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george eliot英文簡介

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george eliot英文簡介

  喬治·艾略特,英國作家,19世紀英語文學最有影響力的小說家之一,下面是學習啦小編為你整理的george eliot英文簡介,希望對你有用!

  george eliot簡介

  George Eliot, formerly known as Mary Ann Evans (Mary Ann Evans), was born in Warwick, a middle class merchant family (father was a carpenter, after the outbreak of a real estate businessman). In her thirties, she began her literary career as a translator, and later served as editor of the Westminster Review magazine. During this period, she met George Henri Lewes, Wife, but Eliot still ignoring the external pressure, with their cohabitation; two then moved to Germany; returned, although not seen at the time of society, but the two are still loving, in the work and life, mutual support.

  Eliot was deeply influenced by religion because of the fact that Eliot was deeply influenced by two religious schools. He was familiar with the language of the week, Latin, French, German, Italian, Hebrew and Greek. Her life was religious, but still very skeptical, in 1841, with her father moved to Coventry, to meet the free thinker Charles Bray, by his writings, Eliot gave up Christianity, strongly questioned religion. Thus, in his writings, occasionally criticize the rationality of religion. Because love lover's encouragement, Eliot nearly forty years old began writing, published in the magazine; in 1859, it really published her first novel "Adam Beide", this novel After eighteen nine years, she published two very successful, the famous "weavers Ma Nan Chuan" and "the walls of the Floss River", laid the In the position of the English literary world. Then, in 1863 the "Romula", the "Felix Holt" of 1866, the "Middelmar" in 1872, the " Daniel de Ronda ", is the classic, extraordinary achievements.

  Although Eliot looks ordinary, but the emotional road is still deep sincere sincere companions. Lover Lewis is very influential, the two love Ganjian, in 1878, Lewis died, Eliot pain, but still struggling to complete the love of the legacy; two years later, Eliot more married her two Ten-year-old John Cross, the two were deep, but Eliot died in December of the same year, ending her ordinary but rich life.

  george eliot寫作特點

  George Eliot is a master of the description, she is not only good at describing the appearance of the characters, but also good at describing the hearts of the characters. These pieces of subtle description of her characters suddenly pulled to the front of the reader - true and kind. Well-known critic Abba Woolson said that Dorothy "is the most beautiful and noble heroine in all the novels." Let the critics come to this conclusion I am afraid that the novel's appearance and inner description ,

  The characters shaped by George Eliot are of great artistic value, unlike those of the critics who are talking about the "narrow Victorian moral doctrine". The author himself has argued that "my role is an aesthetic sense of the mold, rather than as a teacher of education - my purpose is to arouse the noble morality of social morality, rather than what for the community." In order to achieve This "purpose". The author focuses on the shaping of the characters in terms of their artistic appeal rather than anything else, and her excellent character shaping technique makes her achieve this "purpose". However, as another British novelist, Woolf said, "to concentrate on reading George Eliot, is to find out how much we know about her." Learn more about the writer and better appreciate his work Artistic charm also depends on the reader's careful reading and in-depth discussion of experts and scholars.

  george eliot作品賞析

  George Eliot in the character discourse design can be described as ingenuity. The novel "Middel Mahe" written many people, to let each character has its own discourse style is not an easy thing, but the author succeeded in making the character discourse style has its own characteristics, become the main means of shaping the characters The

  Appearance description

  On the appearance of Dorothy, the author writes:

  Miss Bruce (that is, Dorothy) had a beauty that seemed to be more glamorous because of plain dress, even if she wore the plain blouse of the Virgin Mary in the eyes of the Italian painter, It will be beautiful. Her body, posture and silhouette are plain and elegant, noble, and small local red compared to the fashion, she is like a contemporary newspaper on the "Bible" Introduction or a classical poet of a poem The same elegant, simple.

  This description of the appearance, the author clever use of the contrast and analogy of the way to describe the distinctive girl, describes the appearance, highlight the charm. We know that the medieval and even Renaissance Italian painters of the Virgin Mary always wear a gray color, wide and simple style clothes, it is this plain clothes to contrast her holy and brilliant. With the artist's painting of the Virgin Mary's dress to describe an ordinary town girl undoubtedly has a unique rhetorical meaning. We not only see the appearance of this character, but also intended to describe this description in the religious sense and secular sense of the reference. In order to show the style of Dorothy's "refined" style, the author compares her and fashion contrasts to the differences between the Bible and the classical poet's language style and the language style of contemporary newspapers. This class is also beyond the simple appearance of the description, and highlights the charm of the characters. The author not only in the description of a natural beauty of the young woman, but also to write her taste, her upbringing, her outside the spiritual world and her living environment with the Department of harmony. This description to Dorothy this character set a tone: beautiful, simple, extraordinary vulgar.

  In describing the inner world of Dorothy, the author intentionally or unintentionally implies the social environment in which she lives and the imprints of her educational background on her mind and reveals the non-logic of her way of thinking:

  Dorothy can recite Pascal's "futile" and Kyrgyz Taylor's religious writings. She took care of the fate of mankind with Christian thought and felt that it was unreasonable for women to work on something that was not worth mentioning. She believes that a person can not pay attention to dress at the same time pay attention to the eternal meaning of the spiritual world. Her heart is filled with theory, and her nature is long and unpredictable, and of course her in the teachings of Tippton. Her pursuit of the strength and noble things, everything as long as these two features, she will desperate to pursue; she will even be dedicated to ... ....

  The "futuristic record" mentioned in the article is the book of Pasco's celebration of Christianity and Christianity, and Gillom Taylor is also a famous religious philosopher. In the influence of their writings, Dorothy despised secular life, longing for holy spiritual life is inevitable. However, she is doing specific judgments but lack the necessary prerequisite and rational thinking, so her judgment is untenable, and disastrous. She sacrifices her secular objects visually and blindly, and sacrifices everything for all, which is the source of her tragedy. From this psychological description, we know that Dorothy is not a living in reality, she determined to lofty, consciously shoulder the religious and moral mission, but it is not difficult to find that her so-called sacred "altar" is only her Imagine, which also indicates that her out of the pursuit of reality will make her into a huge mental difficulties.

  Inner description

  In addition to Dorothy, Eliot is very successful in the appearance and inner description of Mr. Kasupo and Rosamond, who almost convinced us that " The description is an abstract and summary of the relatively fragmented storyline, giving the novel characters a clearer silhouette. As everyone knows, a person's words and his character are closely related, in other words, each person's words have different discourse style. In the novel creation, the design of the characters' discourse is the key to determine the success or failure of the characters.

  Different characters of these characters are first expressed in different styles of style. In the words of Mr. Kasupo's words, his words are not much, which makes him appear dark and unpredictable; he is accustomed to a solemn and majestic gesture that makes a bit of awe on the content of his words; Written formal, rigid. The words are uncommon, the sentence is complex, hard to pronounce, and even his love letter written to Dorothy is also a rigorous academic paper rather than a correspondence for daily communication. This style of expression communicates to the reader such that he is a foolish person who does not understand the world and is bent on learning, or he is a hypocrite, or both. And his acceptance of this style also reflects the recipient's personality traits. Mr. Brouk 's harassment of Mr. Brooke' s shrewdness and sophistication; he said to her arousal that she was sober and feeling sensitive; Dorothy 's blind worship of him showed her kindness and lack of judgment But also full of fantasy.

  Secondly, the content of each character is not the same. Different discourse content reflects the speaker's ideas, life and thinking different ways of thinking. Here is Dorothy and sister Serena talking about Mr. Kasoben's dialogue, from which we can find the difference between the two sisters.

  In addition, the discourse differences of characters are also reflected in the adaptability of context. Discourse communication can be carried out smoothly depends on the speaker can follow a certain degree of communication principles, and according to different contexts to adjust their own language and discourse content. Stylist Turner has said: "stylistic changes in the context of the changes to measure the two interdependent circumstances, the style needs to be interpreted in accordance with this dependency. According to this view, what style and Is not free, without any restriction, it is at least partially restricted by context. "In the" Middelma ", some people show good adaptability to different contexts. Mr. Bruce is a typical figure of this character. His style and discourse content will be adjusted as the context changes. In public or social life, his discourse is polite, decent but without losing the sense of distance; and in private or family life, his words are cordial, kind and free. This kind of good adaptability to the context expresses the mature, sensitive and good judgment in character. Other people are just the opposite, they show the extreme incompatibility with the context. The words of Mr. Kasupo and Dorothy have this representation. Mr. Caso Ben is accustomed to using the formal style, speaking at the dinner table as in a large crowd as a speech in the same words, and "his voice like a song-like cadence, from time to time shook his head, and Brooke Mr. casually with the East of a sentence compared to the West, formed a sharp contrast.





