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胃腸Stomach & Bowels


He has a certain disagreeable felling in the stomach when it is empty.

胃不調(diào)upset stomach

消化不良have bad(impaired:defective)digestion;suffer from indigestion(dyspepsia)

胃有毛病have a disordered stomach(stomach disorder);something is wrong with one's stomach.

因過食而傷胃injure one's stomach by overeating oneself

覺食物積滯胃中feel heavy on the stomach

食物不易消化lie(sit)heavy on one's stomach


Thereafter,the digestion was not really good.


Transient nausea and vomiting was present,but no anorexia or weight loss occurred.

欲嘔feel nauseated

有晨吐have morning sickness


暈船(車)be sea-(car-)sick

有點(diǎn)惡心have(experience)some nausea

嚴(yán)重的作嘔have considerable retching

里急后重時(shí)發(fā)生惡心和嘔吐have a spell of N & V while straining at stool

患食欲不振和惡心be anorexic and nauseated

偶而惡心和嘔吐develop occasional nausea and vomiting

老是溢酸,感覺腹脹burp all the time,feel bloated

吐出清凈透明的胃容物with vomiting of clear gastric contents

嘔吐停了,消失了vomiting stopped(ceased),cleared

止吐settle the stomach



The patient developed nausea and vomited bile-stained fluid on several occasions.


With the advent of vomiting,he noted severe epigastric pain as well as severe headache.


At noon on the following day she stared vomiting food,which was followed by bile- stained material.

在病發(fā)時(shí)嘔吐2次vomit twice at the onset

極度反胃regurgitate food violently


One hour later,he vomited watery material containing no blood.


Sometimes the patient vomited once or twice at the height of the attack.


The vomitus of yesterday morning was described as containing indigested food and

greenish water with no evidence of blood.


The vomitus was initially clear but just before hospitalization was said to brownish.


He began to have frequent,frothy,foul-smelling stools.

解大便open(relax;evacuate)the bowel;have a passage

有便意have a call of nature

有1次(2次)大便have a motion(two motions)

沒有大便be constipated

平均每天大便12次averaged 12 stools daily

發(fā)覺糞便中有很多血noticed gross blood in one's stools

開始一天解8次松的多脂糞便began to pass 8 loose greasy stools per day

大便增加到一天4~5次stools increased in number to 4 or 5 daily

更換尿布時(shí)有些糞便have some stool in each diaper change


The stools became fewer in number but he still continued to have 2~3 large loose stools daily.


Two months before admission she had noticed black stools but she disregarded them.


臭味odorless,extremely foul,sour,putrid,less offensive in odor,offensive but no excessively foul

顏色black,tarry,brownish-black,brown,red,green,yellow,light-brown,grey- white(clay-colored)


The stools were of normal caliber and consistency and have never been black.


Stools were very light in color and of mushy consistence.


He complained of intermittent diarrhea alternating with constipation.

便秘suffer from constipation

慣性便秘habitual constipation

時(shí)常便秘be always constipated

有便秘傾向have a tendency to be constipated

只有灌腸才能緩和嚴(yán)重的便秘one's severe constipation was relieved only by enemas


The constipation was very obstinate(stubborn)and he resorted to the frequent use of cathartics.


She became progressively more constipated and noted a narrowing in the caliber of

the stools.



患腹瀉suffer from diarrhea;have(an attack of)diarrhea;have loose bowels

短期的腹瀉發(fā)生了a brief episode of diarrhea occurred

開始瀉腹(自然消失,于兩天后消失)diarrhea commenced(spontaneously disappeared,cleared after 2 days)

偶而瀉肚子have occasional diarrhea

腹瀉厲害,在3~7次之間diarrhea varied in severity from 3 to 7 B.M.

不得不服藥be obliged to take physics

腹瀉未因吃脫脂牛奶而轉(zhuǎn)佳received skim milk without any improvement in the diarrhea

用瀉藥use a purgative


He developed diarrhea with the daily passage of 8~10 stools containing mucous,pus,and bright red blood.


He previously had similar attacks of diarrhea but they were never so severe.




He complained of a drawing pain in both groins and testicles,nocturia,burning on urination and the intermittent voiding of red-colored urine.


一夜有2次小便have nocturia twice nightly (a night)

這次住院時(shí)解出一個(gè)結(jié)石pass a stone on this admission

小便渾濁one's urine is thick(colored)

解出極渾濁,乳白色的尿the passage of highly turbid,milky urine

頻尿frequent urination(micturition)

無法忍受的頻尿intolerable frequency of urination

終末性血尿terminal hematuria

終末尿帶有幾滴血urine terminates with a few drops of blood

排尿痛micturition pain

解尿時(shí)左腰疼痛have pain in the left loin on micturition

小便流勢良好void with a good stream

尿流細(xì)小small urinary stream

常解少量的尿pass small amounts of urine frequently

小便發(fā)生困難dysuria(inability to void)developed

小便時(shí)非常的痛piss pins and needles

變成失禁become incontinent

患便尿失禁develop urinary and fecal incontinence

把尿失禁完全治好obtain complete cure of incontinence

不能把尿盡行解出be unable to void without residual urine


His voiding was accompanied by severe burning,and he was greatly inconvenienced at work.


He has a frequent desire to urinate,but only a few drops cone out each time.


There was a decrease in libido but ejaculation was still present.

發(fā)覺性欲減退note decreased libido

發(fā)覺性欲漸減note gradual loss of libido

性欲有些減退have some decrease in libido

沒有性欲have no libido

性冷感be frigid(unaffectionate)sexually

性欲正常libido is normal

性要求過高(太低)be oversexed(undersexed)

對(duì)于性交無熱誠be unenthusiastic about intercourse

性感不快已有幾個(gè)月了had dyspareunia for a few months

不起勁的性關(guān)系devitalized sexual relationship

25至35歲夫妻的正常次數(shù)normal frequency of intercourse for married couples of 25 to 35

未曾達(dá)到高潮never achieve(reach)climax

在結(jié)婚頭一年時(shí)常不容易達(dá)到極致frequently have difficulty in reaching orgasm in one's marital coitus in the first year of marriage

未曾嘗過情欲高潮的極致have not experienced orgasm

僅有過一次情欲高潮的極致have only had an orgasm once

享受每一動(dòng)作greatly enjoy every act of sexual intercourse

節(jié)欲be continent


Ejaculation was possible but penile erectile strength decreased.


Later,menstruation ceased and she became sexually aopathetic.

陰蒂邊發(fā)癢、有刺激感itching and irritation around the clitoris

婚前的縱欲premarital sexual indulgence

婚前有過性關(guān)系engaged in premarital sexual relationship

接交過性病病人venereally exposed;venereal exposure

染淋疾,患梅毒contract gono.,get syphilis

否認(rèn)與性病有染deny V.D. contact

不能人道inability to perform sexual intercourse

交媾疼痛painful coitus(coition)

突然變成陽萎suddenly became impotent


He noticed a nontender swelling appearing on and off in his right groin one week ago.


The patient complained of pruritus of the penis and itching in the soles of the feet,and an annoying sensation in the gingiva.


Menarche occurred at 13 years of age and the menstrual cycle remained within normal limits until the onset of menorrhagia.

月經(jīng)開始(少量、中等、厚、多) (mild,moderate,frank,heavy)menses begin (start;commence;take place)

經(jīng)期正常28~30日一次have normal period at 28-to 30-day intervals

月經(jīng)規(guī)則,周期為28天,繼續(xù)4天have regular period every 28 days that lasted 4 days

月經(jīng)周期為28天have menstrual cycles of 28 days

月經(jīng)開始不規(guī)則,并且長期無月經(jīng)began to have menstrual irregularities with long period of amenorrhea

月經(jīng)未曾失常have no previous menstrual aberrations

周期變成不定interval became variable

比平常多heavier than usual

發(fā)覺到月經(jīng)持續(xù)不斷并且過多noted persistent excessive menstrual flow

月經(jīng)不來menses did not occur

停經(jīng)已4年be 4 years postmenopausal

在46歲時(shí)停經(jīng)passed(underwent;went through)the menopause at age 46

多量(塊狀,厚多)陰道出血加多,有幾個(gè)月之久increasingly profuse (massive,frank)vaginal bleeding of several months duration.

月經(jīng)過多,并且流出血塊experience(develop)menorrhagia with passage of clots

有些輕微、無痛性陰道出血some slight painless vaginal bleeding

發(fā)覺經(jīng)期外和性交后出血noted intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding

分泌少量厚汁物質(zhì)drained a small amount of purulent material

間歇性的劇烈下腹痛intermittent,sharp,lower abdominal pains


She began to menstruate regularly at 13 at intervals of 28~32 days with slight dysmenorrheal.


The menstrual periods were painful and irregular,occurring approximately twice monthly.


.Receiving the patient(接待病人)

1.How do you do?/ Good morning!您好!(初次見面時(shí)使用)/早上好!

2.What can I do for you?/Can I help you?您需要我?guī)椭鷨?

3.I'll bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed……


4.The toilet is over there.衛(wèi)生間在那邊

5.We supply hot water.我們供應(yīng)熱水

6.Please wait a moment. I'll let your doctor know. /I'll inform your doctor.請(qǐng)等一會(huì)兒,我去通知醫(yī)生.

7.Mary is the nurse /doctor in charge of you.瑪麗是您的負(fù)責(zé)護(hù)士/醫(yī)生

8.Please let us know if you need any help.您需要幫助時(shí),請(qǐng)告訴我們.

9.Smoking is not allowed here.這里不允許吸煙

二.information collection(收集信息)

10.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?您介意我問您幾個(gè)問題嗎?

11.We need some information from you.我們需要從您這兒收集一些信息.

12.Is your tummy still sore?您的肚子還疼嗎?

13.Does your pain come on after or before meals?您的疼痛是在飯前還是飯后發(fā)作?

14.Does it hurt to pass urine?/when I press here?排尿時(shí)痛嗎?/當(dāng)我按壓這兒時(shí)痛嗎?

15.Does your back ache?您的后背痛嗎?

16.Do your feet swell?您的腳腫了嗎?

17.Do you have a cough/fever?您咳嗽嗎?/您有發(fā)熱嗎?

18.Do you bring up any sputum?您咳痰嗎?

19.Is there any radiation of the pain ?(to the shoulder)有放射(到肩部的)痛嗎?

20.How long have you had the pain?您的痛有多長時(shí)間了?

21.When did the pain start?/where is your pain?疼痛從什么時(shí)候開始的/什么地方疼痛?

22.Are your periods regular?您的月經(jīng)規(guī)則嗎?

三.Physical examination(查體)

23.Will you please undress for medical examination?請(qǐng)您脫下衣服做體檢好嗎?

24.Take off your clothes, please.請(qǐng)把衣服脫下來

25.Lie down on the couch, please./Just lie still on the couch and relax.請(qǐng)?zhí)稍谥委煷采?/請(qǐng)安靜地躺在治療床上,放松.

26.Bend your knees, please.請(qǐng)屈膝.

27.Open your mouth and say 'ah“張開口,說:啊

28.Beathe deeply, please./take a deep breath, please.請(qǐng)深呼吸

29.May I examine your tummy, please?我要檢查下您的肚子,好嗎?

30.Roll up your sleeves, please.請(qǐng)卷起袖子.


31.I am going to take your temperature./Please put the thermometer under your armpit.我要測一下您的體溫/請(qǐng)把體溫計(jì)放在您的腋下.

32.Let me feel your pulse.讓我測一下您的脈搏.

33.I'll test/take your blood pressure.我要測量您的血壓.

34. I'm afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level.我要取一滴指血做血糖測定,需要刺一下手指.

35.I'll take some blood from your arm now.現(xiàn)在我要從您的胳膊抽血.

36.Don't take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning .半夜之后不要吃喝任何東西,明天早上抽血.

37.Please bring a specimen of your urine/stool/sputum./ please collect your mid-stream specimen of urine.請(qǐng)留一份尿/便/痰的標(biāo)本/請(qǐng)收集您的中段尿.

38.Please have your blood and urine tests done.請(qǐng)做一下您的血和尿試驗(yàn).

39.You are going to have a CT-scan of your chest/head today.今天您要做一個(gè)胸部/頭部CT.

40.You are going to have a chest X-ray this morning.今天早上您要拍一個(gè)胸片.

41.You are going to have a B-mode ultrasonic exam. Please keep your bladder full.您要做B超檢查,請(qǐng)留尿,使膀胱充盈.

42.You are going to have an gastric endoscopy tomorrow morning. please don't eat or drink

anything after 12 o'clock tonight.明天上午您要做胃鏡檢查,今晚12點(diǎn)之后,請(qǐng)不要吃喝任何東西。

43.You are going to have urine catheterization now.現(xiàn)在您需要導(dǎo)尿.

44.I'm going to do an ECG for you.我要給您做心電圖.

45.I'm going to put a gastric tube into your stomach, this is for gastrointestinal decompression.我要放胃管到您的胃內(nèi),這是胃腸減壓.

We can feed you the necessary nutrients through the tube. Please swallow the tube as I put it down.我們通過胃管給您必要的營養(yǎng).當(dāng)我放管時(shí),請(qǐng)做吞咽動(dòng)作.

46.I'm going to make your bed./ we'll change the bed linen at once.我要給您整理床鋪/我們馬上給您換床單.

47.I'll apply a cold(hot)compress to your ankle.我要給您的踝部冷/熱敷

48.An operation will be done tomorrow/ an emergency operation must be done now.

Will you please sign to give your permission for your operation?明天將做手術(shù)/現(xiàn)在馬上做急診手術(shù).同意手術(shù)請(qǐng)您簽字好嗎?

49.I'm going to shave your skin. / I'm going to do skin preparation for you.我要給您做備皮/我要給您做皮膚準(zhǔn)備。

50.You're going to have a local/general/epidural anaesthesia.要給您做局麻/全身麻醉/硬膜外麻醉.

51.Are you allergic to any medication?/ penicillin?您對(duì)什么藥物/青霉素過敏嗎?

52. I'm going to do a skin test of pennicillin for you./ If you feel itchy or short of breath, please let me know at once. I'll see the result in fifteen minutes. /I'm going to do a tetanus hypersensitive test for you.我要給您做青霉素皮試.如果您感到癢或氣短,請(qǐng)立刻告訴我./我十五分鐘后看結(jié)果./我要給您做破傷風(fēng)皮試.

53.I'm going to give you an intramuscular injection./intravenous infusion/hypodermic injection.我要給您做肌肉/靜脈/皮內(nèi)注射

54.I'm going to give you an enema to help you pass motion.我要給您灌腸,幫助您排便

55.The doctor will change your dressing. /The doctor will remove your stitches.醫(yī)生要給您換藥/醫(yī)生要給您拆線.

56.I'm going to give you oxygen now.我要給您吸氧

57.I'm going to give you nebulization.我要給您(霧化)吸入.

58. I'm going to do bladder irrigation for you.我要給您做膀胱沖洗

59.You have to rest in bed for at least one week您至少要臥床休息一周.

60.How are you today? How was your sleep last night? How is your appetite?您今天怎么樣?您昨晚睡得怎么樣?您的食欲怎么樣?

61.Did you pass motion yesterday?/Are your bowel movements normal?昨天您排便了嗎?/您的大便正常嗎?

62.What color of your urine?您的尿液什么顏色?

63.How much urine do you pass each time?您每次排尿多少?

64.You will have skin/cervical traction.要給您做皮膚/頸部牽引

65. Take more exercises./Do some light work, have a happy outlook, avoid excitement and too much worry. Be careful not to stumble.


66.You are going to have a blood transfusion.要給您輸血

67.The results are normal.結(jié)果正常

68.You are suffering from ~/Your disease was diagnosed as ~您的病診斷為~

69.You have to stop smoking and alcohol.您必須戒煙、戒酒

五.about medication and nutrition(關(guān)于藥物和營養(yǎng))

70.Take two tablets three times a day after/before food.飯前/飯后服,每日三次,每次兩粒.

71.Take the medicine with a lot of water.服用此藥,要多飲水.

72.I'll give you an injection twice a day.我要給您注射,每日兩次.

73.This medicine is used for preventing infection/treating infection/relieving your pain/protecting your stomach/supplying nutrients/ bringing down your temperature/ intracranial pressure/stopping bleeding/


74.You should have a low fat/ low salt/ light diet/high caloric diet/high protein/soft diet/liquid food.


75.Please take some more nourishing food.請(qǐng)食營養(yǎng)多的食物.


76.Never mind/It doesn't matter沒關(guān)系

77.Don't worry不要擔(dān)心

78.Don't be nervous. You are in good hands.不要緊張,操作者是高手

79.You will recover soon.您很快就會(huì)康復(fù)的

80.Please come back to see the doctor for check-up in two weeks.請(qǐng)兩周后來看醫(yī)生復(fù)查













為了幫助大家學(xué)好醫(yī)學(xué)英語,下面小編給大家?guī)磲t(yī)學(xué)英語口語表達(dá)大全,希望對(duì)大家有所幫助!醫(yī)學(xué)英語口語表達(dá):胃腸胃腸Stomach Bowels(1)當(dāng)空腹時(shí),他感覺胃里不舒服。He has a certain disagreeable felling in the stomach when it is empty.胃不調(diào)upset stomach消化不良have bad(impaired:defective)digestion;suffer from indigestion(dyspe


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