Diagnose, patient’s illness, painful, technological advance, blood and tissue sample, diagnostictechniques, detect diseases, variations in temperature, X rays, side effect, uncomfortable, endurepain, health care
Medical clinic and infirmary, nursing staff, get sick, a really bad cold, develop terrible coughs,pneumonia, stay in the infirmary, don’t feel well, rest more and skip a few classes, get medicalexcuse, the clinic hour, emergency number
Modern medical facility, health needs, dental clinic, maternity ward, operating room, special sugery,surgeons
Student Health Services, blood pressure, university nutritionists, processed foods, universityhospital
Pain, discharge, slight earache, take it easy
Prevention, symptoms, cough, fever, funny nose, head and bones ache, chill, flu, influenza,overtired, stressed out, exposure to virus, sneeze, airborne virus, body’s resistance, ward off theflu, rest, eat well, drink a lot of water, immune system, fight off illness, immunized, vaccine,university health center
Move, accent, pod, international group, major, lucky, excellent, booklet, regulation, rule,conductive, quiet policy, self-policed, problem, allow, smoke, cook, plug, dryer, voltage, alarm,kitchen, leftover, clean-up day, hot water, meter, washroom, laundry facility, basement,conserving energy, lounge area, heat, air-conditioning, atorage area, permit, hallway, communityspace, prior notification, safe, valuable, housekeeper, vacuum cleaner, lock, key, check, fireprevention equipment, cover, overnight visitor, arrange, in advance, religious propaganda, dorm,furnishing, park
Roommate, dormitory, unpacking our things, neat
Housing office, living off campus, cost, rent, utilities, need a car to commute, noisy, peace andquiet
Winter break, dean, vacation arrangement, fill up the forms, heating cost, temporaryaccommodation
Housing director, checkout procedure, leave for vacation, return your key, summer maintenancecrew, residence advisor, pass around
Apartment, dump, functional, noisy
Discussion, presentation, topic, lecture, good choice, slide, library, collection, check, librarian
Report, office hour, submit, on disk, hard copy, soft copy, computer, print, computer lab
Project, ton of, cover, re-write, research data, information, input, presentation, complete
Term paper, grade, complicated, terrible mistake, edited version, submit, overtired, stressed,rushing against the clock, mark, draft, print, final paper, maintaining average, application, drop, re-take, due, extention, discuss, check back, re-reading, submission
information, exam schedule, term, date, book, department, invigilator, sign up, sheet, bulletinboard, faculty lounge, square, draft, dean, review, draw up, manually, consult, register
Physiology 100, sophomore, second year course, first year student, transfer, begin my firstlecture, introduce, complete, approach, laws of physics and chemistry, process of life, vital force,philosophical approach, scientific experimentation
Final exam, midterm, multiple choice question, essay question, comprehensive exam, the subject,review, textbook, class note, the final will count for 50% of your grade, research project, run intoproblems
School bulletin, required writing course, first year student, third year stuent, research paper, signup, cover the entire process of writing a research paper, selecting topic, final format, presentation,hand in, assignment, final grade
Class meeting, lecture, different concept, hand in, issue, revision, grade
Research paper, due, proposed topics, make comment, the most frequent problem, broad,preliminary outline, schedule, available, appointment, final outline, no more than two pages long,thesis statement, precise statement, conclusion
Workshop, intensive, techniques and skills, personal attention, register, advantage
Consecutive summer, community center, seminar, workshop, beginning students, advancedstudents, last four weeks, credit is awarded, information
Discuss, schedule, midterm, administer, attendance, optional class
Registration, time, determine, first year student, mail, designated date, specific time, admissionletter, continuing students, average, previous, session, pay, credit card, bank, teller, confirmationslip, in person
Registration, date, newly admitted student, undergraduate, junior, sophomore, returning student,senior, check, pay attention, time, register, designated time, pay, fee, financial aid, financial officer,sponsor, authorization letter, on-line
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