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  Dear Addimissions Officer:

  I am writing this letter to support the admission of Wenli Lee to the Harvard Business School. I was Mr. Lee‘s teacher and advisor for several years between 1993 and 1995. We have met and talked several times since.

  Mr. Lee‘s academic credentials are truly exceptional. He not only knows how to reason with numbers, but how to render incisive and imaginative arguments in English. Unlike most of the students I have taught from China(about 60 over the past 20 years) Lee immersed himself in American culture. He composed a joke as part of his first presentation analyzing a local plan. It worked. His classmates laughed and I was witness to masterful culture spanning. Lee came to us a confident individualist uniquely suited to cultural cross fertilization. He earned straight A grades in all my classes. Whether rendering a spread sheet analysis, crafting a graphic or writing a report, Lee always demonstrated uncanny mastery combined with critical wit. While many of the Chinese I have taught performed excellently in class, Lee alone has composed essays and talks that met the sensibilities and tastes of American classmates. Even more importantly he offered new ideas which they (and myself) could comprehend and even assimilate.

  Lee has a deep reservoir of talent and ambition. He has already accomplished a great deal in the face of considerable challenge. He has worked hard bridging the cultural gulf separating the Chinese and American ways of life, and produced an impressive record for one who has enjoyed no special privilege. Lee possesses and uses an easygoing manner and spirited conviviality to put people at ease. He can make small talk, but quickly moves conversation toward more challenging and interesting topics. Lee‘s group leadership combines small "d" democracy, intelligent judgment and gentle persistence. He learned early on the painful lessons of coercive collectivism, and has learned how to anticipate and even tame adversarial relations. I have every confidence that he will use these considerable skills to tackle organizational problems on a larger scale.

  While a student in our graduate program, Lee took a job helping recovering drug addicts in the suburban community of Harvey. Harvey, an aging industrial suburb with an impoverished African American population, does not usually attract the interest and attention of foreign students from Asia. Lee swam against the strong currents of racism and fear associated with minority neighborhoods. Furthermore, he did so in a manner that added value to the community. Lee has labored for the ABC Authority, a large public bureaucracy, and currently works as a private marketing and research firm. This diversity of experience represents a crucial resource for Lee. He does not simply take jobs, but weaves these experiences together into a framework for understanding American institutions from the inside out. Finally, Lee plays with Americans. He does not hide out in Chinatown or the Chinese cultural center. He rock climbs and sails. He can tell hip from hoopla.

  Lee is smart. But more important he has acquired wisdom in the culture of both China and the U.S. He wants to expand his considerable fund of wisdom and use it to provide cultural scaffolding for commercial ties between the U.S. and China. Lee‘s ambitions and abilities are in sync. He is poised and prepared to take this next step in an exciting journey. Not only will faculty and students thank you for admitting such a fine candidate, but so too will those employees, customers and citizens who will benefit from his future employ.



  to whom it may concern,

  ms. xxx xx took an internship at l'orxxl (china) from july xxxx to april xxxx, during which she began to perform the role as trade marketing assistant from the start of last september. in general, she was proved to be an outstanding asset to our marketing team.

  while working with colleagues at l'oxxxl (china), ms. xxx provided great deal of assistance in the planning, preparation and execution of trade marketing events. during her time in l'oxxxl (china), ms. xxx was passionate and proactive. she not only assisted in planning, executing, monitoring trade/consumer promotions but also worked closely with other function teams (such as the sales team, the supply chain team, etc).meanwhile, she always carefully completed daily and monthly sales tracking report. for these reasons, i trust in her and never worry about the assignments i gave her, because i know she will complete the tasks satisfyingly.

  the tasks i gave her were far beyond what an intern should undertake. under so much pressure, she did never flinch and even volunteered to work overtime on holidays and weekends. she is strongly self-motivated. on many occasions, xxx solved problems efficiently, which required a great level of intelligence and initiative. throughout the ten months at l'oxxxl china, she integrated superbly and always made a positive impact on the staff around her. her attitude towards superiors and other colleagues was commendable at all times.

  without exception, i would like to highly recommend ms. xxx xx to any future educational institution where she wanted to have further study. we have been fortunate to have her work with us and sincerely wish her the very best in her future endeavours.

  kind regards,

  l'oxxxl (china) group limited

  xxxx xx national trade marketing manager

  email: xxx



  Beijing 100029, P. R. China

  Sept. 28, 1998

  Dear colleagues:

  This is to recommend Ms. Shan Shan, a graduate from this university’s department ofInternational Business Management, for acceptance into your MBA program.

  I have known Ms. Shan as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual since 1990, when sheattended a lecture I delivered, at which she asked perceptive and challenging questions.Although she did not officially take a course with me, she often consulted me on issues arisingout of her studies. I therefore have come to know her well. I feel strongly that Ms. Shan’sunusual talents and abilities will stand her in good stead for a quality MBA education, whichshould serve as a major boost to her career.

  While at this university, Ms. Shan was an outstanding student, boasting excellentperformance in all subjects of her studies and demonstrating great potential. Her overallGPA ranked her among the top 3 in her class of 40 students. But Ms. Shan was no bookwormdevoted exclusively to exams. She read extensively in subjects outside her major,particularly in business law, marketing, finance and journalism, all of which seemed to befascinating to her. In recognition of her intellectual strengths, the department offered, atthe time of her graduation, to accept her into its graduate without the normally mandatoryexaminations. She, however, turned down the offer. A highly independent woman, she alreadyhad her own agenda set. She wanted to obtain practical management experience first andthen proceed to pursue a Master’s Degree in Business Administrative in your country. Sheapparently made the right decision, for she has since become one of our most successfulgraduates in her crop of students.

  Ms. Shan is good at communicating in both oral and written English. Some of he mostimportant undergraduate courses were taught by American professors, many of whomconsidered her oral English as native and her written English as standard. I am sure that shehas since improved her English a lot more in her professional life.

  In Ms. Shan, we all saw an optimistic and easy-going character. With highly unusualdetermination, she is not to be daunted by any difficulties. She believes that, with hard work,she can achieve anything she wants. I think her confidence in herself is well grounded in hertrack record, especially when considering the fact that she entered into this university as thedaughter of a most impoverished family, but graduated as a top student.

  Judging by what I know of her, I think Ms. Shan is fully qualified to pursue an MBA degree inyour program. I therefore recommend her with enthusiasm. And I shall greatly appreciate ifyou can favorably consider her application for admission and financial aid.

  Yours sincerely




