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  Han Fei (about 280 BC - 233 BC), the Warring States period Korea capital Xinzheng (now Henan Province, Zhengzhou City Xinzheng City) people, outstanding thinkers, philosophers and essayist. Han Wang son, Xunzi students, Li Si students. Known as one of the two most of the essence of Lao Tzu thought, he founded the legalist doctrine for China's first unified dictatorship of the birth of the centralized state provides a theoretical basis.

  Han Fei loves his own country, but he is not valued by Hanwang, while the king but in order to get Han Fei and sent troops to attack South Korea. Han Fei into the Qin Chen Chen Qin Qin Wang Qin Qin Han policy, the end can not be used for the Qin Wang. Han Fei impeachment on the court Yao Jia, and incurred Yao Jia retaliation, then imprisoned. After the Sri Lanka prison poison. Han Fei people die, but the legalists thought was reused by the Qin Ying Zheng Zheng, Feng "Han Fei" for the Qin country by the country to be. To help Qin country rich soldiers, the final unity of the six countries. Han Fei's thought deep and advanced, far-reaching impact on future generations, is Chairman Mao's most admired Chinese ancient thinkers. Chairman Mao once said: ancient Chinese as a politician, the basic are legal home.

  Han Fei will Shang Yang's "law", Shen not harm the "surgery" and Shen to the "potential" in one, is the master of the idea of the master; Han Fei will dialectics, simple materialism and law integration. Author of "Han Fei", a total of fifty five, more than ten thousand words. In the pre-Qin philosophers prose is unique, showing that Han Fei attaches great importance to materialism and efficiencyist ideas, and actively advocate monarchist despotism theory, the purpose is to autocratic monarchs to provide rich and powerful thinking.

  "Historical Records" contains: Qin see "solitary anger", "five beetle" book, said: "sigh, Guaren see this person with the tour, die do not hate!" We can see that the attention of the Qin Wang. "Han Feizi" is also an important source of indirect history of the pre-Qin period, which is one of the important sources of historical material deficiencies in the pre-Qin period. Many of the contemporary folklore and fables have become the source of idioms.


  Han Fei is the Warring States period Korean aristocracy, was born in the Warring States period of South Korea's capital Xinzheng (now Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, Zhengzhou City Zhengheng Gucheng). Han Fei is good at "the name of the magic of learning", "and its attribution to the Huang old." And Qin Xiang Li Si are Xunzi students. Han Fei article superior, even Li Si also sigh. Han Fei will be his own doctrine, traced back from the Taoist Huang Lao of the surgery, he Laozi "Tao Te Ching" has a considerable study, "Han Fei", the "old solution", "Yu old" and other articles, focus Expressed Han Fei's philosophical point of view. Han Fei is a philosopher with materialism at the end of the Warring States Period and a master of thought. Han Fei witnessed the late Warring States Korea poor and weak, many times the letter Han Wang, hoping to change the rule of law at that time, not used by the use of non-pension situation, but its idea has not been adopted. Han Fei that this is "honest and can not tolerate the evil in vain." He retreated the book, wrote the "solitary anger" "beetle", "inside and outside the storage", "said Lin" "difficult" and other works.

  His book spread to Qin, Qin Wang Han very much appreciate the talent. Soon, because Qin Guo attack Han, Han Wang had to use Han Fei, and sent him to make Qin. Han Fei was sent by Hanwang to Qin, Qin Wang Han Fei is very much, but has not decided whether to retain. But the literary grace of Han Fei for Qin Wang Ying Zheng appreciated and much reuse. As the Sri Lanka proposed to destroy the six countries dominate the world of heaven and earth, and the primary goal is South Korea, but as South Korea's son of Han Fei and Lisheng see the opposite (Han Fei Zhang Chuang Han Zhao Zhao), hinder the Qin unified plan, so Li to the king Refuse to refute Han Fei and Li Shi of political views. Han Fei want to save Han, Li Siyu off Korea. Because Han Fei and Li Si was a classmate, Lisi know that Han Fei was eloquent, worried that Ying Zheng was hired by Han Fei strategy, so on the Shuying political, stated the interests of which. He said: "Han Fei came, may not think he can let Han retained, is the benefit of heavy Han. His debate rhetoric, to cover up the fraud, is to take advantage from the Qin, peep to make his right Han Youli things.

  Qin Wang that Li words of reason, they arrested Han Fei. Ting Wei put it into prison, and finally forced his suicide. Han Fei would like to go to the book before the emperor, was rejected. Later, the emperor regretted, sent people to forgive him, but Han Fei has died.

  Han Feizi's essay is thoughtful, depressing bold, linguistic humor, fantastic in Ping Ping, and is artistic and artistic. Han Fei's "solitary anger", "five beetle", "said hard", "said forest", "from the storage" five books, more than ten thousand words, between the lines, sigh things difficult, difficult life, read the world , Thousands of nostalgia.



  Feudal autocracy

  Han Fei advocated the establishment of a unified central and feudal authoritarian state in the country's political system. Han Fei-zi's "law", "surgery" and "potential" combined political ideology are important elements of feudal despotism. Han Fei also inherited some of the thoughts of the feudal autocracy in Xunzi, and further theoretical and systematic, and thus become the advocate of feudal despotism.

  Although we can say that Confucianism Confucius "Jun Jun, minister, father, son" and Mencius "father and son have pro, monarch and justice, couples are different" and feudal despotism have a certain relationship, but not as Han Fei Speak clearly. "Han Feizi Zhongxiao chapter," said: "Chen Junjun, son of the father, wife and wife, the three governor of the rule of heaven, the three inverse of the world chaos, this world is also often." Han Fei, On the king, father, husband affiliation made sure, and the three of the cis as the world chaos "often". This has the basic content of the three "Gang". Coupled with Han Fei's "law", "surgery", "potential" political ideas, so that the idea of feudal despotism basically formed.


  Han Feizi inherited and summed up the thought and practice of the legalists during the Warring States period, and put forward the legalist theory of monarchy. ("Han Feizi real right"), the power of the state, to focus on the monarch ("saints") a person in the hands of the monarch must have the right to have the right to have the right Potential to manage the world, "the main by virtue, thousands of times the king, so the system of the world and the princes who, with its power and potential" ("Han Feizi master"). To this end, the monarch should use a variety of means to remove the hereditary slave owners aristocracy, "scattered its party" "wins its auxiliary" ("Han Feizi main road"); at the same time, select a group of practiced feudal officials to replace them, "Prime Minister will play in the state, fierce will be issued in the soldiers Wu" ("Han Feizi"). Han Feizi also advocated the reform and the implementation of the rule of law, asked the "waste of the king of the teachings" ("Han Fei Zi asked field"), "law to teach" ("Han Fei Zi"). He stressed that the development of the "law", it is necessary to strictly enforcing, no one can exception, so that "the law is not expensive" "do not avoid the ministers, reward and no husband" ("Han Feizi degree"). He also believes that only the implementation of torture heavy punishment, the people will be obedient, the community can be stable, feudal rule to consolidate. Han Fei's claims reflect the interests and demands of the new feudal landlord class, providing a theoretical basis for ending the feudal separatism and establishing a unified centralized feudal state.

  True match

  Han Feizi argued that 'the name is consistent', that the monarch should be based on the subjects of speech and performance is consistent to decide merit reward and punishment.

  For the people, he absorbed his teacher Xunzi's "nature of the evil" theory, that the people's nature is "withered and happy", to the law to restrain the people, tortured to the people, can " " So he thinks that the criminal law is precisely the performance of the people. ("Han Feizi heart degree"). Easy to ignore is that Han Fei is to reduce the people's corvee and tax. He believes that a serious corvee and tax will only let the minister under the strong, not conducive to the rule of the king.

  For the minister, he thought to go to "five beetles", against "eight rape." (3) with a sword (referring to the Ranger); 4, the speaker (referring to the Confucian); 2, the speaker (referring to the vertical home); 3, with the sword (referring to the Ranger); 4 (Including those who depend on the aristocracy and evade military service); 5, business people. He believes that these people will disrupt the rule of law, is not conducive to farming war "state of insects" must be eradicated. The so-called "eight rape", that is: 1 "bed", refers to the monarch's wife concubine; 2 "in the next", refers to haiku, dwarf and other monarchs credible attendants; 3 "father and brother", refers to the monarch of the uncle's brother; 6 "popular", refers to search for lobbyists to buy people's minds, to create public opinion under the minister; 7 "Wei Qiang", refers to the people who want to please the monarch; 5 "Min Meng" 8 "Quartet" refers to the use of treasury financial resources to make great powers to cultivate personal forces under the minister. These people have good conditions to threaten the national security, like the anti-thieves like to prepare them.

  Han Fei's claims reflect the interests and demands of the new feudal landlord class. Qin Shihuang unified China after the adoption of many political measures, is the application of Han Fei theory and development.

  "Han Feizi" is the end of the Warring States period South Korean legalists master Han Fei's works. This book is now fifty-five, about ten million words, most of Han Fei's own works. "Han Fei Zi," a book, focusing on promoting the Korean illegal, academic, potential combination of the rule of law theory, reached the highest theory of the pre-Qin legalists, Qin unified six countries to provide theoretical weapons, but also for the future feudal autocracy System provides a theoretical basis.

  At that time, in the Chinese intellectual circles to Confucianism, Mohism for the show, advocating the "law of the first king" and "retro", Han Feizi's view is against the retro, advocated due to time. Han Feizi, according to the situation at that time, advocated the rule of law, made rewards, heavy penalties, heavy agriculture, fighting four policies. Han Fei Zi advocated the monarchical power, since the Qin Dynasty, the Chinese dynasties feudal dynasty governance concept are popular Han Feizi theory.


  Reform is strong

  Reform and governance, change the map strong, is a major content of Han Fei thought. He inherited the Shang Yun "different governance, the country can not ancient" ideological tradition, put forward the "endless repair ancient, illegal often" point of view, advocated "different things different", "things are different." ("Beetle")

  Han Fei advocated the theory of social history and evolution, that history is the development of the times, the contemporary must prevail in ancient times; people should be in accordance with the needs of reality to reform, do not have to follow the ancient tradition. Han Feizi analyzes human history with evolutionary historical point of view. He divided the history of mankind into ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, and now several stages, and then explain the different times of different times and solve the problem of the problem, that would like to use the old one way to manage the people of the world are " The disciples.

  Han Fei's evolutionary view of history was progressive at the time. He saw the development of human history, and use this development point of view to analyze human society.

  Han Feizi linked social phenomena with economic conditions, which was rare at the time. Han Feizi has a preliminary understanding of the relationship between economic and social chaos. It is noted that the relationship between population growth and wealth is the first thinker in Chinese history to bring "people and money" to bring social problems.

  Reform and reform

  Chinese people used to respect past experience, this traditional way of thinking on Chinese philosophy has a huge impact. From the time of Confucius, most philosophers are looking for ancient authority to support their own doctrine. Confucius likes to invoke the ancient authority of the Western Zhou Dynasty Wen Wang, Zhou Gong. Mozi and Confucian debate, quoted than King Wen, Zhou Gong more ancient summer Yu. Mencius is able to override the Mohism, often quoted Yao and Shun, because they are legendary than Xiuyu earlier King. Finally, Taoism is better than Confucianism and Mohism, but also invited Fuxi, Shen Nong, it is said that they have a few hundred years earlier than Yao and Shun. The legalists' claims are completely different from them, and the legalists insist on the theory of historical evolution and believe that history is progressing and progressing, which is commendable in the philosophers.

  Legalists oppose conservative vintage ideas, advocate for reform, change plans strong. They think that history is moving forward, and that all laws and systems must develop with the development of history, neither retrogressive nor retrogressive. Shang Yang made clear that the "illegal ancient, do not follow this" proposition. Han Fei is further the development of Shang Yang's proposition, put forward the "time shift and the rule of chaos chaos," he put the old Confucian satire for the stalwart of the stupid people.

  Han Feizi pay attention to the study of history, that history is the continuous development of progress. He believes that if today's world also praised the "Yao, Shun, Tang, Wu of the Road" "must be a new holy laugh." So he advocated "not repair ancient, can not often" "different things different" "things are different" ("Han Feizi"), according to today's actual to develop policies. His view of history provides a theoretical basis for the reform of the landlord class at that time.



  Legalists are the most important factions in the pre-Qin philosophers. They are known for their "rule of law" and "rule of law", and have put forward a set of theories and methods. This provides an effective theoretical basis for the later establishment of the centralized Qin Dynasty, and later the Han Dynasty inherited the Qin Dynasty's centralized system and the legal system, which is the ancient feudal society of our political and legal subject.

  The legalists have made contributions to jurisprudence, such as the origin, nature, function of the law and the basic problems such as the relationship between the law and the social economy, the times, the state power, the ethics, the customs, the natural environment and the population and human nature Made a discussion, and fruitful.

  Legalists believe that people have "good and evil" or "on the benefits of harm" nature. Like the tube said, businessmen day and night, to catch thousands of miles do not feel far, because the interests of the front to attract him. Fishing people are not afraid of danger, counter-current and sailing, hundred miles away do not care, but also the pursuit of fishing interests. With this same idea, so Shang Yang was the conclusion: "life is good and evil, the people can rule also."

  rule by law

  Han Feizi's writings summed up the experience of the early legalists and formed a political ideology system integrating France as a center.

  Han Feizi summed up the Shang Yang, Shen not harm and Shen to the idea, the Shang Yang's law, Shen not harm the surgery and the potential to integrate into one. He praised Shang Yang and Shen did not harm, at the same time pointed out that the biggest shortcoming of the doctrine is that there is no combination of law and surgery, and secondly, the second major drawback of business theory is "not done", " , Shang Jun not to do the law. " Han Fei, according to his own point of view, discussed the content of the law and the relationship between the two, he believes that the state rule, it is necessary to use the power of the monarch, while the minister must follow the law. With the Shen harmless, Han Fei's "surgery" mainly in the "surgery to know the rape" has developed. He believes that the monarch on the minister, can not be too trust, but also "trial death." In the legal aspects, Han Fei special emphasis on the "sentence to death" thinking, stressed that "torture" "heavy penalties."

  Particularly commendable is that Han Feizi for the first time clearly put forward the "law is not expensive" thinking, advocated "not punish the ministers, reward and no husband." This is a great contribution to the rule of law in China, which has had a positive impact on the removal of aristocratic privileges and the maintenance of the dignity of the law.

  Han Feizi that light law and surgery is not enough, there must be "potential" to ensure. "Potential", that is, power, power. He praised the Shen said that the "Yao for the man can not rule three people, and Jie for the emperor can mess to the world" ("difficult"), put forward the "law is the rule of the rule, Difficult ") argument.

  Han Feizi 's thought of ruling by law has adapted to the needs of China' s historical development stage and played a certain guiding role in the process of establishing the feudal centralization system in China.

  Law is not expensive

  Confucianism pay attention to: "ceremony is not common people, not on the doctor.", And to Han Fei as the representative of the legal home to advocate before the law, everyone is equal. Even the law of the noble people, the power of people do not favoritism. "Han Feizi degree": "law is not expensive, the rope is not around the law of the law, the wise man can speak, the courage of Fu dare to fight, do not avoid the minister,

  To teach for law

  Han Fei advocated the law to teach, meaning that in addition to the development of laws, but also must promote the law, universal legal knowledge, abide by the law, the use of the law, so that the whole society to form a "knowledge, law, law-abiding" good atmosphere. (Originally, "Han Fei Zi Bee": "so that the main country, no text of the book, to teach for the law.")

  Han Fei's legal practitioners the greatest practitioners are Qin Shihuang, Qin's education system, it is for the legalists thought. To teach the law is to implement the policy of the Qin Dynasty, to strengthen the ideological and legal system to consolidate one of the signs of centralization.

  Religion is opposed to ritualism. Qin did not reunify the six countries, Qin Xiaogong on the same Shang Yang, Gan Long, Du Zhiyu discussion of the law of the country, Shang Yang master Qin regime, they stressed the rule of law to replace the rule of law. The so-called practitioners practice and sage more ceremony ("Shangjun book more law"). He also wrote a memorial, that the Mingzhongzhongzhong produced in this world, and scattered its country, not a moment to forget the law ("Shangjun book Shen law").


  Legalist thought

  Sima Qian in the "Historical Records of Laozi Han Fei Biography" pointed out: Han Fei "Xunhen spells of the law, and its attribution to the Huang Lao", "Han Zi cited rope ink, cut things, things are not", "are all in the moral Meaning ". It shows that Han Fei's thought originated from Taoism and sought the philosophical foundation of Lao Tzu's simple materialist doctrine and dialectics for his "art of the south of the man" combined with his "law, technique and potential", and opened up the Taoist form The way. In the book "Han Fei Zi", whether it is "solution", "Yu old", or "main road", "Yang Quan", "outside the reservoir that the lower right", "eight by the main road", " "Han, the" law, surgery, potential "are derived from the Taoist political explanation, so that the Taoist" inaction "is not the same as that of Taoism, Han Fei in the "solution of the old", "Yu old", "main road", "Yang Quan" articles, have learned the Taoist ideas. Han Fei's roots of thought From Lao Tzu and "Zheng elderly".

  Although Han Fei is Xunzi's disciples, the idea of thinking is contrary to Xunzi, he did not inherit the Confucianism of Xunzi, but love the "criminal spell" of the school, and attributed to the 'Huang old school', a set of ' 'Law' and perfect political domination theory. Han Fei summed up the legal family of three representatives of the people to Shen, Shen not harm, Shang Yang's ideas, advocated that the king should use the 'law', 'surgery', 'potential' combination of the three countries, this is the law of the broadcasters By.

  Qin Shihuang in the beginning of Han Fei works part of the contents of the article to admire: "sigh, widowed to see this person with the tour, death does not hate carry on!" Means that if you can see this person, with the tour After the death of Han Fei, contemporary national monarchs and ministers competing to study their works "Han Feizi", Qin Shi Huang under his guidance, to complete the reunification of the six countries of the imperial industry.

  Han Feizi opposes the construction of the principle of political governance in the private emotional connection and the promotion of contemporary social morality, advocated the nature of self-interest as a prerequisite for the establishment of social order, emphasizing monarchy as the core of all things decision-making, monarchical is sacred Violation, the monarch should use the harsh law to reward the imperial governor, to establish a monarchy of the feudal state.

  Han Feizi in its "Han Feizi" which has "solution" and "Yu old" two, straight talk about their own ideas from Lao Tzu, so later called Taoist, meaning from the Taoist extension of the new legalists inside the idea. From the ideological point of view, Han Fei is the founder of the legalists; from the political point of view, Shang Yang is the most outstanding figures of the legalists. Shang Yang with its ideas and actions to create a country's prosperity, laid the foundation of the unity of the world, creating a new era. Legalists of these two peak figures, from Lao Tzu got a wealth of nutrition.

  Road is changing, the world is changing, people are changing, society is changing, the way of governing society is also changing. But the road also has the corresponding stability, this stability, that is, people should abide by the code of conduct, in reality is the law. The law is established according to the road. The law must change with the times, and the law must be observed by all. Because the realization of all things change, Han Fei, Shang Yang with Lao Tzu, is also anti-traditional. Han Feizi take "Lao Tzu '' inaction 'thinking," I "that life, do not need to stick to fixed forms and methods, as long as the road can be. Han Fei think that inaction, the implementation of the rule of the king, should be regardless of a particular preference, or do not like can not be under speculation and master, this view also includes governance practices, control methods, etc., should be volatile, difficult to grasp. So it will not be anti-Chen under the control, which is Shen harmless "surgery."

  Han Fei's school became a legal home, but also owned by Taoism. Its highest ideal for the "Jun nothing, the law is not for", that the law and the king do not worry; Chen do not have to work, but the law and law-abiding, up and down inaction and the world rule. But its theory is too respect for the future, criticized for later generations.


  Han Feizi opposes destiny thought, advocates the nature of heaven. He believes that "Tao" is the root of all things development, "Tao" congenital and exist. With the "Road" have all things, "the days have to be high, to get to possession, the fighting was to become its Granville, the sun and the moon was the constant light." "Yu within the things, Han Fei also first put forward the philosophical concept of "reason" in the history of Chinese philosophy and discussed its relationship with "Tao". He believes that "Taoist things into all, the rationale for the material also." ("Solution") "reason" in the Han Fei view, is the special law of things, people should respect the objective law.

  Han Yuzi's epistemology inherited the ideological tradition of materialism in the pre-Qin philosophy. His view of opposition to "pre-knowledge" and "because of the verdict" has an important page in the history of Chinese philosophy. Han Feizi 's View on "Pre - knowledge". The so-called "pre-knowledge" is a priori. Han Fei advocated "virtual to quiet", by observing things rather than speculation. Han Feizi put forward the "famous name is right and wrong, because of the trial and speech" ("rape robbery") famous topic. "Senate" is a comparative study, "test" is to use the action to test, is the practice. Han Fei that, without practice (reference) and how hard it is, is ignorant of the performance; can not determine the things and do according to, is self-deception. So he advocated "the Lord of the officials, the prime minister will play in the state, fierce will be issued in the prison Wu." ("Show").


  Han Fei's thought has many dialectical factors. To see things continue to change, that "the theorem has survived, there is life and death, there are ups and downs." "One of the existence of a matter of death, death at first glance, first Sheng and then decline, can not often." (" ) He first put forward the concept of "contradiction" in the history of Chinese philosophy. He talked about the spear and shield of the story, the analysis of the problem of thinking people still have a profound inspiration.

  Han Fei's political thought has played a positive role in promoting the feudal reunification of China. He is the first philosopher to propose a unified and contradictory theory in Chinese history. His philosophical thought contains mutual materialism and dialectical thought. The people's thinking. Han Fei deserves to be a great thinker in Chinese history.

  Dao Sheng law

  "Inaction, and all" "Taoism" is the Taoist thought, it is also the idea of legalists, in the view of Han Fei, the king should have a quality is "for nothing", their own show "inaction" The Han Feizi said: the king should be "sun and the moon according to the four o'clock, clouds cloth wind; not Chi tired heart, not to private tired; treatment chaos in the magic, care is not reward and punishment, is a heavy balance. "(" Han Feizi general ")

  Legalist three governance

  Shang Yang, Shen to, Shen not harm the three were advocated re-law, the momentum, heavy surgery, have their own characteristics. To the forerunner of the set of ideas Han Fei, Han Fei proposed the three closely integrated thinking. Law refers to the sound legal system, the potential refers to the power of the monarch, to the palm alone military and political power, surgery refers to the control ministers, to master the regime, the implementation of the law of the strategy and means. The main thing is to detect, to prevent the crime, to maintain the status of monarchy.







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