


時(shí)間: 美婷1257 分享



  the emotional pain that heartbreak evokes is excruciating. Nothing else matters, no one else matters. We can barely function, think, or move. We feel removed from everyone and alone in a haze of unreality, trapped in our shattered world. All we can see is the person who broke our heart, and all we can feel is terrible pain.


  What we want most is for the pain to ease, to stop hurting so badly — but that is not what our mind wants.


  When our heart is broken, our mind has a very different agenda than we do. As a result, it ends up deceiving us and making things worse. If we want to stop hurting and move on, we need to know when NOT to trust what our mind tells us.


  Why We Cannot Trust Our Mind When We Have a Broken Heart

  當(dāng)我們心碎的時(shí)候, 為什么我們不能相信自己的思想.

  To stop hurting, we need to accept the reality of the breakup and make efforts to move on. We need to reduce the amount of time we spend thinking about the person who broke our heart. We need to diminish their presence in our thoughts and our lives, slowly but surely.


  Our mind wants to do the opposite. Our mind wants us to think about the person all the time, to hold on to the pain and never forget who and what caused it. Our mind wants this, because it is trying to "protect" us in the manner in which it typically does. If something causes us pain, like a hot stove, our mind’s job is to remind us not to touch that hot stove again, to make sure we remember how painful it was the first time. The more painful the experience, the more our mind will labor to make sure we don’t forget it, so we never make that "mistake" again. Given how excruciating heartbreak is, our mind will do everything it can to keep that pain fresh in our thoughts. As a result, our mind will trick us into thinking that ...:


  1. Our ex was the best, the one, the only one.


  Our mind will try to remind us of our ex’s best qualities. Images of them at their best will pop into our head unbidden. However, this unbalanced, unrealistic, and idealized portrayal of the person who broke our heart will only make the pain we feel worse.

  我們的大腦會(huì)試圖提醒我們前任的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。他們最好的形象會(huì)不請(qǐng)自來(lái)地出現(xiàn)在我們的腦海里。然而, 這種不平衡的、不現(xiàn)實(shí)的、理想化的描述傷透了我們的心, 只會(huì)讓我們感覺(jué)更糟糕。

  2. The relationship made us happy all the time.


  No, it didn’t; no relationship does. There were plenty of frustrating, annoying, or hurtful moments, and we should recall those as well.


  3. If we just text them or contact them, we will feel better.

  3.如果我們只是發(fā)短信或者聯(lián)系他們, 我們會(huì)感覺(jué)更好。

  The urge to text, message, call, or email will be very strong. But doing those things will only make us feel more desperate and needy, and hurt our self-esteem.

  發(fā)短信、留言、打電話(huà)或發(fā)電子郵件的沖動(dòng)將會(huì)非常強(qiáng)烈。但是做這些事情只會(huì)讓我們感到更加絕望和貧窮, 傷害我們的自尊心。

  4. Talking about the breakup with all our friends will ease our pain.


  No, it won’t. Talking about emotionally painful events is natural — even useful, if we do it in a problem-solving way, or if we do it to get emotional validation. But just going over the same details again and again will only make us feel worse.

  不, 不會(huì)的。談?wù)撉楦猩贤纯嗟氖虑槭呛茏匀坏? 甚至是有用的, 如果我們用解決問(wèn)題的方式, 或者我們這樣做是為了獲得情感上的認(rèn)可。但是一次又一次地重復(fù)同樣的細(xì)節(jié)只會(huì)讓我們感覺(jué)更糟。

  5. We have to know exactly why the breakup occurred.


  Having a clear understanding of why a breakup occurred is actually useful. However, few of us ever get a clear and honest explanation for such things. Trying to get into our ex’s head to understand why things didn’t work out is a rabbit hole. Better to settle on "they weren’t in love enough" or "we were not the right match."

  對(duì)分手的原因有一個(gè)清晰的理解實(shí)際上是有用的。然而, 我們當(dāng)中很少有人能夠?qū)@些事情做出清楚和誠(chéng)實(shí)的解釋。試圖進(jìn)入我們前任的腦袋里去理解為什么事情沒(méi)有解決是一個(gè)兔子洞。還不如說(shuō)"他們不夠相愛(ài)"或者"我們不合適"








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