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  Tyrannosaurus Rex (Tyrannosaurus Rex), Tyrannosaurus Rex is the largest body. Body length of about 11.5-14.7 meters. The average hip height is about 4 meters. The highest hip height up to 5.2 meters, the highest height of nearly 6 meters. Average weight of about 9 tons, (ecological average of about 7.6 tons), the most important 14.85 tons, the head length of about 1.55 meters. Bite force is generally 90,000 Newton -12 million Newtons, the mouth of the end of up to about 20 million Newtons, but also the most sturdy carnivorous dinosaurs.

  Tyrannosaurus reign in the ancient Greek meaning "cruel lizard king", species name in Latin meaning king. Some scientists believe that the Tarbosaurus bataar in Asia is the first effective species of Tyrannosaurus rex, while other scientists believe that tyrannosaurus is an independent genus. In addition there are many species of Tyrannosaurus have been raised, but they are mostly considered Tyrannosaurus synonyms, or are classified in other genera.

  Tyrannosaurusus survived the late Cretaceous Maastricht stage (MAA) from about 68.5 million to 65 million years of the Cretaceous period, the Cretaceous - Tertiary extinction before the last non-bird One of the dinosaur species. Fossils distributed in North America, the United States and Canada, is one of the latest extinct dinosaurs.


  In 1902, a dinosaur fossil collector in the United States, Barnam Brown, found a giant carnivorous bones in the Black River in Montana, where he was a staff member of the National Museum of History. After two summers, he followed the skeleton from the hard sandstone. As the bones were so heavy, he made a special sled with horses, which brought the bones to the nearby roads. What he found was the first skeleton of Tyrannosaurus rex.

  In 1910, Barnum Brown led the expedition team in the Canadian Alberta territory of the Red Deer River Canyon began a large-scale collection. Brown found there to protect the very good halberd dragon, helmet dragon and sharp corners and other skeletal fossils and some dinosaur skin fossils.

  In the New York Museum, Brown's boss, Osborne, could not wait to name him the animal of Tyrannosaurus rex, while Brown and Osborne were reshaping Tyrannosaurus rex, but they could not The weight of two tons of bones into their minds of the image - "smart birds such as beasts," they had to combine him into an upright and slow appearance.

  December 25, 2013, British and Australian researchers said in Australia found a Tyrannosaurus dragon fossil, there is evidence that Tyrannosaurus rex has also lived in the southern hemisphere on the continent.

  Researchers in the latest issue of the United States, "Science" magazine reported that the fossil is very special, convinced that Tyrannosaurus rex. It is about 30 cm long and unearthed in the southeastern Australian dinosaur bay, shaped like a two ends of the expansion of the rod, one end of the flat, the other end was boots.

  The genus of this fossil has been temporarily named NMV P186069. Researchers speculate that the owner of the body between 6.5-7.2 meters, weighing about 5.9 tons, while the general Tyrannosaurus long body length of more than 12 meters, the weight can be more than 9 tons. Although the head is very different, but both are huge head, forelimb degeneration, hind legs developed.



  Like other Tyrannosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex has a very small forelimb, only 22% of the length of the hind legs, the general length of only about 80 cm, relative Tyrannosaurus rex huge size and hind legs, the forelimb is very small, the equivalent of a Adult arm. Their arms are very thin and small Tyrannosaurus long skull so that its forelimb position also rely on the front of the forelimb extension of its mouth, but also can not touch their mouth, the same more can not touch to their own Feet, it may only be the role of balance tools only, to balance their huge head.


  From the shape of the skull of Tyrannosaurus rex, the maxillary width of the mandibular narrow, occlusal when the force applied on the mandibular teeth is not completely relative, is conducive to bite the bones. Tyrannosaurus rexed into a cone like a banana, suitable for crushing the bones, and most of the meat dinosaur teeth are used for puncture and cutting. Its skull structure shows Tyrannosaurus rex predatory behavior and most of the dinosaurs may not be the same.

  In general, large carnivores will choose their own body or smaller prey. Individual hunting animals tend to choose their own body with a considerable or smaller prey; groups predatory creatures can often hunt than their own body much more prey. New papers in 2014 show that adult tyrants of different individual bite force between 100,000 Newton to 200,000 Newton between the average individual bite force of about 10 tons +.


  From the length of view, most of the carnivorous dinosaurs can be more than Tyrannosaurus rex, including shark teeth dragon, pretty dragon, Quebec, Solon Long, but Tyrannosaurus long body width, cervical width, leg length, pelvic size, Far more than the Ma Pulong and Quebec Zhou and almost all the special dragon super dinosaurs, and has a carnivorous dragon and the most sturdy and broad head, cervical, trunk and hind legs, the general body and shape of carnivores and animals Foot suborder (such as angular nose dragon, special dragon, spotted dragon, Yongchuan Long, etc.) only Tyrannosaurus rex less than 50% of the weight, and some stout carnivorous dragon (such as special tyrant, burst dragon) only The same body long Tyrannosaurus rex 75% -80% body weight. Compared with the Tyrannosaurus Branch shark teeth dragon members although in the length has a slight advantage, but in the body of the degree of sturdy but can not be compared with the Tyrannosaurus class, for example, shark teeth and dragon beast in the body are close to Tyrannosaurus rex, but In the weight and height is not comparable to Tyrannosaurus rex. Carnivorous dinosaurs only half of the dragon and Quebec in the body mass index can reach or close to Tyrannosaurus 90%. Tyrannosaurus rex is also very heavy, although the reptile as long as the immortality will continue to grow, but this does not mean that the reptile will become longer and longer, Tyrannosaurus Wang's growth cycle to 19 years of age, no later than 21 Age, after the end of the growth cycle of Tyrannosaurus rex, although Tyrannosaurus rex will continue to grow, but it will neither long nor will become high, its skeleton will become more stout, the overall look will be more robust. This is why the 28-year-old "Su" only 12.2 meters, but it can and 14 meters above the level of mor1126, ucmp137538 and other competitions have been found in the position of the largest Tyrannosaurus rex.


  In 2004, the scientific journal "Nature" published a study that describes an early Tyrannosaurus supernatural species, exotic dragon, fossils found in China's Yixian group. As many dinosaurs found in the Yixian group, Emperor's body has a layer of cover, is considered a kind of original feathers. Also found a larger body Tyrannosaurus long feathers, such as gorgeous feather wang dragon. Tyrannosaurus Rexroth with other Tyrannosaurus Rex is also presumed to have similar primitive feathers. But the adult Tyrannosaurus fossils found in Canada and Mongolia have rare skin traces consisting of typical pebble scales. It is also possible that some parts of the body of the young body cover the original feathers of the body, but after the fall, the body lacks the segregation, as many modern large mammals, such as elephants, hippos, and most rhinoceros. According to Holland's law, compared with the body size, large animals, but have a smaller proportion of the surface area, they release the heat temperature is higher, and absorb the heat temperature is low; so the growth of Tyrannosaurus more easy to keep the body heat The Large animals evolved from a warm environment, and the feathers used to isolate heat will leave excess calories in the body, causing overheating. Thus large Tyrannosaurus dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus rex, may lose their original feathers during the evolution to accommodate the warmer Cretaceous climate.


  With the increase in specimens, scientists began to notice the changes between Tyrannosaurus and found that they can be divided into two modes or forms, similar to some other beast subordinate dinosaurs. One of the more stout, while the other is more slender. Several morphological studies suggest that these two forms represent tyrannosaurus with both sexes, while relatively stout forms are usually considered female individuals. For example, the pellets of several coarse specimens seem wide and may be used to accommodate spawning channels. The first section of the sturdy form of the skeleton of the human bone narrowed, obviously used to accommodate the reproductive system of the birth canal, which features also appear in the crocodile body.

  In recent years, evidence of both sexes has been weakened. A 2005 study found that the original claim that the crocodile's character-shaped bone is characterized by a heterosexual feature that is wrong, making a similar character of the Tyrannosaurus class sex controversy. "Sue" of the first section of the caudal vertebrae has a full size of the chevron-shaped bone, and "Su" is a very stout individual, showing that this feature can not be used to identify these two forms. Because the Tyrannosaurus specimens were found in the area of Sarkozy to New Mexico, the differences between individuals may be more suitable for showing geographical differences than for both sexes. These differences may also be age-related, and the stout individual may be older individuals.

  Now only one Tyrannosaurus rex is considered to belong to a certain sex. "B-Rex" specimens of several bones preserved soft tissue. Some tissues are identified as medullary tissue, medullary tissue is a species that exists only in the birds, is the source of calcium, can be made in the egg yard. Because only the female individual spawning, medulla only exists in the female bird body; but in the female individual manufacturing hormones such as estrogen during the male individual also has the ability to manufacture medulla tissue. This evidence clearly shows that "B-Rex" is a female individual and died during spawning. Recent studies have shown that crocodiles do not have medullary tissue, and birds and animal foot dinosaurs have a medullary tissue, and further evidence of the evolution between the two.

  Feeding habits

  Tyrannosaurus rex is located in the late Cretaceous food chain at the top, when all kinds of dinosaurs in North America can basically be the object of their hunting, and sometimes they will attack such as longan grass dinosaur dinosaurs. Swollen head dragon because of the smaller size is generally not in the Tyrannosaurus rex in the recipe. A dragon is rarely prey on Tyrannosaurus rex. At that time distributed in North America, some other meat dinosaurs such as dwarf Tyrannosaurus and may have some competition with Tyrannosaurus rex, but far from the opponent of Tyrannosaurus rex.








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