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  Liu Zongyuan (AD 773 - November 28, AD 8), the word thick, Han, Hedong (now Shanxi Yuncheng Yongji area), one of the Tang and Song eight, Tang Dynasty writer, philosopher, essayist and Thinker world called "Liuhe East", "Mr. Hedong", because the official end Liuzhou provincial governor, also known as "willow state". Liu Zongyuan and Han Yu and known as "Han Liu", and Liu Yuxi and said "Liu Liu", and Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Wei Yingwu and said "Wang Meng Wei Liu."

  Liu Zongyuan life of more than 600 works of poetry and writing, the text of the achievements than poetry. Parallel prose has nearly 100 articles, prose argument strong, sharp sharp, ironic spicy. Travel to write the scene, and more sustenance, "Mr. Hedong set", representative of "Creek", "Jiang Xue", "Fisherman."

  Liu Zongyuan survivors built Liu's houses, is located in Shanxi Jincheng City Qinshui County Wenxing Village, for the national 4A level scenic spots.

  柳宗元(公元773年—公元819年11月28日),字子厚,漢族,河?xùn)|(現(xiàn)山西運(yùn)城永濟(jì)一帶)人, 唐宋八大家之一,唐代文學(xué)家、哲學(xué)家、散文家和思想家世稱“柳河?xùn)|”、 “河?xùn)|先生”,因官終柳州刺史,又稱“柳柳州”。柳宗元與韓愈并稱為“韓柳”,與劉禹錫并稱“劉柳”,與王維、孟浩然、韋應(yīng)物并稱“王孟韋柳”。




  Early life

  Liu Zongyuan's ancestral home is Hedong County (Hedong Liu and Hedong Xue's, Hedong Pei's and "Hedong three surname surname"), ancestors on behalf of the official (seven ancestors Liu Qing for the Northern Wei paternity, the closure of Yin Yin Gong. Gao Bozu Liu Shi was the prime minister, great-grandfather Liu Congyu, grandfather Liu Zha bow to have done magistrate). His father Liu Zhen served as Shi Yu Shi and other duties. Liu Zongyuan's mother Lushi Fan Yang Lu, ancestors on behalf of the official. Liu Zongyuan only two sisters.

  773 years, Liu Zongyuan was born in the capital of Chang'an. At the age of four, the mother Lushi and his living in the Beijing West Manor, the mother of the initiation of education so that Liu Zongyuan had a strong interest in knowledge. Liu Zongyuan's childhood in Changan spent, so the corruption of the court incompetence, social crisis and turmoil have knowledge and feelings. (9 years old when encountered in the chaos, built four years, Liu Zongyuan to avoid the war came to his father's summer mouth. Only 12 years old Liu Zongyuan at this time also witnessed the separatist army of war) AD 785 years (Zhen Yuan first year), Liu Zhen to Jiangxi official. Liu Zongyuan with his father travel, direct contact with the community, an increase of knowledge. He is engaged in social, friendship and friends. Soon he returned to Chang'an. Father Liu Town, a long time in the government, the county, the real situation of the community to understand and develop a positive attitude and integrity of the character. The father of the poet and the mother of the Buddha laid the foundation for the later formation of the thought of "integrating Confucianism and Buddhism".

  Juvenile talent

  In 792, Liu Zongyuan was elected to the township, to participate in the scholarship examination. 793 years, 21-year-old Liu Zongyuan Jinshi and the first, fame. Soon, Liu Zongyuan's father Liu Zhen died, Liu Zongyuan at home mourning funeral In 796, Liu Zongyuan was arranged to secretary of the province of school secretary Lang. 798 years, 26-year-old Liu Zongyuan participated in the study of macro science examinations, and in the list, granted Xianxian College orthography (official order from the nine goods). 801 years, Liu Zongyuan was appointed as the blue sky Wei (positive six goods). 803 years in October, Liu Zongyuan was transferred back to Chang'an, any monitor censor. Since then with the official field of the upper class travel more widely, the political darkness of the corruption have a more in-depth understanding, and gradually germinated the desire to reform, become an important figure of Wang Shouwen reform.

  During the innovation period

  805 years (Zhen Yuan twenty-one years) on January 26, Tang Dezong died, the prince of the prince recite the throne, change Yuan Yongzhen, that is Shun. Shun ascended the throne, the reuse of Wang, Wang Shuwen and others. Liu Zongyuan and Wang Shouwen and other political opinion as the same, but also promoted to ritual members outside the Lang, in charge of etiquette, enjoy sacrifice and tribute. (At this time, there are many political politicians around Wang Shuwen, including Han Tai, Han Ye, Liu Yuxi, Chen Jian, Ling Zhun, Cheng Yi, Lu, Lu Wen, Li Jingjian, Fang Qi, who formed A political group). Wang Shouwen in charge of the government, the active implementation of innovation, adopted a series of reform measures, known as Yongzhen innovation. (Known as the five square children); denounced the corrupt officials of the corrupt officials, the abolition of the government, ; To rectify the tax, the abolition of local officials and local salt and iron to make additional contributions, and trying to recover in the hands of the eunuchs and the military forces.) With the aggravation of the condition, to the full house of eunuchs, courtiers joint foreign couples against The reformers put pressure on the court to retreat.

  805 years (the first year of Yong Zhen) In April, the eunuchs Wenzhen, Liu Guangqi, Xue Yingzhen Li Guangling County, such as Wang Li Chun Prince, renamed Li Chun. In May, Wang Shuwen was cut into the post of Bachelor of Forestry. In July, the eunuch, Minister asked the Prince of the country. The same month, Wang Shuwen maternal funeral home mourning funeral August 5, Shun was forced to mediate the throne to Prince Edward Li Chun, known as "Yongzhen Zen." Li Chun ascended the throne, that is, Xianzong. Xianzong ascended the throne to combat the political group headed by Wang Shuwen and Wang. August 6, demoted Wang Shuwen for Yuzhou Secretary, Wang Qi for Sima Sima, Wang 伾 soon after the death, Wang Shuwen soon be given death. Yongzhen innovation failed, before and after a total of 180 days.

  Left to move forever

  Yongzhen innovation failed, in September, Liu Zongyuan was relegated to Shaozhou provincial governor, in November, in his way, Liu Zongyuan was relegated to Yongzhou Sima. (Wang Shuwen political group of other people have been relegated to the state of Sima, later known as "two king eight Sima.") To the post Liu Zongyuan temporary residence in Longxing Temple. After six months, Liu Zongyuan's mother died of illness.

  In 1815, Liu Zongyuan left Yongzhou, living in Yongzhou 10 years, Liu Zongyuan in philosophy, politics, history, literature and other aspects of study, and travel Yongzhou landscape, make local scholars and idlers, he wrote "Yongzhou eight mind" "Liuhe East Complete Works" of more than 540 poems in 317 created in Yongzhou).

  815 years (yuan and ten years) in January, Liu Zongyuan received an edict, he immediately returned to Beijing. In February, after more than a month of trek, Liu Zongyuan returned to Chang'an. In Changan, Liu Zongyuan not been reused, due to Wu Yuanheng and others hatred, do not agree to re-enable. March 14, Liu Zongyuan was relegated to Liuzhou provincial governor. The end of March, Liu Zongyuan starting from Chang'an, went to Liuzhou, arrived on June 27. 819 years (yuan and fourteen years), Xianzong implementation of amnesty, Xianzong in the degree of persuasion, the emperor called Liu Zongyuan back to Beijing. On the eighth day of November, Liu Zongyuan died in Liuzhou due to illness. At the age of 47 years old.



  773年,柳宗元生出生于京城長(zhǎng)安。四歲時(shí),母親盧氏和他住在京西莊園里,母親的啟蒙教育使柳宗元對(duì)知識(shí)產(chǎn)生了強(qiáng)烈的興趣。柳宗元的幼年在長(zhǎng)安度過,因此對(duì)朝廷的腐敗無能、社會(huì)的危機(jī)與動(dòng)蕩有所見聞和感受。(九歲時(shí)遭遇建中之亂,建中四年,柳宗元為避戰(zhàn)亂來到父親的任所夏口。年僅12歲的柳宗元在這時(shí)也親歷了藩鎮(zhèn)割據(jù)的戰(zhàn)火)公元785年(貞元元年),柳鎮(zhèn)到江西做官。柳宗元隨父親宦游,直接接觸到社會(huì),增長(zhǎng)了見識(shí)。他參與社交,結(jié)友納朋,并受到人們的重視。不久,他回到了長(zhǎng)安。 父親柳鎮(zhèn)長(zhǎng)期任職于府、縣,對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)社會(huì)情況有所了解,并養(yǎng)成了積極用世的態(tài)度和剛直不阿的品德。能詩善文的父親和信佛的母親為他后來“統(tǒng)合儒佛”思想的形成奠定了基礎(chǔ)。




  805年(貞元二十一年)1月26日,唐德宗駕崩,皇太子李誦繼位,改元永貞,即順宗。順宗即位后,重用王伾、王叔文等人。柳宗元由于與王叔文等政見相同,也被提拔為禮部員外郎,掌管禮儀、享祭和貢舉。(此時(shí),在王叔文周圍還有許多相同政見的政治人物,包括韓泰、韓曄、劉禹錫、陳諫、凌準(zhǔn)、程異、陸質(zhì)、呂溫、李景儉、房啟等人,他們形成了一個(gè)政治集團(tuán))。 王叔文等掌管朝政后,積極推行革新,采取了一系列的改革措施,史稱永貞革新。 (主要采取的革新措施有,抑制藩鎮(zhèn)勢(shì)力,加強(qiáng)中央的權(quán)力;廢除宮市,罷黜雕坊、鶻坊、鷂坊、狗坊、鷹坊的宦官(稱為五坊小兒);貶斥貪官污吏;整頓稅收,廢除地方官吏和地方鹽鐵使的額外進(jìn)奉,并試圖收回在宦官和藩鎮(zhèn)手中的兵權(quán)。)隨著順宗的病情加重,以俱文珍為首的宦官集團(tuán),朝臣聯(lián)合外藩聯(lián)合反對(duì)改革派向朝廷施加壓力,要其引退。



  永貞革新失敗后,9月,柳宗元被貶為邵州刺史,11月,在赴任途中,柳宗元被加貶為永州司馬。 (王叔文政治集團(tuán)的其他人也被貶為遠(yuǎn)州的司馬,后稱“二王八司馬”。)到職后的柳宗元暫居在龍興寺。經(jīng)過半年,柳宗元的母親因病去世。


  815年(元和十年)1月, 柳宗元接到詔書,要他立即回京。2月,經(jīng)過一個(gè)多月的跋涉,柳宗元回到了長(zhǎng)安。在長(zhǎng)安,柳宗元沒有受到重用,由于武元衡等人的仇視,不同意重新啟用。3月14日,柳宗元被改貶為柳州刺史。 3月底,柳宗元從長(zhǎng)安出發(fā),赴柳州,六月二七日抵達(dá)。819年(元和十四年),憲宗實(shí)行大赦,憲宗在裴度的說服下,敕召柳宗元回京。十一月初八,柳宗元在柳州因病去世。享年47歲。





4.柳宗元 梅雨
