⒈ make yourself heard(ericcson)理解就是溝通(愛立信)
⒉ start ahead(rejoice)成功之路,從頭開始(飄柔)
?、?things go better with coca-cola(coca-cola) 飲可口可樂,萬事如意(可口可樂)
⒋ let us make things better(philips) 讓我們做得更好(飛利普)
?、?enjoy coca-cola(coca-cola) 請喝可口可樂(可口可樂)
?、?communication unlimited(motorola) 溝通無極限(摩托羅拉)
?、?live well,snack well(snack wells)
?、?enjoy your zar whenever you hear(rain bow) 隨心所欲,想聽就聽(潤寶)
⒐ mosquito to bye bye bye(radar) 蚊子殺殺殺(雷達驅(qū)蟲劑)
?、?forever elegant chateau figeac(French red wine) 優(yōu)雅到永久(沙菲紅葡萄酒)
?、?minolta finest to put you finest(minolta) 第一流的美能達,第一流的你(美能達)
⒓ go well,use shell(shell) 行萬里路用殼牌(殼牌)
?、?that is my way(le saunda) 踏上個性之路(萊爾斯丹女鞋)
⒕ Good to the last drop.滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥斯威爾咖啡)
?、?Obey your thirst. 服從你的渴望。(雪碧)
⒗ We lead, others copy. 我們領先,他人仿效。(理光復印機)
?、?Take time to indulge. 盡情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)
?、?The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轎車)
?、?To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.對我而言,過去平淡無奇;而未來,卻是絢爛繽紛。(軒尼詩酒) ⒛ Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克運動鞋)
21. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的選擇。(百事可樂)
22. Take Toshiba, take the world. 擁有東芝,擁有世界。(東芝電子)
23. Lets make things better. 讓我們做得更好。(飛利浦電子)
24. Behind that healthy smile, there's a Crest kid. 健康笑容來自佳潔士。(佳潔士牙膏)
25. Where there is a way for car, there is a Toyota. 車到山前必有路,有路必有豐田車。(Toyota ad.)
26. Impossible made possible. 使不可能變?yōu)榭赡堋?佳能打印機)
27. The taste is great. 味道好極了。(雀巢咖啡)
28. No business too small, no problem too big. ....沒有不做的小生意,沒有解決不了的大問題。 (ibm公司)
