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時間: 楚薇20 分享



Why do you think artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in the society? Discuss.

The immense value of artists lies in keeping a true diary in another way of the society by sending light into the darkness of human hearts. All great masters--painters, musicians, writers--have a mission to record the inner reactions of their emotions to the outside world they live in. What art offers is spiritual space, a certain breathing room for the soul; without art, the crudeness of modern reality would make the world almost unbearable.

Artists at heart do not represent the outward appearance but the inward significance of things. Contemporary paintings, poems and musical pieces link their value to the most accurate perception of what is really going on, and not the official version or the popular impression in the society. Strangely enough, some artists do not seem telling the truth, as if it were a lie that makes the world realize the truth. In many cases, so powerful is the way art is presented in sound, canvas and letters that people can nearly feel like artists knocking at their souls. In this modern age, life may beat down and crush the human soul, and it is exactly that kind of art which is capable of reminding that the soul is still there. By telling the truth to human souls, artists in different disciplines are able to transfer emotional value to the society and wait for an answer.

Even in a world which is increasingly becoming materialistic, artists still have a place. One of the crude aspects of the money-oriented society is that some people seem beginning to learn the price of everything and the value of nothing. Such ignorance is, of course, the enemy of arts in all forms as the society is apparently not aware enough of the valuable contributions that artists can make to the society. It is as easy to under-estimate the role that a painter, a musician, or a writer plaays in the society as to ignore the great contributions made by living artists. So much so that the artistic truth told about modern reality is often undervalued. After all, appealing to the soul, a work of art is emotional and therefore spiritual and its real value defies any artificial price tag.

To discuss the contributions of great artists is to emphasize their spiritual value in the materialistic society and to look into the human soul. Probably the value of all artists is to purify the inner emotions of many human hearts bewildered by the outside world. It may be said that art is a way rather than a thing, and the way of art is illuminating food of spiritual value for hungry souls.



Many people think that music plays an important role in society. Others, however, believe that music is simply a form of entertainment for individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



1. 流行音樂的功能就是娛樂大眾,它的背后目的是賺錢,只是賺錢工具。


1. 經(jīng)典的交響樂的歌詞和背后含義能傳達積極的價值觀,幫助人們建立好的素質(zhì)。

2. 幼兒歌曲《ABC》讓孩子們學(xué)會字母表。


1.很多勵志歌曲, 給受傷的人安慰,給處于逆境和人生低谷的人信心,勇氣和力量。


1. 古典音樂和輕音樂能舒緩神經(jīng),調(diào)節(jié)血壓和內(nèi)分泌,達到預(yù)防疾病的效果。

范文(Band 9):

Music is an important form of enjoyment. It addresses our psychological, mental and spiritual needs. Many people may be hard to imagine how a musician is crazy about music. As far as I can see, apart from providing pleasure, music has many beneficial effects on individuals’ performances.

On one hand, some argue that music is only a form of enjoyment, for modern music, especially pop music, is a medium of commercial companies whose original purpose is to make profits by entertaining consumers. For instance, karaoke bars, concerts, and even the pub are the public places where people listen to music just for fun or to relax themselves by paying money. In other words, what pop music bring to listeners are no more than superfacially sensotary excitements, exclusive from other practical purposes like spirit-level enlightenment or self reflection.

On the other hand, many others believe that to a broader extent, the power of music is far beyond just pleasing people, and its another main social role is of connecting people. When people go to a musical concert, they are with those people who share their musical tastes. Together, they feel the emotions and thoughts that the music evokes. These common feelings easily turn into mutual understanding and respecting, thus strenghthening ties among friends, as well as eliminating the gap between different social classes. To add to it, music improves concentration. Students can concentrate better if light music is played in the background because it kills the other disturbing noises.

Beside, in recent times we have witnessed an increasing trend in parents sending their children to learn various musical instruments such as piano and violin, so more and more people learn the benefits of music. Through learning musical instruments, not only can music help children develop a good personality, but cultivate children an aesthetic sense.

To sum up, music is not just for entertainment. As a form of art, music has enriched individuals’ life in many aspects including promoting our mental, emotional development, and positive personalities.(336)



本題屬于政府投資類話題??荚囋趯忣}時需要注意‘directly improve the quality of life’這個關(guān)鍵短語。換而言之,不管是藝術(shù)還是其他方面與人們的生活水平都是息息相關(guān)的。因此,建議考生在處理本篇文章論點時可以論述兩方的合理性。

paragraph 1 :結(jié)合時代背景引入話題且表明自己的觀點。

paragraph 2: 論述投資其他方面對于提高生活水平的重要性。

paragraph 3: 論述藝術(shù)與生活水平的直接關(guān)系。

paragraph 4: 總結(jié)上文論點,強調(diào)自己的觀點。


Art has less connection with the higher quality of life, as some people contend. Therefore, they claim that government is supposed to allocate funds for other things such as public service and facilities. From my perspective, both material and spiritual needs of citizens should be satisfied as they are directly related to life quality.

On one hand, it is the social welfare and basic infrastructure funded by the authority that meet citizens’ physical demands. A good case is that sound and complete medical care system is an essential service which enables patients to receive accurate and timely treatment; apart from this, children in some poverty-stricken areas are not able to attend primary or secondary school, in which case, the state should fulfill their obligation to invest budget in compulsory education. In terms of public facilities, well-planned transportation system, spacious parks as well as libraries serve the purposes of providing a convenient and comfortable life for the masses. Considering that, policy makers who play a regulatory role in enhancing people’s living standards should regard those resources and services as the first matter of government’s agenda.

On the flip side, it is undeniable that art is the highest from of enjoyment, satisfyingindividual needs in spiritual and mental respects. A man does not live only by bread. Artistic projects such as exquisite sculptures in public exhibition centers, fine paintings in galleries and the concert of classic music in theaters do help people cultivate a better taste for arts and improve the sensitivity of beauty. What’s more, appreciating art works is deemed as an enduring solution to relieve modern people from the highly stressed work and life.

In conclusion, I agree that government should place priority on other tasks while arts deserve financial support as a person who lives in high life quality is not the one that is materially abundant but spiritually barren.(311 words)


題目是:People believe arts like painting and music does not directly improve the quality of life, and therefore they think government’s money should be spent on other things.To what extent do you agree or disagree?作為一道常見的大作文話題,想要得高分也不容易,來看看雅思哥版的高分范文吧:


While some people believe that the government has a duty to provide art to the public, others argue that the government money should be spent on other urgent matters. This essay will examine whether governments should invest money in art.

Throughout the ages, men have created beauty through painting, music, sculpture and other artistic expression which are essential to the cultural heritage of human beings. Investing in art often means that many different forms of culture are maintained: songs, literature and traditions etc. They all contribute to the richness and variety of human culture. Besides, art could be an important part of economy. It can stimulate tourism and create chances of employment. Therefore, it is easily understandable when people claim that the government has a duty to offer art to its citizens.

However, governments need to balance their spending and spend wisely on art, especially when there are many other important issues. In many countries, a large proportion of people still do not have easy access to education 'and medical care. And in some places, famine and poverty are still national concerns. Considering the fact that the budget of the government is not unlimited and investment in art usually in the form of museums is not a small amount of money, the government should give its priority to some other issues.

To conclude, I believe that the government have a responsibility to provide its citizens with art and to make art available to the public and that the proportion of investment in art should be carefully decided as the government is entrusted by its people to improve the quality of life.
