Go home lookfind some leisure ,
find some timeofen go home with
children to have a lookwith a smile
with a wishwith lover>mother
prepared a>father prepared many
tasty foodslife's troubles ,
talk to your matherthings>go home look
, have a lookeven help mather do some
menagesold people don't want children
to do big things for homewhole
the life just hope to stay together g
o home look , have a lookeven help father
do some menagesold people don't want
children to do big things for homewhole
the life just hope to be well forevergo home look
, have a lookeven help mather do
some menagesold people don't want
children to do big things for homewhole
the life just hope to be well forevergo
home look , have a lookeven help
father do some menagesold people
don't want children to do big things
for homewhole the life just hope
to be well forever