


時間: 陳響897 分享



  1. I had my breakfast on the way. 我在路上吃的早飯。

  2. I was just on time. 我剛好趕上。

  3. Hi, Joe, is it really you? 喬,你好,真是你嗎?

  4. Hi, Ann. Nice to see you again. 安,你好。真高興再次見到你。

  5. Where did you go for dinner yesterday? 你們昨天去哪兒吃的飯?

  6. When will he come to see you? 他什么時候來看你?

  7. When did you buy the car? 你什么時候買的車?

  8. Who told you? 誰告訴你的?

  9. What’s the height of the building? 這座樓有多高?

  10. How much does the elephant weigh? 這個大象有多重?


  1. Could you do me a favor? 能請你幫個忙嗎?

  2. Would you help me remove the refrigerator? 能幫忙移一下冰箱嗎?

  3. Get me my coat, please. 請幫我拿下外套。

  4. Make me a cup of coffee, will you? 給我沖杯咖啡,好嗎?

  5. Call me tomorrow if you have time. 明天要有時間就給我打個電話。

  6. . Excuse me, madam. Could you tell me where the post office is? 對不起,女士,請問郵局在哪里?

  7. It’s just around the corner. 轉彎就是。

  8. Excuse me, how can I get to the bus station? 對不起,汽車站怎么走?

  9. You can take the bus and get off at the second stop. 你可以坐公共汽車第二站下。

  10. Excuse me. Where is No.5 Street? 對不起,第五大街在哪兒?

  11. Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing. 一直往前走,在第二個十字路口往左拐。

  12. Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Mr. Hu’s restaurant? 對不起,你能告訴我怎么去胡先生的餐館嗎?

  13. And it may get colder, it’s already November. 并且天氣會更冷。

  14. Yes, and I hope we can have some snow this winter. 是的,我希望今年冬天會下雪。

  15. I’m afraid it won’t be cold enough for a snowfall. 我恐怕天不會冷的下雪。

  16. But last year we had a big one. 但去年下了大雪。

  17. About Sickness 關于生病

  18. How are you feeling today? 你今天感覺怎么樣?

  19. I don’t feel very well. 我覺得不太舒服。

  20. Do you feel better now? 你現(xiàn)在覺得好點了嗎?


  1. Yes, but you know global warming may raise the temperature. 是的,但全球變暖會使氣溫上升。

  2. You are probably right. 你也許是對的。

  3. I’m going skiing in the Alps next month. 下個月我去阿爾卑斯山滑雪。

  4. I hope the weather there is cold enough. 我希望那兒天氣夠冷。

  5. How will you spend the evening? 你晚上干什么?

  6. I’ll probably stay home and watch TV. 我可能會呆在家看電視。

  7. What’s your plan for the summer holiday? 暑假計劃干什么?

  8. I’m thinking about a visit to Paris. 我在考慮去巴黎旅游。

  9. There’s going to be a pottery exhibition at the art gallery. 藝術館將有一次陶瓷展。

  10. You are still thinking about a Ph.D., aren’t you? 你還是想學成博士,是嗎?

  11. What will you do about it? 你會拿這事怎么辦?

  12. What do you want to do after graduation? 你畢業(yè)后想干什么?

  13. I’ll further my study. 我想繼續(xù)深造。

  14. Yes, you’re right. After all, she is smart enough to go into business. 是啊,你說的對。畢竟,她完全有經商才智。

  15. But she doesn’t have much experience. 但她沒有太多經驗。

  16. You two don’t have much contact? 你們倆沒怎么聯(lián)系嗎?

  17. No, I only wrote her one letter this year. 是的,今年我才給她寫過一封信。

  18. And her? 她呢?

  19. She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄過一張圣誕卡。

  20. Oh, that’s not good. 哦,那可不好。





