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時(shí)間: 俊杰808 分享




  1. The tough road often leads to the top.艱難的道路經(jīng)常通往高處。

  2. Do what you say,say what you do.做你說(shuō)過(guò)的,說(shuō)你能做的。

  3. I’m actually a very nice person, until you piss me off.我其實(shí)是個(gè)很好的人,直到你惹毛了我。

  4. The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.你的心越封閉,你需要承受的也就越多

  5. We know not what is good until we have lost it.好東西,丟失了才明白它的好。

  6. We had never been friends, I now know that you lied to me all the time ....原來(lái)我們從來(lái)不是朋友,我現(xiàn)在才知道,你無(wú)時(shí)無(wú)刻不在騙我....

  7. You see the world all wrong, may be you stand slanting.你看全世界都不對(duì)時(shí),興許是你自己站歪了。

  8. If you wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.如果你想飛,你就要放棄那些會(huì)拖累你的東西。

  9. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills.任何值得去的地方,都沒(méi)有捷徑。

  10. At the age of the most can bear don't chose at ease.別在最能吃苦的年紀(jì)選擇了安逸。

  11. It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be.不在于你有多優(yōu)秀,而是你想要自己變得多優(yōu)秀。

  12. Love remained short,but the memory lasts long.愛(ài)那么短,遺忘那么長(zhǎng)。

  13. Its not as good as the envy of others accelerate their pace.與其羨慕別人不如加快自己的腳步。

  14. Girl long snack bar, do not crowd a riverside slag as a flower.姑娘長(zhǎng)點(diǎn)心吧,別把人海一粒渣當(dāng)成河畔一朵花。

  15. You have to learn to ignore all have to learn to laugh proudly watching others smile.你要學(xué)著無(wú)視所有嘲笑 要學(xué)著驕傲地看著別人微笑。

  16. Our first appearance of aging but is never desperate aggressive share.我們最先衰老的從來(lái)不是容貌 而是那份不顧一切的闖勁。

  17. If happiness is not in the corner of the road, then it must be in the end of the road.若幸福不在路的轉(zhuǎn)角,那它一定在路的盡頭。

  18. Learn to be independent, to bid farewell to rely on the weakness of their own to say goodbye.學(xué)會(huì)獨(dú)立,告別依賴,對(duì)軟弱的自己說(shuō)再見(jiàn)。

  19. We are not perfect people, but we have to accept their own imperfections.我們都不是很完美的人,但我們要接受不完美的自己。

  20. Fantasy is of no use, you go good, good stop, we have to face is bloody brutal reality.幻想是沒(méi)有用的,你走也好,停也好,我們要面對(duì)的,是現(xiàn)實(shí)中血淋淋的殘酷。

  21. Only a taste of the pain, had neglected to cherish happiness.只有品味了痛苦,才能珍視曾經(jīng)忽略的快樂(lè)。

  22. Do not find reasons for the failure to find a successful way.不為失敗找理由,要為成功找方法。

  23. Is there a not through contempt, to endure and struggle to conquer fate.沒(méi)有一種不通過(guò)蔑視、忍受和奮斗就可以征服的命運(yùn)。

  24. Then a long way, step by step can be completed, and then a short way, not taking the feet can not reach.再長(zhǎng)的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不邁開(kāi)雙腳也無(wú)法到達(dá)。

  25. Stop trying to find a rewind. It's life, not a movie.別妄想著倒帶,這是生活,不是電影。

  26. Sometimes the words said by mouth, are not the ones meant by heart有時(shí)候,嘴上說(shuō)的,跟心里想的壓根不是同一回事。

  27. Withstand much praise, you have to withstand much vilified.經(jīng)得起多少贊美,就得經(jīng)得起多少詆毀。

  28. Success is not difficulty, but rather who really did it.成功不在難易,而在于誰(shuí)真正去做了。

  29. Youth is like smoking. Smoke in the dust. Ash fall.青春好比吸煙。煙在飛揚(yáng)。煙灰在墜落

  30. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.永遠(yuǎn)沒(méi)有第二次機(jī)會(huì),給人留下第一印象。

  31. I started to dislike about the outcome fits and starts doing all this to overexert yourself.我開(kāi)始厭惡這個(gè)患得患失忽冷忽熱拼盡全力去逞強(qiáng)的自己。

  32. Can laugh about people who breathe naturally also be crying quietly.能笑到快要斷氣的人自然也可以哭得無(wú)聲無(wú)息。

  33. Be nice to people on the way up, because you'll need them on your way down.向上爬時(shí),對(duì)遇到的人好點(diǎn),因?yàn)榈粝聛?lái)時(shí),你還會(huì)遇到他們。

  34. A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.知足是人生在世最大的幸事。

  35. All of life is an act of letting go,but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.人生就是不斷地放下,但令人痛心的是,沒(méi)來(lái)得及好好與他們道別

  36. Be true to your work , your word , and your friend.真心對(duì)待你的工作,你的言辭,和你的朋友。

  37. No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon.不管事情變得多壞,在不遠(yuǎn)的地方,相信總會(huì)有一些美好即將來(lái)臨

  38. Because I like, so reluctantly, not so much why.因?yàn)橄矚g,所以情愿,沒(méi)有那么多為什么。

  39. Everyone is happy. But, your happiness, often in the eyes of others.每個(gè)人都是幸福的。只是,你的幸福,常常在別人眼里。

  40. Do you know what’s so hard about being too strong? Nobody might care to ask if you are OK.你知道太過(guò)堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的后果是什么嗎?是沒(méi)人會(huì)關(guān)心地問(wèn)你一句“你還好嗎”。

  41. The last break, let the past be void.把昨天打碎,讓過(guò)去作廢。

  42. Don't envy others scenery have the ability to himself a glorious.別去羨慕別人的風(fēng)光 有本事自己闖一片輝煌。

  43. Why do you hide in a corner of the world to give you the luxury of much attention.你躲在角落里憑什么奢求世界給你萬(wàn)眾矚目。

  44. Do not force yourself to one, you never know in the end how strong.不逼自己一把,你永遠(yuǎn)不知道自己到底有多強(qiáng)大。