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  Part one

  In this part, the interlocutor asks questions on anumber of work-related and non-work-relatedsubjects to each candidate in turn, you have to giveinformation about yourself and express personalopinions.

  Part two

  The candidate chooses one topic and speaksabout it for approximately one minute. One minuts' preparation time is allowed.

  A personal management: the importance to a company of having well-motivated staff

  B strategic planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises

  C Sales:How to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately

  Part Three

  In this part of the test, candidates are given a topic to discuss and are allowed 320 secondsto look at the prompt card, before talking together for about three minutes, afterwards, theexaminer asks more questions related to the topic.

  For two candidates

  Health and Fitness Facilities

  You company is considering providing a fitness centre on the premises to help employeesimprove their health and fitness. You have been asked to make recommendations for thisscheme.

  Discuss, and decide together:

  ●What benefits the centre would bring for the company

  ●How to promote the need for health and fitness to all staff

  For three Candidates

  Health and Fitness Facilities

  Your company is considering providing a fitness centre on the premises to help employeesimprove their health and fitness. You have been asked to make recommendations for thisscheme.

  Discuss, and decide together:

  ●What benefits the centre would bring for the company

  ● Which types of facilities could be included

  ●How to promote the need for health and fitness to all staff

  Follow-on questions

  ●Would company fitness facilities be equally popular among all staff?Why ?why not?

  ●Should employees have to pay to use health and fitness facilities? Why /why not?

  ●What other ways are there for companies to encourage their employees to remain fit andhealthy?

  ●Should companies include employees' families in their health and fitness provision ? why ?why not?

  ●Is the welfare of employees an appropriate concern for companies? Why? Why not?


  THERE is an alliterative saying I learnt in the Air Force: Prior Preparation Prevents Pretty Poor Performance.

  The 6P Rule is central to many things, especially those requiring structure and excellent organisation. Why? Because if you don't get it right, every one of the participants will know you have dropped the ball.

  The first necessity is to know exactly what you want; will you provide lunch, include accommodation, include freebies such as brief cases, package the conference with discount airfares, hire cars and a trip to a local tourism venue? What about spouses and partners, will they be included? Once you know exactly what you want ... and it's a sound idea to contact several venue providers to ask what they will do for what cost, make sure you have a written agreement about:

  what you want

  when you want it

  where it will happen at what cost

  who will carry out the various roles/activities

  what will happen if something goes wrong (contingency plan)

  Once you have agreed what you want and the venue provider has agreed to provide it, you are on your way. Or are you? You aren't, because there is much more to do ... like communicating with the intended participants ... the reason for the conference.

  You need to be explicit in what the conference offers, how people nominate and pay, when it will start and so on. In fact what you should do ... mentally, is think through the various ways and options for people to attend. Go through each step and ask yourself, 'What happens here, how will it be handled?'

  Imagine yourself writing a cheque to pay your nomination ... where will you send it, what will happen once it is received? By doing this mental thing, you can identify 'fail points', which may prevent embarassment and inefficiencies somewhere down the track. For example, incorrect payee details on a cheque will require you to contact the sender and have another cheque raised ... all valuable time and resources wasted.

  Make sure participants are fully aware of what they are expected to do and what you, the organiser will do. Don't allow any room for errors.


  BEC高級商務(wù)英語口語考試不容忽視,下面我們就來看看一分鐘簡短發(fā)言都應(yīng)該包含哪些內(nèi)容。 考官分別給每個考生一張題卡,上面各有3個不同題目(一個為日常話題,一個為一般性商務(wù)話題,另外一個為專業(yè)商務(wù)話題),由考生任選一題。題目涉及:企業(yè)管理,員工培訓(xùn),顧客關(guān)系,市場營銷,經(jīng)濟(jì)熱點等話題。不提供論點提示詞??忌幸环昼姕?zhǔn)備時間,兩位考生同時準(zhǔn)備。允許做筆記。一個同學(xué)發(fā)言結(jié)束,另一個同學(xué)問1-2個問題, 因此在發(fā)言時要注意聽并在頭腦中想好提問的問題。該部分雖是1分鐘的簡短發(fā)言,但要求內(nèi)容完整,有開頭,有結(jié)尾。能圍繞題目組織并提供論點,并加以論證。兩個考生6min 三個考生8min 除掉構(gòu)思準(zhǔn)備時間和另一個考生提問題的時間, 每個考生只有一分半鐘,最多講十幾句話,考生做簡短發(fā)言時論點要緊扣主題,給出2,3條論據(jù)即可,點到為止不必展開議論。

  Show a clear understanding of the task

  Make an appropriate introduction and conclusion

  The ideas well-organized and logically ordered

  Use appropriate signposting (指示)and linking(連接) language

  Develop ideas clearly and the ideas given are easy to understand

  Speak in a clear and the ideas given are easy to understand

  The talk is given an appropriate length

  Opening Sentence

  Well, I’d like to make a short/brief/mini/one-minute presentation on the topic…

  Body (一般講2-3個要點,根據(jù)語速和知識點調(diào)整)


  Closing Sentence

  Anyway, that’s why I think so.

  Thank you very much.

  Thank you for taking your time.

  Thank you for listening.


  Nothing great was ever achieved with out enthusiasm. ——Ralph Waldo Emerson

  We've all had to work and do things that we did not especially enjoy. Usually, some chirpy1) person would tell us to be more enthusiastic2)。 “You'll have more fun, ”they would say. Well, they were partly right.

  Being enthusiastic about something means being ex-cited about a given project. Enthusiasm entails having a strong interest in the task at hand. If you decided to learn a new language, which is not easy by any account, you would have to dedicate3) yourself wholehearted to the cause. Anything less would result in failure.

  What is real enthusiasmˋ In your quest for success, enthusiasm means that you believe deeply in what the company is doing. You also believe that your job is important and contributes to the cause. It means that you're willing to work your butt off to achieve the company's goals.

  Real enthusiasm is when you leap out of bed in the morning and attack your day with gusto. You have zeal for the work you do and the people you work with. This pushes you to improve and become a better person.

  Enthusiasm means that you are stimulated by your work, and are able to find new challenges and keep growing professionally. Furthermore, most jobs have some elements that are less fun and more difficult to carry out. This is where passion4) really comes into play.

  When you love what you do, it isn't too difficult to get psyched5) up and get the job done. The hard part is performing equally well in those less interesting tasks.

  Passion helps you get ahead Enthusiasm about a job or project usually translates into positive energy. That is, if you are excited about a project, you will be anxious to get started and get results. The mere fact of looking forward to your work will help make you more productive and effective. You will plan more effectively and pay careful attention to detail. You will carry out your plan more carefully and aim for t he best results possible.

  Another important point is that passionate people are usually those that are thrust into positions of leadership. A leader must have zest if people are to follow him and achieve the corporate mission. A leader must inspire his troops. To inspire them, he needs to exude enthusiasm. In leaders, this translates into charisma6)。

  Being fervent about your work shows a willingness to do more and learn. This will definitely help you stand out from the crowd and get top management's attention.

  Increasing your enthusiasm Most men aren't born great——they become great. Similarly, not everyone is the enthusiastic type that falls in love with their work. However, do not despair, there are ways to become more passionate.

  One good way to boost your gusto is by reading about successful people, it will help you realize that you too can make it happen.

  Reading about real success stories often illustrates that people much like yourself have become business leaders. In most cases, they all share one trait7)ㄩenthusiasm.

  If you want to succeed, you should be excited about your work, your life and your co-workers.

  by Michael Bucci

  沒有熱情, 永遠(yuǎn)干不成大事?!瓲柗颉の譅柖唷勰?/p>

  我們大家都得工作, 去做一些我們并不特別喜歡的事情。通??傆腥藭亦以馗嬖V我們要熱情些。他們會說, “你會得到更多樂趣的?!笔堑?, 他們的話有一定道理。

  對某件事情充滿熱情, 意味著對某個既定項目感到興奮。熱情就是要對手頭的工作產(chǎn)生強(qiáng)烈的興趣。如果你決定學(xué)一門新的語言(無論如何這不是件容易的事情), 你必須全身心地投入。任何懈怠都會使你功虧一簣。

  什么是真正的熱情?在你尋求成功的過程中, 熱情意味著你要對公司所做的一切深信不疑。你還要相信, 你的工作是重要的, 而且是為公司的事業(yè)所做的一份貢獻(xiàn)。這就意味著, 為了達(dá)到公司的目的, 你要自愿放棄自己的目標(biāo)。

  真正的熱情是, 早上起床后就要精力充沛地去開始一天的工作。你要滿腔熱情地去工作和對待同事。這會使你得到提高, 并成為更高層次的人。

  熱情意味著, 你要從自己的工作中受到激勵, 并能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)新的挑戰(zhàn)和保持專業(yè)的長進(jìn)。此外, 多數(shù)工作都有一些不太有趣而又難于做好的因素。這些地方正需要熱情來發(fā)揮作用。

  當(dāng)你熱愛你的工作時,使自己興奮起來然后完成工作并不是一件很難的事情。困難的是, 在那些缺乏興趣的工作中你也要同樣表現(xiàn)出色。

  熱情使你領(lǐng)先對一項工作或計劃的熱情通常會變成積極的力量。也就是說, 如果你對一項計劃感到興奮的話,你就會迫不及待地開始去做并得到結(jié)果。只要你對工作有所期盼, 就會使你更有成果, 更有效率。你將會更有效地制定計劃,并對細(xì)節(jié)十分關(guān)注。你會很小心地執(zhí)行計劃, 力爭取得最好的結(jié)果。

  另外重要的一點是, 那些被推上領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層的人通常是熱情的人。如果人們要聽從他的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)并實現(xiàn)共同目標(biāo)的話, 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人必須要有熱情。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人必須要鼓舞他的下屬;要鼓舞人, 他就需要充分展示熱情。在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)身上, 這種熱情會轉(zhuǎn)化成個人的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)魅力。

  對工作熱情表明你愿意做更多的工作, 愿意學(xué)習(xí)。這肯定會使你脫穎而出, 并獲得高層領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的注意。

  增強(qiáng)熱情 大多數(shù)人并不是天生杰出的——他們是逐漸開始杰出起來的。同樣, 也并不是每個人都屬于那種熱愛工作的熱情型。但是, 不要絕望, 總會有方法讓你變得滿懷激情的。

  有種激發(fā)熱情的好方法, 就是閱讀有關(guān)成功者的書籍。這會使你認(rèn)識到, 你也可以使自己獲得成功。

  通過閱讀真實的成功事例, 你會經(jīng)常地了解到, 與你相差無幾的很多人已經(jīng)成為商界要人。在多數(shù)情況下, 他們有著共同的特點:熱情。

  如果你想獲得成功的話, 你應(yīng)該對你的工作、生活和你的同事滿懷熱情。













口語是bec中的重要一項考試內(nèi)容,為了幫助大家備考,下面小編給大家分享一下2020年BEC高級口語考前預(yù)測! 2020年BEC高級口語考前預(yù)測 Part one In this part, the interlocutor asks questi


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