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時間: 陳響897 分享




  1. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟或姐妹嗎?

  2. No, I’m a single son. 沒有,我是獨生子。

  3. Does your computer have a modem? 你的電腦有調制解調器嗎?

  4. What time is it now? 現在幾點?

  5. It’s two o’clock. 現在兩點。

  6. It’s a quarter past five. 現在是五點一刻。

  7. It’s ten minutes to four. 現在差十分四點。

  8. It’s half past nine. 現在是九點半。

  9. It’s one o’clock sharp. 現在一點整。

  10. It’s not four o’clock. 還沒到四點呢。


  1. I hope you’ll be well soon. 祝你早日恢復健康。

  2. Yes, but you know global warming may raise the temperature. 是的,但全球變暖會使氣溫上升。

  3. You are probably right. 你也許是對的。

  4. I’m going skiing in the Alps next month. 下個月我去阿爾卑斯山滑雪。

  5. I hope the weather there is cold enough. 我希望那兒天氣夠冷。

  6. How will you spend the evening? 你晚上干什么?

  7. I’ll probably stay home and watch TV. 我可能會呆在家看電視。

  8. What’s your plan for the summer holiday? 暑假計劃干什么?

  9. I’m thinking about a visit to Paris. 我在考慮去巴黎旅游。

  10. There’s going to be a pottery exhibition at the art gallery. 藝術館將有一次陶瓷展。

  11. You are still thinking about a Ph.D., aren’t you? 你還是想學成博士,是嗎?

  12. What will you do about it? 你會拿這事怎么辦?

  13. What do you want to do after graduation? 你畢業(yè)后想干什么?

  14. I’ll further my study. 我想繼續(xù)深造。

  15. Yes, you’re right. After all, she is smart enough to go into business. 是啊,你說的對。畢竟,她完全有經商才智。

  16. But she doesn’t have much experience. 但她沒有太多經驗。

  17. You two don’t have much contact? 你們倆沒怎么聯(lián)系嗎?

  18. No, I only wrote her one letter this year. 是的,今年我才給她寫過一封信。

  19. And her? 她呢?

  20. She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄過一張圣誕卡。


  1. Oh, that’s not good. 哦,那可不好。

  2. Yes, we should try to contact more. 是的,我們應該聯(lián)系多點。

  3. My parents got married in 1 我父母1954年結婚的。

  4. Mary gave birth to a baby last week. 瑪麗上星期做媽媽了。

  5. They’ve been divorced. 他們已離婚了。

  6. His wife died a year ago. Now he lives alone. 他妻子去年去世了?,F在他一個人住。

  7. My aunt will come to live with me for a few days. 我阿姨會來和我住一些日子。

  8. John has his own family now. 約翰現在有自己的家了。

  9. Do you live with your parents? 你和你父母住一起嗎?

  10. No. I live in my own house. 不,我住在自己的房子里。

  11. Go on for about 100 meters. It’s on your left side. You can’t miss it. 往前走約100米,在你左手邊,你不會錯過的。

  12. Which one is Mr. Jame’s office? 哪間是詹姆司先生的辦公室?

  13. It’s Room 201 on the second floor. 二樓201房間。

  14. Can I use the lift? 我能用電梯嗎?

  15. Sorry, it’s broken. You have to use the stairs. 對不起,它壞了,你只能走樓梯了。

  16. Where are the stairs? 樓梯在哪里呢?

  17. Go along the corridor and it’s on your right side. 沿著走廊走,在你右手邊。

  18. Thank you for directions. 感謝你為我指路。

  19. Could you tell me where I can find these books? 您能告訴我在哪兒能找到這些書嗎?

  20. Certainly. 當然了。





