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  People who eat quickly until full are three times more likely to be overweight, a problem exacerbated by the availability of fast food and the decline of orderly dining habits, Japanese researchers said on Wednesday.


  The findings, published in the British Medical Journal, highlight how eating styles, and not just what or how much is eaten, can contribute to an obesity epidemic fueled by the spread of Western-style affluence in many parts of the world.


  The World Health Organization classifies around 400 million people as obese, 20 million of them under the age of five. The condition raises the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart problems.


  For their study, Hiroyasu Iso and colleagues at Osaka University asked more than 3,000 Japanese volunteers aged 30 to 69 about their eating. About half of the men and a little more than half of the women said they ate until full. About 45 percent of the men and 36 percent of the women said they ate quickly.

  Hiroyasu Iso與其大阪大學的同事們分別對3000多名年齡在30-69之間的日本人飲食情況做了調查研究。其中有一半男性以及一半多的女性表示他們會一直吃到飽為止。約45%的男性以及36%的女性表示自己吃飯很快。

  Those who said they ate until full and ate quickly were three times more likely to be fat than people in the "not eating until full and not eating quickly" group, the researchers found.


  They cited as causes both the availability of cheap food in big portions and habits like watching television while eating.


  To counteract the "supra-additive effect" of speedy or glut eating among children prone to obesity, parents should encourage them to eat slowly and in calm surroundings, the study found.




  As reported by many non-government organizations, there is a trend of increasing number of overweight population from the developing countries to the developed countries. The weight of people has been proved by the dominant medicine to associate to one's illness and health condition. Doctors have found that the blood lipid level in an overweight person is usually out of the normal range. The abnormal lipid level has been reported that it leads to high risks of liver disease, heart attack and cerebrovascular diseases. As weight is so important to people's health, it is necessary to analyze the causes behind and find a solution.

  點評:首段寫作不錯,幾乎沒有語法拼寫錯誤,首句介紹背景,接著談及問題影響,尾句交代寫作目的。但是,細節(jié)處依然可以改進,詞匯可以升級,句型可以寫的更加漂亮,雅思寫作畢竟是考察語言的質量。many = numerous = plenteous = countless. There is trend of = it seems to be an inevitable that that. countries一詞在第二次出現的時候可以換成nations, 以避免詞匯的重復。個人認為像cerebrovascular disease. (腦血管疾病) 可以在首段省略,因為這樣的詞匯在真實考場很容易寫錯。The weight of people has been proved by the dominant medicine to associate to one's illness and health condition. 該句表達的不清晰,作者似乎想說,主導性的醫(yī)療機構證實,肥胖是和人的疾病和健康相互聯系的, 但是associate 要和with 搭配使用。最后應該說應該找到一些解決方法,所以,a solution 建議改成some recommendations.


  As reported by numerous non-government organizations, it seems to be an inevitable trend that increasing number of people, ranging fromdeveloping countries to the developed ones, are now facing with obesityproblem. Plenteous medical institutions have already proved that countless diseases could be associated with one’s overweight. Doctors have found that the blood lipid level in an overweight person is usually out of the normal range, which might contribute to high risks of liver disease, heart attack and so on. Considering the severity of fatness, it is of great necessity to analyze the underlying causes and ascertain some recommendations.


  The first reason for the increasing weight of people in the developing countries is the improvements of economy. Due to the economic booming in the developing countries during last century, people could feed their families with more food, which is not available in the past. These extra foods then make extra energy stored in one's body and add one's weight.


  二段的明顯錯誤:economic booming 應該改成 economic boom 或者 the prosperity of the economy. feed family with more food 應該改成 feed families with more foods. make extra energy stored in one’s body 應該改成make extra energy store in one’s body.


  The potential factors triggering one’s overweight are manifold. Here, some of them will be analyzed. The most essential reason engenders people’s obesity in millions of countries is the availability of more and more foods that are high in nutritional value.Virtually, Due to the prosperity of the economy and the betterment of people’s standard of living, modern people now could afford to satisfy their stomachs via enjoying various delicious foods, which usually contain excessive fat, sugar or calories. Imaginably, too much intake of over-nutritious foods will definitely make one put on weight.



  例題:Staying healthy by playing sports and eating well should be an individual’s duty to society rather than a habit for personal benefits. Do you agree or disagree? 保持健康是個人對于社會的責任,但是,不是使個人受益的良好習慣,是否認同?




  1. 個人保持身體健康是個人履行社會責任的體現,因為個人減少了對于國家醫(yī)療資源的消耗。

  2. 個人保持心理健康是個人履行社會責任的體現,因為個人較少做出反社會行為。


  1. 對于個人的利好:增加自信,減少憂慮,人生態(tài)度更加積極樂觀。通過運動可以結實好友,這就意味著快樂的源泉更多。

  2. 對于家庭的利好:可以想象,個人健康狀況令人擔憂,家人必然痛苦和擔憂(例如企業(yè)家和文體明星),因此個人健康可以樂觀地實現家庭的和諧。

  3. 對于事業(yè)和學業(yè)的利好:個人健康可以提高學習效率,使人精力充沛地實現事業(yè)的挑戰(zhàn)。

  1. keep fit = keep wholesome = remains healthy 保持健康

  2. Happiness, lies, first of all, in health 健康是幸福人生的本源。

  3. Health could, to large extent, empower one to face up to career challenges enthusiastically and harmonize family life optimistically. 健康在很大程度上使人精力充沛地應對事業(yè)的挑戰(zhàn)以及樂觀地實現家庭的和諧。

  4. ……instill confidence into one’s heart 增強人的自信

  indoctrinate self-confidence into one’s heart 增強人的自信

  5. to see the sunny side 積極樂觀










