


時間: 欣怡1112 分享




  1) be back/in/out 回來/在家/外出

  2) be at home/work 在家/上班

  3) be good at 善于,擅長于

  4) be careful (of) 當心,注意,仔細

  5) be covered with 被……復(fù)蓋

  6) be ready for 為……作好準備

  7) be surprised (at)對……感到驚訝

  8) be interested in 對……感興趣

  9) be born 出生

  10) be on 在進行,在上演;(燈)亮著

  11) be able to do sth. 能夠做……

  12) be afraid of doing/ to do sth./that…) 害怕做……/不敢做……/恐怕……

  13) be angry with sb.生(某人)的氣

  14) be pleased (with)對……感到高興(滿意)

  15) be famous for/as 以……而著名/作為……而出名

  16) be strict with sb./in sth. 對人/某事(例如工作)嚴格要求

  17) be from 來自某地,什么地方人

  18) be hungry/thirsty/tired 餓了/渴了/累了

  19) be worried about … 為了……而擔憂

  20) be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做……

  21) be covered with 被……所覆蓋

  22) be in (great) need of … (很)需要……

  23) be in trouble 處于困境中

  24) be glad to do sth. 很高興做……

  25) be late for … 遲到

  26) be made of/from … 由……制成(能看出原材料/不能看出原材料)

  27) be satisfied with對……感到滿意

  28) be free 空閑的,有空

  29) be in bed 臥病在床

  30) be busy doing (with) 忙于做……

  二、由come, do, get, give, go, have, help, keep, make, look, put, set, send, take, turn, play等動詞構(gòu)成的詞組

  1. come back 回來

  2. come down 下來

  3. come in 進入,進來

  4. come on 快,走吧,跟我來,加油

  5. come out出來

  6. come out of 從……出來

  7. come up with… 想出、提出(想法、主意等)

  8. come from 來自……

  9. do one's lessons/homework 做功課/家庭作業(yè)

  10. do more speaking/reading 多做口頭練習/朗讀

  11. do/try one's best盡力

  12. do some shopping/cooking/reading/cleaning 買東西/做飯菜/讀書/大掃除

  13. do a good deed/good deeds 做一件好事/做好事

  14. do morning exercises 做早操

  15. do eye exercises 做眼保健操

  16. do well in 在……某方面干得好

  17. get up 起身

  18. get everything ready 把一切都準備好

  19. get ready for/be ready for 為……作準備/為……做好了準備

  20. get on/along (well) with 與……相處(融洽)

  21. get back (to …) 返回(……)

  22. get rid of 除掉,去除

  23. get in 進入,收集

  24. get on/off 上/下車

  25. get to 到達

  26. give sb. a call 給……打電話

  27. give a talk/lecture/speech 作報告/講座/演講

  28. give … back to sb. 將……歸還給某人

  29. give … some advice 給……一些忠告

  30. give lessons to … 給……上課

  31. give in 屈服

  32. give up 放棄

  33. give sb. a chance 給……一次機會

  34. give a message to … 給……一個口信

  35. go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧

  36. go to the cinema/movies 看電影

  37. go to bed/sleep 睡覺

  38. go to school/college 上學(xué)/上大學(xué)

  39. go to (the) hospital 去醫(yī)院(看病)

  40. go over 過一遍,復(fù)習

  41. go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去鉤魚/滑冰/游泳/買東西

  42. go home 回家去

  43. go round 順便去,繞道走

  44. go up 上去

  45. go out for a walk 外出散步

  46. go on (doing) 繼續(xù)(做……)

  47. go on with sth 繼續(xù)(做……)

  48. go upstairs/downstairs 上/下樓

  49. (the lights) go out (燈)熄了

  50. have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上課/開會

  51. have a football match (basketball match) 舉行一場足球(藍球)賽

  52. have a try 試一試

  53. have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高興

  54. have a lecture (a piano concert) 聽講座(聽鋼琴音樂會)

  55. have a report (talk) on … 聽一個關(guān)于……的報告

  56. have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水 (一杯茶)

  57. have breakfast/lunch/supper (dinner) 吃早飯/午飯/晚飯

  58. have a meal (three meals) 吃一頓飯(三餐飯)

  59. have … for breakfast 早飯吃……

  60. have (have got) a headache 頭痛

  61. have a fever 發(fā)燒

  62. have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)

  63. have a look (at …) 看一看(……)

  64. have a rest (a break) 休息一會兒(工間或課間休息)

  65. have a talk 談話

  66. have a swim/walk 游泳/散步

  67. have sports 進行體育鍛煉

  68. have a sports meet (meeting) 開運動會

  69. have something done 讓人(請人)做……

  70. have a test/an exam 測驗/考試

  71. have an idea 有了個主意

  72. had better do sth (not do sth) 最好做……(最好不要做……)

  73. have a word with 與……談幾句話

  74. help sb with sth/help sb do sth 在……方面幫助……/幫助……做

  75. help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 請隨便吃點雞/魚/肉

  76. help each other 互相幫助

  77. keep up with 跟上……,不落后于……

  78. keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安靜

  79. keep sb doing sth 使……一直做……

  80. keep one's diary 記日記

  81. make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵鬧(十分嘈雜,響聲)

  82. make a living 謀生

  83. make sb do sth 迫使某人做……

  84. make faces (a face) 做鬼臉

  85. make friends (with)與……交朋友

  86. make a mistake (mistakes) 犯錯誤

  87. make room/space for 給……騰出地方

  88. make a sentence (sentences)with 用……造句

  89. make a fire 生火

  90. be made from/of 由……制成 (用from表示看不出原材料,用of表示看得出原材料)

  91. be made in 在……地方制造

  92. look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)

  93. look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典

  94. look up 往上看,仰望

  95. look after 照管,照看,照顧

  96. look for 尋找

  97. look like 看上去像

  98. look fine/well/tired/worried 看起來氣色好/健康/疲勞/憂慮

  99. look out 當心,小心

  100.look around 朝四周看


  1. belong to 屬于

  2. attend a concert 參加音樂會

  3. pick up撿起

  4. run away 逃跑

  5. make a noise 吵鬧

  6. think of 考慮;想起

  7. feel sleepy 感到困倦的

  8. run after 追逐;追趕

  9. at the same time 同時;一起

  10. in a certain way 以某種方式

  11. prevent...from doing sth. 阻止......做某事

  12. be late for 遲到

  13. in that case 既然那樣;即使那樣的話

  14. stick to 堅持;固守

  15. depend on 依靠;依賴;取決于

  16. cheer...up 使......高興

  17. plenty of 大量;充足

  18. shut off 關(guān)閉

  19. once in a while 偶爾地;間或

  20. not ...anymore 不再

  21. shake hands 握手

  22. hold out 伸出

  23. drop by 順便訪問

  24. after all 畢竟

  25. get mad 大動肝火;氣憤

  26. make an effort 作出努力

  27. clean ...off 把......擦掉

  28. take off 脫下(衣服);(飛機等)起飛

  29. go out of one’s way 特地;格外努力

  30. make ...feel at home 使(某人)感到賓至如歸

  31. get used to 習慣于

  32. look forward to 期盼;盼望

  33. make sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事

  34. drive sb. crazy/mad 使人發(fā)瘋/發(fā)狂

  35. the more ...the more 越...... 越.....

  36. leave out 忽略;不提及

  37. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事

  38. call in 召來;叫來

  39. to start with 起初;開始時

  40. hand back 交還;歸還

  41. clean up 打掃

  42. let ...down 使失望

  43. kick sb. off 開除某人

  44. knock on/at 敲(門)

  45. be hard on sb. 對某人苛刻,對某人嚴厲

  46. rather than 而不是

  47. pull together 齊心協(xié)力;通力合作

  48. to one’s relief 讓某人欣慰的是

  49. in agreement 意見一致;同意

  50. be full of 充滿......

  51. by the time 在......以前

  52. go off 發(fā)出響聲

  53. give ... a lift 捎某人一程

  54. at least 至少

  55. stare at 盯著看

  56. show up 趕到;露面

  57. by the end of 在(某時間點)以前

  58. get dressed 穿好衣服

  59. stay up 熬夜

  60. take place 發(fā)生;舉行

  61. play a joke on sb. 和某人開玩笑

  62. sell out 賣光

  63. end up doing sth. 以做某事結(jié)束

  64. get married 結(jié)婚

  65. hand in 上交

  66. play a part in 參與;在......中起作用

  67. too much 太多

  68. cut down 減少......的量;砍倒

  69. instead of 代替;而不是

  70. cut off 砍掉;切斷

  71. not only...but also... 不但......而且......

  72. be harmful to 對......有害

  73. at the top of 在......頂端或頂部

  74. so far 到目前為止

  75. in danger 處于危險狀態(tài)

  76. take part in 參加

  77. turn off 關(guān)掉

  78. pay for 付費;付出代價

  79. take action 采取行動

  80. throw away 扔掉;拋棄

  81. put sth. to good use 好好利用某物

  82. pull ...down 拆下;摧毀

  83. set up 建立

  84. bring back 恢復(fù);歸還

  85. in a row 連續(xù)幾次地

  86. be patient with 對(某人)有耐心

  87. work out 算出

  88. look back at 回首(往事);回憶;回顧

  89. prepare for... 為......做準備

  90. make a mess 弄得一團糟(一塌糊涂)

  91. keep one’s cool 沉著氣;保持冷靜

  92. believe in 信賴;信任

  93. first of all 首先

  94. be thirsty for 渴望;渴求

  95. be proud of 為.......感到自豪

  96. be thankful to sb. 對某人心存感激

  97. ahead of 在.......前面

  98. along with 連同;除.......以外

  99. separate from 分離;隔開


  1) be interested in 對……感興趣

  2)be at home/work 在家/上班

  3)be good at 擅長

  4)be careful of 當心,注意,仔細

  5)be covered with 被……覆蓋

  6)be ready for 為……作好準備

  7)be surprised (at) 對……感到驚訝

  8)be back/in/out 回來/在家/外出

  9)be born 出生

  10)be on 在進行,在上演, (燈)亮著

  11)be able to do sth. 能夠做……

  12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕(做)……

  13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的氣

  14)be pleased (with) 對……感到高興(滿意)

  15)be famous for 因……而著名

  16)be strict in (with) 對事(人)嚴格要求

  17)be from 來自……

  18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 餓了/渴了/累了

  19)be worried 擔心

  20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得被……

  21)come in 進入,進來

  22)be in (great) need of (很)需要

  23)be in trouble 處于困境中

  24)be glad to do sth. 很高興做……

  25)be late for ……遲到

  26)be made of (from) 由……制成

  27)be satisfied with 對……感到滿意

  28)be free 空閑的

  29)be (ill) in bed 臥病在床

  30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……)

  31)come back 回來

  32)come down 下來

  33)be covered with 被……覆蓋……

  34)come on 快點,加油,跟我來,得了

  35)come out 出來,出版

  36)come out of 從……出來

  37)come up 走近,發(fā)芽,被提出

  38)come from 來自……

  39)do one's lessons/homework 做功課/作業(yè)

  40)do more speaking/reading 多做口頭練習/朗讀

  41)do one's best 盡某人最大努力

  42)do some shopping (cooking,reading, cleaning) 購物(做飯,讀書,打掃)

  43)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)

  44)do morning exercises 做早操

  45)do eye exercises 做眼保健操

  46)do well in 在……某方面干得好

  47)get up 起床

  48)get everything ready 把一切都準備好

  49)get ready for (=be ready for) 為……作好準備

  50)get on (well) with 與……相處(融洽)

  51)get back 返回

  52)get rid of 擺脫,除去

  53)get in 進入,陷入,收獲

  54)get on/off 上/下車

  55)get to 到達

  56)get there 到達那里

  57)give sb. a call 給某人打電話

  58)give a talk 作報告

  59)give a lecture (a piano concert)作講座(舉行鋼琴音樂會)

  60)give back 歸還,送回





