You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
A The Lumiere Brothers opened their Cinematographe, at 14 Boulevard des Capucines in Paris, to 100 paying customers over 100 years ago, on December 8, 1895. Before the eyes of the stunned, thrilled audience, photographs came to life and moved across a flat screen.
B So ordinary and routine has this become to us that it takes a determined leap of the imagination to grasp the impact of those first moving images. But it is worth trying, for to understand the initial shock of those images is to understand the extraordinary power and magic of cinema, the unique, hypnotic quality that has made film the most dynamic, effective art form of the 20th century.
C One of the Lumiere Brothers’ earliest films was a 30-second piece which showed a section of a railway platform flooded with sunshine. A train appears and heads straight for the camera. And that is all that happens. Yet the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists, described the film as a ‘work of genius’. ‘As the train approached,’ wrote Tarkovsky, ‘panic started in the theatre: people jumped and ran away. That was the moment when cinema was born. The frightened audience could not accept that they were watching a mere picture. Pictures were still, only reality moved; this must, therefore, be reality. In their confusion, they feared that a real train was about to crush them.’
D Early cinema audiences often experienced the same confusion. In time, the idea of film became familiar, the magic was accepted — but it never stopped being magic. Film has never lost its unique power to embrace its audiences and transport them to a different world. For Tarkovsky, the key to that magic was the way in which cinema created a dynamic image of the real flow of events. A still picture could only imply the existence of time, while time in a novel passed at the whim of the reader. But in cinema, the real, objective flow of time was captured.
E One effect of this realism was to educate the world about itself. For cinema makes the world smaller. Long before people travelled to America or anywhere else, they knew what other places looked like; they knew how other people worked and lived. Overwhelmingly, the lives recorded — at least in film fiction — have been American. From the earliest days of the industry, Hollywood has dominated the world film market. American imagery — the cars, the cities, the cowboys — became the primary imagery of film. Film carried American life and values around the globe.
F And, thanks to film, future generations will know the 20th century more intimately than any other period. We can only imagine what life was like in the 14th century or in classical Greece. But the life of the modern world has been recorded on film in massive, encyclopedic detail. We shall be known better than any preceding generations.
G The ‘star’ was another natural consequence of cinema. The cinema star was effectively born in 1910. Film personalities have such an immediate presence that, inevitably, they become super-real. Because we watch them so closely and because everybody in the world seems to know who they are, they appear more real to us than we do ourselves. The star as magnified human self is one of cinema’s most strange and enduring legacies.
H Cinema has also given a new lease of life to the idea of the story. When the Lumiere Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention, it was by no means obvious how it would be used. All that mattered at first was the wonder of movement. Indeed, some said that, once this novelty had worn off, cinema would fade away. It was no more than a passing gimmick, a fairground attraction.
I Cinema might, for example, have become primarily a documentary form. Or it might have developed like television — as a strange, noisy transfer of music, information and narrative. But what happened was that it became, overwhelmingly, a medium for telling stories. Originally these were conceived as short stories — early producers doubted the ability of audiences to concentrate for more than the length of a reel. Then, in 1912, an Italian 2-hour film was hugely successful, and Hollywood settled upon the novel-length narrative that remains the dominant cinematic convention of today.
J And it has all happened so quickly. Almost unbelievably, it is a mere 100 years since that train arrived and the audience screamed and fled, convinced by the dangerous reality of what they saw, and, perhaps, suddenly aware that the world could never be the same again — that, maybe, it could be better, brighter, more astonishing, more real than reality.
Questions 1-5
Reading Passage 1 has ten paragraphs, A-J.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
1 the location of the first cinema
2 how cinema came to focus on stories
3 the speed with which cinema has changed
4 how cinema teaches us about other cultures
5 the attraction of actors in films
Questions 6-9
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
6 It is important to understand how the first audiences reacted to the cinema.
7 The Lumiere Brothers’ film about the train was one of the greatest films ever made.
8 Cinema presents a biased view of other countries.
9 Storylines were important in very early cinema.
Questions 10-13
Choose the correct letter, A B, C to D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.
10 The writer refers to the film of the train in order to demonstrate
A the simplicity of early films.
B the impact of early films.
C how short early films were.
D how imaginative early films were.
11 In Tarkovsky’s opinion, the attraction of the cinema is that it
A aims to impress its audience.
B tells stories better than books.
C illustrates the passing of time.
D describes familiar events.
12 When cinema first began, people thought that
A it would always tell stories.
B it should be used in fairgrounds.
C its audiences were unappreciative.
D its future was uncertain.
13 What is the best title for this passage?
A The rise of the cinema star
B Cinema and novels compared
C The domination of Hollywood
D The power of the big screen
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-27, which are based on Reading Passage 2 on the following pages.
Questions 14-18
Reading Passage 2 contains six Key Points.
Choose the correct heading for Key Points TWO to SIX from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i Ensure the reward system is fair
ii Match rewards to individuals
iii Ensure targets are realistic
iv Link rewards to achievement
v Encourage managers to take more responsibility
vi Recognise changes in employees’ performance over time
vii Establish targets and give feedback
viii Ensure employees are suited to their jobs
Example Answer
Key Point One Viii
14 Key Point Two
15 Key Point Three
16 Key Point Four
17 Key Point Five
18 Key Point Six
Motivating Employees under
Adverse Conditions
It is a great deal easier to motivate employees in a growing organisation than a declining one. When organisations are expanding and adding personnel, promotional opportunities, pay rises, and the excitement of being associated with a dynamic organisation create feelings of optimism. Management is able to use the growth to entice and encourage employees. When an organisation is shrinking, the best and most mobile workers are prone to leave voluntarily. Unfortunately, they are the ones the organisation can least afford to lose — those with the highest skills and experience. The minor employees remain because their job options are limited.
Morale also suffers during decline. People fear they may be the next to be made redundant. Productivity often suffers, as employees spend their time sharing rumours and providing one another with moral support rather than focusing on their jobs. For those whose jobs are secure, pay increases are rarely possible. Pay cuts, unheard of during times of growth, may even be imposed. The challenge to management is how to motivate employees under such retrenchment conditions. The ways of meeting this challenge can be broadly divided into six Key Points, which are outlined below.
There is an abundance of evidence to support the motivational benefits that result from carefully matching people to jobs. For example, if the job is running a small business or an autonomous unit within a larger business, high achievers should be sought. However, if the job to be filled is a managerial post in a large bureaucratic organisation, a candidate who has a high need for power and a low need for affiliation should be selected. Accordingly, high achievers should not be put into jobs that are inconsistent with their needs. High achievers will do best when the job provides moderately challenging goals and where there is independence and feedback. However, it should be remembered that not everybody is motivated by jobs that are high in independence, variety and responsibility.
The literature on goal-setting theory suggests that managers should ensure that all employees have specific goals and receive comments on how well they are doing in those goals. For those with high achievement needs, typically a minority in any organisation, the existence of external goals is less important because high achievers are already internally motivated. The next factor to be determined is whether the goals should be assigned by a manager or collectively set in conjunction with the employees. The answer to that depends on perceptions of goal acceptance and the organisation’s culture. If resistance to goals is expected, the use of participation in goal-setting should increase acceptance. If participation is inconsistent with the culture, however, goals should be assigned. If participation and the culture are incongruous, employees are likely to perceive the participation process as manipulative and be negatively affected by it.
Regardless of whether goals are achievable or well within management’s perceptions of the employee’s ability, if employees see them as unachievable they will reduce their effort. Managers must be sure, therefore, that employees feel confident that their efforts can lead to performance goals. For managers, this means that employees must have the capability of doing the job and must regard the appraisal process as valid.
Since employees have different needs, what acts as a reinforcement for one may not for another. Managers could use their knowledge of each employee to personalise the rewards over which they have control. Some of the more obvious rewards that managers allocate include pay, promotions, autonomy, job scope and depth, and the opportunity to participate in goal-setting and decision-making.
Managers need to make rewards contingent on performance. To reward factors other than performance will only reinforce those other factors. Key rewards such as pay increases and promotions or advancements should be allocated for the attainment of the employee’s specific goals. Consistent with maximising the impact of rewards, managers should look for ways to increase their visibility. Eliminating the secrecy surrounding pay by openly communicating everyone’s remuneration, publicising performance bonuses and allocating annual salary increases in a lump sum rather than spreading them out over an entire year are examples of actions that will make rewards more visible and potentially more motivating.
The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given. On a simplistic level, experience, abilities, effort and other obvious inputs should explain differences in pay, responsibility and other obvious outcomes. The problem, however, is complicated by the existence of dozens of inputs and outcomes and by the fact that employee groups place different degrees of importance on them. For instance, a study comparing clerical and production workers identified nearly twenty inputs and outcomes. The clerical workers considered factors such as quality of work performed and job knowledge near the top of their list, but these were at the bottom of the production workers’ list. Similarly, production workers thought that the most important inputs were intelligence and personal involvement with task accomplishment, two factors that were quite low in the importance ratings of the clerks. There were also important, though less dramatic, differences on the outcome side. For example, production workers rated advancement very highly, whereas clerical workers rated advancement in the lower third of their list. Such findings suggest that one person’s equity is another’s inequity, so an ideal should probably weigh different inputs and outcomes according to employee group.
Questions 19-24
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 27?
In boxes 19-24 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
19 A shrinking organization tends to lose its less skilled employees rather than its more skilled employees.
20 It is easier to manage a small business than a large business.
21 High achievers are well suited to team work.
22 Some employees can feel manipulated when asked to participate in goal-setting.
23 The staff appraisal process should be designed by employees.
24 Employees’ earnings should be disclosed to everyone within the organization.
Questions 25-27
Look at the following groups of workers (Questions 25-27) and the list of descriptions below.
Match each group with the correct description, A-E.
Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 25-27 on your answer sheet.
25 high achievers
26 clerical workers
27 production workers
List of Descriptions
A They judge promotion to be important.
B They have less need of external goals.
C They think that the quality of their work is important.
D They resist goals which are imposed.
E They have limited job options.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 28-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.
The Search for the Anti-aging Pill
In government laboratories and elsewhere, scientists are seeking a drug able to prolong life and youthful vigor. Studies of caloric restriction are showing the way
As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging — the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases vulnerability to infirmity as we grow older. But one intervention, consumption of a low-calorie_et nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health. Those findings suggest that caloric restriction could delay aging and increase longevity in humans, too.
Unfortunately, for maximum benefit, people would probably have to reduce their caloric intake by roughly thirty per cent, equivalent to dropping from 2,500 calories a day to 1,750. Few mortals could stick to that harsh a regimen, especially for years on end. But what if someone could create a pill that mimicked the physiological effects of eating less without actually forcing people to eat less? Could such a ‘caloric-restriction mimetic’, as we call it, enable people to stay healthy longer, postponing age-related disorders (such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and cancer) until very late in life? Scientists first posed this question in the mid-1990s, after researchers came upon a chemical agent that in rodents seemed to reproduce many of caloric restriction’s benefits. No compound that would safely achieve the same feat in people has been found yet, but the search has been informative and has fanned hope that caloric-restriction (CR) mimetics can indeed be developed eventually.
The benefits of caloric restriction
The hunt for CR mimetics grew out of a desire to better understand caloric restriction’s many effects on the body. Scientists first recognized the value of the practice more than 60 years ago, when they found that rats fed a low-calorie diet lived longer on average than free-feeding rats and also had a reduced incidence of conditions that become increasingly common in old age. What is more, some of the treated animals survived longer than the oldest-living animals in the control group, which means that the maximum lifespan (the oldest attainable age), not merely the normal lifespan, increased. Various interventions, such as infection-fighting drugs, can increase a population’s average survival time, but only approaches that slow the body’s rate of aging will increase the maximum lifespan.
The rat findings have been replicated many times and extended to creatures ranging from yeast to fruit flies, worms, fish, spiders, mice and hamsters. Until fairly recently, the studies were limited to short-lived creatures genetically distant from humans. But caloric-restriction projects underway in two species more closely related to humans — rhesus and squirrel monkeys — have made scientists optimistic that CR mimetics could help people.
calorie: a measure of the energy value of food
The monkey projects demonstrate that, compared with control animals that eat normally, caloric-restricted monkeys have lower body temperatures and levels of the pancreatic hormone insulin, and they retain more youthful levels of certain hormones that tend to fall with age.
The caloric-restricted animals also look better on indicators of risk for age-related diseases. For example, they have lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels (signifying a decreased likelihood of heart disease), and they have more normal blood glucose levels (pointing to a reduced risk for diabetes, which is marked by unusually high blood glucose levels). Further, it has recently been shown that rhesus monkeys kept on caloric-restricted diets for an extended time (nearly 15 years) have less chronic disease. They and the other monkeys must be followed still longer, however, to know whether low-calorie intake can increase both average and maximum life spans in monkeys. Unlike the multitude of elixirs being touted as the latest anti-aging cure, CR mimetics would alter fundamental processes that underlie aging. We aim to develop compounds that fool cells into activating maintenance and repair.
How a prototype caloric-restriction mimetic works
The best-studied candidate for a caloric-restriction mimetic, 2DG (2-deoxy-D-glucose), works by interfering with the way cells process glucose. It has proved toxic at some doses in animals and so cannot be used in humans. But it has demonstrated that chemicals can replicate the effects of caloric restriction; the trick is finding the right one.
Cells use the glucose from food to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the molecule that powers many activities in the body. By limiting food intake, caloric restriction minimizes the amount of glucose entering cells and decreases ATP generation. When 2DG is administered to animals that eat normally, glucose reaches cells in abundance but the drug prevents most of it from being processed and thus reduces ATP synthesis. Researchers have proposed several explanations for why interruption of glucose processing and ATP production might retard aging. One possibility relates to the ATP-making machinery’s emission of free radicals, which are thought to contribute to aging and to such age-related diseases as cancer by damaging cells. Reduced operation of the machinery should limit their production and thereby constrain the damage. Another hypothesis suggests that decreased processing of glucose could indicate to cells that food is scarce (even if it isn’t) and induce them to shift into an anti-aging mode that emphasizes preservation of the organism over such ‘luxuries’ as growth and reproduction.
Questions 28-32
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
28 Studies show drugs available today can delay the process of growing old.
29 There is scientific evidence that eating fewer calories may extend human life.
30 Not many people are likely to find a caloric-restricted diet attractive.
31 Diet-related diseases are common in older people.
32 In experiments, rats who ate what they wanted led shorter liver than rats on a low-calorie diet.
Questions 33-37
Classify the following descriptions as relating to
A caloric-restricted monkeys
B control monkeys
C neither caloric-restricted monkeys nor control monkeys
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 33-37 on your answer sheet.
33 Monkeys were less likely to become diabetic.
34 Monkeys experienced more chronic disease.
35 Monkeys have been shown to experience a longer than average life span.
36 Monkeys enjoyed a reduced chance of heart disease.
37 Monkeys produced greater quantities of insulin.
Questions 38-40
Complete the flow-chart below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.
How a caloric-restriction mimetic works
CR mimetic
Less 38..............is processed
Production of ATP is decreased
Theory 1: Theory 2:
Cells less damaged by disease because Cells focus on 40..............because
fewer 39..............are emitted food is in short supply
PASSAGE 1 參考譯文:
A The Lumiere Brothers opened their Cinematographe, at 14 Boulevard des Capucines in Paris, to 100 paying customers over 100 years ago, on December 8, 1895. Before the eyes of the stunned, thrilled audience, photographs came to life and moved across a flat screen.
A 一百多年前,在1895年12月8日,呂米埃兄弟在巴黎嘉布欣大道14號向100名買票人場的觀眾放映了他們制作的電影。在目瞪口呆、驚恐顫抖的觀眾面前,一張張照片活動起來并在平面的銀幕上穿梭而過。
B So ordinary and routine has this become to us that it takes a determined leap of the imagination to grasp the impact of those first moving images. But it is worth trying, for to understand the initial shock of those images is to understand the extraordinary power and magic of cinema, the unique, hypnotic quality that has made film the most dynamic, effective art form of the 20th century.
B 看電影對于我們來說是司空見慣的事,所以要理解這些活動的畫面最初產生的影響,想象力非得來次巨大的飛躍不可。然而這值得一試,因為理解了這些影像最初帶來的震撼,就可以理解電影非同尋常的力量和魔力,理解為什么電影具有獨特而迷人的品質。正是這種品質,使電影成為20世紀最具有活力和感染力的藝術形式。
C One of the Lumiere Brothers’ earliest films was a 30-second piece which showed a section of a railway platform flooded with sunshine. A train appears and heads straight for the camera. And that is all that happens. Yet the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists, described the film as a ‘work of genius’. ‘As the train approached,’ wrote Tarkovsky, ‘panic started in the theatre: people jumped and ran away. That was the moment when cinema was born. The frightened audience could not accept that they were watching a mere picture. Pictures were still, only reality moved; this must, therefore, be reality. In their confusion, they feared that a real train was about to crush them.’
C 呂米埃兄弟的早期電影作品之一是一部30秒長的短片,表現了一段沐浴在陽光下的火車月臺的場景。一輛火車出現了,并且直沖鏡頭開來。這就是電影的全部。然而,杰出的電影藝術家俄羅斯導演安德列·塔科夫斯基卻稱其為“天才之作”。他寫道:“隨著火車不斷駛近,影院里呈現出一片慌恐的景象:人們跳離座位,四散而逃。就在這一刻,電影宣告誕生??謶值挠^眾無法相信他們看到的僅僅是一幅圖畫。圖畫是靜止的,只有現實中的事物才會運動;因此,這一定是現實。在疑惑迷茫之中,觀眾擔心一列真正的火車將會把他們軋得粉身碎骨?!?/p>
D Early cinema audiences often experienced the same confusion. In time, the idea of film became familiar, the magic was accepted — but it never stopped being magic. Film has never lost its unique power to embrace its audiences and transport them to a different world. For Tarkovsky, the key to that magic was the way in which cinema created a dynamic image of the real flow of events. A still picture could only imply the existence of time, while time in a novel passed at the whim of the reader. But in cinema, the real, objective flow of time was captured.
D 早期的電影觀眾們經常會有同樣的迷茫。隨著時間的推移,電影這一概念為人們所熟知,電影的魔力也廣為人們接受,但電影的魔力并沒有因此而消失。電影不斷地以其獨特的力量去感染觀眾并將他們帶人一個不同尋常的世界。對塔科夫斯基而言,魔力的關鍵在于電影所創(chuàng)造的表現方式是以動態(tài)的影像來反映真實事件的進展。靜止的圖畫僅僅暗示了時間的存在,而小說中的時間則在讀者的幻想中不斷延伸。然而, 電影卻捕捉了真實而客觀的時間流動。
E One effect of this realism was to educate the world about itself. For cinema makes the world smaller. Long before people travelled to America or anywhere else, they knew what other places looked like; they knew how other people worked and lived. Overwhelmingly, the lives recorded — at least in film fiction — have been American. From the earliest days of the industry, Hollywood has dominated the world film market. American imagery — the cars, the cities, the cowboys — became the primary imagery of film. Film carried American life and values around the globe.
E 這種現實性的作用之一是使世界去了解自身。因為電影將世界縮小。早在人們到美國或其他地方旅行之前,他們就已經欣賞過目的地的風光,也領略過當地人的工作與生活方式。至少在虛構的電影世界中,記錄的絕大多數是美國人的生活。從電影業(yè)發(fā)展初期至今,好萊塢一直占據著世界電影市場的統(tǒng)治地位。汽車、城市和牛仔這些美國形象已經成為電影中的主要形象。電影將美國人的生活方式和價值觀念傳播到了全世界。
F And, thanks to film, future generations will know the 20th century more intimately than any other period. We can only imagine what life was like in the 14th century or in classical Greece. But the life of the modern world has been recorded on film in massive, encyclopedic detail. We shall be known better than any preceding generations.
G The ‘star’ was another natural consequence of cinema. The cinema star was effectively born in 1910. Film personalities have such an immediate presence that, inevitably, they become super-real. Because we watch them so closely and because everybody in the world seems to know who they are, they appear more real to us than we do ourselves. The star as magnified human self is one of cinema’s most strange and enduring legacies.
H Cinema has also given a new lease of life to the idea of the story. When the Lumiere Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention, it was by no means obvious how it would be used. All that mattered at first was the wonder of movement. Indeed, some said that, once this novelty had worn off, cinema would fade away. It was no more than a passing gimmick, a fairground attraction.
H 電影也賦予小說故事新的生命。當呂米埃兄弟和其他先驅者初次展示電影這項新發(fā)明時,他們根本不淸楚該怎樣應用它。最初重要的只是影像能活動。的確,有些人就斷言,一旦新奇感消失,電影就會逐漸淡出人們的視線。它只不過是一種暫時流行的小玩意兒,或是露天市場上的“雜?!倍?。
I Cinema might, for example, have become primarily a documentary form. Or it might have developed like television — as a strange, noisy transfer of music, information and narrative. But what happened was that it became, overwhelmingly, a medium for telling stories. Originally these were conceived as short stories — early producers doubted the ability of audiences to concentrate for more than the length of a reel. Then, in 1912, an Italian 2-hour film was hugely successful, and Hollywood settled upon the novel-length narrative that remains the dominant cinematic convention of today.
I 例如,電影原本可能變成一種以紀錄片為主的形式,或者可能像電視那樣發(fā)展,成為傳輸音樂、信息和故事的怪異而喧鬧的工具。然而,事實是,電影已經成為一種敘事的主要媒介。最初講述的都是短小的故事,因為早期制作者們懷疑觀眾頂多只能集中精力去看完一卷膠片。后來,一部長達兩個小時的意大利電影在1912年獲得了巨大的成功,從此好萊塢電影就開始采用這種新的敘事長度。至今,這一形式依然在電影界保持著慣例式的統(tǒng)治地位。
J And it has all happened so quickly. Almost unbelievably, it is a mere 100 years since that train arrived and the audience screamed and fled, convinced by the dangerous reality of what they saw, and, perhaps, suddenly aware that the world could never be the same again — that, maybe, it could be better, brighter, more astonishing, more real than reality.
J 而這一切都發(fā)生得如此迅速。令人幾乎難以置信的是,距離那輛火車到站時,觀眾們認為所看到的是危險的現實而尖叫不止、四散奔逃的景象,只不過一百年的時間?;蛟S,人們意識到世界已經發(fā)生了徹底的改變,而且可能會變得比現實更加美好、光明、驚人和真實。
TEST 3 PASSAGE 2 參考譯文:
Motivating Employees under Adverse Conditions
It is a great deal easier to motivate employees in a growing organisation than a declining one. When organisations are expanding and adding personnel, promotional opportunities, pay rises, and the excitement of being associated with a dynamic organisation create feelings of optimism. Management is able to use the growth to entice and encourage employees. When an organisation is shrinking, the best and most mobile workers are prone to leave voluntarily. Unfortunately, they are the ones the organisation can least afford to lose — those with the highest skills and experience. The minor employees remain because their job options are limited.
在不斷壯大的企業(yè)中激勵員工要比在日益衰落的企業(yè)中容易得多。當企業(yè)擴大經營和增加員工人數時,晉升機會增多,薪酬提高,而且加人一家充滿活力的企業(yè)所帶來的振奮感也會產生樂觀向上的情緒。 管理層能夠利用企業(yè)的發(fā)展來吸引和鼓舞員工。當企業(yè)衰退時,流動性最強的優(yōu)秀員工就會主動離開。不幸的是,這些才能出眾、經驗豐富的員工正是企業(yè)最不能失去的人才。表現平庸的員工堅持留下,因為可供他們選擇的職位有限。
Morale also suffers during decline. People fear they may be the next to be made redundant. Productivity often suffers, as employees spend their time sharing rumours and providing one another with moral support rather than focusing on their jobs. For those whose jobs are secure, pay increases are rarely possible. Pay cuts, unheard of during times of growth, may even be imposed. The challenge to management is how to motivate employees under such retrenchment conditions. The ways of meeting this challenge can be broadly divided into six Key Points, which are outlined below.
There is an abundance of evidence to support the motivational benefits that result from carefully matching people to jobs. For example, if the job is running a small business or an autonomous unit within a larger business, high achievers should be sought. However, if the job to be filled is a managerial post in a large bureaucratic organisation, a candidate who has a high need for power and a low need for affiliation should be selected. Accordingly, high achievers should not be put into jobs that are inconsistent with their needs. High achievers will do best when the job provides moderately challenging goals and where there is independence and feedback. However, it should be remembered that not everybody is motivated by jobs that are high in independence, variety and responsibility.
The literature on goal-setting theory suggests that managers should ensure that all employees have specific goals and receive comments on how well they are doing in those goals. For those with high achievement needs, typically a minority in any organisation, the existence of external goals is less important because high achievers are already internally motivated. The next factor to be determined is whether the goals should be assigned by a manager or collectively set in conjunction with the employees. The answer to that depends on perceptions of goal acceptance and the organisation’s culture. If resistance to goals is expected, the use of participation in goal-setting should increase acceptance. If participation is inconsistent with the culture, however, goals should be assigned. If participation and the culture are incongruous, employees are likely to perceive the participation process as manipulative and be negatively affected by it.
Regardless of whether goals are achievable or well within management’s perceptions of the employee’s ability, if employees see them as unachievable they will reduce their effort. Managers must be sure, therefore, that employees feel confident that their efforts can lead to performance goals. For managers, this means that employees must have the capability of doing the job and must regard the appraisal process as valid.
Since employees have different needs, what acts as a reinforcement for one may not for another. Managers could use their knowledge of each employee to personalise the rewards over which they have control. Some of the more obvious rewards that managers allocate include pay, promotions, autonomy, job scope and depth, and the opportunity to participate in goal-setting and decision-making.
Managers need to make rewards contingent on performance. To reward factors other than performance will only reinforce those other factors. Key rewards such as pay increases and promotions or advancements should be allocated for the attainment of the employee’s specific goals. Consistent with maximising the impact of rewards, managers should look for ways to increase their visibility. Eliminating the secrecy surrounding pay by openly communicating everyone’s remuneration, publicising performance bonuses and allocating annual salary increases in a lump sum rather than spreading them out over an entire year are examples of actions that will make rewards more visible and potentially more motivating.
The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given. On a simplistic level, experience, abilities, effort and other obvious inputs should explain differences in pay, responsibility and other obvious outcomes. The problem, however, is complicated by the existence of dozens of inputs and outcomes and by the fact that employee groups place different degrees of importance on them. For instance, a study comparing clerical and production workers identified nearly twenty inputs and outcomes. The clerical workers considered factors such as quality of work performed and job knowledge near the top of their list, but these were at the bottom of the production workers’ list. Similarly, production workers thought that the most important inputs were intelligence and personal involvement with task accomplishment, two factors that were quite low in the importance ratings of the clerks. There were also important, though less dramatic, differences on the outcome side. For example, production workers rated advancement very highly, whereas clerical workers rated advancement in the lower third of their list. Such findings suggest that one person’s equity is another’s inequity, so an ideal should probably weigh different inputs and outcomes according to employee group.
TEST 3 PASSAGE 3 參考譯文:
The Search for the Anti-aging Pill
In government laboratories and elsewhere, scientists are seeking a drug able to prolong life and youthful vigor. Studies of caloric restriction are showing the way
As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging — the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases vulnerability to infirmity as we grow older. But one intervention, consumption of a low-calorie_et nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health. Those findings suggest that caloric restriction could delay aging and increase longevity in humans, too.
Unfortunately, for maximum benefit, people would probably have to reduce their caloric intake by roughly thirty per cent, equivalent to dropping from 2,500 calories a day to 1,750. Few mortals could stick to that harsh a regimen, especially for years on end. But what if someone could create a pill that mimicked the physiological effects of eating less without actually forcing people to eat less? Could such a ‘caloric-restriction mimetic’, as we call it, enable people to stay healthy longer, postponing age-related disorders (such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and cancer) until very late in life? Scientists first posed this question in the mid-1990s, after researchers came upon a chemical agent that in rodents seemed to reproduce many of caloric restriction’s benefits. No compound that would safely achieve the same feat in people has been found yet, but the search has been informative and has fanned hope that caloric-restriction (CR) mimetics can indeed be developed eventually.
The benefits of caloric restriction
The hunt for CR mimetics grew out of a desire to better understand caloric restriction’s many effects on the body. Scientists first recognized the value of the practice more than 60 years ago, when they found that rats fed a low-calorie diet lived longer on average than free-feeding rats and also had a reduced incidence of conditions that become increasingly common in old age. What is more, some of the treated animals survived longer than the oldest-living animals in the control group, which means that the maximum lifespan (the oldest attainable age), not merely the normal lifespan, increased. Various interventions, such as infection-fighting drugs, can increase a population’s average survival time, but only approaches that slow the body’s rate of aging will increase the maximum lifespan.
The rat findings have been replicated many times and extended to creatures ranging from yeast to fruit flies, worms, fish, spiders, mice and hamsters. Until fairly recently, the studies were limited to short-lived creatures genetically distant from humans. But caloric-restriction projects underway in two species more closely related to humans — rhesus and squirrel monkeys — have made scientists optimistic that CR mimetics could help people.
The monkey projects demonstrate that, compared with control animals that eat normally, caloric-restricted monkeys have lower body temperatures and levels of the pancreatic hormone insulin, and they retain more youthful levels of certain hormones that tend to fall with age.
The caloric-restricted animals also look better on indicators of risk for age-related diseases. For example, they have lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels (signifying a decreased likelihood of heart disease), and they have more normal blood glucose levels (pointing to a reduced risk for diabetes, which is marked by unusually high blood glucose levels). Further, it has recently been shown that rhesus monkeys kept on caloric-restricted diets for an extended time (nearly 15 years) have less chronic disease. They and the other monkeys must be followed still longer, however, to know whether low-calorie intake can increase both average and maximum life spans in monkeys. Unlike the multitude of elixirs being touted as the latest anti-aging cure, CR mimetics would alter fundamental processes that underlie aging. We aim to develop compounds that fool cells into activating maintenance and repair.
How a prototype caloric-restriction mimetic works
The best-studied candidate for a caloric-restriction mimetic, 2DG (2-deoxy-D-glucose), works by interfering with the way cells process glucose. It has proved toxic at some doses in animals and so cannot be used in humans. But it has demonstrated that chemicals can replicate the effects of caloric restriction; the trick is finding the right one.
Cells use the glucose from food to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the molecule that powers many activities in the body. By limiting food intake, caloric restriction minimizes the amount of glucose entering cells and decreases ATP generation. When 2DG is administered to animals that eat normally, glucose reaches cells in abundance but the drug prevents most of it from being processed and thus reduces ATP synthesis. Researchers have proposed several explanations for why interruption of glucose processing and ATP production might retard aging. One possibility relates to the ATP-making machinery’s emission of free radicals, which are thought to contribute to aging and to such age-related diseases as cancer by damaging cells. Reduced operation of the machinery should limit their production and thereby constrain the damage. Another hypothesis suggests that decreased processing of glucose could indicate to cells that food is scarce (even if it isn’t) and induce them to shift into an anti-aging mode that emphasizes preservation of the organism over such ‘luxuries’ as growth and reproduction.
Passage 1
Question 1
答案: A
關鍵詞:location/ first cinema
定位原文: A段第1句“The Lumière Brothers opened…”
解題思路: 呂米埃兄弟在巴黎嘉布欣大道14號放映了他們制作的電影……,正確答案為A。
Question 2
關鍵詞:focus on stories
定位原文: I段第3句“But what happened…”
解題思路: 然而,事實上,電影已經成為一種敘事的媒介。正確答案是I。
Question 3
答案: J
關鍵詞:speed…h(huán)as changed
定位原文: J段第1句“And it has…”
解題思路: 電影的發(fā)展是如此迅速。對應J選項。
Question 4
關鍵詞:teaches…other cultures
定位原文: E段第3句“Long before people…”
解題思路: 早在人們到美國或其他地方旅行之前,他們就已經欣賞過目的地的風光,也領略過當地人的工作與生活方式,答案是E。
Question 5
關鍵詞:attraction of actors
定位原文: G段第1句“The ‘star’ was…”
解題思路: 明星是電影隨之帶來的另一個自然產物。這句話和題干表達的意思一致。
Question 6
關鍵詞:first audiences reacted to the cinema
定位原文: B段第2句“But it is worth trying…”
解題思路: worth 與 important 屬于同義表達。
Question 7
關鍵詞:train, the greatest films
定位原文: C段第3句“…described the film…”
解題思路: 相關定位處只是說到俄羅斯導演形容電影是天才的作品,并沒有評價呂米埃兄弟的作品如何,這個屬于未知信息。
Question 8
關鍵詞:other countries
定位原文: D段第3句“Film has never…” E段第2句“For cinema makes the world smaller…”
解題思路: 定位區(qū)域只是說電影把人們帶到了不同的世界,讓世界變得更小。題干說展現了偏見,完全與之沒有聯系。題干信息在文中并沒有出現。
Question 9
關鍵詞:very early cinema
定位原文: I 段的第1、2、3句“Cinema might, for example…”
解題思路: 定位句的意思是:例如,電影原本可能變成一種以紀錄片為主的形式,或者可能像電視那樣發(fā)展,成為傳輸音樂、信息和故事的怪異而喧鬧的工具。然而,事實是,電影已經成為一種敘事的主要媒介。題目卻說電影的故事情節(jié)在早期的電影里非常重要。原文強調其工具手段的意義,題目強調情節(jié)的重要性,顯然不一致。
Question 10
關鍵詞:film of the train
定位原文: C段第4句“As the train…”
解題思路: 塔科夫斯基寫道:“隨著火車不斷駛近,影院里呈現出一片慌恐的景象:人們驚慌失措,四散而逃。就在這一刻,電影宣告誕生。驚恐的觀眾們無法相信他們看到的僅僅是一部電影……”這就是早起電影制造的效果。
Question 11
關鍵詞:Tarkovsky/ the attraction of the cinema
定位原文: D段最后1句“But in cinema…”
解題思路: 然而,電影卻能夠捕捉真實而客觀的時間流動;C選項與其表達一致。
Question 12
答案: D
關鍵詞:first began
定位原文: H段第2到4句“When the…”
解題思路: 當呂米埃兄弟和其他先驅者首先展示電影這項新發(fā)明時,他們根本不清楚應當怎樣應用它。最初,重要的只是活動的影像。的確,有些人就斷言,一旦新奇感消失,電影就會逐漸淡出人們的視線。由此可見,起初人們對電影發(fā)展的未來并不明確。
Question 13
答案: D
關鍵詞:cinema/ flat screen
定位原文: 全篇主旨
解題思路:縱觀全文,都在大篇幅講電影,big screen代指電影。
Test 3 Passage 2
Question 14
定位原文: KEY POINT TWO 第1句“The literature on…”
解題思路: 定位句有兩個關鍵詞:specific goals和comments on...,分別與vii中的targets和feedback為同義表達轉換。
Question 15
定位原文:KEY POINT THREE 第1句“Regardless of whether…”
解題思路: 本段第一句強調必須讓員工認為目標可以實現,可以實現的就是現實的,iii的ensure targets are realistic 就是這個意思。
Question 16
定位原文: KEY POINT FOUR第2句“Managers could use…”
解題思路: 在其控制范圍內,管理者可以根據對不同員工的了解來給予他們相應的獎勵。這里關鍵是personalise the rewards (將獎勵個性化),即針對不同人給予不同獎勵。也就是選項ii所說的 match rewards to individuals (將獎勵與個人掛鉤)。因此答案是ii。
Question 17
定位原文: KEY POINT FIVE 第1句“Managers need to make rewards…”
解題思路: 管理者需要獎勵與績效掛鉤; make...contingent on 就是將……聯系起來,achievement與performance屬于同義表達。
Question 18
答案: i
定位原文: KEY POINT SIX 第1句“The way rewards…” 獎勵的分配方式必須透明,使員工認識到獎勵或成果是公平并且與特定投人相對等的。
解題思路: reward system就是有關reward問題的集合,包括reward的分配方式,也就是原文中的The way rewards are distributed,而且 fair和 equitable 是同義詞,都是“公平”的意思。所以答案是i。
Question 19
關鍵詞:shrinking organization
定位原文: CHALLENGE部分的第4句“When an organisation is shrinking…”
解題思路: 當企業(yè)衰退時,流動性最強的優(yōu)秀員工就會主動離開。不幸的是,這些才能出眾、經驗豐富的員工正是企業(yè)最不能失去的人才?!庇纱丝芍髽I(yè)衰退時容易流失的是技能熟練的員工。
Question 20
關鍵詞:small business/ large business
定位原文: KEY POINT ONE 的第2和3句“For example, if the job…”
解題思路: 全文只在這兩句話中提到了small business和large business,由原文意思可見,作者并沒有比較二者管理的難易度,所以對該題干句,應填NOT GIVEN。
Question 21
答案: NO
關鍵詞:high achievers
定位原文: KEY POINT ONE 的最后兩句“High achievers will…”
解題思路: 只有其職業(yè)能夠帶來具有一定挑戰(zhàn)性的目標、獨立性和反饋時,業(yè)績杰出者才會全力以赴地工作。這里“獨立性”是關鍵詞。而團隊工作往往意味著團隊內各個成員間相互依賴,所以題干意思與原文意思截然相反。
Question 22
關鍵詞:participate / goal-setting
定位原文: KEY POINT TWO 的最后1句“If participation and…”
解題思路: 如果參與機制與企業(yè)文化不一致,員工則有可能認為自己在參與過程中被操縱,并且受到負面影響。雖然題干沒有寫出這個“如果”的條件,但是用了some,相當于限定了范圍。feel manipulated與perceive ...as manipulative是同一個意思。所以此題干與原文意思一致。
Question 23
關鍵詞:appraisal process
定位原文: KEY POINT THREE 的最后1句“For managers…”
解題思路: 對于管理者而言,這意味著員工必須能夠勝任工作,而且必須承認(績效)評估流程的有效性。是全文唯一提及appraisal process的句子,可以看出并沒有題干所表述的意思,所以答案是 NOT GIVEN。
Question 24
答案: YES
關鍵詞:employees’ earnings
定位原文: KEY POINT FIVE 的最后1句“...by openly communicating everyone's remuneration, publicizing performance bonuses...”
解題思路: openly communicating, publicise和disclose是同義表達,所以題干的說法是正確的。
Question 25
答案: B
關鍵詞:high achievers
定位原文: KEY POINT TWO 的第2句“… the existence of external goals…”
解題思路: 因為外部目標對業(yè)績杰出者并不十分重要,所以他們不大需要外部目標。所以正確答案為B。
Question 26
答案: C
關鍵詞:clerical workers
定位原文: KEY POINT SIX 的第5句“The clerical workers…”
解題思路: 行政工作人員將工作表現質量和業(yè)務知識等因素排在名單前列。既然把quality of work排在前列,肯定認為這點很重要,所以正確答案是C。
Question 27
關鍵詞:production workers
定位原文:KEY POINT SIX 的倒數第2句“For example, production…”
解題思路:例如,生產工人認為晉升非常重要。advancement 與 promotion 是同義表達,生產工人把這點排在很髙的位置,說明他們認為這點很重要。
Test 3 Passage 3
Question 28
答案: NO
關鍵詞:drugs available today/ growing old
定位原文: 第1段第1句“As researchers on aging…”
解題思路: 衰老問題的研究者們最近指出,目前市面上還沒有任何療法證明可以延緩人類衰老?!叭魏委煼ā卑幬铮浴澳壳皼]有療法能延緩衰老”就意味著目前沒有藥物可以延緩衰老。
Question 29
關鍵詞: eating fewer calories/ extend human life
定位原文: 第1段最后1句“Those findings suggest…”
解題思路: 這些研究結果表明,限制熱量的攝取可能也會延緩衰老,延長人類壽命。” scientific evidence與findings是近義詞,所以符合題干。
Question 30
關鍵詞: caloric-restricted
定位原文: 第2段第2句“Few mortals could…”
解題思路: 很少有人能夠堅持這樣嚴格的養(yǎng)生之道,喜歡的才能堅持,既然不能堅持,肯定是覺得不夠attractive。
Question 31
關鍵詞:diet-related diseases
定位原文: 無定位原文
解題思路: 原文沒有提到這個信息,所以是NOT GIVEN。
Question 32
定位原文: 第3段第2句“… rats fed a low-calorie diet lived…”
解題思路: 被喂食低熱量食物的鼠類平均壽命長于自由攝取食物的鼠類”,這里關鍵是知道free-feeding與ate what they wanted是同義表達。
Question 33
關鍵詞: less likely / diabetic
定位原文: 第6段第2句“...they have more normal blood…( pointing to a reduced risk for diabetes)” 血糖濃度也比較正常(表示得糖尿病的風險較低)。
解題思路: 這句話闡述的是calorie-restricted animal的情況,也就是calorie- restricted monkeys的情況,所以正確答案是A。
Question 34
關鍵詞:more chronic disease
定位原文: 第6段第3句“Further, it has recently…”
解題思路: 此外,有關研究最近指出,長期限制熱量攝人(將近15年)的恒河猴患慢性病的幾率也較低。rhesus monkeys與control monkeys 比較,前者患慢性病幾率低,也就是說后者患慢性病幾率高。正確答案是B。
Question 35
答案: C
關鍵詞:a longer than average lifespan
定位原文: 第6段第4句: “They and other monkeys…” 但想要知道限制熱量攝人是否會延長猴類的平均壽命和最大壽命,我們還必須對這些恒河猴以及其他猴類做更長時間的跟蹤研究。
解題思路: They 指的是calorie-restricted mon?keys s other monkeys指的就是 control monkeys,原文既然說還需更多研究才能知道它們的壽命是否得到延長,也就是說兩類猴都還沒有表明壽命得到延長。正確答案是C。
Question 36
答案: A
關鍵詞:reduced chance of heart disease
定位原文: 第6段第2句“For example, they have lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels (signifying a decreased likelihood of heart disease )…” 例如,它們的血壓與甘油三酸酯含量都比較低(表示得心臟病的可能性較小)。
解題思路: 這句話闡述的是calorie-restricted animal的情況,也就是calorie- restricted monkeys的情況,所以正確答案是A。
Question 37
答案: B
關鍵詞:greater quantities of insulin
定位原文: 第5段(就1句話)“..compared with control animals that eat normally, caloric-restricted monkeys have lower body temperatures and levels of the pancreatic hormone insulin.”比起正常飲食的對照組動物,限制熱量攝人組猴子的體溫和胰島素濃度都較低。
解題思路: 限制熱量攝入組的猴子比對照組猴子的胰島素濃度低,說明其胰島素分泌量少,故對照組的胰島素分泌較多。正確答案是B。
Question 38
關鍵詞:production of ATP is decreased
定位原文: 第8段第2句“By limiting food intake, caloric restriction…” 通過限制食物的攝取量,可使進入細胞的葡萄糖降到最低,因此減少ATP的生成量。
解題思路: 通過 minimizes the amount of glucose 和 less … is processed 的同義轉換關系很快選出答案應該是glucose。
Question 39
答案: free radicals
關鍵詞:one possibility
定位原文: 第8段第5句“One possibility relates to the ATP-making…” 其中一種說法與ATP生成過程中自由基的釋放有關,人們認為自由基會損傷細胞,因此引起衰老以及像癌癥這類與衰老有關的疾病。
解題思路: 根據原文,free radicals促進 cancer之類的disease破壞細胞,所以free radicals越少,被疾病破壞的細胞就越少。即題目中給出的部分:cells less damaged by disease,所以答案為free radicals。
Question 40
答案: preservation
關鍵詞: focus on
定位原文: 第8段最后1句“Another hypothesis suggests…” 另一種假設認為,葡萄糖代謝的降低讓細胞以為食物不足(即使事實并非如此),而促使細胞進人抗衰老的狀態(tài),這種狀態(tài)著重的是維持……
解題思路: emphasize與focus on屬于同義表達,scarce與in short supply屬于同義表達,所以對應答案為preservation。