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  1.當我們安靜,也做出了決定,卻無法再堅定。When we would be silent, but also to make a decision, and cannot be determined

  2.風沒有方向的吹來,雨也跟著悲傷起來,沒有人能告訴我,愛是在什么時候悄悄走開No direction the wind blows, the rain also follow sad, no one can tell me, when love is quietly go away

  3.學會在時間里遺忘,學會在痛苦中堅強Learn to forget in time, learn to strong in pain

  4.很多時候,一個人的改變是從另一個人的到來或離去開始的。In many cases, a person's change from another person's arrival or departure

  5.我覺得生命是一份禮物,我不想浪費它。你不會知道下一手牌會是什么,要學會接受生活I figure life is a gift and I don't want to waste it You neverknow what is, you learn to take life

  6.誰傷害過你,誰擊潰過你,都不重要。重要的是誰讓你重現(xiàn)笑容!Who hurt you, who defeated you, it doesn't matter Who is important to let you again smile

  7.太多曾沾沾自喜勢必珍惜的情誼,敗給了時光的腐朽,敗給自以為是的長久Too much complacency will cherish friendship, lost to time decay, long lost to self-righteous

  8.當你覺得孤獨無助時,想一想還有幾十萬億的細胞只為你一個人而活When you feel lonely and helpless, think there are hundreds of thousands of billions of cells a person to live for you

  9.心態(tài)決定情緒,情緒決定心情,心情決定心境,心境決定生活。Mentality decided to emotions, emotions decided the mood, the mood decided to mood, mood decided to life

  10.許多人都說失去以后才懂得珍惜,其實珍惜后的失去更痛Many people say that after losing just know to cherish, actually cherish after losing more pain

  11.別忘了答應自己要去的地方,無論有多難,有多遠。Don't forget promised to go to your place, no matter how hard it is, how far is it

  12.我想我還是不夠成熟,沒辦法為自己那顆浮躁的心,波瀾不驚地掌舵I don't think I'm still not mature enough, can the heart blundering, for himself off peacefully at the helm

  13.很多事,唯有當距離漸遠的時候,才能回首看清它A lot of things, but only when the distance away, to look back to see it

  14.世間太多的錯失不是因為愚蠢,而是因為太聰明。Many mistakes in the world are not caused by stupidity,but exceeded intelligence

  15.能力決定你能做什么,動機決定你做什么,態(tài)度決定你做得怎么樣。Ability to decide what you can do, motivation determines what you do, attitude determines how are you doing

  16.We never really grow upWe only learn how to act in public 我們從未真正長大,我們只是在別人面前學會了假裝。

  17.I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you 我就不給你解釋了,省得說我侮辱你智商。

  18.I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming 我只愿面朝大海,春暖花開。

  19.May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset 愿你生命中有夠多的云翳,來造成一個美麗的黃昏。

  20.He who has overcome his fears will truly be free 克服了恐懼的人才能獲得真正的自由。

  21.We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope 我們要接受失望,因為它是有限的;但千萬不可失去希望,因為它是無窮的。

  22.Freedom is the right of all sentient beings 自由是所有具有感知生物的權(quán)利。

  23.If someone is decreed by fate to be great, the child, you are the man 如果有人命中注定要成就偉大,那孩子,這個人是你。

  24.When you're nothing at all,there's no more reason to be afraid 當你什么都不是的時候,你就會無所畏懼。

  25.The world may be full of cheating, however we never lack friends with a warm heart 有時候世界雖然是假的,但并不缺少真心對待我們的人。

  26.I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying 我一直喜歡在雨中行走,那樣沒人能看到我的眼淚。

  27.I don't know if you know who you are until you lose who you are 我不知道你是否清楚自己是個怎樣的人,直到你迷失了自我。

  28.It’s better to look at the sky than live there 天空更適合仰望,而不是居住。

  29.It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple 快樂很簡單,但要做到簡單卻很難。

  30.Is your pale I wait,irony my obsession是你蒼白了我的等待,諷刺了我的執(zhí)著

  31.Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile


  33.You will see exactly what life is worth, when all the rest has gone 當一切都消失的時候你會明白生命究竟有何價值。

  34.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away 你若遇上麻煩,不要逞強,你就跑,遠遠跑開。

  35.You break her heart,I'll break you neck你若傷她的心,我就扭斷你的脖子。

  36.Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late 人生的悲劇就在于我們衰老得太早而又聰明得太晚。

  37.Love is no longer a long time, love without many words 深情不及久伴, 厚愛無需多言。

  38.You want to hide a tree, then a forest is the best place to do it 如果想隱藏一棵樹,森林就是絕佳的地點。

  39.I don't have the strenghth to stay away from you anymore 我再也沒有離開你的力氣了。

  40.Perhaps one day,you will show up at my door,and let me show you what the world has to offer也許有一天,你會出現(xiàn)在我家門口,讓我?guī)闳タ催@世界的繽彩紛呈。

  41.Some scenery, once to see into the heart, even in the moment, is eternal有些風景,一旦入眼入心,即便剎那,也是永恒。

  42.Your future depends on your dreams So go to sleep 現(xiàn)在的夢想決定著你的將來, 所以還是再睡一會吧。

  43.The deepest love I think, later than apart, I will live as you like 我所認為最深沉的愛,莫過于分開以后,我將自己活成了你的樣子。

  44.With the whole world crumbling,we pick up this time to fall in love 整個世界快倒下來了,我們卻挑上這個時候來戀愛。

  45.I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning 我能承受任何痛苦,只要這種痛苦有意義。

  46.And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to 我已經(jīng)忘記你足夠長的時間,都忘了當初為什么要去忘記你了。

  47.Thought is already is late,exactly is the earliest time覺得為時已晚的時候,恰恰是最早的時候。

  48.Most of the time people choose silence, not because have nothing to say, but just because have no way to start 大多時候人們選擇沉默不語,不是因為無話可說,而僅僅只是因為無從說起。

  49.In fact very much thought Disappear for a long time Change a name, change a shape To meet you again 其實很想,消失很長一段時間,換個名字,換個模樣,重新認識你一回。

  50.Life brings tears, smiles and memories The tears will dry, the smiles will fade, while the memories last forever 生活中總有淚水歡笑和回憶。眼淚會風干,笑容會褪去,只有回憶會永遠留在那里。

  51.​唯美簡短的經(jīng)典英文句子 經(jīng)典唯美虐心的英文句子最新

  52.I'm just a girl,standing in front of a boy,asking him to love her 我只不過是一個女孩,站在心愛的男孩的面前,需要他愛我的一個女孩。

  53.One may be the loneliest number But sometimes only the lonely can play 或許是最孤獨的數(shù)字 但是,有時候只有孤獨的人才玩得起。

  54.I can't see anymore else just because of you 我眼里再也看不到任何人,只為你。

  55.Everything we’ve ever done has lead to this我們做過的每一件事導致了這樣的結(jié)果。