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An experience when you lost something important


Describe a time you lost something important.

You should say:

What you lost;

how you lost it;

what you did after you lost it;

and explain how you felt about losing it.


What kinds of people may lose things often?

What can we do to prevent losing important things?

What would you do if you saw something valuable but didn't belong to you on the street?

What kinds of things have you lost so far?

What do you usually do to look for lost items?


I have never felt as frustrated and helpless as l did the time my mobile oh was stolen. It gave me a sense of shame and a feeling of being violated. I can also kick myself for being so careless and not more aware.

I was a bit naive to leave my phone in a back pocket of my rucksack while l

travelled on the bus. When I reached my stop and reached into the bag, it was nowhere to be seen and I immediately burst into tears, an old lady came up to me and tried to console me, but I was extremely emotional and not able to be rational.

After I got over the shock, I went to a local police station to report the theft. The police couldn’t do a whole lot other than take my statement and file a report to this day the phone still hasn't materialized, so I have given up all hope of ever seeing it again

I still feel sick to my stomach for losing the phone for a number of reasons. First, it's an invasion of privacy as my phone had lots of sensitive personal details on it. Also, it was jam-pocked with photos and videos that I hadn't backed up. They will be lost forever, which is a very sad and helpless thought.


Something you like to wear on special occasions


Describe a piece of clothing you wear on special occasions.

You should say:

what the occasion was;

what you worn;

where you bought the clothes;

and what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes.


Do Chinese people send much money on clothes? (Why/Why not)

Do you think a person's job affects the kinds of clothes that person wears?

Do you think you can learn anything about a person from the clothes they wear?

What are the differences between formal and casual clothes?

In China, what are some occasions when people wear casual clothes?

What style of clothes (formal or informal) do you think is most suitable for people working in an office? (Why)

Why do you think fashions in clothes seem to be constantly changing?

Why do some large companies or organizations require their employees to wear a uniform?

Do you think employees should have the right to choose what they wear as a uniform?

Do you think employers have the right (or should have the right) to say what people wear at work?


When I was a teenager, I wore a high school uniform pretty much every day of the week. It was nothing fancy, just a blue t-shirt and the high school uniform. It seems so nostalgic now when I think back to this memory. Life at school required very little effort and we had no worries and no responsibilities.

There was no special occasion, other than being allowed into a new school. However, being part of that class was a special opportunity and the friendships I forged in those years will last a lifetime. I was lonesome and confused during those first few days of school, but very soon the others welcomed me with open arms. I became one of them, a special group of souls.

I remember shopping for the uniform with my mum. I was very fussy couldn't choose the right shirt that would make me happy, so we settled for a few different styles. We went to a cheap market at first to get the shirt, but that didn't fly with me as the shirts were of poor quality. In the end we went to a school uniform supply shop and I found a fabric that felt soft and comfortable.

There was no real reaction to my clothes from my fellow classmates as we were all dressed very similar. Although we all looked exactly the same, it gave us all sense of unity and belonging to our school.

雅思口語(yǔ)part2&3事物類話題范文:A special meal

A special meal


Describe a special meal you were invited to.

You should say:

When and where you were invited

Who invited you

What you ate

And explain how you felt about the meal.


1. Do you like to try new food?

2. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

3. Do you like to cook at home?

4. Is it expensive to eat out in your country?

5. What’s the difference between Chinese food and western food?


Ok then, well I’m actually quite lucky in the fact that I’ve been invited to quite a number of special meals, and the one I’ve decided to talk to you about was a farewell dinner of a good friend of mine, because he was about to go off to Canada for a few years to start university there, so he invited a few of his close friends for a farewell dinner before heading off.

And one of the reasons I’ve chosen to talk about this meal instead of some of the others I’ve been to is simply that it’s still quite fresh in my memory. You know, it was only about a couple of weeks ago when it happened. And as for where we had the meal, well I can’t remember the exact name of the place, but it was quite a posh restaurant somewhere in the centre of the city, and judging from how nice it looked when I walked in, it seemed to be a pretty expensive place to dine. So I was kind of relieved that it wouldn’t be me footing the bill! And we also had our own separate room, which was nice, and probably just as well, seeing as we made quite a bit of noise during the meal, what with all the laughing and stuff going on.

Anyway regarding what we ate, well I couldn’t tell you every single dish that we had, because there was just so much, you know, the whole table was literally covered with food. I mean, there was crab, chicken, duck, what else, um,……oh yeah, shrimps, and, uh…..oh and a whole load of different vegetables. So by the end of it, I was absolutely stuffed. You know, we all ate masses, because the food was so good, and it would have been a bit of a pity to see it go to waste!

But anyway, finally then, with regard to how I felt about the meal, well to put it simply, I really enjoyed it. Because as well as the food, which was fantastic, I really enjoyed everyone’s company. You know, it was great being together with so many good friends, many of which I hadn’t seen in quite a while.

So yeah, all in all, it was a really special evening, and I’m extremely grateful to have been invited, and also very grateful to my friend for his generosity, as the bill must have come to quite a lot, I’m sure!


Something you want to replace


Describe something of yours that you would like to replace.

You should say.

what it is;

what you use it for;

how long you’ve had it;

And explain why you would like to replace it.


What are other things that you want to replace?

What kinds of things do young people like to replace?

Do old people in China like to hoard things?

Who do you think will want new things, children or old people?

What's the difference between new things and old things?


I have a sports watch that I use to monitor my heart rate and also help me record my fitness activities. It is a bit old and outdated now, so it's time for something newer and more up to date. Sports watches that regulate your health have become wildly popular these days and everyone should have one. They keep you disciplined and aware of your own health, which is vitally important.

I use the watch to count the step I take each day and keep tabs on my heart rate and other exercise related data. It gives me a report and then suggests ways I can tweak my exercise routine. I have come to rely on this watch to keep me slim and trim. If it weren’t for this watch I think I would be chubby and out of shape and certainly out of breath!

I have had this watch for about two years, and even though that's not a great deal of time, in terms of this type of technology, it is long enough. Technology changes with the wind and it's important to keep abreast of these advances.

I fancy a newer sports watch with a sleeker design and all the modern bells and whistles. Recently, the market has been flooded with lighter and faster watches with the latest health monitoring technology. I want a bright red one that beeps and flashes and keeps me in tip top shape.






事物類的話題在雅思口語(yǔ)中常常出現(xiàn),準(zhǔn)備好了你就賺到了,下面小編給大家?guī)?lái)雅思口語(yǔ)part23事物類話題范文集錦。雅思口語(yǔ)part23事物類話題范文:失去東西的經(jīng)歷An experience when yo


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