


時(shí)間: 楚薇0 分享

托福寫作占據(jù)著托??荚囍斜容^重要的一部分,也是大部分考生分?jǐn)?shù)比較偏低的部分??忌鷤兿胍岣?strong style="white-space: normal; box-sizing: border-box; transition: none 0s ease 0s; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1.8; color: rgb(42, 48, 60); font-family: "WenQuanYi Micro Hei", "Microsoft Yahei", "PingFang SC", sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">托福寫作分?jǐn)?shù),需要不斷的練習(xí)以及一些詞匯的累積。平時(shí)做一些句子翻譯的練習(xí)也不失為一個(gè)好辦法!下面小編給大家?guī)?lái)50個(gè)托福寫作翻譯練習(xí)及答案分享。


1. 旅游業(yè)不但給政府帶來(lái)稅收而且給很多人提供了就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)。

2. 賭博不但對(duì)健康有害,而且會(huì)影響家庭和睦。

3. 打工不但能讓學(xué)生賺零花錢,而且還能讓他們學(xué)到人際交往的能力。

4. 現(xiàn)在很多學(xué)校的校服不但貴,而且還難看,質(zhì)量不好。

5. 政府不但要多建一些公路,還要鼓勵(lì)人們多使用公交車。

6. 老人們既不需要很多的錢,也不需要很大的房子,他們最需要的是子女的關(guān)心和照顧。

7. 我喜歡旅游,但是,我既沒(méi)有錢,也沒(méi)有時(shí)間。

8. 在老人院,老人既能夠接受到醫(yī)療,又能夠找到很多有共同話題,共同興趣的的伙伴。

9. 繳稅既是有有利于國(guó)家,也是有利于個(gè)人。因?yàn)檎亩愂罩饕糜诠卜?wù),這個(gè)是每個(gè)人都會(huì)受益的。

10. 打電腦游戲既浪費(fèi)時(shí)間,又有害視力。

11. 打電腦游戲既能使人放松,又能鍛煉大腦的靈活性,反映能力

12. 依照最近的一項(xiàng)調(diào)查,每年有4,000,000人死于與吸煙有關(guān)的疾病。

13. 沒(méi)有一項(xiàng)發(fā)明像互聯(lián)網(wǎng)一樣同時(shí)受到如此多的贊揚(yáng)和批評(píng)。

14. 許多專家指出體育鍛煉直接有助于身體健康。

15. 無(wú)可否認(rèn),空氣污染是一個(gè)極其嚴(yán)重的問(wèn)題:城市當(dāng)局應(yīng)該采取有力措施來(lái)解決它。

16. 考慮到問(wèn)題的嚴(yán)重性,在事態(tài)進(jìn)一步惡化之前,必須采取有效的措施。

17. 盡管這一觀點(diǎn)被廣泛接受,很少有證據(jù)表明飛機(jī)會(huì)造成災(zāi)難性的污染。

18. 沒(méi)有人能否認(rèn):教育是人生最重要的一方面。

19. 事實(shí)上,我們必須承認(rèn)生命的質(zhì)量和生命本身一樣重要。

20. 我們應(yīng)該不遺余力地保護(hù)我們的環(huán)境。

21. 現(xiàn)在,人們普遍認(rèn)為

22. 我同意后者,有如下理由:

23. 這一觀點(diǎn)正受到越來(lái)越多人的質(zhì)疑。

24. 使用自行車有助于人們的身體健康,并極大地緩解了交通阻塞。

25. 盡管自行車有許多明顯的優(yōu)點(diǎn),但是它也存在它的問(wèn)題。


26. 在速度和舒適度方面,自行車是無(wú)法和汽車、火車這樣的交通工具相比的。

27. 通過(guò)以上討論,我們可以得出結(jié)論:自行車的優(yōu)點(diǎn)遠(yuǎn)大于缺點(diǎn),并且在現(xiàn)代社會(huì)它仍將發(fā)揮重要作用。

28. 這個(gè)問(wèn)題已經(jīng)引起了廣泛關(guān)注。

29. 很多人生活在這樣的幻想之中。。。

30. 就我而言,我同意教育不應(yīng)該隨著畢業(yè)而結(jié)束的觀點(diǎn),有以下原因:

31. 現(xiàn)在越來(lái)越多的人開(kāi)始相信學(xué)習(xí)新的技術(shù)和知識(shí)能直接幫助他們獲得工作就會(huì)或提升的機(jī)會(huì)。

32. 藝術(shù)資助對(duì)于很多發(fā)展中國(guó)家是個(gè)奢侈的做法。(art funding, luxurious)

33. 興建體育場(chǎng)館和劇院等會(huì)浪費(fèi)政府有限的財(cái)政。(stadium, theater, tight budget)

34. 政府資助藝術(shù)家和音樂(lè)家的做法其實(shí)就是濫用納稅人的錢。(taxpayer)

35. 保護(hù)瀕危的動(dòng)物需要花費(fèi)大量的公共資金,對(duì)于發(fā)展中國(guó)家而言,是個(gè)沉重的經(jīng)濟(jì)負(fù)擔(dān)。(endangered species, economic burden.)

36. 電腦游戲太誘人了,以至于很多孩子都沉迷其中不能自拔。(alluring abandon oneself to)

37. 有些小孩缺乏自控和自律能力,整天沉迷于網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲和網(wǎng)上聊天。(self-control, self-discipline)

38. 有些小孩缺乏自律能力,整天沉迷于網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲和網(wǎng)上聊天。(self-discipline, be addicted to)

39. 減肥的最好方法就是減少攝入的熱量,同時(shí)增加活動(dòng)量。(lose weight, the level of physical activity)

40. 應(yīng)該對(duì)私家車進(jìn)行限制,因?yàn)槠嚺欧诺挠卸練怏w里含有許多的致癌物。(emit, toxic gas, carcinogen)

41. 體育鍛煉有利于人們減壓。(physical exercise, mental strain)

42. 過(guò)分沉迷于電腦游戲會(huì)導(dǎo)致近視和肥胖。(overindulgence, myopia, obesity)

43. 電視和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使人們與朋友疏遠(yuǎn)了,因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在人們?nèi)狈εc朋友面對(duì)面的交流。(alienate…from…, face-to-face communication)

44. 國(guó)際旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展可能導(dǎo)致國(guó)與國(guó)之間緊張關(guān)系的加劇。(tension)

45. 如果老人到敬老院住,他們會(huì)覺(jué)得自己沒(méi)有價(jià)值了,被家人拋棄了,同時(shí)感到絕望。(useless, desert)

46. 通過(guò)旅游,有不同種族和政治背景的人會(huì)更加了解對(duì)方,從而消除誤會(huì)和偏見(jiàn),維護(hù)世界和平。。(remove misunderstanding and prejudice)

47. 出國(guó)留學(xué)的好處包括:全球意識(shí)增強(qiáng),語(yǔ)言學(xué)習(xí),跨文化交際,獨(dú)立性,自信心和適應(yīng)性增強(qiáng)。(global awareness, cross-cultural communication, adaptability)

48. 許多人認(rèn)為國(guó)際旅游對(duì)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展有積極作用,應(yīng)鼓勵(lì)地方政府發(fā)展國(guó)際旅游。但是這些人忽視了國(guó)際旅游可能會(huì)給當(dāng)?shù)丨h(huán)境和歷史造成的災(zāi)難性的影響。

49. 就我而言,我堅(jiān)定地認(rèn)為國(guó)外旅游者的數(shù)量應(yīng)得到限制,理由如下:

50. 雖然科技帶來(lái)了很多便利和效率,也同時(shí)帶來(lái)了環(huán)境的惡化。


1. Gambling not only harms people’s health but also damages family harmony.

2. Taking part-time jobs not only enables students to earn pocket money/allowance but also learn interpersonal skills.

3. The government should not only build/construct more roads but also encourage people to use public transport. pass

4. The elderly neither need big houses nor much money. What they need is their children’s care and attention.

5. Nowadays, many school uniforms are not only expensive/pricy but also ugly and poor-quality.

6. I enjoy traveling, but I neither have money nor time.

7. In nursing houses, the elderly can both receive medical care and find friends who have similar topics and hobbies with them.

8. Paying tax both benefits a country and individuals, because/for the government’s revenue is mainly used for public services, which is rewarding to everyone.

9. Playing computer games both wastes time and impairs eyesight.

10. Playing computer games both enables people to relax and improve brain’s flexibility.

12. According to a recent survey, there are four million ppl who die of smoking-related diseases.

13. No invention has received more praise and abuse than that of the Internet.

14. Many experts point out that sports conduce to health./physical fitness.

15. There is no denying that air pollution is such a serious/severe problem that the government should take effective/strong measures to relieve it.


No one can deny that…


15. Considering the severity of the problem, …

In light of the…

In view of…

16. Despite the fact that this view is widely accepted, there is little evidence that airplanes can cause=result in=give rise to disastrous pollution.


17. Actually, we must admit that life quality is as important as life itself.

18. make every effort to do

19. it is generally accepted that..

20. I agree with the latter view/one for the following reasons. The reasons go as follows.

21. This view is being questioned by an increasing number of ppl.

22. Riding bicycles benefits people’s health, which relieves traffic jams considerably.

23. Despite the fact that bicycles have many obvious advantages,they are not without their problems.

24. Using bicycles contributes to people’s health and greatly reduces traffic jams.

25. Although bicycles have many obvious advantages, they are not without their problems.


26. For speed and comfort, bicycles cannot be compared with other means of transport such as trains or buses.

27. From the above discussion, we can safely draw the conclusion that the advantages of bicycles far outweigh their disadvantages and they will play an important role in modern society.

28. This issue has aroused wide public concern.

29. Many people live under the illusion that….

30. As for me/as far as I am concerned/For my part/from my perspective, I agree that education should not end with graduation for the following reasons.

31. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are beginning to believe that acquiring new techniques and knowledge can help them obtain more employment or promotion opportunities.

32. Art funding is a luxurious practice for many developing countries.

33. Building stadiums and theatres will waste the government’s tight budget.

34. Art funding is a waste of taxpayers’ money. (or the practice of art funding is…)

35. Protecting endangered species requires huge amount of public funds, which is a heavy economic burden to developing countries.

36. Computer games are so fascinating that many children are addicted to them. (用addicted吧。)

37/38. Some children so lack discipline that they are addicted to online games and chatting. (這兩句意思差不多。就記一個(gè)就行了)

39. The best way to lose weight is to reduce the intake of calorie and increase more physical activities.

40. We should restrict the number of private cars( or the number of …should be restricted), because the emissions from cars contain carcinogens( cancer-causing substances).

41. Physical exercise helps relieve pressure.

42. Addiction ot computer games may lead to myopia and obesity.

43. TV and Internet alienate people from their friends because they lack face-to-face communication.

44. International tourism may increase the tension between countries.

45. If the elderly are sent to nursing houses, they may feel they are useless and feel abandoned and frustrated(沮喪)

46. Through international tourism, people from different backgrounds will more understand each other, which can remove misunderstanding and prejudice thus maintaining world peace.

47. The advantages of studying abroad includes the improvement in global awareness, cross-cultrual communication, confidence and adaptability.

48. Many hold that international tourism has positive impact on economic development and we should encourage local government to develop international tourism. However, these people ignore that international tourism may also bring disastrous effect on local environment and history.

49. For me,(見(jiàn)上面有一句), I firmly believe that the number of international tourists should be restricted for the following reasons.

50. Along with convenience and efficiency has come the deterioration(worsening) of the environment.





4.把握3大核心問(wèn)題 快速提升托福寫作