"Music I heard with you was more than music." Exactly. And therefore music itself can only be heard alone. Solitude is the salt of personhood. It brings out the authentic flavor of every experience.
"Alone one is never lonely: the spirit adventures, walking in a quiet garden, in a cool house, abiding single there."
It takes a while, as I watch the surf blowing up in fountains at the end of the field, but the moment comes when the world falls away, and the self emerges again from the deep unconscious, bringing back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowly understood, when I can converse again with my hidden powers, and so grow, and so be renewed, till death do us part.
Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others, even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of taste, temperament and mood. Human intercourse often demands that we soften the edge of perception, or withdraw at the very instant of personal truth for fear of hurting, or of being inappropriately present, which is to say naked, in a social situation. Alone we can afford to be wholly whatever we are, and to feel whatever we feel absolutely. That is a great luxury!
PA Publishers Association 英國出版商協(xié)會
package printing 包裝印刷
page layout 版面設(shè)計
page make-up 裝版
page number 頁數(shù)
page proof 單頁校樣,版面校樣
paper 文件,公文,紙張
paperback1 平裝,紙皮書
paperback binding2 平裝
paperback edition 平裝本
paper bound edition 平裝本
paper-cover binding 平裝
paper inventory3 庫存紙張
paper matrix 紙型
paper seasoning4 晾紙
paragraph 節(jié),段
part 篇
partwork 分冊出版的叢書
patent law 專利權(quán)法
payments for materials 材料費
payments for physical manufacturing 印制費
payments of royalties5 版稅支付
p-book 紙質(zhì)圖書
peddlers 小販
percentage of screen porosity6 絲網(wǎng)通孔率
perfect binding 無線膠訂,膠粘裝訂
perfector 雙面印刷廠
perforating 打排孔
Pergamon Press Ltd. 培格曼出版公司
periodical 期刊
permanent paper 耐用檔案紙
permission for noncommercial purposes 非盈利出版 許可
permission for nonprofit publishing 非盈利出版許可
permission for quotation 引用許可
pocket edition 袖珍本
popular edition 普及版
LA The Library Association 英國圖書館協(xié)會
lacquered film engraving stencil 刻漆膜絲網(wǎng)印版
lacquered screen plate 涂漆絲網(wǎng)印版
laminating 復(fù)膜
large print 大字版本
laser engraved gravure 激光雕刻凹版
laser printer 激光打印機
laser printing 激光印刷
law of publication 出版法
leaf 書的一頁(包括正反面)
lead-in 加鉛條
legal deposit 法定送樣本
legend 傳奇
legends under illustrations 圖注
letterpress machine 凸版印刷機
letterpress make-ready 凸印上版
letterpress printing 凸版印刷
letterset 間接凸印
lexicographical book 辭書
Librairie Ernest Flammarion 歐內(nèi)斯特·弗拉馬里翁出版社
Librairie Larousse 拉魯斯出版社
library edition 圖書館版
Library of Congress 美國國會圖書館
licensing 許可,許可證
light literature 閑書
light reading 閑書
limitation of copyright 版權(quán)限止
limited edition 特定版,限印本
line 行
line composing and casting 整行鑄排
line copy 線條原稿
line etching 線條腐蝕
line space 行空
Linotype 萊諾(整行)鑄排機
liquid crystal printing 液晶印刷
list 目錄
literary agent 文稿代理人
literary remains 遺著
literary scenario 電影文學(xué)劇本
literary scouts 尋稿人
literary sketch 文學(xué)小品
literature 文學(xué)
lithographic 平版印刷
lithographic plate 平版
local chronicles 地方志
local gazetteer 地方志
local history 地方志
local literature 鄉(xiāng)土文學(xué)
London International Book Fair 倫敦國際書展
long-term development 長期規(guī)劃
loose-leaf 活頁
loose-leaf binding 活頁裝
love story 戀愛小說
lower 改低
lyric poetry 抒情詩
machine readable code 機器閱讀碼,條形碼
machinery for post press finishing 印后加工機械
macropedia 大百科全書
magenta 品紅色
magnetic ink printing 磁性印刷
maiden work 處女作
mail-order 郵購
mail-order for books 圖書郵購
major development projects 重大選題
make-up 拼版
manual phototypesetting 手動照相排版
manuscript 原稿
manuscript report 稿件審查報告,初審報告
map 地圖
map paper 地圖紙
margin 頁邊空白,版口
market 市場
marketing 銷售部
marketing costs 銷售成本
mask 蒙片
masking 蒙版
mass market paperback 大眾市場紙皮書
Masson 馬松出版公司
matrix grid 字模版
memoirs 回憶錄
memorial volume 紀(jì)念冊
merchandising 銷售規(guī)劃
meshcount 絲網(wǎng)目數(shù)
metal decorating 鐵皮印刷
micro books 縮微圖書
microcomputer phototypesetting terminal 微機排版終端
microcopy 縮微本
micro-dictionary 小型詞典
microfiche 縮微平片
micro glossary 縮微平片
micropedia 小百科全書
micro-reproduction 縮微制品
minstrelsy 歌謠集
minute 備忘錄
miscellanea 雜記,雜集,雜錄
miscellany 雜記,雜集,雜錄
mobile booksellers 流動書販
moire 龜紋
monochrome 單色印刷
monograph 專題論文
monographic series 專集
Monotype 莫諾(單字)鑄排機
move to left 左移
move to right 右移
multi-color printing 多色印刷
multilingual dictionary 多語種辭典
multi-metal plate 多層金屬版
multi-volume series 大型叢書
must book 必讀書
mystery 神秘小說,偵探小說
mythology 神話
national bibliography 全國總書目
national catalogue of new books 全國新書目
national copyright laws 國家版權(quán)法
net sales income 凈銷售收入
new edition 修訂版,新版
new paragraph 另起一行
newsletter 書訊
newspaper printing 報紙印刷
newspaper printing press 報刊印刷機
newsprint 新聞紙,白報紙
newsprint in reel 新聞紙
New Year card 賀年卡
nip 壓印線
nonfiction books 非小說圖書
non-impact printing 無壓印刷
nonprofit publishing 非盈利出版
notch binding 凹口裝訂
note 注解
notes 隨筆,題記
not-for-profit publishing 非盈利出版
novel 小說
novelette 中篇小說
number of pages 頁數(shù)
NYP Not Yet Published 未出版
object original 實物原稿
oct 八開本
octavo 八開本
octodecimo 十八開本
offprint 選印本,抽印本
offset 膠印
offset lithography 膠印
offset printing 膠印,平版印刷
offset printing press 膠印機
offset process 膠印法
offset fee 復(fù)制費
one side coated 單光紙
only extent copy 孤本
OP Out Of Print 絕版
opacity 不透明度
option on future books 書稿優(yōu)先選擇權(quán)
order processing 訂單處理
original 原稿
original book 原版
original edition 原版
owner of copyright 版權(quán)所有人,著作權(quán)人
out 漏排
outline 概要,綱要
out of print edition 脫銷版,絕版
out of register 套印不準(zhǔn)
outside readers 外審
quarterly 季刊
weekly 周刊
year-book 年鑒
16-mo 十六開本
32-mo 三十二開本
64-mo 六十四開本
