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  Wen Tianxiang (June 6, 1236 - January 9, 1393), the first name of the sun and the sun, the word Song Rui, the word to improve. Road No. Floating Road Taoist, Wenshan. Jiangxi Jizhou Luling (now Jiangxi Province, Ji'an City, Qingyuan District Futian town), the late Song dynasty politicians, writers, patriotic poets, anti-Yuan Mingchen, national hero, and Lu Xiufu, Zhang Shijie and called "Song " Bao You four years (1256 years) champion and the first officer to the right prime minister, the letter of the country. In the Wu Po Ling defeated captured, rather die rather. To Yuan nineteen years (1282 years) on the ninth day of December, in Chai City calmly.

  Author of "Wenshan poetry", "guide recorded", "guide after the record", "righteous song" and so on.


  Early experience

  Wen Tianxiang, the first name Yunxun, the word is good, and the word Song Rui, Road Wenshan, floating off Taoist. After the selection of Gong Shi, in exchange for the name of Tianxiang, change the word to look good and dignified, tall, beautiful skin, eyebrows, eyebrows, In the child, see the palace in the sacrifice of the rural Mr. Ouyang Xiu, Yang Bangyi, Hu Quan's portrait, posthumous title are "loyalty", that is happy, envy. Said: "If you do not become one of the members, it is not a real man." He was 20 years old to get the Jinshi, in the collection of the British Pavilion to answer the policy. At that time, Song Lizong was in office for a long time, governance politics gradually lazy, Wen Tianxiang to law and day for discussion on the policy, the article has more than ten thousand words, did not write draft, Song Lizong emperor personally selected him as the first. The examiner Wang Yinglin said: "This test paper to the ancient things as a reference, loyal to the gallbladder as if the stone, I thought to be able to get such talent gratifying." Bao You four years (1256 years) in the champion and then change the word Song Rui. Soon his father died and went home to mourning.

  Kaiqing early years (AD 1259), the Yuan Dynasty army invasion of the Song Dynasty, eunuch Dong Songchen to the emperor said to move the capital, no one dared to talk about this is wrong. Wen Tianxiang was appointed into the Ning Navy Jiedu judge, the letter "request beheaded Dong Song Chen, to reunification of the people." Due to not be adopted, on their own please leave home. And later gradually promoted to the Ministry of Punishments assistant minister. Dong Songchen also promoted to know, Wen Tianxiang once again a letter to enumerate his crimes, there is no echo. So go out to Ruizhou know the state, to change the Jiangnan Road to mention the sentence, promoted to Shangshu left division Lang officer, repeatedly by the Taiwan officials talked about. Served as a military supervisor and concurrently deputy college. Jia Sidao said sick, asked to retire, to threaten the emperor, edict no promised. Wen Tianxiang drafting Patent, the written text is satirical Jia like Road. At that time the drafting of the decree of the order of life under the command of the document to be reviewed, Wen Tianxiang did not write, Jia Sidao unhappy, ordered Taichung Zhang Zhili played an impeachment to remove him. Wen Tianxiang has been reprimanded several times, invoking money to the example of water retirement, when he was thirty-seven years old. The following are the same as the "

  Xian Chun nine years (AD 1273), the use of Jinghu Road for the use of criminals. So to see the original prime minister Jiang Wanli. Jiang Wanli on the Wen Tianxiang ambition, integrity was surprised, with his talk about state affairs, look sadly said: "I am old, observe the days of personnel should be changed, I see a lot of people, as the responsibility of governing the country, not Is you in your hope.

  Led the army king

  Xian Chun ten years (AD 1274), Wen Tianxiang was appointed as Ganzhou (now Jiangxi territory) know the state. Deyou the first year (AD 1275), the upper reaches of the Yangtze River emergency, edict the world Qin Wang. Wen Tianxiang holding an edict crying cry, sent Chen Jizhou led the county hero heroes, at the same time contact the river cave quite, send Fang Xing called Jizhou soldiers, hero heroes in response, gathered all the people. The matter reported to the court, ordered him to Jiangnan West Road to appease the name of the rate of troops into the guard division. His friend stopped him and said: "Now Yuanbing three points south of the attack, breaking the outskirts of the capital, into the mainland, you have more than half of the people to go to Beijing into the Wei, which drive the flock with the tiger is no different. Wen Tianxiang replied: "I also know that is the case.However, the state raised and cultivated civilians for more than three hundred years, once the crisis, the collection of the world's soldiers, no one ride into the capital, I feel deeply regret So it is self - reliance, and the martyrdom of the world, hope that the world loyalty will be heard after the matter and rise to rely on benevolence to win can be self - reliance, relying on people can contribute to the success of the cause, if this line, then the country There is a guarantee. "

  Wen Tianxiang character open-minded and forthright, plain clothing and food rich, sound everywhere. At this time, sadly to their own derogatory punishment themselves, the family's assets as a military all. Whenever the guests talk about the state affairs, they burst into tears, ask the case said: "to others happy for the happy people, but also worried about other people worry about things to others food and clothing for the source of food and clothing, 'S death and death.

  Deyou the first year (AD 1275) in August, Wen Tianxiang led troops to Lin'an, as Pingjiang prefect. At that time because the prime minister Chen Yizhong did not return to the court, so did not be dispatched. October, Chen Yizhong to, then sent to serve. In the DPRK just to mention Lu Shimeng for the Bingbushangshu, Feng Lv Wende and justice for the king, would like to seek and good. Lu Shimeng more arrogant arrogance, presumptuous.

  Bitter fight southeast

  Wen Tianxiang farewell to the emperor, the sparse said: "The court palliative, contain a lot of intentions, struggling, decisive part of the case, the request for the division of Meng Meng as a war to worship, to inspire the morale of the soldiers." Also said: But also to the state to break a state, to a county to break a county, the fall of the Central Plains, but also to the state of the country, Remnants of sadness where it is also more time now should be divided into four towns, set the captaincy as its commander.Guangnan West Road merged in Jinghu South Road, established in Changsha, the way; the South East Road merged in Jiangnan Road, In the establishment of governance in Longxing; Fujian Road merged in Jiangnan Road, in the establishment of governance in Fan Yang; Huainan West Road merged in Huainan East Road, established in Yangzhou governance. Ordered Changsha to take Ezhou, Longxing captured Qizhou, Huangzhou, Fan Yang captured Jiangdong, Yangzhou to take two Huai, so that they under the jurisdiction of a wide range of areas, strong enough to resist the enemy soldiers. Agreed date, together to rise, only But the power scattered, exhausted, and I Song heroes heroes in which waiting for the opportunity to attack the enemy, so the enemy soldiers are easily beaten back. "At that time, the argument to Wen Tianxiang is too broad, difficult to implement, so his letter did not result.

  Deyou the first year (AD 1275) in October, Wen Tianxiang to Pingjiang, Yuan Bing has entered from Changzhou Jinling. Wen Tianxiang sent his generals Zhu Hua, Yin Yu, Ma Shilong and Zhang Quan aid Changzhou, line to Yuqiao, Ma Shilong killed, Zhu Hua led the Guangnan army, war in the five animal husbandry, was defeated, Yin Yu also defeated , The battle of the ferry, Zhang Zhang Jun in the ferry, Zhang's soldiers cut off their fingers, are drowned, Yin Yu led the remnants of five hundred people at night to fight, to the next morning are killed. Zhang Quan did not send an arrow, fled back. Yuan Bing captured Changzhou, occupied the only loose off. Chen Yizhong, stay in the dream of the wind called the call Tian Tianxiang, abandoned Pingjiang, retreat Yuhang.

  Out of Yuan camp

  Deyou two years (AD 1276) the first month, Wen Tianxiang as Lin'an prefect. Not long, the Song surrender, Chen Yizhong, Zhang Shijie are gone. The court continued to appoint Wen Tianxiang as a minister. Soon, as the right prime minister and the minister, as the envoy to the yuan in the talk and negotiations, and the Yuan Dynasty prime minister Bo Yan in Gao Ting Shan tit for tat. Bo Yan was arrested by anger, with the left prime minister Wu Jian, right prime minister Jia Yuqing, know the Privy Council Xie Tang, sign the Privy Council House Hyun Weng, with the Privilege of the Office of Liu, to the north to Zhenjiang. Wen Tianxiang and his paternity Du Hu and other twelve people, at night to escape into the real state. Miao and then come out to meet him, happy with tears, said: "Two Huai soldiers enough to revive the Song Dynasty, but the two system to make some contradictions, can not work together." Wen Tianxiang asked: "This strategy is from where to "Miao again into the answer:" Now the first Huai Xiu soldiers rushed to Jiankang, they must be fully to defend our soldiers in Huai Xi. Command the east of the generals, to Tongzhou, Taizhou soldiers attack Bay head to Gaoyou, Baoying , Huai'an soldiers attack Yang Zibiao to Yangzhou soldiers attack melon step, I led the army directly pound Zhenjiang, the same day a large number of troops. Bay head, Yang Zibiao are along the Yangtze River fragile army, and day and night hope that our army attack, attack them, Will soon win the game together from the three directions attack melon step, I led the soldiers from the Yangtze River water with fewer soldiers feint, although the wise people can not expect this point. Melon step after the attack, east Face of the army into the attack Jingkou, the west of the soldiers attack Jinling, Zhejiang threatened the way back, then the army of Marshal can be captured. "Wen Tianxiang praised this, then write to send two , Dispatch messengers to contact.

  Wen Tianxiang did not arrive, Yangzhou have returned to the soldiers said: "The court secretly sent a prime minister into the real state to persuade surrender." Li Tingzhi believe that, that Wen Tianxiang persuaded to come. Send seedlings and then quickly kill Wen Tianxiang. Miao and then do not have the heart to kill him, to deceive the text Tianxiang to the city outside the city, the Secretary for the Secretary for the system to see him, shut him off the door After a long time, and sent two groups of people were to see whether Tianxiang is to persuade to drop, if it is advised to kill him. Two groups were talking with Tianxiang, confirmed his loyalty, do not have the heart to kill him, send soldiers twenty people escorted to Yangzhou along the way, four drums arrived when the city, listen to the people waiting to open the door, Ordered the preparation of Wen Tianxiang is very strict, Wen Tianxiang and entourage after listening to each other tongue, so east into the sea, Yu Yuanbing, hiding around the wall to avoid the disaster. However, because of hunger and walk, so to the woodcutter to discuss some leftovers. Went to Banqiao, Yuan Bing came again, everyone ran into the bamboo forest hidden, Yuan soldiers into the bamboo forest search, to seize the Du Hu, gold should be taken away. Yu Yu Zhang eyes were shot in an arrow, who twice the arrows, Wen Tianxiang twice have not been found, to get out. Du Hu, gold should be brought out of the body of gold and silver sent to the army, was put back, hired two woodcutters carrying a basket of Wen Tianxiang to Gaoyou, the sea by boat to Wenzhou.

  Leader against the yuan

  Wen Tianxiang heard Yi Wang is not established, so the table to persuade the throne to view the temple bachelor, paternity of the official call to Fuzhou, thanks to the right prime minister. And soon with Chen Yizhong and others are not unified views. Deyou two years (AD 1276) in July, so with the Governor as Jiangnan West Road, ready to take office soldiers into Tingzhou. In October, sent staff Zhao rush, consulted Zhao Mengui led an army to attack Ningdu, counselor Wu Jun rate of an army to attack yu are, Liu Zhu, Xiao Mingzhe, Chen Zijing from Jiangxi troops to meet with him. Zou 洬 to encyclical to make in Ningdu call together soldiers, Yuan Bing attack them, Zou defeated, with the soldiers who led the soldiers Liu Qin, Ju Hua Shu, Yan Shili, Yan Qi rock are dead. Professor Wugong Luo Kaili, troops recovered Yongfeng County, soon defeated captured, died in prison. Wen Tianxiang heard Luo Kailei died, wearing mourning clothes, crying endlessly.

  Jing Yan two years (AD 1277) the first month, Yuan Bing scored Tingzhou, Wen Tianxiang then relocated Zhangzhou, asked into the court. Zhao reward, Zhao Meng also led his troops to return, only Wu Jun's soldiers did not arrive. Soon, Wu Jun down yuan, to swim Wen Tianxiang. Wen Tianxiang sent people tied Wu Jun, put him hanged. In April, into the Meizhou, all unified Wang Fu, Qian Hanying despotic, was cut at the cut. May, moved out of Jiangnan Road, into the Huichang. In June, into Xingguo County. In July, sent troops Zhang Bian, prisoners Zhao Shi tours, Zhao Meng Rong Rong rate army into the city of Gan, Zou led Ganzhou county army captured Yongfeng, his deputy commander Li Guida led Jizhou counties soldiers took Taihe. Jizhou eight counties grams of half, leaving only Ganzhou did not attack. Linhong counties, are sent to the labor army. Wanzhou should be in Shaoxing, Yongzhou and other places to the soldiers, grams of complex counties, Fuzhou, when people from the troops to respond to Wen Tianxiang. Fenning, Wuning, Jianchang three counties hero, are sent to the army to accept the field of war.

  Yuan Jun Jiangnan Road Xuanwei sent Li Heng sent troops into Ganzhou, and his soldiers in the country to attack Wen Tianxiang stronghold. Wen Tianxiang did not expect Li Heng's soldiers suddenly attacked the country, so the soldiers retreated, close to the Yongfeng Zou . Zou of the army has been defeated in front of him, Li Heng, then the pursuit of Wen Tianxiang to Fang Shiling. Gongxin adhere to refused to fight, the number of arrows, dead. Arrived in the pit, the soldiers were defeated collapsed, Wen Tianxiang wives and concubines were caught. Zhao Shi tours sitting in the chair, the back of the soldiers asked him who, Zhao said that "my name text", the soldiers thought it was Wen Tianxiang, caught him back to the barracks, Wen Tianxiang so to escape.

  Peng Zhenlong, Zhang Bian died in the army, Miao Zhaozong himself hanged. Wu Wenbing, Lin Dong, Liu Zhu have been caught back to Longxing. Zhao often rewarded curse not yield, and some have been arrested, and often quickly let go, said: "small sign officer, what is the use of it?" So many people to escape. To the execution of the time, Liu Zhu repeatedly argued, Zhao rewarded scolded him: "dead forget, why so?" So Lin Dong, Wu Wenbing, Xiao Jingfu, Xiao Tao Fu are not immune.

  Defeated captured

  Wen Tianxiang called the residual soldiers went to the state, stationed in the Nanling. Li Guida secretly surrender, was caught to kill. Jing Yan three years (AD 1278) in March, Wen Tianxiang stationed in Lijiang Pu. In June, into the boat. Yi Wang died, Wei Wang inherited the throne. Wen Tianxiang on the table blame, request into the DPRK, not approved. August, plus Wen Tianxiang Shao Bao, letter Guogong. The plague in the army was popular and the soldiers died hundreds of people. Wen Tianxiang only one son and his mother are dead. November, stationed in Chaoyang County. Chaozhou thieves Chen Yi, Liu Xing repeatedly rebel impermanence, a major scourge for the Chaoyang people. Wen Tianxiang out of Chen Yi, to seize Liu Xing, kill him. In December, rushed to the Nanling, Zou 洬, Liu Zijun from Jiangxi troops from the re-attack Chen Yi's party feathers, Chen Yi, then secretly collusion Zhang Hongfan, to help lead the Yuan army against Chaoyang. Wen Tianxiang is Wupo Ling to eat, Zhang Hong Fan's army suddenly appeared, all soldiers followers by surprise, are buried in the grass. Wen Tianxiang rush to escape, was Yuan Jun Wang Yi Yi Yi to seize. Wen Tianxiang swallowed the brain (ie, the brain), no dead. Zou 洬 from the throat neck, all the soldiers hold him to Nanling only die. People are able to escape from the empty pit, to this time Liu Zijun, Chen Longfu, Xiao Mingzhe, Xiao Qi are dead, Du Hu was caught, angry and died. Only Zhao Meng 溁 escape, Zhang Tang, Xiong Gui, Wu Xi Shi, Chen Ziquan defeated alive, were executed.

  Wen Tianxiang was detained to the Chaoyang, see Zhang Hongfan, the left and right officials ordered him to bow down the ceremony, no worship, Zhang Hongfan so guests met with his etiquette, with him into the cliff Hill, he wrote to move Zhang Shijie. Wen Tianxiang said: "I can not defend their parents, but also teach others rebellious parents, can you?" Because of repeated requests for letters, so, wrote "too zero foreign" poem to them. The poem of the last sentence, said: "Life since ancient times who have no death, leaving Dan heart portrait." Zhang Hongfan smiled and collected it. After the defeat of the cliff, the yuan army in the home banquet, Zhang Hongfan said: "The prime minister's loyalty filial piety are done, if you can change the attitude as served as the Song served as the emperor, will not lose the prime minister's position." Wen Tianxiang tears Pu Xiu Su said: "The death of the country can not save, as the courtiers, dead more than sin, dare to cherish the two-hearted to steal it?" Zhang Hong Fan sense of justice, sent escort Wen Tianxiang to the capital.

  Calmly die

  Wen Tianxiang on the road, eight days did not eat, no dead, only to eat. Arrived Yanjing, the courtyard servants attentive, furnishings luxury ho, Wen Tianxiang did not fall asleep, waiting for dawn. Then sent the troops and horses, so that soldiers guard him. At that time, Kublai Khan repeatedly search for talented members of the Southern Song Dynasty, Wang Jue said: "The Southern Song Dynasty who no one than the text of the days of Cheung." So sent Wang Gouwen to convey the decree, Wen Tianxiang said: "The country is dead, I can only die If the amnesty can be returned to the hometown by Taoist priesthood, he may act as a consultant outside the secular, and if it is given to a senior official immediately, not only the ghost of the country can not survive, but also abandon all the ambitions of his own life , Then I use what I use it? "Wang Geng Weng and Song Chang Xie Changyuan and other ten people together to release Wen Tianxiang as Taoist priests, stay dream of inflammation do not agree, said:" Wen Tianxiang release, and in Jiangnan called resistance yuan, set me ten people Where? "The matter was to give up. Wen Tianxiang Yanjing in a total of three years, Kublai know that Wen Tianxiang has always been unyielding, with the prime minister talked about him, met someone to Wen Tianxiang Jiangnan West Road as an excuse, the results have not been released.

  To Yuan nineteen years (AD 1282), Fujian has a monk said that Saturn offended emperor satellites, suspected of an accident. Soon, Zhongshan has a madman claiming to be "Song master", there are soldiers thousands of people, want to save Wen Tianxiang. The capital also has an unnamed letter, saying that one day burned Mino City reed, led the two sides of the soldiers for chaos, the prime minister no worries. At that time the thief has just assassinated the Yuan Dynasty left prime minister A horse, then ordered the removal of the city reed, migrating Yingguo Gong and Song room to Kaiping, Yuan court suspected letter that the prime minister is Wen Tianxiang.

  Yuan Tianxiang told Wen Tianxiang told: "What is your desire?" Wen Tianxiang replied: "Tianxiang by the Song of the Ende, as the prime minister, how can serve the second name, would like to give me a death to meet." However, Strong also do not have the heart, hurriedly waved him back. Some say that you should agree to Wen Tianxiang requirements, edict can be. And soon under the edict to stop, Wen Tianxiang is dead. Wen Tianxiang on the execution ground when the special leisurely, prison officials said: "My things finished." Bowed to the south after being executed. A few days later, his wife Ouyang's body to clean up his face as alive, like forty-seven years old. There are praise in his clothes, saying: "Confucius said that benevolence, Mencius said justice, only loyalty to do, the people will do it. Read saints book, what is learning? Since now, can be regarded as a clear conscience "


  Wen Tianxiang to the people left the spiritual wealth is rich. Although he had no special research or monographs on the literary studies in addition to the philosophical monographs of the "imperial test", which was due to the fact that the environment did not allow him to sit down and conduct a special study. And so on, he is not busy in the care of friends, wrote a large number of manuscripts, including preamble, epitaph, life order, praise, praise, congratulations, books, Kai, Postscript and other different forms of style. In addition, the poem, the most words, in addition to the "Guide" and "guide after the record" and "Yin Xiao set", there are "set poems" 200 and "eighteen beat" and a small amount of words and so on. This is the most valuable work, called epic. In addition there is part of the anti-Yuan before the draft.

  Wen Tianxiang in literary creation, especially on the creation of poetry, there are two significant features, these two characteristics are divided into early and late two stages. The so-called pre-refers to the Ganzhou Fengzhao Qin Wang began to go to the real stage of this stage. At that time, although the Southern Song Dynasty in the more difficult autumn court, inward governor is foolishly Li generation, but Wen Tianxiang himself accumulated soldiers, they are their own "is wrapped in hungry food" came to the barracks, is a love and hate , With the fighting team. Therefore, in the eyes of Wen Tianxiang, revival of the Southern Song Dynasty and recovery is expected to fall, this time to write the poem is characterized by fresh, bright, bold, particularly rich feelings, rich, often with a full fighting spirit to encourage themselves, Yu Xiang's grape wine, Qinren heart. Such as "go to Que" a poem. From these poems can be seen in the eyes of Wen Tianxiang seems to have seen the future has been bright, revival is expected. Later, Li Tingzhi suggested that the seedlings will be again to kill Wen Tianxiang, to worry about. Miao again into the reunion with Wen Tianxiang proposed, feel that Lee's argument is wrong, but not dare to disdain, they set up "see the city" of the plan, the text Tianxiang cited outside the city, and then refused to accept. Wen Tianxiang once again frustrated. But he was not discouraged, but the high spirits of the new battle. He wrote the "high sand Road," the head of the poem, the use of the smooth and smooth language of the prose, in accordance with the chronological order, meticulous and not to his real city of the city after the adventures of the situation and make people read Immersive. The poem every sentence five words, sentence rhyme, up to more than 80 rhyme, a rhyme in the end. After reading a lot of muddy flow of feeling, no wonder future generations to read this poem, feel with Du Fu wrote "North levy" comparable. During this time, Wen Tianxiang wrote more poems, most of the content of inspiring, can be said that the two characteristics of the middle period, that is, the transition period.

  After the blessing of the situation, the situation has played a fundamental change. The emperor was still Chen Yizhong and others control. Although Wen Tianxiang from the line to the office, but not allowed to work in the line, and even asked to open government in Yongjia (Wenzhou) is not allowed, and finally decided to let the opening of the South sword (Fujian Nanping County), soon moved to the House Yu Tingzhou and then to Zhangzhou, which can be seen Wen Tianxiang this governor, the governor of the road army horse this title, but is a fictitious title name only. During this period, Wen Tianxiang in poetry writing, began to show the characteristics of the late stage, most of the journey of life more "dangerous resistance" unsatisfactory sigh.

  Especially in the Cheung Hing two years (AD 1279) February 6, Zhang Hong Fan concentrated military cliff Hill, forced Wen Tianxiang with the ship to go. Wen Tianxiang sitting in the other boat to see the Song Jun was defeated by the Yuanjun miserable, like a knife in the heart, deep hate Habitat big disappointment, caused by this defeat, causing the line to destroy. Is a long poem to sorrow. Poem entitled "February 6, the sea war, the state of bad, lonely Tianxiang, sitting in the boat, south weeping, poem" one, expressed the mood at that time Wen Tianxiang how painful, Jia Like the road, Chen Yizhong and the resulting consequences of the very hated. Wen Tianxiang this stage to write poetry, both tragic, painful, and handsome, elegant.





