coals and oils being consumed, principally because economic development depends on natural resources all the time. But what is happening today is extraordinary judged by the standards of the past. It is energy depletion on a massive scale and this problem is so knotty that should deserve our closer heed.

Amongst the diverse factors contributing to the energy crises around the world, government’s short-sighted policies and citizens’ extravagant use of automobiles are probably the two most significant ones. By presuming on their natural resources, quite a few countries, especially developing ones, are eager to develop their economy in order to gain an edge over their rivals. Admittedly, their intensive use of the energy facilitates, to some extent, the developments of other industries in short term. Additionally, the amount of private cars increases at such a breakneck speed that the petroleum used amounts to an intimidating proportion of the natural resources.

The consequences are undoubtedly disastrous for human beings. Although countries can boast their growth of GDP, their citizens have to endure the ever deteriorated environment with stinking gas belching from factories and vehicles, polluted water due to fuels infiltrating underground, even ultraviolet radiation in the absence of ozone layer and, therefore, their quality of life is by no means improved. Also, sustainable

development can never come into true in this situation, meaning that our descendants can benefit nothing except sterile land and polluted air and water from their ancestors.

Therefore, our government must take serious steps to attack those problems. The first and foremost is that governments have to reverse their mindset and no longer deem the growth of GDP their first goal. Rather, the betterment of citizens’ quality of life should deserve more attention than the economic growth. Furthermore, the use of private cars should be discouraged by authorities, who must shoulder the responsibility of improving public transportation in order to facilitate people as well as release the burden of energy consumption.

In conclusion, to avoid the phrase “filthy rich” added to themselves, countries must pay more heed to the efficient use of their energy and the issue of environmental protection, while they develop their economy; otherwise, environmental apocalypse and energy crisis are feared to happen in the horizon.



Are computers an essential feature of modern education? What subjects can be better taught using computers? Are there aspects of a good education that cannot be taught using computers?


Topic words

Computers Essential features / absolutely necessary

Modern education / good education

Task words

There are no specific task words. Three separate questions are given.

Questions I should ask myself

Do I think computers are essential for education? What subjects do I think are best be learnt using computers? What do I think are the features of a good education, and are computers important in it?

The answer must

Answer each of the three related questions. If you answer the second and third question you will answer the first question, which is the most general and gives the basic topic of the essay. Show which subjects can benefit from the use of a computer, and explain why a computer is so useful. Show what cannot be taught by computer, and explain why a computer cannot help with those areas. After explaining when computers are useful and when not, write a compulsion in which you say whether computers are essential in education or not, using arguments from your essay.


Introduction shows main idea

Computers are now essential in many areas of life – modern banking, retail and information exchange among others. However, this is not true for education. At a simple level some subjects may be better taught using computers, but to explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable.

Why computers do well, with examples

There are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to teach. Elementary mathematics, elementary language leaning, any area which requires a student to memorize basic facts through repetition is well suited to computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide an endless number of simple questions, and as the student answers these questions the facts are learned and reinforced.

What computers cannot be, with an example

However, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer is not adequate. A computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong, but it cannot determine why. It cannot find out why a student is making mistakes, and then re-present important concepts in a different way so the student will understand. It cannot determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the student has made an error, it can only indicate that the final answer is wrong. Tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught by computers, as there are too many variables for a computer to deal with successfully.

Conclusion re-states main ideas

Thus, while computers may be useful as a tool for practicing simple skills, they are not an essential feature of modern education, because they cannot monitor a student's grasp of concepts, nor evaluate a student's reasoning. Until further developments in computers are made the human teacher will remain indispensable.



When designing a building, the most important factor is inside use of the building rather than its outside appearance. Do you agree or disagree?

Which is more important, function or appearance? This has always been a hot topic for so many years.


As people are becoming more and more practical, they pay great emphasis on functions of things. But when people are satisfied with material life, they have spiritual requirement. And aesthetics is one of their pursuits.

The basic requirement of a building is its inside use. No one buys a house that he cannot live in only to appreciate its appearance.

As I have said, modern people are practical, so we never do things that cannot benefit us. But with the new techniques and advanced tools, up until now, human beings have no problem to construct a building to satisfy our practical use, thus in this sense, on the basis of usefulness, we have a higher requirement of beautifulness.

That’s why our world has become more and more beautiful.

But it also depends on different cases. Buildings used for exhibition should not be the same with those used for residence. Great buildings for exhibitions or used as museums are art works themselves and worthy of our appreciating.

The most famous is Sydney Theatre. Many people visit it for its great beauty rather than enjoying concerts.

If the building is only for us to live in, then there is no necessity to invite a famous architect do design such an elegant house. Such buildings are also out of our purchasing power.

To sum up, the inside use and the appearance are both very important. But it doesn’t mean that we should always give the same weight to the two. It should depend on concrete occasions.



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