


時間: 素雯896 分享


  1. 問路常用的句子:

  ①Do you know where is … ?

  ②Can you tell me how can I get to …?

 ?、跜ould you tell me how to get to …?

  ④Could/Will/Would you please tell me sth. 表示十分客氣地詢問事情

  Could you tell me how to get to the park?


  2. decide to do 決定做…...

  She decided to go to have lunch. 她決定去吃午餐。

  3. Is that a good place to hang out?


  4. kind of +adj/adv. “有點、一點”

  She is kind of shy. 她有點害羞。

  5. prefer 動詞,更喜歡、寧愿。 常用的結(jié)構(gòu)有:

  ①prefer sth. 更喜歡某事

  I prefer English. 我更喜歡英語。

  ②prefer doing/ to do 寧愿做某事

  I prefer sitting/ to sit.我寧愿坐著。

 ?、踦refer sth to sth. 同…相比更喜歡…...

  I prefer dogs to cats. 與貓相比我更喜歡狗。

 ?、躳refer doing to doing 寧愿做某事而不愿做某事

  I prefer walking to sitting. 我寧愿走路也不愿坐著

 ?、輕refer to do rather than do 寧愿做某事而不愿做某事

  I prefer to work rather than be free. 我寧愿工作而不愿閑著。

  6. I'm sorry to do sth. 對做某事我覺得很抱歉、傷心。