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  Song Qingling (January 27, 1893 - May 29, 1981), great patriotism, democracy, internationalism and communist fighters, the world famous twentieth century great women. Her youth to follow Sun Yat-sen, dedicated to the revolution, in the past seven decades of revolutionary career, strong and unyielding, determined, heroic struggle, and always firmly and the Chinese people, the Communist Party of China stood together for the liberation of the Chinese people, Women and children's health care and cultural and educational welfare, for the reunification of the motherland and to defend the world peace and promote the cause of human progress and great efforts to make every effort to make an indelible contribution by the Chinese people, overseas Chinese overseas admiration and love , Also won the praise and love of international friends, and enjoy the high prestige.


  Soong Ching Ling January 27, 1893, Soong Ching Ling was born in Shanghai, a pastor and industrialist family. Her father as Sun Yat-sen's friends and comrades, is her first enlightenment teacher. Soong Ching Ling 7 years old into the Shanghai Chinese and Western school private school, 1907, 15 years old sister Mei Meiling to study in the United States. First study at the private school in Smith City, New Jersey, and the following year was admitted to the Department of Literature at Wisley Women's College, Macon, Georgia. Song Qingling smart and studious, active thinking, often participate in school activities. Hear the news of the victory of the Revolution of 1911, warmly cheered the Revolution of 1911 is "the greatest event of the twentieth century".

  In 1913, Soong Ching Ling graduated from the University, received a Bachelor of Arts degree. She was full of patriotic enthusiasm and the revitalization of China's ideals decided to return home, engaged in "seeking freedom and equality of China," the democratic revolutionary struggle.

  After returning to Japan through the way, met her already respected Mr. Sun Yat-sen. And then served as secretary of Sun Yat-sen, in the common revolutionary struggle to establish a deep friendship and feelings, regardless of her family's opposition, trying to return from Japan to Japan, in October 25, 1915 and Sun Yat-sen married in Tokyo, Japan. She indifferent fame and fortune, power and generous family life, willingly for Sun Yat-sen to share the pain of exile. She actively participated in and supported Sun Yat-sen's Chinese democratic revolution.

  Boyhood, she was a negative alien, in the United States accepted the "European-style education", by the baptism of democracy. The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the dictatorship of the Qing Dynasty, and made her look forward to the independence, freedom, democracy and prosperity of the motherland. Father's source of letters and clippings sent in her mind and Sun Yat-sen led the revolutionary cause of the bridge. However, the Republic was killed in the cradle, the tide of the revolution has subsided, Soong Ching Ling learn to return to reform and build the ambitions of the motherland without show. She went straight to the exiled revolutionaries in Tokyo, and soon served as Sun Yat-sen's assistant, began her 70 years of revolutionary career.

  On October 25, 1915, Soong Ching Ling, despite his parents' opposition, decided to marry Sun Yat-sen in exile and did not hesitate to follow Sun Yat-sen's hard struggle to defend the republican system. March 12, 1925 Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing. He gave the "peace, struggle, save China" entrusted to the Soong Ching Ling and his comrades.

  June 16, 1922 morning, Chen Jiongming against Sun Yat-sen against the Northern Expedition and rebellion revolution. Sun Yat-sen asked Suoxing Ling first evacuation, and she was Sun Yat-sen said: "China can not me, can not you." Adhere to Sun Yat-sen first safe evacuation in the rebels attempt to shell the marshal and the shelter of the critical juncture Later, after several storms only to escape, the next day in the Yongfeng ship (Zhongshan ship) rendezvous.

  Since then, Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching-ling have exchanged views with representatives of the Communist Party of China (CPC), such as Li Dazhao, and the special envoy sent by Lenin, summing up their experiences and discuss the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to proceed with the reorganization of the Kuomintang. On January 20, 1924, the first national congress of the Kuomintang, with the participation of the Communists, was held in Guangzhou. The meeting adopted the three policies formulated by Sun Yat-sen to "join Russia, the Communist Party, and assist agriculture and industry", and realized the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

  At the end of 1924, Soong Ching Ling with Sun Yat-sen should be invited by Feng Yuxiang, for the peaceful reunification of the country committed north, until March 12, 1925 Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing. Sun Yat-sen seriously ill, Soong Ching Ling waiting day and night in the sickbed

  After the death of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, Soong Ching Ling resolutely safeguarded and faithfully carried out the three policies of "joining Russia, federation and assisting agriculture and industry workers", and made unremitting struggle with the forces that violated Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary principles. "May 30" after the tragedy, she was extremely indignant, called "where the Chinese people are responsible for the country to save the country." Continue to work closely with the Communist Party to support the Northern Expedition. In January 1926, he was elected to the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee at the Second National Congress of the Kuomintang. Northern expedition to capture Wuhan, the National Government ready to move the capital, Soong Ching Ling and advance staff arrived in Wuhan.

  In the first half of 1927, the rightists in the Kuomintang rebelled against Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary principles against the "three major policies" and formed a "confluence of Ningxia", killing the Communists, patriotic progressive people and working people. In this regard, Song Qingling indignation, resolutely issued a "protest against the Sun Yat-sen revolutionary principles and policies of the statement", announced with the "Ninghua confluence" break, "temporarily retreat."

  The Communist Party of China in 1927 launched an armed uprising in Nanchang, when she was not in Nanchang, but still with Zhou Enlai and other 25 members of the Revolutionary Committee and was elected as 7 members of the Bureau. And then in order to further explore the revolutionary road, to achieve the wishes of Sun Yat-sen, went to the Soviet Union to visit. In the Soviet Union, she received a cordial visit from Stalin and other leaders, and forged a strong friendship with the Kaliningen couple.

  After returning from Europe to participate in Sun Yat-sen's Fengan ceremony, in the conversation with Dai Jitao, severely pointed out: "I am not suitable for the life of politicians, Moreover, I have no freedom in Shanghai, do you want to get to Nanjing?" And declared: "The only way to make me not speak, only to shoot me, or to imprison me."

  During this period, Soong Ching Ling actively participated in a series of important international anti-imperialist activities, in December 1927 and August 1929 two times was elected international honorary chairman of the anti-imperialist alliance, and later became the world's anti-fascist committee's main leaders one.

  After the "September 18" incident, Soong Ching Ling returned from Western Europe again, mercilessly exposed Chiang Kai-shek "stalked, must first security" non-resistance policy. She was convinced that "only the mass-based and revolutionary service for the masses can the power of the warlords and politicians be divorced in order to get rid of the yoke of imperialism in order to truly realize socialism." At the beginning of 1932, the Japanese imperialists invaded Shanghai, Army uprising, Soong Ching Ling spoke highly of the patriotic forces of the Anti-Japanese Warriors.

  In December 1932, Soong Ching Ling and Cai Yuanpei, Lu Xun, Yang Xingfo and others in Shanghai organized the "Chinese civil rights protection alliance." With their own high prestige, through a wide range of social activities and various forms of struggle, rescued Xu Deheng, Luo Dengxian, Deng Zhongxia, Zou Taofen, Chen Geng, Liao Chengzhi, Ding Ling and the rescue of the "seven gentlemen" and a large number of revolutionaries and patriotic progress person. When Mr. Lu Xun was ill, Soong Ching Ling wrote to him: "Your life is not just your personal, but belong to the Chinese and Chinese revolution !! For the future of China and the Chinese revolution, you have to save, cherish your body Is necessary because China needs you, the revolution needs you!

  In September 1933, Soong Ching Ling held a "Far East Conference of the World Against the Imperialist War" in Shanghai.

  After the "Xi'an Incident", the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China cooperated together for the second time. Soong Ching Ling in 1938 in Hong Kong to create "to defend the Chinese alliance", committed to wartime medical relief and child care work. She through various methods and channels to overseas Chinese and the international community to promote the real situation of the war, and to patriotic overseas Chinese and international friends to raise a lot of money, drugs, medical equipment and other materials to support the war. Many of the materials were delivered to the anti-Japanese base through her careful arrangements. She united and organized international friends and international medical teams to the Communist Party-led anti-Japanese base to study and work. Snow, Smedley, Bethune, Ke Dihua, Ma Haide and other journalists and doctors are arranged by her into the liberated areas, including Bethune, Kodi Hua, Harrison for the Chinese revolution gave a valuable life. Snow visited the northern Shaanxi after writing the famous "westbound".

  In January 1941, Soong Ching Ling and He Xiangning, Liu Yazi, Peng Zemin jointly sent a letter to Chiang Kai-shek and the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, anger condemned the authorities launched the "southern Anhui Incident." During this period, Soong Ching Ling adhere to the "League" work, until the fall of Hong Kong before the last flight to Chongqing. Arrived in Chongqing, she ignored the environment sinister, continue to carry out the "security alliance" work, regardless of the hatchet, Song's three sisters in hand to go to difficulties, support the war.

  After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Soong Ching Ling to "defend the Chinese alliance" to "China Welfare Foundation", mainly engaged in maternal and child health, culture and education and social welfare relief. At this time the Kuomintang launched the civil war, although the Song Qingling in the heart of the Kuomintang, but continue to raise a large number of medical supplies, the use of various opportunities and conditions shipped to the liberated areas to support the Communist Party led the liberation war, for the establishment of a new China set a special meritorious service The

  In June 1949, the national liberation just around the corner, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai personally wrote to invite Song Qingling to Peiping to participate in the new political consultation. Song Qingling see the letter, very moved, gladly agreed to participate in the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In the first session of the CPPCC plenary session was elected vice chairman of the Central People's Government. Since then, in the new China since the establishment of more than 30 years, she, as always, words and deeds, for the motherland's socialist revolution and construction has made outstanding contributions to the cause. She often with Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Dong Biwu and other party and state leaders to discuss the plan, participated in a large number of state activities, and deeply concerned about Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese, hope to achieve the reunification of the motherland as soon as possible.

  From September 21 to 30, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held in Beijing. Soong Ching Ling was elected Vice Chairman of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China and Standing Committee Member of the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

  In 1949, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Soong Ching Ling long-term commitment to a large number of state activities. At the same time, she devoted much of her energies into the culture, education, health and welfare of women and children. She has served as honorary chairman of the All-China Federation of Democratic Women, Honorary Chairman of the National Women's Federation of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the National Committee for the Defense of Children.

  In 1950, she was elected a member of the World Peace Council. In 1952, he was elected Chairman of the Asian and Pacific Liaison Committee.

  Soong Ching Ling's life has always been associated with the people. She worked hard to visit all parts of the country, deep into the factories, rural areas, troops and ethnic minority areas, concerned about the people's lives, and people heart to heart. She is humble and kind, equal to others, to set up practical things, is the real people servant. Her life enthusiastic women's liberation career, is one of the outstanding leaders of the Chinese women's community, served as honorary chairman of the All-China Women's Federation. She has long presided over the work of the Chinese relief society, the Chinese Red Cross. She devoted her life to the cultural and educational welfare of young children.

  In 1951 was elected chairman of the National Committee for the Defense of Children of China, until death. She founded the "Children's Time" magazine is one of the earliest children's books in China, has been loved by young children, is their mentor. Song Ching Ling often for children inscription and writing articles to encourage children to grow up healthily.

  In September 1954, Soong Ching Ling was elected vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the First National People's Congress.

  April 7, 1959, the second session of the National People's Congress held the first meeting, Soong Ching Ling was elected vice chairman of the People's Republic of China.

  In January 1965, the Third National People's Congress was held, she again served as vice chairman of the People's Republic of China.

  In January 1975, the Fourth National People's Congress she was re-elected vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

  In February 1978, the Fifth National People's Congress was re-elected as vice chairman of the Standing Committee.

  August 30, 1980, the Fifth National People's Congress at the third meeting as the Executive Chairman of the General Assembly.

  Soong Ching Ling from the early years to join the war against imperialist aggression, to defend the world peace struggle, world-renowned. After the founding of new China, she organized and participated in many international anti-aggression war, world peace conference and work. At the Second World Peace Conference in 1950, she was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the World Council for Peace and Peace. Won the 1950 "to strengthen international peace" Stalin Peace Prize, and all the 100,000 rubles bonus donation to create "China Welfare International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital." In 1952, Guo Moruo and others held the "Asia and the Pacific Regional Peace Conference", and led the Chinese delegation to participate in the Asia-Pacific Regional Peace Conference held in Beijing, was elected chairman of the Liaison Committee.

  Song Qingling, as a friendly messenger of the Chinese people, has visited many countries and regions, made friends extensively, and has done a lot of work to promote the friendship between the peoples of the world. She has always been concerned about the early years to follow Mr. Sun Yat-sen's old friends, overseas Chinese, care for Taiwan's future, hope to achieve early reunification of the motherland.

  At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Soong Ching Ling presided over the creation of the "China Construction" English version of the magazine, the Chinese people's real situation to convey to the people of the world. Today's "China Construction" (now known as "China today") from one of the English version to seven kinds of text version, issued to the world more than 150 countries and regions.

  In the long struggle of the Chinese revolution, she stood firm with the Chinese Communist Party. The leaders of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De and other comrades have always regarded her as their own close comrades, comrades, proletarian vanguard fighters.

  May 14, 1981, Soong Ching Ling suffering from coronary heart disease, liver cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia disease deteriorated.

  May 15, 1981 the Central Political Bureau decided to accept her as a member of the Communist Party of China, the 16th National People's Congress Standing Committee decided to grant her honorary chairman of the People's Republic of China title.

  May 29, 1981, Soong Ching Ling died due to illness in Beijing apartment. Follow her last words, ashes buried in the east side of her parents' mausoleum in the cemetery of Shanghai. The Communist Party of China, the National People 's Congress of the National People' s Congress for her tomb inscriptions to commemorate: Song Qingling is patriotism, democracy, internationalism, communism, great fighters. Her great achievements for the country and the people, will never go down in history.


  Father Song Jiashu, such as the word Yao, the original name of Han Zhun, early years drift the United States, middle-aged home to set up industry, Sun Yat-sen is the cause of the supporters and close comrades.

  Mother Ni Guizhen is one of China's earlier progressive women who oppose feudalism.

  Sun Yat-sen is the forerunner of the great democratic revolution of modern China. On October 25, 1915, Soong Ching Ling, despite his parents' opposition, decided to marry Sun Yat-sen in exile and did not hesitate to follow Sun Yat-sen's hard struggle to defend the republican system.

  Song Qingling life love reading. Books, books, everywhere is a book, proved Song Qingling's desire for knowledge. Whether it is to visit Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling living in Shanghai in the former residence, or Sun Yat-sen after the death of Soong Ching Ling personally in Beijing and Shanghai's former residence, people will be surprised to see this fact. Their books can see their modernization as well as their wide range of interests.

  Song Qingling pigeons not only because he likes this elegant birds, but also because of commemorating Sun Yat - he likes pigeons, it is important that the pigeons symbolize peace.

  She loves pigeons and feeds them every day and looks at them. She learns the pigeons and the pigeons fly back when they hear it. After her death, these pigeons still stay in the garden, a total of more than 100, often in the aisle to eat, in the sky composed of beautiful and full of ups and downs of the formation of flying up and down.

  Soong Ching Ling also use spare time to draw flowers, animal sketches. Soong Ching Ling loves music, especially playing the piano, until eighty years old, in the hard work of the day, but also often in the bedroom playing the piano (she never in front of the public) side humming her childhood listening to his father to sing some songs, as a rest The In the former residence of Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai and Beijing, with some new patriotic revolutionary songs put together with her father left a lot of songs, including "Nashville First Methodist Church of the Anglican Church Youth praise poetry" ( 1907 printed on the "CJSoong, Shanghai." [Song Charlie, Shanghai] signature), "Chorus and solo song collection" (Evangelist Iila Sang Ji for). Song Qingling a soft spot for cooking, Soong Ching Ling's mother (Ni Guizhen) to do the American rice tips and fun are passed to her. In the long and excellent life, Soong Ching Ling sometimes aprons, according to foreign friends sent a new recipe trial; in Beijing she would ask visiting foreign friends like to eat what, and then unexpectedly is their own cooking Do some "home cooking" to treat them. On the shelves of Beijing, there are still recipes of the Encyclopedia of New York Times and other recipes of various flavors. There are even recipes for Jewish recipes and in the United States known as "Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine".








宋慶齡,偉大的愛國主義、民主主義、國際主義和共產(chǎn)主義戰(zhàn)士,舉世聞名的二十世紀(jì)的偉大女性。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的宋慶齡英文簡介,供大家參閱! 宋慶齡簡介 Song Qingling (January 27, 1893 - May 29, 1981), great patriotis


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