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It is no doubt that the military training is a unforgotten experience just for it is very hard. Although it gave us so many pain, but as a saying goes, no pain no gain. I want to say, I didn't regret to join this training.

Just like the most students, I was excited and worried before the beginning, I was worried about I can't do it well so that the military officer punish me and I afraid that I can't eat and sleep well,however, the officer is very friendly, although he always pretend to be very strict to us, and sometimes he punished us with different means, but he never forgot to remind us of dressing more in case of getting ill. In spare time, he will play and talk with us friendly, all of us were very happy to enjoy this times, his warmth smile will remind our heart all the time. We got along well with each other and had our meals together silently, But it make us feel warm!

By this training,I learnt a lot, I realized that I should smile to everyday, rather than complaining!






Military Training

In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside all the day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be a solder. They have to obey many rules that they don’t have to in daily life. And the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care us patiently. However, military training is a good way to train students’ strong will power. It’s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it’s necessary to student.





The 12 days of military training is over, for this group of college students for our outlook on life, values have a profound impact. Look back to the days of military training have bitter have joy, tears also have laughed, but applause to cover all the pain, only unity and joy. University of military training feeling

Since the station of that a moment, I'll tell myself, I now is one of the soldiers, my heart secretly swear: is again painstakingly again tired, I also want to strong to be a good soldier, make a stand the test of soldiers. Military training content includes queue training, tactical training, shooting training and theoretical lecture. The queue is training as a soldier must be prepared. JunZi in it should be is one of the most basic of queue training, two feet apart, about 60 degrees, legs straight clamping, hip, lower abdomen micro, tall, lower jaw, neck, eyes straight away; Both natural prolapse, five fingers together, the finger stick in pants seam. This seemingly simple, but to do and need to be able to insist for a long time, it is not easy thing. Stand a long time will feel tired and bitter. Plus the weather, glistening on his head in the sun, is at the foot of hot cement floor, sweat buccal back soon, time grows, neck, waist, knee and foot was tired. Several times, I felt like I cannot stand fast, but I bullet was over.

The feeling of a philosopher said: can't aftertaste is the greatest feeling. For military training, some feel really cannot talk, only in natually sensemaking aftertaste. The taste, as always very strong tea, only tried to know of these aggregates, and then to and people who have the same experience a laugh, and the relatively good feeling between each other. Like how many readers just how many Hamlet, military training, for everyone, don't have a taste in the heart. As for me, military training, to some extent, have beyond its own simple sense, it has become a kind of precious rare an experience, written into my memory, and become a part of the do not kill, it has become a kind of power, a trouble to me, a kind of life support, support the life journey of all kinds of wind and rain of the mind. Military training and give me the best memories, is pure and honest between students and instructors is full of the milk of human kindness. Over the years, this kind of the relationship of the already very rare, very nostalgic and want to stay, look forward to!

Military training, let it become the memory of the life of a plump, brewing, in the days when mixed and then in a couple of friends and relatives gather the treasure with those sweet moments holding out, indulge, enjoy moving!




有位哲人說過:無法回味的感覺才是最美妙的感覺。對(duì)于軍訓(xùn),有些感受真的不能言傳,只能在淙淙的意會(huì)中回味。那味道、就如品一味很濃郁的茶,只有嘗過的人才知曉其中的蘊(yùn)味,然后才能和有同樣經(jīng)歷的人相對(duì)一笑,讓美妙的感受在彼此之間傳遞。就如有多少個(gè)讀者就有多少個(gè)哈姆雷特一樣,軍訓(xùn),對(duì)于每個(gè)人,都別有一番滋味在心頭。而對(duì)于我,軍訓(xùn),在某種程度上,已 經(jīng)超越了其本身的單純上的意義,它已經(jīng)成為一種寶貴的難得的一種經(jīng)歷,寫進(jìn)我的記憶中,而成為不可抹殺的一部分,它已經(jīng)成為一種力量,一種在困難時(shí)給我的動(dòng)力,一種生命的支持力,支撐著人生旅途的各種風(fēng)雨中動(dòng)搖的心靈。而軍訓(xùn)給我最美好的記憶,是同學(xué)們和教官之間純潔淳樸充滿人情味的關(guān)系。這些年,這種人與人之間的關(guān)系已經(jīng)很少見,很令人懷念和留戀,向往啊!



Military training is not only an exercise in behavior, but also a deepening of spirit and thought. The sun was shining, and every day it began. The exhaustion of the day made me realize that there was another life outside the cool air conditioner. Let me find out how warm the house is full of reproaches; Let me find out that I am still very young. The soaking of sweat requires patience, the baking of the hot sun requires patience, and sometimes the absence of hunger requires patience. It seems that everything has to be endured. In this unwitting force, latent strength gradually was dug out. In the last few days, almost everyone can finish the day's training with a smiling face.

There are a lot of people in the military training that we can thank. We want to thank the instructor, we are sweating, the instructor is more sweating than we are. We work hard, our instructors are harder than we are. It was they who let us see a real soldier, and I could remember the voice of the instructor in my ears. On the last day, maybe it was time. We couldn't say goodbye to the instructors. Here I will let the wind carry our thanks for us, and I am sure that the voice will fly to them like dandelion.

The first lesson of college -- military training -- is almost over. Looking back on these days, I feel a lot of emotion. "Bao jianfeng from honing, plum blossom fragrant to come out bitter cold" is the experience of military training. "The force of thousands of hard blows, the north of the south" is the result of military training. The sense of military training needs to be understood. It teaches us the care of others. It deepens our understanding of the responsibility to defend our motherland. It tells us the attitude to face difficulties. We are, at the very least, I am no longer a little child, no longer a little girl to cry, I know that in the face of the rush, we have to build our own stairway; When we meet the cliff, we will link the rope ourselves. Our destiny is in our own hands, just to see whether to grasp!

"Water dripping wears, the rope sawing wood broken" small force once accumulated, the power that produces is matchless! When others enjoy the joy of perseverance, you must not be the epitome of failure. Who laughs last, who is the ultimate winner; Who persists to the end, who is the true hero, who is the stronger who conquers himself.







The day of military training is bitter, but like coffee can taste the thick flavor. I thought no, but it tested me and told me to stick to it, and that victory will eventually belong to a man of faith. Every day the military posture stood, my time of perception is no longer time, even if the two legs of acid change all in a straight. Every insistence will let me go beyond my own feelings. There has been the drizzling rain, but there is no damp my heart, there has been a hot summer of direct fire, but not like suntan skin, sunburn my clinging. Without this kind of training, I would have been more than a moment's rest to be a kind of almsgiving, which is called "luxury" compared to leisure time.

The military posture shows the elegant demeanor of the soldiers, and the beauty of the righteous indignation, the firmness of the heart, the firmness of the firmness of the firmament, the proud and proud of the snow, you will feel that there is a great deal of air in the rainbow. If youth is a quality, then military posture is beauty.

Is military training make me realized that the feeling of the soldiers, when her ability "say a word in heart", my eyes filled with tears, storage how many days and nights I want to serve people heard this song will be dim and tears. They gave up the warmth of their home, their loved ones. It was a great achievement, and they were with the stars of the motherland, shining in the clouds above us. I have no reason to complain about the dull and boring life. Every day you have to live a life that is meaningful, beneficial and beneficial to others. Because there's a group that's responsible for 100,000 times more than me. Because there's a life that's a hundred thousand times harder than me. I should also be presented as a soldier in front of the poet.

Military training just passed away from my youth, but gradually mature I am more eager to have a durable military training experience. Military training has honed my will and pushed some of our lives to the limit, and my spirit has changed. It will extend to every spring and autumn and winter in my life. The military uniform is the most beautiful, the military song is the most clear, the military is the most proud, and the day of military training is like the soil after the wind and rain, the forefathers washed, then the humble precipitation until the bottom of the bottom of my life.







The bright sunshine shone on everyone's face. At the moment, we are in the final inspection of military training. The eight-day military training was over, but it gave us a lot: the orderly pace, the body of the head, the magnificent slogan... None of them shows the results of our training. Yes, the short eight days of military training, I am afraid not only that the military training that stands a little bit, more, it gives us the bath of the will, the baptism of the spirit.

Remember eight days ago, we just had the military uniform, one by one is the recruit egg. But we all embrace the baptism of the sun with full enthusiasm. In the hot sun, sweat flows out of a strong river! Remember, a few days ago, the yao instructors helped us to correct the military posture. Repeat the slogan over and over again; The rows of help train us to run. Let us understand what a true soldier is!

The eight-day military training taught me what a strong will is. The straight waist, the chest of the upright, the rising of the air, tell me that it is the soldiers of the heroic attitude; The figure that stands in the hot sun, the eyes that are in the sweat, the legs that support the heavy body but still the unmoved, let me be shocked, moved. They have a belief in iron casting, the will of steel welding. Them, the group of integrity and natural and unrestrained thering is no lack, there is no lack of serious and humorous instructors, took their iron discipline to the front of us, teach us what is the style of a soldier, what is the iron and steel, a strong will.

The eight-day military training taught me about the power of unity. The harmony in creation produces beautiful sparks. See, the uniform and neat military uniform, the bold and neat steps, with the loud slogans, rows and columns, which are pleasing to the eye, lifting the spirits. Unity is strength, again not is simple in a word, it granted us the life philosophy, warned us of idea, more in the training of the military training, upright walls, and cast up a collective sense of honor, let's put it deduced to get incisively and vividly, increasingly rich. Isn't it? The excitement of the report, the thrill of the attempt, the cooperation and the joy of resisting, all of us are showing our 53 strong hearts. The moment of unity, the moment when we win, the red face, the jubilation, the real experience of this joy, let us feel that there is a strength called unity.

The short eight days military training is over, these eight days let me gain a lot, let me understand what is friendship, what is effort, what is strong, what is unity. Let me know more -- the sweat of these days has not been whitewater!








The military training has been going on for a week, and I have gained a lot. Each company has now arranged the men's and women's teams, and is carrying out intensive training. Strive to show the best level in the final rehearsal. Whether it is the instructor or our students, every nerve on the training ground seems to be fully charged and very concentrated. I think we must have learned a lot from the military training.

I'm a part of the assassination team, and I'm honored. The instructor said that there is only one such square team in our school, with a total of 36 players. Every time we think of this honor, we train hard. Once the action is not strong or standard enough, we will take the initiative to accept "rewards", such as "bunny jump", "gun jump", "push-up" and so on. Although the muscles were sore and unbearable, everyone still shouted "come one" and "happy". Everyone was happy and willing from the bottom of their hearts. After all, this is a collective honor, representing all our 20__ students. Representing the Polytechnic University, at the same time, it shows the training effect of our phalanx for 20 days. One minute on stage, ten years off stage. No matter how hard or tired you are, everyone will persevere. This is an opportunity to hone our will, and it will have a strong exercise for our body and mind. No one will give up halfway.

In the evening we organized daily activities, when the stern instructor became our big brother, and he taught us to sing the military song. A song "Green Flowers in the Army" sung throughout the polytechnic campus moved many students to tears. The song sings the sincere thoughts of the soldiers for their relatives and the selfless dedication of the soldiers, which reminds me of the most popular song in the fight against the flood in 1998 - "For Whom", which invisibly strengthens my love for the soldiers. respect and understanding.

Military training is to train our spirit of enduring hardships, to learn the kind of strong will of the soldiers who don't fall behind, sweat but don't cry. This will undoubtedly be of great benefit to our future conduct. The key is how we act and how we look at it.

I believe that we will be successful!







The military training is always so fast. University used to be the place that I dreamed of countless times. When I started my college life, I couldn’t help but go through this military training. For me, who had not experienced military training for three years, I slowly forgot that feeling. Zhou's military training has brought me back that feeling, the fighting spirit of military training, many times I will not see something difficult, nor will I do it perfectly, this military training tells me It also taught me that you have to do things perfectly. At the end of the long military training, I was full of confidence in myself. Before I came here, I was not so confident in myself. Everything here is a new starting point, what? I have never seen them before, but the military training gave me a lot of confidence. I feel that the characters can adapt to the environment quickly. I also have some thoughts on this military training.

At first, I was a little resistant to military training, because I felt it must be very tiring, and I just didn’t want to. But when everyone had to go through the same thing as me, I felt that I needed to persevere, because it was like an exam, Whoever gets a high score in the end seems to give me confidence. On the first day of military training, we had a training camp. The sudden gathering caught me off guard. On the first day, I was shocked. I was still lying in the dormitory to rest. At that time, the broadcast outside said that they would gather in five minutes, so I hurriedly went down. I didn’t put on my clothes and went to gather in a hurry. This was a very hasty gathering without any precautions. Many students were punished. For various reasons, some were late, some were fined for not wearing military training uniforms, which shocked me and made me tense on the first day.

In the following days, I will train in the sun every day. Students who have not received this kind of training for a long time will naturally have insufficient persistence. Although I am not used to it at first, as a boy, of course, I cannot give up easily, even though the instructor said When you can't hold on, you say it, but no one says you can't hold on. This spirit is the spirit of military training. We are a group. At the beginning, everyone didn't have this awareness. Because of unfamiliarity, a group generally needs long-term training. It was a run-in, but the military training made us almost break in. During the training, everyone made a mistake and everyone was punished. This gave me a sense of collective consciousness. Everyone has to get along for several years. The military training is the best opportunity to communicate. Get along, everyone does the same thing every day, not playing mobile phones, not doing their own things, we are all doing one thing.

Although this military training is very tiring, sometimes I feel that this kind of experience is precious. We as a group insisted on doing one thing for more than ten days, which is very rare. Military training is a kind of polishing for me. When your willpower is weak, you can think of this military training experience. Many things will happen in college. If there is one thing you really want to do, but it is difficult to think about this experience. Everyone is growing up. We need this kind of thing. experience.






After a long summer vacation, we came to the school again for military training.

Sunday was supposed to be a good day, but we had to put on that green military uniform and start our first journey of freshman year.

"Blood and sweat without tears, no skin and flesh without falling behind" is our slogan. It fully embodies a tenacious fighting spirit, and it is with this spirit that we face the first test of our university career.

The sun sent heat to us without a trace of emotion, and the entire training ground was like a furnace, scorching us hot. From standing at attention to resting, from Qibu to Zhengbu, we dare not relax in the slightest. But maybe it was the long-term loose life at home during the summer vacation, which made some students faint because they kept standing for too long or couldn't stand the sun. But the vast majority of students are still holding on, holding on...

We spent the two days in the sun and sweat, and the wet clothes became our "trophies". After rounds of "devil"-like training, when we stopped, the boiled water, which we usually thought was bland and tasteless, became the "food" we most crave, holding the kettles one by one, like drinking nectar.

After the hard training, what we most desire is to go back to the dormitory immediately to take a cold shower, lie on the bed, and have a good night's sleep. But even in my dreams, I could still hear the instructor's resounding slogan and see the crystal tears on the faces of the classmates... After waking up, what echoed in my mind was the oath of "Blood and sweat but not tears" .

Although military training is hard, it has added countless bright colors and beautiful memories to our lives. In the future, no matter what difficulties we face in life, we will deal with them with a brave and unyielding spirit and a strong will. And this will bring us untold success and wealth.

















