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  Time Machine

  British famous astrophysicist Stephen William Hawking following the recognition of the existence of aliens, but also issued a stunning discussion: he claimed that with the human flying into the future of the time machine, theoretically feasible, the required conditions include space In the wormhole or speed close to the speed of light of the spacecraft. However, Hawking also warned not to take time to go back to history, because "only crazy scientists, will want to go back to the past 'upside down causal'.

  Physicist Hawking, in a documentary about the universe, notes that mankind can build a spacecraft close to the speed of light and be able to enter the future. Hawking even said that he was worried about others as a "weirdo", so he did not dare to speak, do not want to talk about the time machine things, until the documentary after the generous discussion.

  Time gap

  As for the key point of time machine, Hawking stressed that the so-called "four degrees of space", scientists named "wormhole." Hawking stressed that "wormhole" in our surroundings, but small to the naked eye can not see, they exist in space and time cracks.

  He pointed out that the universe is not flat or solid, close to the observation will find all objects will appear small holes or wrinkles, which is the basic physical law, and apply to time. Time also has subtle cracks, wrinkles and voids, than the molecules, atoms also small space is named "quantum bubble", "wormhole" exists in them.

  return to the past

  Hawking pointed out that the theory of time tunnel or "wormhole" can not only carry humans to other planets, if the wormhole at both ends of the same location, and time rather than distance, then the spacecraft can fly into, after flying still Close to the earth, just into the so-called "distant past". Because in the 4-degree space, 10 minutes may be n hours. But Hawking warned, do not take time to go back to history.

  Fly to the future

  Steven William Hawking said that if scientists can build a spacecraft close to the speed of light, then the spacecraft will inevitably because it can not violate the speed of light is the maximum speed limit law, resulting in the cabin time slows down, then the flight is equal to a week 100 years on the ground, it is equivalent to fly into the future.

  Hawking lift artificial satellite, for example, refers to the satellite in orbit, due to the impact of the Earth's gravity is small, the satellite time is slightly faster than the ground time. As a result, Hawking envisioned a large speed universe ship, can be accelerated in 1 second to 97,000 km per hour, 6 years to accelerate to 99.99% of the speed of light, faster than the history of the fastest ship Apollo 10 times. The passengers on board the ship is disguised to the future, making a real time travel.

  Four degrees of space

  Even in space, everything has a length of time, in time roaming, means through the "4 degrees space."

  Hawking, for example, pointed out that driving straight line is equal to the "1 degree space" in the road, and turn left or right is equal to plus "2 degrees space", as in the meandering mountain road up and down, it is equivalent to enter the "3 degree space " Crossing the time tunnel is to enter the "4 degrees space."

  Alien theory

  Stephen Hawking in the United States to explore the channel April 25, 2010 broadcast documentary "follow Stephen Hawking into the universe," said that the possibility of alien existence is great, but humans should not take the initiative to find them, make every effort Avoid contact with them.

  Hawking believes that, in view of the alien may be looted the Earth's resources and then sped away, the human initiative to seek contact with them "some too risky." "If the aliens visited us, I thought the results could be similar to that of Christopher Columbus in the American continent, which was not a good thing for the local Indians.

  However, there are many experts on the "alien threat theory" expressed doubts. They from the alien's wisdom and technology, and even human self-alien psychological role to illustrate the alien people do not pose a threat to the earth. Chinese linguist and mathematician Zhou Haizhong said that if aliens can come to Earth, that their civilization is far more than our human; the higher the degree of civilization, the lower the possibility of violent tendencies. He believes that the threat of aliens is completely unnecessary, because as long as the wisdom of life, their rationality determines how they treat other intelligent life; aliens and the future of the earth is able to peaceful coexistence, friendly cooperation And common development. Coincidentally, American astronomer David Morrison also said that if a civilization can exist for hundreds of thousands of years, then it must be more advanced than human. This civilization will certainly solve a series of problems we face, so there is no need to invade the earth. He even believes that aliens are "peace messengers" and are friendly and cute, and said humorously, "If the aliens visit, I will treat them well." Nobel Prize in physics, the American astrophysicist George Mute eyes, "alien threat theory" all the worries are unfounded.

  Interstellar immigration

  Hawking in August 2010 to accept the US intellectual video sharing site BigThink interview, and then exposing remarks, said the Earth will be destroyed within 200 years, and human beings want to continue to survive only one way: immigration planets.

  Hawking said that if humans want to continue, they must immigrate to Mars or other planets, and the Earth will sooner or later die. Hawking said: "Human beings have entered an increasingly dangerous period, we have experienced a number of events related to life and death.As the human gene carried by the 'selfish, greedy' genetic code, humans are a little bit of plunder of the earth resources, Humans can not put all the eggs in a basket, so they can not put a bet on a planet.

  Academic bets

  Hawking liked some scientific propositions, gambling with other scholars, and sometimes became a scientific scholar.

  1. Can you find the Higgs boson?

  Hawking made a bet with Professor Gordon of the University of Michigan: CERN would not find the Higgs boson.

  Higgs boson is the famous British physicist Higgs and other colleagues after a long period of painstaking research, waiting for 48 years, only to find the Higgs boson, also known as "God particles."

  2. Does the black hole exist?

  Set of energy to study the black hole of Hawking, had worried that the black hole may be just a theoretical concept, and the reality does not exist. He became nothing when he was free, and in 1975 he was gambling with another physicist, Kip Thorne, whether the black hole existed.

  The presence of naked singularity

  In 1991, Hawking also asked to open the gambling, the Thorn and his standing in the same front, the bet on the side of the physicist Pei Shiji (John Preskill). The proposition at that time was whether the singularity should be surrounded by a black hole, but whether there was a "naked singularities" surrounded by a black hole.

  Hawking and Thorne bet: the naked spot does not exist, then with the Berez set the gambling, who lost to the other side to send a used to "cover nudity" T-shirts, write the appropriate clothes to lose words. Hawking amended his theory in 1997, pointing out that naked singularity may exist.

  High dimensional space

  According to the M theory proposed in the 1990s (a kind of superstring theory), the universe is eleven dimensions, composed of the plane of vibration. In Einstein, the universe is only four-dimensional (three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time), modern physics is that there are seven-dimensional space we can not see.

  How does the scientist explain the difference between what we have known and what may exist but not perceived? They make an analogy: an ant travels on a piece of paper, Or left, forward or backward. It is high and low meaningless, that is to say, the third dimension of the space is there, not known by the ants. Likewise, our world is made up of four-dimensional data (three spatial dimensions, one time dimension), and we are not aware of all other dimensions.

  According to the physicist's view there should be seven dimensions. Despite having so many dimensions, these dimensions are invisible, and they themselves are rolled together, known as compressed dimensions. In order to clarify this view, let us to ants as an example to start our imagination. We can imagine, the ants in the above walking paper roll up, until rolled into a cylindrical. If the ants walk along the paper wall, and finally it will return to the starting point, which is an example of compressed dimension. If you can take along the famous Mobius, the above phenomenon will occur, of course, it is three-dimensional, but if you walk along it, will always return to the starting point. Mobius is compressed from the perspective of the dimension, according to the physics it has three dimensions, but who walking in the above, can only be recognized as a dimension. This is a bit like the people on the left: up or down, but never come to an end. If the ant is not walking along the curved wall of the paper tube, it will never return to the original starting point. This is an example of two dimensions (or the kind of dimension we are perceived), and it is impossible to return to the original starting point along it.


  Stephen William Hawking's research laid the groundwork for today's understanding of the black hole and the origin of the universe, but according to himself, he said that he was in the animated "The Simpsons" and the science fiction episode "Star Trek: Next Generation" (Star Trek: The Next Generation) is also wonderful.

  Hawking emphasizes that the universe does not need a Creator or "God" in the "Great Design", "philosophy is dead", which means that mankind will be detached from ignorant self-slavery, denying that pure philosophy and religion can really explain Naturally, it also shows that the major religions are only the ancient spiritual world to explore the unknown, the pursuit of immortal system, rather than the objective truth. With the progress of the times, human civilization is also catch up, not far behind, which is why generations of people of insight to the existence of life and the meaning of the universe. To solve these propositions should have been the task of the philosopher, but unfortunately the highly developed science makes the philosophy can not keep up. Hawking in the "big design" of the opening that "philosophy is dead" is the meaning.

  Hawking hopes to solve the mystery of the birth of the universe, the 1970s, Hawking quantum mechanics applied to explain the phenomenon of black hole, in the next 30 years, with quantum mechanics to explain the universe has become more difficult. Hawking wanted to find a set of theories that could explain the universe as a whole to illustrate the birth of the 13.7 billion years of the universe until now, but it has not been concluded for years even if it is infinitely close. According to his theory of quantum mechanics, the birth of the universe is the big bang produced, which is a compressed infinitely small but with large gravity of the material (also can be understood as the density of infinite) explosion products. The theoretical category of quantum mechanics can not explain how this process is going to be done. Why is it so? Hawking says "that must have a theory that can describe small-scale gravity."

  The latest scientific breakthrough is Hawking's colleague, Michael Smith of London's Queen Mary's College (Michael. Green) involved in the construction of the superstring theory, referred to as "string theory", which states that all particles and natural forces are actually in shock In the universe like a small object, to solve the Hawking has always wanted to try to answer the gravity problem, this theory must be established in the universe must have 9,10 or even greater than 11 dimensions, and human beings in the three-dimensional world may only One of the real ones of the universe ...

  A large number of scientists around the world are doing experiments in space and earth to prove string theory and from experiments to support Hawking's black hole theory and quantum theory. January 24, 2014, the famous British scientist Professor Stephen Hawking once again with its black hole-related theory shocked the physics, in a recently published paper admitted that "black hole does not exist," but "gray hole" indeed exist. In a paper entitled "Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting For Black Holes", Hawking points out that "black holes do not exist" because they can not find the boundaries of black holes. In order to solve the "firewall" problem in the new theory set "black hole does not exist", it does not really do not exist. The black hole of the boundary, also known as the "horizon", the classic black hole theory that the black hole outside the material and radiation can enter the black hole through the horizon, and any material and radiation within the black hole can not wear out horizons.

  Hawking's latest "gray hole" theory that material and energy in the black hole trapped after a period of time, will be re-released into the universe. He admitted in his essay that his initial knowledge of the horizon was flawed, and that light could cross the horizon. When the light flies the black hole core, its movement is like a person running on a treadmill, slowly through the outward radiation and shrink. "The classical black hole theory argues that any matter and radiation can not escape the black hole, and quantum mechanics suggests that energy and information can escape from the black hole." Hawking also pointed out that the interpretation of this escape process requires a gravity And other basic forces of successful integration of the theory. In the past hundred years, no one in physics has tried to explain this process.

  For Hawking's "gray hole" theory, some scientists expressed approval, it was skeptical. Joseph Polchinski, a theoretical physicist at the Cuban Institute of Theoretical Physics, points out that according to Einstein's theory of gravity, the boundary of the black hole is present, but it differs from the rest of the universe Not obvious. In fact, as early as 2004, Hawking had made a similar statement. On July 21 of that year, Hawking pointed out at the 17th International Symposium on General Theory of Relativity and Gravitation that the Black Hole was not "completely swallowed" around it, as he and most other physicists had previously thought, Some of the information that is sucked into the depths of the black hole may be released at some point.

  In 1973, Hawking said he calculated by the conclusion that the black hole in the formation of the process of its quality reduction, but also continue to be in the form of energy to the outside world radiation. This is the famous Hawking radiation theory, the theory mentioned in the black hole radiation does not include the black hole inside the material of any information, once the black hole is concentrated and evaporated disappear, all of which information will disappear, which is the so-called The "black hole paradox". This theory and quantum mechanics of the relevant theories appear contradictory. Because modern quantum physics finds that this material information is never completely gone.

  For more than 30 years, Hawking tried to explain this contradictory view with various speculations. Hawking has said that the quantum movement of the black hole is a special case, because the gravity in the black hole is very strong, quantum mechanics at this time is no longer applicable. Hawking's argument does not convince the scientific community of skeptical scholars. It now appears that Hawking finally gave this year's contradictory view of a more convincing answer. Hawking said the black hole never completely shut itself - Hawking radiation, they in a long period of time gradually to the outside world to radiate more and more heat, then the black hole will eventually open themselves and release the material contained in the information.

  On August 16, 1616, Jeff Steinhauer, a professor at the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, proved the quantum effect of Hawking radiation in a paper published in the journal Nature Physics. He made a sound black hole instead of a light black hole, using a long tube with sound particles, the phonon "horizon". In 2014, Professor Steinhall found that the phonemes were randomly generated in the horizon. In his latest results, Steinhouse proved that these phonons were one of a pair of related phonons, thus proving the quantum effect of Hawking radiation.





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