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雅思口語是雅思考試中比較難得分的部分,很多雅思考生在口語上都很頭疼,怎么都拿不到高分,所以大家掌握一些雅思口語的答題模板是非常重要的,下面就為大家推薦【雅思口語P2】范文Describe a Travel/trip,大家可以參考

【雅思口語P2】Describe a Travel/trip

You should say

When and where you go?

Whom you go with?

What things you do?

Last year I went to Guilin with my family during the national holiday. It was a memorable trip and I was impressed by the marvelous natural sceneries in Guilin. I grew up in Shanghai and I can hardly see any mountains or streams. When I arrived at Guilin, I was immediately attracted by its majestic landscape. I had never seen this kind of scenery before. Guilin s a small city but there are green mountains, clear water, unique caves and beautiful stones there. We went to the most famous tourist attractions such as the Elephant Trunk Hill, Li River, Reed Flute Cave and Seven-star Park. I like the Elephant trunk hill the most. It looks like a huge elephant drinking water by the Li River! It is really a fantastic hill. No wonder it has become the symbol of the city. I was so excited and I took a lot of pictures with my parents. We also enjoyed the special food there, such as Guilin rice noodles. It was quite special and different from what I had in Shanghai. It’s much more delicious here. I was quite satisfied with this trip except for one thing, it was too crowded and I was shocked by the huge number of tourists. Maybe it’s not a good choice to go on a trip during the national holiday.

最新5-8月雅思口語Part2話題范文:Describe a bicycle trip



Who you are with

And explain why it is impressive


I’d like to describe a travelling idea that I think would make an awesome experience. It’s a motorbike trip to Tam Dao, a town of Vinh Phu province, which has become an attractive place for Hanoi residents to visit at weekends and during holidays. Tam Dao, also known as Da Lat of the North due to its cool weather around the year, is not far from Hanoi. It’s just 70 kilometers away from our capital city, so I think it’d be sensible to travel there by motorbike.

I think it’d be an ideal trip if we had a small group of 4 or 5 members, who all knew each other well, as travelling companions. We would need to share a lot of common interests as well as characteristics, you know, so the experience would be more laidback, fun and memorable, in my opinion.

There are several reasons why I prefer travelling by motorbike rather than by car, but most of all, I wouldn’t want to miss the breathtaking scenery along the way. Moreover, my travelling timeline would be more flexible if I went there by motorbike, as I wouldn’t have to worry about being stuck in traffic jams. Last but not least, I think it would be a way to make the trip somehow more challenging and interesting, so we would have more things to recall afterwards


有人認(rèn)為,只要我事先背一些卡片考試時就是有所準(zhǔn)備,也就不怕了,可是關(guān)鍵問題是,雅思口語考試中出現(xiàn)的卡片有好幾百個,你又怎樣才能夠做到全部準(zhǔn)備呢?其實(shí),口語cue card的準(zhǔn)備還是有規(guī)律可循的。

首先來看幾個比較容易的卡片題,1 describe a park 2 describe a painting 3 describe a local event (最近經(jīng)??嫉?可以這么說,如果單獨(dú)地讓各位candidate來說這三個話題當(dāng)中的任何一個,絕大多數(shù)考生可能都不會覺得很難,除了最后一個可能稍微有一些難度。如果在考試之前準(zhǔn)備,也就是花時間背這幾個卡片的說法,如果每個話題要20分鐘的時間能夠背熟練,那么總共就要花一個小時,但是如果考生們能夠想到這三個話題可以變成一個,那么效率就會大大提高。也就是我們要會聯(lián)系組合卡片。

下面讓我們來具體得看這三個話題怎樣變成一個:我們就先準(zhǔn)備第一個描述一個公園。而描述一個painting怎樣可以和park搭上關(guān)系呢?我們可以這樣說,從這個painting上面,我們可以看到的是一個park,然后我們再具體深入描述park,在把park描述完以后可以再返回來說一下個人對這個painting的感受,所以還是在說的painting.至于local event就可以做得更絕,可以描述這個時間是舉辦一個畫展,在這個畫展上我看到了一幅非常喜歡的畫,而畫上面描述的是一個公園,這樣不久全部聯(lián)系到一起了嗎?因此,如果能夠很好地把握這個方法,整個口語考試中的卡片也就變得很少了,而且也完全可以做到準(zhǔn)備充分了。小編預(yù)祝同學(xué)們在雅思考試中取得好的成績。


雅思口語基本句型1、Wrap this package for me. 給我把這包裹包好。

尋求幫助時的用語,當(dāng)你不知道怎樣打包或者沒有時間打包時,你可以使用這句話向他人尋求幫助:Can you wrap this package for me?

雅思口語基本句型2、Why are you quitting? 你為什么要辭職?


quit  vi. 離開, 辭職, 停止  vt. 離開, 放棄, 解除,

have notice to quit接到解雇的通知

雅思口語基本句型3、She feels pity for him. 她同情他。

當(dāng)某人發(fā)生了什么不好的事情,你可以說:sb. feels pity for sb.

例如:She feels pity for him.=She feels sorry for him. 她同情他。

雅思口語基本句型4、Hurry up; the train is about to start. 快快!火車就要開了。

解釋:be about to do sth 中的about 作形容詞講;意思是“即將[馬上]做某事”這個句型在雅思口語基本句型中也是非常重要的,大家要注意。

例如:Hurry up; the film's about to start. 快點(diǎn),電影要開始了。

not be about to do sth [非正式]不打算做某事

例如:I've never smoked in my life and I'm not about to start now.我從未抽過煙,現(xiàn)在也不打算抽。

雅思口語基本句型5、Nice talking to you. 很高興跟你談話。

通常是在結(jié)束談話時,也就是在要分開時說的話。類似的說法有Nice meeting you. 動名詞表示動作的結(jié)束、完成。這是一個相對比價常見的雅思口語句型,但是卻經(jīng)常被忽略掉,所以在備考的時候,要注意啦。

如果是在一開始要用Nice to meet you. 或者Nice to talk to you.

雅思口語基本句型6、It was so embarrassing. 真令人困窘,好糗。



A:Tom is a selfish man.

B: Stop talking!!He is behind you.

A:Why don't you tell me earlier? That was so embarrassing.

雅思口語基本句型7、I need first aid. 我需要急救。


例句:Help, Help...My leg is badly hurt. I need first aid.


人工呼吸artificial respiration 急救車ambulance 急救箱first-aid kit 急救站first-aid station 急救措施emergency treatment 胸外心臟按壓extra thoracic compression 處理傷口dressing wounds 暈倒fall in a faint  休克shock

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