
學習啦 > 生活課堂 > 節(jié)日知識 > 西方節(jié)日 > 萬圣節(jié) >


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  至于 Halloween 這個字的意思,是從 All Hallows Eve (Hallows 指圣人 )而來,即指十一月一日諸圣節(jié)的前一天晚上。小編整理了萬圣節(jié)的由來英文版簡短,要有中文翻譯,希望能幫助到您。




  In fact, as early centuries BC, Celtic (Celts, living in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, etc.) will be at the time of October 31, the celebration called "Samhain" festival. Because in the end of October, the boundaries between the world of the living with the dead world will become blurred, so the spirits of the dead can easily enter the world of the living, with the lunar month we opened the door ghost legends like. On that day, everyone will be wearing fancy dress, outside the parade in the hope that the outside of the ghosts to scare.

  其實,早在西元前數(shù)世紀,凱爾特人(Celts,居住在蘇格蘭、威爾斯及愛爾蘭等地)便在十月三十一日的時候,慶祝一個名為「 Samhain 」的節(jié)日。因為在十月底,活人世界跟死人世界之間的界線會變得模糊,因此死人的靈魂很容易進入活人的世界,跟我們農(nóng)歷七月開鬼門的傳說很像。在那一天,大家會穿著奇裝異服,在外面游行,希望能把外面的孤魂野鬼給嚇跑。

  As for the meaning of the word Halloween is derived from All Hallows Eve (Hallows refers to saints), referring to November 1 All Saints' Day the night before.

  至于 Halloween 這個字的意思,是從 All Hallows Eve (Hallows 指圣人 )而來,即指十一月一日諸圣節(jié)的前一天晚上。


  Costumes 裝扮

  Halloween costumes originated from the Celts when they lit huge bonfires and celebrated Samhain by dressing up in elaborate animal skins and heads to disguise themselves as spirits and demons so that the real ones couldn't distinguish them as being human. Their ceremonies consisted of dancing, telling stories, and reading fortunes.卡爾特人在點篝火慶祝薩溫節(jié)時會穿精心縫制的獸皮,假裝成鬼魂和惡魔,這樣真正的鬼魂就認不出他們了,萬圣節(jié)的鬼怪裝扮就是這么來的??柼厝嗽谶@一天還會跳舞、講故事并占卜未來。

  Jack 'O Lanterns杰克燈籠The traditions of carving jack 'o lanterns originates with the Celts. A miserable man named Jack, tricked the devil. Unable to enter heaven or hell after his death, he was destined to roam the earth listlessly. Jack placed a piece of coal into a carved-out turnip and used it as a lantern to keep the evil spirits away. Today, pumpkins (which are easier to cut) are carved into jack-o-lanterns, lit and placed outside of doorways for the same purpose.


  Trick or Treating不給糖就搗亂The custom of trick or treating evolved in Ireland, centuries ago. In preparation for All Hollow's Eve, the the poor would call upon the rich folks and request money, gifts and food. The food was gathered for a huge feast and celebration.不給糖就搗亂這個習俗源于幾個世紀前的愛爾蘭。那時候窮人會敲開富人家的門,討要錢、禮物和食物,來準備圣徒日前夕的晚宴。窮人們把討要來的食物匯集在一起,這樣就可以慶祝這個盛大的節(jié)日了。





