
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 教學(xué)方法 > 八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)階段測(cè)試題及答案


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  一 聽(tīng)力部分


  第一節(jié) 聽(tīng)小對(duì)話(huà),回答問(wèn)題(5分)

  1. What will the weather be like?

  A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.

  2. How did Tony go?

  A. By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.

  3.What’s the boy going to do tomorrow?

  A. Watch TV. B. Visit his grandparents. C. Fly a kite.

  4. How much money did the project raise for the WWF last year?

  A. 1,210. B. 1,410. C. 1,210.

  5.What does the man think of running?

  A. The most boring. B. The most interesting. C. The most useful.

  第二節(jié) 聽(tīng)長(zhǎng)對(duì)話(huà),回答問(wèn)題(5分)


  6.Who wants to see the man?

  A. The head teacher B. The teachers C. The students

  7.Why is the man worried about going back to that school?

  A. Because he is not popular

  B. Because he made a lot of trouble there when he was young

  C. Because he is a singer


  8.Where are the two speakers now?

  A. In the street B. In a shop C. In a cinema

  9.What would the man like to buy?

  A. A pair of shoes B. A pair of trousers C.A coat

  10.What colour did he choose at last?

  A. Yellow B. Green C. Black

  第三節(jié) 聽(tīng)下面一段獨(dú)白,完成信息記錄表(10分)

  There are 11 kinds of elephant in the world.

  Both elephants can’t 12 if things are not close to them.

  Indian elephants have 13 than African elephants.

  The elephants are easily caught in 14 .

  The elephants in India can 15 .

  11. A. two B. three C.four

  12. A. hear you clearly B.see you clearly C. smell you clearly

  13. A.smaller ears and shorter teeth

  B. bigger ears and longer teeth

  C. smaller eyes and shorter teeth

  14. A. India B.Africa C. India and Africa

  15. A.work for people B. Learn to know a man’s voice C. A and B

  二 筆試部分


  16. —Let’s play________soccer!

  —I don’t have________soccer ball.

  A. a, the B. /, the C. the, a D. /, a

  17. —My listening is very poor. Can you give me some________?

  — Of course.

  A. advice B. messages C. information D. suggestion

  18. —What were you doing when the earth quake happened in Jilin?

  —I________TV when I heard the news.

  A. was watching B. watch C. am watching D. were watching

  19. —Paul isn’t as________as Sandy. He often makes mistakes in his homework.

  —That’s the main thing..

  A. careless B. more careful C. more careless D. careful

  20. —To protect animals in danger ,we should people them .

  —I agree with you.

  A.ask, to kill B. to stop , to kill C. stop , saving D. stop , killing

  21. —________does your father play table tennis? —Twice a week.

  A. How long B.How often C. How soon D. How far

  22. —You must look around when you go________the street.

  A. cross B. past C. across D. On

  23. I bought a new sweater last weekend. It________me 120 yuan.

  A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent

  24. —Which country has________population ,China , India or America?

  — China.

  A. the least B. the largest C. the smallest D. the most

  25. —Did you know that the earth is the home of animals?

  A. million B. million of C. millions of D. millions

  26. — The problem is a bit difficult .

  — ________ask your teacher for help?

  A. Why not B. What about C. Try to D. You should

  27. The________junk food you eat, the________you will be.

  A. fewer , healthy B. less, healthier

  C. least , most healthy D. more , more healthily

  28. —He got up as early as possible________he could get to school on time.

  A. such that B. in order to C. so as that D. so that

  29. —It’s better to________more nature reserves to help save more animals in danger.

  —That’s a fantastic idea.

  A. get up B. set up C. wake up D. put up

  30. —How is it going, John?


  A. It’s fine today B. It’s Sunday today.

  C.Everything goes well,thanks. D. Have a good time!


  閱讀下面短文,掌握大意,然后從A B C D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)

  A little boy invited his mother to the teacher-parent meeting of his school. This would be the first 31 that his classmates and teachers met his mother.she was a beautiful woman, 32 there was a big scar(傷疤)on her right face. The boy never asked his mom why or how she got the scar. He didn’t want her to go to his school. However, his mother said she would go.

  At the meeting, the boy was surprised to see other people having a good talk with his mother. But he felt 33 for his mother’s face and sat in a chair 34 his mother. Just then he heard a talk between his mother and his teacher.

  “ 35 did you get the scar on your face, Madam?” the teacher asked.

  The mother said, “When my son was a baby, his room caught fire(火)one day. Everyone was 36 scared(驚呆的)to get into his room, but I did. When I was runningto his bed, something fell down and I put 37 over my son trying to help him. The next morning, when I woke up, I found I was in the hospital. The doctor told me someone had sent us there.” She touched her right face, “I have never felt sorry about what I did for my son. You see, he is strong, and 38 now.”

  Hearing that, the little boy 39 and ran to his mother with tears in his eyes. He put his 40 around his mother and stayed with her for all day.

  31. A. day B. week C. time D. year

  32. A. But B. And C. Though D. Because

  33. A. glad B. sorry C. excited D. tired

  34. A. next to B. close to C. far from D. beside

  35. A. Which B. How C. When D. Where

  36. A. such B. as C. so D. too

  37. A. we B. myself C. my D. mine

  38. A. health B. healthy C. healthier D. healthily

  39. A. saw B. thought C. left D. cried

  40. A. hands B. arms C. legs D. feet


  閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A B C D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)


  Learning How to learn

  Children who read this book show great interest in study. May pictures will help them understand it easily and quickly.

  Basic Study Guide book

  Read this book and learn:

  What the three barriers(障礙)to study are and what to do about them.

  What to do if you are tired of a subject.

  Children read it to improve the ability(能力)to study.

  How to use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children

  Read this book and learn:

  How to look up words in a dictionary.

  What the different marks in a dictionary mean.

  How to use a dictionary to pronounce words correctly.

  But this book and help children unlock their education.

  What’s more you will just pay 60% for it before December 20

  41. “____.” can tell you what to do if(如果)you are tired of a subject(課程).

  A. Study skills for life

  B. Learning How to Learn

  C. Basic Study Guidebook

  D. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children

  42. According to the ads(根據(jù)廣告)the three books are for_____.

  A. the old B. parents C. children D. men

  43. If(如果)you buy the three books on December 2, you will just pay ____ for them.

  A. B. C. D.


  Jack and James were good friends .One day,they were walking through the desert(沙漠).During the journey they had a big fight,and Jack hit james in the face.James felt hurt,but he didn’t say anything.Instead( 相反),he wrote in the sand:Today my best friend hit me in the face.

  They kept on walking until they found an oasis(綠洲).They decided to get some water there .Suddenly James had trouble in the water,he fell into the mire(泥潭) and was in danger.Jack saved him at once.When he felt Ok,he wrote on a stone:Today my best friend saved my life. “After I hurt you ,you wrote in the sand, and now you wrote on the stone.Why?”asked Jack.“When someone hurts us,we should write it down in the sand so that the wind of forgiveness (寬恕) can blow it away.But when someone does anything good for us,we must write it down on the stone,so no wind can blow it away.” Since then ,the two friends have never fought with each other again.

  Hatred(仇恨) can bring you nothing but unhappiness .If you don’t forgive others,you are making trouble for yourself.Keep a peaceful heart all the time and remember to be always thankful to those who ahve helped you!

  44. What’s the matter with James in the oasis?

  A. He wanted to make his friend have trouble ,too.

  B. He wanted some water and fell into the mire.

  C. He wanwed to know if his friend would save him when he was in trouble.

  D. He wanted to have fun in the oasis.

  45. Which of the statements is not TRUE according to the passage.

  A. Jack didn’t hit James in the face.

  B. Hatred can only bring you unhappiness.

  C. The two friends went on walking after they had a fight.

  D. They decided to get some water after they found an oasis.

  46. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. We should hate someone forever(永遠(yuǎn)).

  B. The wind can blow everything away.

  C. Learn to forgive others and remember to be thankful to others.

  D. Forgiveness can make trouble for ourselves.


  What would you do if you found a snake in your house? Many people might be afraid or try to kill it. However, if you live in North Carolina in the USA,one thing you can do is to call the Snake Catchers.

  The Snake Catchers are four men who love snakes, even poisonous ones. Theirnewspaper advertisement says, “Snake Catchers:free snakeremoval(除去)一Please do not kill them — Call us. ”

  The Snake Catchers, who started their service in 1998, don’t charge anything for helping people. “We do this as a hobby,”explained Fred Johnson, one of the Snake Catchers. Because of their love of snakes, the Snake Catchers try to keep them alive.“One man asked us to kill a python(蟒蛇), so he could make a pair of boots from the skin. We refused, because we like snakes, and we don’t want to see them killed, ” said Fred. Some of the snakes that they catch are kept as pets;some are given to the North Carolina State University. Most, including the poisonous snakes, are set free in the wild, usually in a national park.

  Fred suggests that people should treat snakes with care. “Actually snakes are very shy and gentle creatures. They only attack if they are frightened. However, you have to know how to treat a snake properly!”

  According to one happy family, the Snake Catchers are good. One day, the Greenwood family found a snake skin in the kitchen. They looked very carefully and saw a snake sleeping behind a cupboard. They thought about what to do. Then Steve Greenwood remembered the advertisement for the Snake Catchers. He called them.

  “The Snake Catchers arrived within an hour and they finished the job quickly too,” said Steve Greenwood. “One of them went into the kitchen, found the snake and took it out alive. The Snake Catchers did a very good job.”

  Last year, the Snake Catchers removed more than seventy snakes from houses in North Carolina.

  47. The Snake Catchers catch snakes because .

  A. they want to kill the snakes.

  B. they like trying to catch snakes.

  C. they don’t want people to hurt snakes.

  D. they like eating snakes.

  48. When a man asked them to kill a python,the Snake Catchers .

  A. agreed to do it B. were very happy

  C. give him some old boots D. didn’t agree

  49. The Snake Catchers set most of the snakes free .

  A. in a national park B. in a univercity

  C. in a garden D.in their own houses

  50. According to Fred, .

  A. snakes are very dangerous

  B. people should attack snakes

  C. snakes are not usually dangerous

  D. people should run away if they see a snake


  A: 選詞并用其正確的形式完成句子。每詞限填一次。

  find out, peace, make, close, sudden

  51. I saw some students________a snowman when I walked past them.

  52.We live in________with our neighbours

  53. ________, Helen’s bike was broken.

  54.The window was broken. Try to________who broke it.

  55.Tom lives________to school in our class,so he always walks to school.


  Some students dreams of being 56 (科學(xué)家) , some want to be teachers, and others may want to be doctors. Different people have different kinds of dream jobs. What’s your dream job? Do you want to be an island caretakers? If your answer is yes, here’s a dream job for you. In Scottish, there is an island 57 (叫做) Inchcolm. The island is in 58 (需要)of manager. The Scottish 59 (政府)advertises for the job. It offers more than 20,000 for the future manager every year.

  There aren’t any people 60(居住)on the beautiful island. But you won’t feel 61 (孤獨(dú)的)when you stay here. Around £20,000 people visit the island every year. There are also many seals which live on the island. The new manager will live and work on the island eight months a year with 62 (另一個(gè))member of staff.

  “You have the whole island. In the evenings you can enjoy beautiful views and the peaceful island . You will feel 63 (放松的) when you stay here. I promise that you will fall in love with the beautiful island, said the spokesperson from the Scottish government. “Living on the island 64 (主動(dòng)提供)an adventure and the 65 (機(jī)會(huì)) to experience new things,” the spokesperson added.



  66. People might grow plants and vegetables in the sea in about 50 years .

  67. The Lost World is an exciting American film.people,especially school students ,may like it better in free time.

  68. Even if you could buy the world,you could not buy a happy family,good friends or knowledge.

  69. For parents with children,an important problem is getting the children away from the television to do their homework.

  70. When you need help for your homework, go to the library. You may find magazines, newspapers and big dictionaries there. They can always help you.

  A. Money isn’t Everything.

  B. Study Tools

  C. Parents’ Problems.

  D. Farms of the future.

  E. Activities for Free Time.


  71.動(dòng)物是我們?nèi)祟?lèi)的朋友,對(duì)人類(lèi)來(lái)說(shuō)非常重要。但是現(xiàn)在動(dòng)物越來(lái)越少,野生動(dòng)物更是越來(lái)越少,很多野生動(dòng)物都處于瀕危狀態(tài)。請(qǐng)以“We need to protect wildlife animals”為題,寫(xiě)一篇詞數(shù)100左右的文章。





  1~5 AABAA 6~10CBBAB 11~15ABAAC 16~20DAADD 21~25BCCBC

  26~30ABDBC 31~35CABCB 36~40DDBDB 41~45CCDBA 46~50 CCDAC

  51~55making,peace,Suddenly,find out,closest

  56~60 scientists ; called; need;government; living;

  61~65 lonely; another; relaxed; offers; chance

  66~70 DEACB






