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  Cristóbal Colón; Italian: Cristoforo Colombo), 1450/1451 Fall - May 20, 1506), explorers, colonizers, navigators, born in the medieval Republic of Genoa (now northwest of Italy) unit). At that time the background was the rise of Western imperialism, the European kingdom began to economic competition, have established trade routes and colonies to expand wealth. Columbus' s westward voyage to the East Indian Islands is supported by the Spanish royal family.

  In Columbus's first voyage in 1492, he landed in a place called "San Salvador" in the Bahamas, not the planned Japanese. In the next three voyages, Columbus arrived in the Greater Antilles, the small Antilles, the Caribbean coast of Venezuela, and Central America, and announced that they are the territory of the Spanish Empire.

  Although Columbus was not the first European explorer to reach the Americas (the first European explorer to the Americas was Leif Eriksson), Columbus's sailing took the first contact between Europe and the Americas, and Opened up a few centuries later European adventure and colonial overseas territory of the great era. These have an immeasurable impact on the historical development of the modern Western world.


  Christopher Columbus is a famous navigator in Italy and a pioneer in the discovery of geography (see Conquest of Paradise) (Vangelis). Born in Genoa, Italy in August or October 1451, died May 25, 1506 in Valladolid, Spain. Columbus never admitted that he had arrived at a continent that the Europeans did not know before, rather than the pre-departure goal - the East Indies. He called the inhabitants of the continent "Indians (Indios, Indians, Indians)".

  Due to the tensions between Columbus and the Spanish royal family and its designated American colony managers, he was arrested in 1500 and lifted the post of Governor of the island of the island of Épiana. And later led to legal proceedings against Columbus and his successor to the Spanish royal family promised to their interests.

  Columbus himself believes that his achievements are mainly in the dissemination of the glory of Christ. But for the Native Americans and some human rights activists, the arrival of Columbus means the beginning of the brutal and brutal looting of the Native Americans. Columbus is now regarded as a spiritual symbol of fearlessness of the unknown world in most places today.

  He traveled across the Atlantic four times between 1492 and 1502 under the auspices of the King of Spain, and reached the American continent, and he became a navigator of the famous history. But there is evidence that earlier the discovery of the American continent, the Vikings Leif Ericson (Leif Ericson), and China's Zhenghe.

  Columbus is an Italian, since childhood love adventure. In fact, in 1491, no one has ever believed that the earth is a plane, then someone said that he was in order to confirm the "round to say" began to sail, this argument is wrong. On the one hand, the theory of the circle is not very complete, many people do not believe that the Columbus as a jungle liar. On the other hand because the Western countries on the East material wealth demand in addition to the traditional silk, porcelain, tea, there are high profits in Asia spice trade.

  Columbus in order to achieve their own plans, lobbying for more than a decade. It was not until 1492 that the Queen of Spain, Isabella, knew the hero, and she persuaded King Ferdinand II to bring Columbus's plan into practice. Because the Spanish royal family saw the prospect of having a distant but advanced in the competition with the opponents of the highly profitable spice trade in Asia.

  In fact, the Queen of Spain to support Columbus, it is precisely the lack of necessary geographical knowledge. Before the discovery of the Americas in Columbus, the Portuguese have controlled the route from the Cape of Good Hope to India, the Portuguese through sophisticated calculations found that, in fact, from Europe to Asia, the recent route is their control of the route, which is the Portuguese refused to support Columbus s reason. There is a big coincidence here, the history of the inevitable in this accident happened. Of course, there are views that Columbus is clear that the Portuguese route is the gateway to the East, but the Portuguese have been firmly in control here, and he only re-select a new road.

  Columbus has been lobbying the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Portugal, but have been rejected, the reasons for rejection In addition to the above mentioned, because Columbus made some excessive demands, such as he asked the "naval commander" title, 10% And demanded that the chief authority of each country he had found was passed on to his offspring. At the beginning of the Spanish Queen Isabella also refused him, but she designated a royal committee to consider Columbus's plan, and at the same time decided to incorporate Columbus into the royal family. Until six years later that is the following said in 1492 only issued a approval.

  August 3, 1492, Columbus was sent by the Queen of Spain, with the Indian monarch and the Chinese emperor's credentials, led three hundred tons of sailing, from the Spanish Bay of Barcelona to sail the Atlantic, straight to the West The After seven days and nights of hard sailing, the land was found in the morning of 12 October 1492 (belonging to the Bahamas in the Central American Caribbean, where he named it San Salvador). San Salvador was the savior, and the savior saved The rise of Europe, but perhaps in the history of change, but also to other continents brought disaster.

  After that, he boarded many of the coasts of the Americas. Until 1506 years of death, he always thought he arrived in India.

  Later, an Italian scholar named Amerigo, after more study, know that Columbus arrived in these places is not India, but a not the original for the majority of Europeans know the continent. But, on the name of the continent, it was named after the name of the man who confirmed that it was the continent of the continent: Ameri California.

  Columbus is not the first to discover the American continent, "New World" narrowly on the Columbus and Westerners are "New World", the Native American Indians is not the new continent, as early as 40,000 years ago they have arrived in the American continent, It was about to pass through the Bering Strait from Asia to the Americas, or through the frozen Strait Bridge.

  Whether it is Columbus or other Westerners on the American continent, are not "first discovered", before they come here not only tens of millions of residents. Native American peoples themselves migrated from Asia in ancient times. China, Oceania's first sailing to reach America is also very likely, but these can not change the significance of Columbus's discovery of the New World. Columbus's discovery of the world has produced a great impact that people did not expect, has also become an important turning point in the development of human history.

  The development of the new route is only for Columbus want money, he did not care about what the history of development. Columbus's discovery became a new beginning for the development and colonization of the American continent, a major turning point in history.

  In a sense, Columbus can be said to be an ancestor of the black slave trade, as a sailor, he is great; but he is also a evil colonial, he was in the colonial America when the things can not imagine. After all, from the beginning, this great navigator sailing is the main reason is gold, which indirectly led to the triangle trade.

  In the 15th century, when the population of Europe expanded, the Westerners knew the American continent, so that the Europeans have a colonial place, but also can make the European economy to change the land, ore and raw materials, but at the same time, this discovery led to the original The destruction of the civilian civilization of the people. 14-15 century European capitalism began to develop rapidly, the European capitalism demand for raw materials and plunder hope to promote the opening of the new route, after the Europeans began to political control of the Americas, economic exploitation and plunder, religion and culture Of the infiltration, a large number of colonial, so that the mainland indigenous land loss, become the sovereign country of the colonies, culture and way of life are gradually dying.





