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我們都知道備考雅思口語需要在平時積累多一些素材,并且多多參考別人的優(yōu)秀范文,下面小編給大家?guī)?月最新雅思口語Part2話題范文:Describe a special meal that you had。

9月最新雅思口語Part2話題范文:Describe a special meal that you had

Task:Describe a special meal that you had.

Sample answer:

I had many meals and I took part in many celebrations and parties and among them the meal I had with my teachers and classmates in my high school was a very important one and I still remember it.

I had the meal at our school community center. The meal was thrown as part of the fare-well of our batch from the high school. The party was help in the evening and our teachers, classmates and some of the members of the school committee as well as our guardians were present. My father was present with me and he was sitting next to me in the meal.

This was a special meal because this was the last meal I had with my classmates who had been my friend for more than 4 years. I was bit sad to admit to myself that I won’t see most of them in my life again and I was happy that I had such a good memory about my school, teachers and friends.

There was a short speech by 2-3 of our teachers and by 2-3 guardians and after that the meal was served. Many items were served in the feast and we all ate voraciously as we were hungry. I enjoyed the desert very much. I returned home at late night with my father and started feeling that I will never forget this event and the good meal I had with my teachers and friends whom I might not meet again.

雅思口語part2考官范文:a special meal

受邀參加的特殊一餐Describe a special meal you were invited to.

You should say:

When and where you were invited

Who invited you

What you ate

And explain how you felt about the meal.


Ok then, well I’m actually quite lucky in the fact that I’ve been invited to quite a number of special meals, and the one I’ve decided to talk to you about was a farewell dinner of a good friend of mine, because he was about to go off to Canada for a few years to start university there, so he invited a few of his close friends for a farewell dinner before heading off.

And one of the reasons I’ve chosen to talk about this meal instead of some of the others I’ve been to is simply that it’s still quite fresh in my memory. You know, it was only about a couple of weeks ago when it happened.And as for where we had the meal, well I can’t remember the exact name of the place, but it was quite a posh restaurant somewhere in the centre of the city, and judging from how nice it looked when I walked in, it seemed to be a pretty expensive place to dine. So I was kind of relieved that it wouldn’t be me footing the bill!And we also had our own separate room, which was nice, and probably just as well, seeing as we made quite a bit of noise during the meal, what with all the laughing and stuff going on.

Anyway regarding what we ate, well I couldn’t tell you every single dish that we had, because there was just so much, you know, the whole table was literally covered with food. I mean, there was crab, chicken, duck,what else, um,……oh yeah, shrimps, and, uh…..oh and a whole load of different vegetables. So by the end of it, I was absolutely stuffed. You know, we all ate masses, because the food was so good, and it would have been a bit of a pity to see it go to waste!

But anyway, finally then, with regard to how I felt about the meal, well to put it simply, I really enjoyed it. Because as well as the food, which was fantastic, I really enjoyed everyone’s company. You know, it was great being together with so many good friends, many of which I hadn’t seen in quite a while.

So yeah, all in all, it was a really special evening, and I’m extremely grateful to have been invited, and also very grateful to my friend for his generosity, as the bill must have come to quite a lot, I’m sure!


Ok then = Ok, (I’m ready to begin). You can also say, “Ok right then” or “Ok then”

I’m actually quite lucky in the fact that I’ve been invited to quite a number of special meals = 我其實很幸運因為我很多次被邀請參加特殊晚餐 (or something like that!)

it’s still quite fresh in my memory = I can remember it pretty clearly

posh restaurant = 豪華飯店

it was just as well = 幸虧如此

quite a bit of = quite a lot of

foot the bill = pay the bill (買單)

by the end of it = 到最后

I was absolutely stuffed = 我撐死了!

(you can use "absolutely" before extreme adjectives for emphasis,for example: "the show was absolutely amazing"! 演出太精彩了!/ I'm absolutely starving! 我餓死了!but you can't say "I'm absolutely hungry", as "hungry" isn't a strong enough adjective.)

we all ate masses = 我們都吃了好多

So yeah = 所以嗯 (often used at the beginning of the final sentence when you are finishing your talk/answer)


雅思口語壞習慣1、 不要無的放矢


雅思口語壞習慣2、 不要言語啰嗦


雅思口語壞習慣3、 不要忽略練習


雅思口語壞習慣4、 不要打斷談話


雅思口語壞習慣5、 不要要求過高


雅思口語壞習慣6、 不要畏懼變化


雅思口語壞習慣7、 不要暗示考官


雅思口語壞習慣8、 避免使用以下詞語

(1) challening,interesting等這些詞語往往被考官是為俗不可耐,考生應變換詞語進行細節(jié)描述。

(2) 不可使用Do you agree? 或Do you think so?這類帶有討論成分的句子反問考官的觀點。

雅思口語壞習慣9、 不要畏懼出錯和擔心聽不懂





“根據(jù)很多我以前的學生的考試經(jīng)驗,大多數(shù)你聽不懂的問題, 即使考官再重復10遍你肯定也還是聽不懂,而讓考官多次重復,你的流利程度已經(jīng)不知不覺的被嚴重扣分了。最有效地解決辦法是跟他說 I'm afraid I'm not particularly familiar with this topic, but my best guess is that...然后根據(jù)聽不懂的那一句話里面你能夠聽懂的那幾個單詞,大致猜一個答案,這樣即使答案不沾邊考官也還是可以原諒你的,如果他/她的心情不是太糟的話?!?/p>

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