


時(shí)間: 素雯896 分享



  一、be from 來自于=come from

  I am fromChina. = I come fromChina.


  He is fromChina. = He comes fromChina.


  My pen pal is fromChina. = My pen pal comes fromChina. 我的筆友來自中國。

  1. 把上面三組句子改為否定句

  ①含有be 動(dòng)詞的,直接在be 動(dòng)詞后加not

 ?、诤袑?shí)義動(dòng)詞的,要借助動(dòng)詞do 的否定形式構(gòu)成否定句,即在實(shí)義動(dòng)詞前加don't。如果是第三人稱單數(shù)則加doesn't,如果是過去式加didn't,動(dòng)詞要還原。


  I am not fromChina. = I don't come fromChina.

  He isn't fromChina. = He doesn't come fromChina.

  My pen pal isn't fromChina. = My pen pal doesn't comefrom China. 我的筆友不是來自中國。

  2. 以上三組句子的一般疑問句及其回答為:


  Are you fromChina? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

  Is he fromChina? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

  Is you pen pal fromChina? Yes, he (she) is ./ No, he (she) is.


  Do you come fromChina? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

  Does he come fromChina? Yes, he does. / No, hedoesn't.

  Does your pen pal come fromChina? Yes, he (she) does. / No, he (she) doesn't.

  3. 就以上三組陳述句畫線部分(China)提問

  即寫出三組特殊疑問句(特殊疑問詞+一般疑問句語序)China 為地名,所以特殊疑問詞用“Where”

  Where are you from? = Whre do you come from?

  Where is he from? = Where does he come from?

  Where is your pen pal from? = Where does your pen palfrom?  你的筆友來自哪里?

  二、live 居住 實(shí)義動(dòng)詞,表示居住在某地,其后面要加介詞in. 如:

  I live in China.  我住在中國。

  He lives in China.  他住在中國。

  My pen pal lives in China.  我的筆友住在中國。

  1. 以上三個(gè)句子的否定句為(實(shí)義動(dòng)詞要借助助動(dòng)詞do完成否定句和疑問句):

  I don't live inChina.

  He doesn't live inChina.

  My pen pal doesn't lives inChina.

  2. 上面三個(gè)句子的一般疑問句及其答語為:

  Do you live inChina? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

  Does he live inChina? Yes, he does./No, hedoesn't.

  Does your pen pal live inChina? Yes, he (she) does. / No, he (she) doesn't.

  3. 就畫線部分(in China)提問,及其特殊疑問句(特殊疑問詞+一般疑問句語序)。因in China為地方,所以用“Where”提問

  Where do you live?

  Where does he live?

  Where does you pen pal live?


  一、“There be”句型

  “There is / are+某物/某人+某地/某時(shí)”表示“某地/某時(shí)有某物/某人。”(某物/某人,單數(shù)用is,復(fù)數(shù)用are)。如:

  There is a hotel on the street. 在街上有一個(gè)旅館。

  其否定句為:There isn't a hotel on the street.

  其一般疑問句為:Is there a hotel on the street?

  其答語為:Yes , there is. / No, there isn't.



  1. The hotel is on Center Street. (on,在……上面) 旅館在中心大街上。

  2. The hotel is next to the post office. (next to,在……旁邊) 旅館在郵局的旁邊。

  3. The hotel is in front of the post office.(in front of,在……前面) 旅館在郵局的前面。

  4. The hotel is behind the post office.(behind,在……后面) 旅館在郵局的后面。

  5. The hotel is across from the post office.(across from,在……對面) 旅館在郵局的對面。

  6. The hotel is between the post office and thelibrary. (between ... and ... 在……與……之間)



  Where is the hotel? 旅館在哪里?(問路的另一句型)


  go straight 直走 go down / along 沿著……走

  turn left / right 向左/右轉(zhuǎn) go through 穿過

  the way to ... 去……的路 pass 經(jīng)過

  take a taxi 乘出租車 arrive at / in 到達(dá)……


  1. look up 查;查找

  2. make a mistake 犯錯(cuò)誤

  3. talk about 談?wù)?討論

  4. speak English 講英語

  5. write down 寫下;記下

  6. next to 在……旁邊;緊挨著

  7. listen to the radio 聽廣播

  8. be good for 對……有好處

  9. write to 給……寫信

  10. a little 有點(diǎn)

  11. agree with sb. 同意某人

  12. talk to 跟……交談

  13. send sth. to sb. 把某物(發(fā))送給某人

  14. ask for 請求

  15. watch films 看電影

  16. be from 來自

  17. smile at 沖……微笑

  18. go to bed 去睡覺

  19. get up 起床

  20. think about 考慮

  21. make friends with sb. 與某人交朋友

  22. take sb. around sp. 帶領(lǐng)某人參觀某地

  23. a few 幾個(gè);一些

  24. invite sb. to 邀請某人到……

  25. be good at 擅長

  26. for example 例如
